Quades Adventure

By Gary Sechen

Published on Dec 21, 2020


Chapter 3


This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts of men and discovering kinks that are erotic. It contains graphic scenes of sex between consenting adult males in a time and place where sharing bodily fluids is not a problem. In our day and age this remains an issue and consenting adults need to proactively engage in safer sex.

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Max was wearing khaki shorts and a button shirt. I don't know how he fit every ounce of his body into his clothes but he looked so damn hot. On the stage the other models were talking and a sling was positioned so my ass would be facing the audience. Those who had paid the fee to massage my prostrate would be brought on stage at the conclusion of the prestation so they could feel and see up close. The in-person demonstrations would have about 5 guys at a time.

Kevin, Jimmy, Sebastian and the models all discussed how the session would progress and I had the opportunity to ask for a break any time when a group of guys finished. It was time for the session to begin, guys started entering the tent and I was again the naked guy on display. I noticed a few of the subs that I had lunch with today. I didn't see any of their partners which seemed a little strange. I waved to them and they nodded back. Jay and his b/f of the weekend took seats, other than them and the subs I didn't see anyone I knew. Kevin and Sebastian too seats at the rear of the tents and then Troy began with introductions.

Marc started the presentation and each of the models added a little by speaking of their personal experiences and/or added to what someone said before them. Then I noticed Jimmy, he had a video camera and he was focused on me. I was listening to Marc but Jimmy was moving all around me, scanning my body, my caged cock, my butt as Marc used his lubed, gloved finger to work into my hole. I lost my focus on the activity and only watched Jimmy and his camera move around me and occasionally the camera turned to one of the other models. Shivers went through my body and I heard Marc comment that I've found the "P-Spot", you noticed our caged model move uncontrollably. Once again, I involuntarily moved and my cock jumped as well. My cock felt all weird. In all the times I wanked, I never had this feeling at the head of my cock. Was I peeing? Marc withdrew his fingers but I hadn't even noticed one of the attendees was putting his lubed gloved finger up my ass. He didn't know what he was doing but with advice from Marc he to found the spot. I gasped, shuddered and my cock jumped. Marc added that this was a demonstration - a demo, if you were doing this to your partner you would continue to milk the bottom boy to completion however today we are allowing so many of you to find the spot and milk our model so you will only get a brief moment to experience this joy. Another guy soon had his finger up my ass searching for my prostate. I heard Marc speaking and felt the finger moving in my ass but I started to float, it seemed to be like I was watching the scene from above.

Dwayne was next, his long but thin fingers were expertly probing and achieving the desired effect. My cock twitched several times and cum continued to flow. I was hard, excited and the strange feeling at the head of my cock was still there. Cum was puddling on my stomach, quite a pool really. Another five guys with different size and length fingers had experimented on me. Before Troy was ready to start, Max asked me if I wanted to take a break. I knew if I stopped now, I would lose the high I was on so I said to keep going. Troy took his turn and described what he was feeling as he probed. He knew what he was doing and I moaned with the feeling he was causing. I watched Troy and his eyes connected with mine as he massaged my p-spot. I don't know if he took pleasure in being able to bring me so much feelings with just his finger or if he was devilish in his actions. He had a smile on his face as he withdrew and helped the next guy attempting to duplicate his actions.

Tito wasn't as good as Troy but his fingers brought me ecstasy. I was on a level I'd never been before even with my wanking. If I could get my hands on my cock, I think I would have sent ropes of cum into orbit. Tito guided his group of men in their efforts and soon they had completed their turns.

Max leaned over me and asked if I was ready for the last group and I said I don't know if I want it to end or not. I've never felt these feeling before and I do want to get into this space again. Max used his finger and found the spot. He had a way of rubbing me unlike the others. My body buckled at his touch. Max's other hand reached for a nipple and my little nub completed a circle of energy from my ass to my nipple. Moans and gasps for air were followed by cum pulsing from my cock. Not like an orgasm but close. The following guys did their best to copy Max's teaching but they were unable to match the joy I received.

I was on a different level of consciousness as the session ended. Max placed his hand on my chest and told me to lay still for a few minutes as I wouldn't be able to walk or even stand up. He asked my thoughts and I said each of you guys had a way of reaching a new level of excitement in my body but you Max could have gone on forever. I hope at some point I'll get back to that place again. I tried to move from the sling, I told Max that I needed to get moving again. Max used a towel to wipe off my body, from the cum that had leaked from my dick to the lube that had coated my ass and the sweat running from my chest and pits. My legs were lowered from the stirrups of the sling and Max helped me to my feet. He was right, I needed help standing on my wobbly legs.

After a few steps I was good on my own again. I asked Max if he felt the session was a success. Let me show you how successful, as we passed the vendor tent, men were lined up to purchase milking wands (easier for self-milking) and a brochure on the many aspects of finding your p- spot and milking. Something else was being sold but we walked by too fast to hear about it, it was very popular from all the commotion.

