Quades Adventure

By Gary Sechen

Published on Jan 5, 2021


Chapter 4


This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts of men and discovering kinks that are erotic. It contains graphic scenes of sex between consenting adult males in a time and place where sharing bodily fluids is not a problem. In our day and age this remains an issue and consenting adults need to proactively engage in safer sex.

If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

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Jimmy found us and suggested we get back to the tent for the demo. His video camera was ready to record. All of the tops who signed up to experiment with new equipment had paid a fee on the app so they could try out some new toy. Usually the tops were allowed 10 swats with the equipment.

As the first top picked out his piece of equipment - actually several paddles, he asked for me to be bound over a saw horse. My hands were attached to one side, my ass exposed in the air and my ankles attached spread eagle. The top ran his hand over my newly smooth ass and even a couple of fingers caressed my hairless crack. He now put his right leg between my two legs as his hands follow the contours of my back, shoulders to ass. he brought the first paddle slowly to my body and ran it over each ass cheek. He gave me a warning by saying "are you ready boy?" and I said yes sir. A loud crack sounded as he hit my left cheek quickly followed by my right cheek. His free hand touched the areas he hit. This hand was soft and tender but soon followed by two more smacks. He continued until he reached the 10-smack limit. He had a wooden paddle with holes to use next. The routine was similar, the paddle caressed my body as he was sizing up the weight and feel. This paddle seemed to strike me with more force and the loudness of each hit seemed to reverberate through my body. He walked around to the side where my upper body was and he reached down with his gloved hand placing leather fingers in my mouth and told me I was a hot boy and if I wanted more, that could be arranged. I could feel his hard cock through his jeans.

Tito released me, helped me upright and said that was an amazing sight to watch and hear. He told me I had two or three more to go and this session would be over. This next guy will fold you over his knees and spank you, perhaps like your father did to you as a kid. His scene is just that, Daddy punishing his boy. He likes a little bit of struggle and he would like you to beg him to stop by saying "please Daddy, stop" but of course he will not. Tito took me to a guy sitting on a chair who was role playing just as he told me. The guy said "if you don't apologize for your back talk, I'm going to bend you over my knee and spank you". Do you understand me boy? I can't' hear you boy! If that is the way you want it, come here and bend over. I played into his scene to give him his money's worth. I told him "I will not apologize for calling you names". Ok boy, kneel down and take your punishment. I knelt over him and he raised his hand high and brought it down perfectly on my butt and the sound reverberated in the tent. "Count them out boy nice and loud" and I said 1 Daddy, thank you. He knew how to land a slap, each on perfect on the meat of my ass and I felt the sting each time. When I stood up, he lightly slapped my caged cock telling me "I knew you liked and wanted to be spanked boy, next time you might not be so arrogant".

Marc told me about the next to last scene. This guy loves to use his canes. He bought a new one today and is anxious to try it out. It doesn't look like much but the magic builds to a significant crescendo. You will be sore and black & blue tomorrow. Remember to breathe through the scene and you will be fine. I was attached to a St. Andrews Cross, wrists high and ankles spread. Carlos walked up to me and said "I've been praying for the chance to use my cane on this beautiful ass, thank you". Carlos knew how to build the tension in his subject, the cane caressed by body from pits to my calves. Gently the cane touched my skin in anticipation of an actual strike. Without warning the first hit crossed both ass cheeks. I heard the whistle of the cane just before the hit. Not bad I thought. The second strike found the same spot and the flesh and muscle became tender quickly. A little tease as the can was rubbed this area and quickly it struck again. I tried to remember to keep breathing to help ease me through. The back of my right thigh was hit and just as fast my left thigh was hit nearly in the same place. The cane tease my nuts causing me to jump noticeably. Three quick strikes to my ass and after a moment both thighs were hit again. Carlos' hands rand down my abdomen mingling with the sweat. I turned my head to him and he kissed me on the mouth. "Q, I won't forget this and look forward to another session".

Max came over to talk to me, telling me this last scene was one I didn't want to do. If I would tell him the safe word, he would take the punishment in this scene. He begged me to say the safe word, for my safety. Please Q, say the safe word, I cannot let you bottom for the next guy. He was looking me direct in my eyes, pleading with me. Q, this guy will break you but I can handle it, I do not want you to suffer this punishment. I told Max I was uncomfortable backing out, but the emotions Max was sharing with me told me I'd better listen to him, I said the safe word "ice" and Max announced that my evening was over and he was replacing me for the last scene. Tito escorted me to the back of the stage, gave me a bottle of water and said Max just saved you Q. This next guy is an expert using a whip and he can pick out a spot on your body and punish you like you have never felt and never want to feel.