We stopped in the food and beverage tent and Max got us some juice and fruit. I said I'd prefer some munchies and a soda but if looks could kill I would have been dead. I can't control what you do when I'm not around, Max said, but when you are with me you will eat a healthy meal. You have a busy afternoon yet to go, next you are going to be shaved from neck to toes. One of Kevin's friends who is an expert will show everyone the best methods for getting a good close shave in all of your private parts. This should be an easy event for you, all you have to do is lay still as he shaves all of your cute bits and pieces. I asked Max if he had ever been shaved and he said absolutely, I believe that if you do something to someone else you should have experienced it yourself. Max asked if I needed to pee and I took the cue to take advantage of the restroom when I could.

When I stepped from the restroom, I told Max that peeing with this cage is very difficult. Max added that most guys find it easier to sit down to pee so the stream doesn't splash everywhere. I asked how he knew so much and he smiled and said didn't we just finish discussing shaving?

We arrived at the tent and entered from behind the stage. It seemed as though a large crowd was gathering to watch. They would not be participating in this session. We found the stage and everything was ready for me. Max introduced me to Ken who was an expert on body shaving. Ken said he found it best to give a brief overview of his presentation and then he would begin shaving me but continuing to give commentary. Ken preferred to shave my backside first so I'd be on all fours to begin. He asked me to get on all fours for a look at what he was to expect. He spread my cheeks to look at my ass crack, felt my legs down to my feet and then my back. He said not bad, not too much to shave on this side but we will take time around your hole as many guys find that difficult. You will lie down on your clean shaven back and I'll get to work on your front side. We may start at your neck or perhaps at your feet. I find it is always kind of climatic if we save shaving around your cock and balls for last. Max, do you have a key for the cage, I may want to remove it for the shave? I didn't see or hear a response but Ken continued.

Well it is showtime kid, relax and we will have some fun. Ken was about 40 years old or so, nicely built for his age, not overweight but not thin at all. He is dark skinned, perhaps Italian or Greek heritage, dark hair and piercing dark eyes. Once the doors opened, he became a showman, confident and comical but a commanding presence on the stage. Jimmy was here again with the video camera and was recording from the start of the session. I was sitting on a table facing the audience. Ken addressed me many times, referring to me as a fine model for this training program. He said I was not overly hairy so not too many problems should be encountered. He was an expert at using a straight razor and did not recommend it unless you have plenty of practice. He was handed a balloon, he put shaving cream on it and pulled out his straight razor and said this is the wrong way to use a straight razor and the balloon popped, I jumped and shaving cream on the balloon exploded everywhere. We are going to try to avoid that scenario with Q today as it would be unfortunate. He looked at me and I returned the gaze with my eyes as wide open as they ever were.

Ok boy, he said to me, and I got on all fours and felt shaving cream being applied to my ass and crack. I did feel a finger enter me but it was quick and without incident. Ken shaved my cheeks quickly, I didn't have a lot or even any hair on them, unlike Max. My cheeks were spread and I felt the razor scraping my crack followed by a towel wipe down to check for any stray hairs missed. My cock continued to bounce and I'm sure I was dropping some cum on the table. A quick shave on the small of my back and a few hairs on my legs and this portion was completed. I rolled over onto my now very smooth backside and Ken was giving some pointers on areas that frequently caused problems, nipples, nuts and the cock. More on those as we shave them. My left arm was moved away from my body and that pit was now smooth. The arm hair went next and then the left side of my torso. Ken moved to my legs and started working from the left ankle to the top of the leg. My right leg was now smooth to my groin. My right pit matched the left one as did my right arm. Down my chest, around my nipple and my stomach and belly button were now smooth as I felt Ken run his hand over my body. I was breathing heavily from this new sensation on my smooth skin.

My crotch was covered in shaving cream, while this was happening, Max stepped up and unlocked and removed my cage and cock ring. My cock slapped against my belly. An extremely cold cloth was placed over my cock, it must have just come from a freezer. Any potential for an orgasm was rapidly diminishing. The cold was shriveling my cock and removing any feeling I had seconds ago. Ken used this cold rag to move my cock from one side to another. He had the base of my cock shaved smooth in a few swipes of his blade. Another rag replaced the one he used and the cold was stingingly brutal again while my balls were becoming hairless. The last area was my pubs and just as quickly as the other areas any hair was now gone. Max again appeared and my cock again disappeared into a chastity cage and was locked away. Ken finished wiping down with a clean towel and all shaving cream was gone as he looked for stray hairs. Not finding any, Ken led a question/answer period and he offered any of the audience to step forward and feel how smooth my body had become. Two dozen or more men soon were lined up to feel my lack of pubes, smooth pits and hairless nipples. Most of the guys were asking Ken questions a few complimented me and thanked me for being such a willing model.