Max was attached to the Saint Andrew's Cross; he was facing Tito and me. The look on Max's face was frightening. Tito said Max has bottomed for this guy before and it was brutal. Max was getting his head into the right space while the top with the whip was getting positioned. Max took several deep breaths spread his legs and shook his arms as much as the restraints allowed. Max was naked except for his cod piece, lots of exposed hairy skin. The audience was quiet with anticipation as the top played with his whip. It cracked several times increasing the tension for all. He told Max to count them all and if any were missed it would be repeated until the count was heard. Max was in a zone and he repeated the instructions to count each strike to his body. Without warning Max's leg flinched and he sternly said "one". The whip was dancing around as he eyed Max's body when the second blow landed to his ass, "two" was heard though out the tent. Rapidly the next two blows hit on the upper back and Max did shout "three" before the fourth blow landed and we heard "four". I fixed my eyes on Max's trying to will him through this brutal scene. I wasn't sure he saw me or was seeing nothing. The fifth blow landed on a cheek, watching intently I could see the flesh move and Max's muscles tightening with each hit and count, "six" was heard with a change in Max's voice. The top said you can chicken out again Max like you have in the past, are you sure you can take four more? I'm waiting for you was Max's reply. The seventh blow landed on Max's shoulder and he was quick to strongly say "seven". The next blow must have landed near the last one, Max's face was showing the pain but his voice was loud and strong on "eight". Nine was a surprise hit to a calf and Max showed the pain but more resolutely said "nine". The top was again playing with his whip, cracking it many times while he toyed with Max's mind. The top raised his arm and brought forth a heavy blow to Max's beautiful ass and almost simultaneously Max firmly and strongly said "TEN". I was in shock over what I had just witnessed. Our fellow models rushed to release Max; the top also came forward handing Troy a small bottle. The top said something to Max who walked under his own power to the rear of the stage where I was standing and shaking. Max hugged me and thanked me for letting him take the scene. He told me he had been trying to outlast this top for years and for my sake he was determined to not allow the top to mentally beat him again. As I hugged Max my hands were getting wet, when we released each other my hands had blood on them from the hit of the whip. Max saw the horror in my eyes and he said finishing a scene with him has deadened the pain. I'm actually high on the endorphins. This has been a long time coming. Troy was dabbing the wounds with the ointment before Max triumphantly walked away with me.

The six of us went and got some refreshments and talked. My eyes were still bugged out over that last scene. My butt was sore, red most assuredly, but Max actually had a bloody back, butt and legs. I was stuttering trying to thank Max and say how I would have been torn to shreds by him. Max put a finger to my lips and said "he wouldn't have done to you what he did to me, he would have played games with you, scared the shit out of you but I doubt he would have drawn blood". He and I have been playing this game for years and tonight I finally won. You gave me the power to overcome my fears. You will have to climb the wall several times before you get over it with him or another top. I have no doubt you will.

We discussed several points that we started during the dinner time with the attendees. We compared notes and decided on a plan of attack for our final debriefing after the required sales event.

At the vendor booth guys were all over looking at things to buy. We wandered answering questions and encouraging purchases. I had to ask Max to help answer a question about a butt plug. He said it wasn't so much a butt plug as a milking device. It had several settings, rechargeable and the charge lasted about an hour. Max said he would be right back. He returned from the back room with another device and lube. First, he turned it on and the vibrating was astounding. Max handed it to me and I shared it with the couple who were interested in purchasing. They were talking to each other and said they will think about it. Max said to them, I've received permission to demonstrate this model on Q if you would like to see it in action. They looked at each other and said sure. Max told me to bend over, he lubed my hole and then lubed the device. When I assured him, I was ready, Max handed the device to one of the guys and told him to gently insert it. I gingerly stood up and said I feel it near where I was getting all my pleasure this afternoon. I asked if the guys were at that session and they said that was why they were thinking about the purchase. Max handed the guys a remote telling them this model was the next step up from the one they were looking at earlier. This model had a remote so once inside the other person could turn it off and on, change the speed and intensity. Max showed them the relevant buttons and told them to try it out. He suggested they go slow and work up the speed. Max said I had been overly stimulated this weekend but I had not had an orgasm in over 36 hours. As he was talking, I felt the buzzing starting. Max pointed out how my cock was drooling again and the occasional jump when they changed the settings. This device could go on before being recharged, probably several orgasms. I needed to hang on to the display table as the intensity was being increased. Max the salesman said this model normally sells for nearly twice as much as the other device but since it has been used, it can be purchased for the same price as the other one. They handed over a credit card and Max left to ring up the purchase. The guys were so excited and pushing all the buttons not realizing that I was getting over stimulated. Max returned, handed them a bag which had the box and instructions, suggested they turn it off and once of them should retrieve their purchase. When the guys left, Max said I was quite the salesman with performance. I said it was not a performance, it was real. The two of us helped several other guys until the shop closed. The last guy we waited on was interested in a chastity cage. He wanted to purchase it for himself as a gift for his partner. He couldn't stop looking at my cage and wanted to know how comfortable it was to wear 24/7. I explained to him I previously only wore a cage when going to work or school to help me focus at those places. This cage is the first one I've worn for more than a short time period. Max was pointing out the long- term types and explaining the differences. Max offered for the guy to try on the three final choices to see how they looked and felt on him. He dropped his pants and a gigantic cock appeared. His cock was soft, cut and enormous. Max offered that his size narrowed the options and Max asked how large did he get when he was erect? He said not too much longer but thicker. The first one was acrylic, clear so you could see his cock. This one would not allow a lot of room for growth which has its advantages and disadvantages. The second one was an open metal cage, mostly bars all around. It would be easy to lock his cock with a small padlock and/or P.A. if his partner wished for that. The last one was closer in style to mine, solid metal shaft with bars at the head, this one could have a lock or P.A. scheme as well. It was difficult for the guy to pick out one and I suggested, you could purchase all three and your partner could change them up periodically to spice things up. He smiled and said he was thinking along those lines as well. He wanted to wear this last one home so Max took the other two and his credit card to complete the purchase. As he pulled on his pants, he thanked me so much for the experience. Once alone, Max hugged me and said great work.

All of us models grabbed a drink and headed back to our room. We were all talking about the sales we made that evening, no one could remember a night like that as well as the money earned from the demonstrations. We then circled back to our demands for Kevin and Sebastian. All agreed on our requests and waited for the call to Kevin's room.

Jimmy came to our room and said it was time to head over. Tonight, was different from other closing night meetings, it was held in the store. Sebastian and Kevin were still looking at something on a laptop when we entered and sat on chairs, even one for me although the way my butt felt I would rather be standing or kneeling. Kevin began by saying this was the most successful event he has been involved with and both Sebastian and he were very pleased with the results. The pay packets would be ready for each of us in the morning after additional calculations were completed. The next event for the models was planned for two months at the same location. Next month the other group of models would be handling that event. Sebastian took over the meeting and said they were working on producing a video which would prominently use several of the store's products and also have how to use the toys included with the video. This was not a required performance by everyone; however, each would be significantly rewarded if they participated. I'll be contacting you once we have a shooting schedule and place to gage your level of interest.

I stood up and asked if I could say a few words. Sebastian said by all means, we hope to have you substantially involved in our future if you would like to continue. I started by saying how deeply I appreciated all of the fellow models helping me during this unique weekend and I don't think I would have succeeded without their support and guidance. I asked if I had met the goal to be released from the modeling contact, I signed earlier? Kevin said I had far exceeded the required amount and I was now eligible for a standard contract like the others. I thanked Kevin and Sebastian and continued. We as a group have decided we would like to continue as long as changes are made to our satisfaction. Max will now outline the new contracts we would all be willing to sign.

Max said in future events, whether they were weekend sessions like this or even the video you are planning, all of us will be compensated equally. Some event will cater to kinks more aligned to some of our personalities and will generate more excitement and revenues while other events will be more suited to others. We will support each other as needed. We need assurances of fair compensation, to that end, both Tito and Marc will be our financial specialists. They will monitor your web site for orders, event sales and other avenues we are projecting for revenue growth. Dwayne and myself will be the spokesmen for us the models. Troy will be assisting in market development as well as quality control for event venues, equipment set-up and customer screening. If we see anything that seems unsafe for us models, we will have the authority to stop the customers or demos without repercussion from you. If we have any issues with the manner of operation, it is us who will discuss the issues with you. Lastly, Q is a genius at market research. Tonight, he asked those around him what they would like to see or experience and he has several ideas that he will share with you over the next week as he finalizes a presentation. These ideas/suggestions will be implemented as soon as possible. We realize that we have presented you with several ideas that may need consideration on your part. We will reconvene tomorrow morning for your answers to our proposal and the equal split of model income.

The six of us left the room and returned to our bunkhouse. Kevin, Sebastian and Jimmy were stunned. Never had the models demanded changes to the operating scheme nor had all the models banded together to make requests. They had a decent business that they believed was going to take off with the addition of Q. Kevin and Sebastian would need to make a counter proposal and see how resolved the models were on their demands. They worked for several hours discussing plans for the future of the business and made their decisions.

Max needed help in putting medication on his backside from the whipping he received. I offered since it would have been me needing medication if Max hadn't stepped in taking my place. Max was naked and unashamed unlike I was before this weekend. I realized how far I had progressed in my relationship with men. I learned to trust his fellow models and had confidence in speaking to the public while naked and on display. If I didn't make a big deal about being naked everyone eventually just ignored that fact. Max's moaning was the salve was applied to the wounds brought me back to the present. Max asked me how it felt to make his presentation to "the bosses", standing naked while speaking. I was nervous I said before I started speaking but since I knew what I wanted to say it was just about getting those first words out and then it was normal. Max turned around and said I was an amazing guy for the way I changed over the weekend and almost blossomed in my role. He planted a kiss on my lips and said we needed to get some sleep. He offered to attach my wrist to the collar if I wanted but I didn't think I would need the help.

Early the next morning, Max woke me and we headed to the showers. On the way we stopped and got coffee. We did our rituals and then joined up in the shower. I looked at Max's wounds and it appeared as though the healing was beginning. I cleaned each one and then patted his back dry careful to not cause any further damage. I applied the salve again and asked if he had someone to help him at his home. Don't worry about me Max said we need to get through the morning with Kevin and Sebastian and then we can relax.

Gradually the other guys joined us for breakfast and everyone was anticipating the response from Kevin. Thoughts ranged from telling us to take a hike to major revisions to what we asked. We agreed that we would listen without interruption, take their proposal back to our room and discuss the plans. Again, it was Jimmy who asked us to join Kevin in his room.

Sebastian was not here and Kevin explained he had other business matters to attend to, so it would be just him with an answer. Max encouraged him to get on with his presentation. He handed out copies to each model telling them he and Sebastian worked well into the night. At first Kevin said he was disappointed and outraged at being challenged by his employees. Sebastian calmed him and told him to look at this as an opportunity to work with the models, the guys who have interaction with the customers. The models are the front line of the business and if they are happy, productive employees then the business results will bear that out.

Our response if basically to accept what you have offered with a little tweak. Once we noticed the interest that Q was building this weekend, our goal was to make sure he became front and center of this group of models. We would like to maintain the look Q has developed and making him even more distinctive looking based upon responses from the website. We need Q's look to remain that of young and innocent, adding a pair of nerd glasses perhaps a new hair style but his one central theme will be from now forward that of a naked cock locked submissive. That is one demand from us that cannot be modified. We agree to having the counsel and advisors as you have outlined, sharing equal model bonuses and your advice and suggestions on promotional opportunities. Remember, Q maintains his 24/7 nudity and keeps his chastity cage locked in place. Leaving his apartment clothed will only be allowed for work or school. Leaving for social encounters will be allowed but dressed in either these lycra shorts, wrestling singlets or other clothing along those lines. We have reached out to his roommate Jay who has agreed to help all of us in our proposal. Jay has agreed to be an "in-home monitor" as well as allowing a live video stream from their apartment. Jay will be a point of contact on Q's behavior. Fellow models will be allowed contact with Q as long as such meetings are on camera. No release of video to the public will be allowed until agreed to be the new model committee. I realize you will need to discuss our offer; Jimmy and I have plenty of work to do, please find us when you are ready. Jimmy led us to the door and we returned to our bunkhouse.

Troy started ranting before we all were in the room. How in the hell can they put Q through all that? No way am I going to vote to let them take advantage of Q. He plopped down on his bed still fuming. Tito agreed, man I couldn't do that. Living naked is one thing but constantly wearing that cage, no way. Dwayne said he thought this was a way to drive a wedge between all of us, only causing hardship to one of us, I think they thought we would be in favor of this and Q would object. Marc said that makes a lot of sense. Max said we should hear from Q before we discuss this any further. Q, this has the biggest impact on you, what are your feelings?

I wasn't sure where to begin. As I said last night, you guys have been so supportive of me, just joining your group two nights ago. I could not have survived if it wasn't for you. I've been living like this for less than 48 hours and I've done this someplace away from my home. It might be different when I get home and having Jay watching me is going to be a big change. I'm not sure what will happen if he has company or an overnight guest and I'm wandering around naked. On the other hand, this is beginning to feel right, perhaps where I belong, being submissive? Right now, I'm feeling like we should give this a try. I'm willing if you guys are in as well. I think it should be a unanimous vote for us to accept or reject. I will be relying on all of you remotely until we can gather for the video shoot if that is next. I'm raising my hand in favor. Dwayne said he couldn't argue with what I've said so we should give it a try. Marc nodded and said if the most impacted person is willing to try then I will too. Tito said I didn't know what I was getting myself into, but yes if I was willing. Troy looked at the rest of us and said I think Q is making a mistake but it is his choice. Max finally weighing in said we all need to support Q as he starts this journey of his new life, I plan on helping him as much as I can. I guess we should sign all of these contracts, keep a copy for us and let's go let Kevin know we've agreed.

Q led the group back to Kevin's room and said we have unanimously agreed to your contract offer. That is such wonderful news guys. I didn't know how you would react, but Sebastian and I are so happy for us all. Kevin passed out our pay packets and said we should begin discussions on the video and other opportunities. We will be in contact with Max and Dwayne and your suggestions should be sent to them for our review. Q, I've already given Jay your new clothes as well as your clothes that you arrived with on Friday. Jay also has the in-home camera system and once he has it working, all will be given the access codes. Thank you, guys, for this exciting opportunity.

The other guys began packing up, good byes were shared and phone numbers exchanged. It was now just Max and me remaining in the room. I didn't want him to leave. He was so much more than another model. How would I get through the next few days without his support? In an effort to break the ice I asked if he needed me to put salve on his back. Max shook his head no; my back will be fine in a day or two. Without looking at me Max asked if I needed any help. I replied I think that is an understatement. Now he turned me and we were staring at each other. I'll need you morning noon and night, but you must have someone waiting for you at home. I can't be a burden to you living your life.

I told you yesterday I'd fill you in on my private life. No, I don't have a partner/boyfriend/husband. I've had boyfriends before but my issues got in the way of going to the next level. For several years I've worked on my professional life to get that in order so I haven't had much time for a serious relationship. These weekends have been my social release and the other models have become my friends. If you would like, I can visit you this week. You are going to have trouble settling into a chaste life. Trust me, the cage will not come off unless you want to do serious damage, and I wouldn't recommend that. Yes, Max I'm sure I would like to see you whenever you can visit. I'm not a good cook so we would need to order take out or find someplace I could go to in a singlet, I guess. I was beginning to get emotional and I could look at Max. He grabbed my head and we kissed. My dick reacted once again and I thought I would explode. Then I got a hug. A really long full body hug. Call me when you and Jay get home, I want to know you made it safely. Call me, text me or contact me any way you need to and I'll help. He picked up his bag and left the room. I was here all alone and thoughts started flooding my brain. All I had to grab was my phone and toothbrush, apparently Jay had everything else. I sent him a text, he replied he was busy but as soon as they were finished, he would get back to me.

I walked the grounds, many of the tents were dismantled, a few guys were lounging at the pool. Again, I was seemingly the only naked guy. I started to worry about it and then I remembered how easy it was when I didn't make an issue of it. I thought about the weekend and my expectations. I had thought maybe twice or three times I might connect with a guy. I connected on such a different level with so many guys and I felt good about it. I might have created a special connection with a smart and sexy guy. Maybe available, knows me better than most and he doesn't have to worry about my dick, ass or naked body. He has seen, felt and probed more than one might have done on a regular date.

I got a text from Jay, meet at the jeep in 5 minutes. That was easy, grab the toothbrush and go. I hoped the ride home would not be awkward. How was Jay going to react to my new circumstances? Me naked all the time at home, my cage swinging. The camera live streaming my/our lives at least to Kevin, Sebastian and the models. Oh god, what would Max think watching me?

The jeep was locked so I had to stand next to it, leaning against it with my arms crossed. I hadn't thought of how the collar would look when I went out. It was only school and the two part time server jobs. I guess they wouldn't mind. The wrist restraints were different. A little too obvious for regular guy wear, something smaller on each wrist would make it easier to blend in. Probably too late now. Jay was on his way but he was talking to someone, shit it was Kevin and Jimmy. Maybe final instructions for the two of us.

Kevin was loud and asked "how is my new star"? Glad to see you are fitting in with the new wardrobe. I hope you don't mind but we would like to take a few pics of you leaving wearing your new cage from the weekend and your collar. Kevin, I asked, is it possible to get different wrist cuffs, something a little less noticeable for when I'm working? He looked to Jimmy, took the camera from him and Jimmy left to get some new restraints. Kevin continued, Jay is up to speed on his responsibilities, he will report to me and Max if you are not abiding by the contract. He tells me that he has no problem with you being naked 24/7 around him. Plus, we will have the ability to watch you anytime we want, watching your frustration without release, and we know that is a problem with you.

Jimmy returned with a couple of options, both looked fine with me. Each set had a small locking mechanism it was keyed remotely, I couldn't remove or unluck them, only Kevin or Max, once he got the codes. They looked like "fit bit" people used when exercising. My exercising routine had drastically changed during the weekend and going forward. I thanked him for the new restraints, Kevin said it will be great to show them to the public once the live stream is approved. Jimmy had the camera and was taking photos as I climbed into the jeep, obvious that I was naked, and then Jay drove away. They even got pics of my butt which was showing the damage from last night.

Now the next hard part. Conversation with Jay about all of this. I thought I should take the first step and ask how his weekend was, how many times did he get laid? Is he seeing anyone again from the weekend? Jay admitted he only had sex once but it was wonderful. They exchanged contact info, but realistically he didn't expect anything further. That was a quick recap of his weekend and then he dove right in. Tell me how the fuck you were able to become a model and you must have been having sex 24/7? What is next, are you becoming a porn star? Jay said he ordered the video of the weekend and he wanted it autographed by me. What were the other models like, I guess they all must have an ego? How did you end up with a cage around your dick? I never knew you were so kinky. Ok Jay, one at a time and slow down. It is a long ride back home and I don't want to get there before dark. I haven't worked out an excuse for being caught naked by our neighbors.

I explained it was an accident becoming a model. Short story was I had my cock locked up to keep myself from wanking too much and I couldn't find the key to unlock when we got to the resort. I have no idea what happened to that damn key. Anyway, the guy from the leather store said he could help me if I helped him. Turns out helping him was becoming a model. Once I got to know the other models, they were all great and helped me out a lot.

But now you have this thing on your cock and you are naked? There must be more to the story. Yes Jay, there is plenty more to the story. Apparently, I was generating a lot of interest, and I mean a lot more interest than usual. The models felt that Kevin was taking advantage of them so we agreed to make demands and share our profits equally. Kevin agreed to our demands but I had to be naked 24/7 and wear the cage permanently. Jay added, and I guess that is why I'm also paid to monitor you at home. I've got to report to Kevin every day on your activities. I asked what he is watching for and what is he getting paid? He said, I get to see your naked ass all day and all night, I make sure you indeed are naked in the apartment and I am to watch and see that you are not wanking. Oh, what tangled web we weave I said.

I sent Max a text, I needed some reassurance from him. I asked if he was home, said Jay and I were about 1/2 way home. I got my needed reply a couple of minutes later. He said he just got home and was cleaning his leather wear. He said he was worried about me getting home safely and wondered how Jay was treating me. I replied so far/so good, can I call when we get home? Yes, please was his reply, I sent him a smiley face.

Jay asked what I wanted for dinner, fast food or something else? I asked if we could just do drive thru someplace. Jay wanted to get out and stretch his legs and rest. I said I can't get out like this; can't we do drive thru? No, we are getting out of the jeep and relaxing for a bit. Once we get there, I find your lycra shorts and tank top.

We found the place he was looking for, pulled in and stopped near the door. Jay got out of the jeep and opened his suitcase and found the shorts, bright yellow and they looked as if they could fit a Ken doll, they were so small. The tank top was black with matching yellow accents all over it. I struggled getting dressed in the seat of the jeep but both slipped on easily. They were tight but not constricting. I was quite a contrast to Jay in his khaki shorts and t-shirt. I must have looked like I just finished a bike ride. Dude, look at how big your junk looks and Jay was right. I had a bulge that stretched the fabric and highlighted the cage around my dick. Anything I did to fix and hide the bulge only made things worse. Jay said, look on the bright side, your butt looks amazing and your cock is also drawing attention. We finally got to the front of the line and I think everyone behind the counter was now staring at me. Jay ordered his burger, fries and coke. Thinking of Max, I ordered a salad and water. Jay left me to collect the food while he found a table. When our food was handed over, the kid said "you really have some balls to dress like that". As I took our food, I said thank you.

Jay said this is fun, you have created a buzz in the restaurant. They all want to know all about us. I told Jay it was one thing being the center of attention at a gay resort but at a fast-food place it might not always be good. Geez I didn't think along those lines. We finished our food without much more conversation and headed back to the jeep. Once in the jeep, Jay ask for the clothes I was wearing, it was the rule after all. I said I would strip as soon as he started driving, and I held up my part of the bargain.

As we pulled up to our apartment complex, I was watching to see if anyone else was home and looking out their window. I didn't see any movement so Jay said it was time to carry our things in. I had a shoulder bag strategically hanging in front and Jay's bag behind me, Jay took the box of web cam gadgets. As far as I could tell, no one noticed us. I collapsed against the inside of our door. I can't do that again, it will be show it all shorts or the singlet next time.

I took my bag into my room and laying on the floor was a shiny key. Was I glad I found it now or would I have been happier if I had found it in my bag on Friday night? I can't answer that questions right now. I placed the key on my night stand and unpacked the clothes I never used at the resort. Jay knocked on my door after he entered, he handed me the outfits that Kevin had given him. The singlets, one mostly white the other a light gray. Two pair of lycra shorts, the yellow I had on earlier and a lime green pair. The two tank tops, the one black one and one red. I held them up to my body and they were so small. I thanked Jay and asked to be left alone.

I dialed Max. I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't know what to ask him. I didn't...., then he answered. Calm came over me hearing his voice. He asked if I was ok? I mumbled I don't know. Spill it he ordered, gently. I said I was so conflicted, I made the walk from the parking lot to our apartment safely, no one saw us. Max said, stop, you walked naked from Jay's jeep to your apartment? Well yes, aren't those the rules? No, do you hear me, no those are not the rules. Outside of your apartment you are to wear the clothes that Kevin gave you or your work/school clothes. What the hell were you doing naked outside of your apartment? I don't know Max, then I hesitated and started to lose it. Max took control and said listen to me, I don't want to bail you out of jail for no reason at all - I will do it if necessary, but that was a mistake. Learn from it and don't dwell on it anymore. Q, do you hear me, I need you to answer me. Yes, I hear you Max, I don't know why I did that. Maybe because I got so comfortable over the weekend, I don't know what has happened to me Max. He changed the subject and asked about my cage, how did it feel right now. It is ok, I've got another raging hardon (just since I started talking to Max). We did stop and get food on the way home; I had a salad thanks to your suggestion. I wore a pair of lycra shorts and a tank into the fast-food place and we - I mean I got a lot of stares. That was good of you Q, a healthy choice is a good for you. Max asked what my plans were for the rest of the evening, I thought I might watch TV with Jay. I think he finished installing the web cam in the living room. Q, get me the log in info right now and then take your phone and watch TV, get your mind off your beautiful naked body. I handed the phone to Jay who gave the info to Max. I was told to relax and wait for a call.

I was staring at the camera, one in the living room and one in the kitchen. Jay had an online program streaming, some mindless drivel that did take my mind off my situation. I got a text from Max, "you look adorable". He added that if he knew how to attach smiley faces, he would have. I texted back "I'll show you next time we meet and I'll find one with a sore butt with a big happy smiley face". Can I see you Wednesday night? Most definitely I replied. Call me in the morning, please, and be safe.

Next: Chapter 5

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