As we were alone, Ken slapped my ass and said I was a good boy to put up with all of this. Max stepped up and said it was time to relax for a while, before dinner. His arm wrapped around my shoulders and led me back to our room. My raging hard cock was again straining withing the cage confining it. Max again fastened my wrists to my collar and then helped me into my bed. I was covered with a sheet and told to close my eyes until dinner. Max tussled my hair and left.

Such messages I was getting from Max, were they genuine? Were they part of the weekend game? Did Kevin tell him to keep me compliant? Whatever, Max kept me horny and happy thoughts of him and his handsome body rolled through my brain.

A loud commotion woke me from my nap. It was Troy, he was mad about something. Max, Dwayne, Tito and Marc took him from the room and they tried to calm him down. I heard their voices outside but could not make out what was being said. They all eventually reentered the room very somber and quiet. Max finally broke the silence and said Troy found out that Kevin and Sebastian are working on a plan centered around you Q. This plan will change the arrangements the 5 of us have had with Kevin and not to the benefit of us and also taking advantage of you as well. After tonight's activities are concluded, we would like to have a meeting to figure out a plan for the best of us all. Don't answer now but consider joining us in the meeting later this evening. I nodded my consent.

The six of us headed for the dinning tent. Before dinner was a cocktail reception. The models were to mingle individually however most everyone wanted to talk to me leaving few people to socialize with my fellow models. I tried to speak to everyone and encouraged them to follow up with others. I dropped their names when discussing the p-spot demo, suggesting they talk to the other models about their experiences and suggestions. I called to them for their ideas on what we practiced today. It was starting to succeed. My fellow models were taking the cue from me and eventually everyone was involved. I was getting several requests for private time which I kindly refused. As the cocktail hour was winding down, it seemed that a random draw would place each of the models at different tables for dinner.

Max unfastened my wrists from my collar to allow me ease of eating. Plates of food were delivered to each of us, usually a choice of fish, meat or chicken. For me I was given a plate of veggies, a smaller portion than my dinner companions. A note was handed to me, hand written. It said "tonight will be again somewhat difficult for you during your demo so a light meal is suggested" it was signed Max. I found him at his table and smiled to him, it looked as though he was eating a similar meal as well.

The guys at my table were all excited to have me eating with them. They wanted to know all about me. Questions were flying at me about my life and love interests. Most often asked was the unique chastity cage and how and why did I start wearing it. They wanted to know my favorite scenes so far, since I was single did, I met someone or might I meet someone this weekend. After being bombarded with questions I thought I would turn the tables. I started asking them why they were here this weekend, did they come alone or with someone. What were they looking to get out of the weekend besides getting laid? Who were their favorite models and why? What are their fantasy scenes?

I got a feeling of what they were looking for and what they might be interested in after this weekend. I explored their level of experience in kink and the gay scene. What needs have not been met at this gathering or others they have attended. I got an indication of unmet needs, something I had learned in one of my college classes. I wanted my fellow models to explore this with any interactions they had tonight.

As dinner was winding down, Max found me and we went to the next demo tent. This one may hurt you for a short time tonight but trust me when I say you will be fine. One of the most common and widespread kinks is spanking, paddling or any piece of equipment that is used by one partner to inflict paid on the other partner's ass, back, legs or feet. This is easy to begin since you can use a hand, paddle, wooden spoon, hair brush - all items easily and readily available. More expensive pieces of equipment are crops, floggers, whips, canes and cats. We are going to explore almost all of these tonight but in a safe and sane environment. You will not be overly hurt by any of these items but you will most likely experience all of them as novices with our help and experienced guys into the scene try new equipment available for purchase. I'm going to give you a safe word that you can either yell out or tell me between scenes. If you use this word, we will shut you down for the evening, so please use this word with care. All we will say is that the evening has concluded for this part of demos and we will move on. Do you understand? We will not judge you if you use the safe word nor will we think less of you. All it means is you have met your limit. The word we have chosen is "ice". Myself and the other models have used this word many times between ourselves and others. Do you understand? I said yes and I will do my best. Max smiled and said we will look at some of items and you can ask questions.

Max pointed out the paddles, who knew they came in so many sizes and shapes. Some were round, some long and narrow, some in leather, wood, acrylic and rubber. Some had studs, some had holes. The floggers seemed to be made from leather but different weights and sizes of the strips of leather. The canes didn't look too bad but Max said they can sting and leave significant welts that will last a few days. The whips and cats need to be handled by an experienced top; we won't let a novice try them on you. Any questions on the equipment Q? Some of the more experienced tops will use these tools to make love to you. The equipment to them is an extension of their body and how it touches and caresses you. If you can Q, try to get into the rhythm that the top is using, get in sync with him. Some people have used the endorphins caused by the pain as not only a pain blocker but have actually begun to "fly" during a scene. I said I've never experienced anything like this, can we have some periodic breaks during the session?

I asked for a private word with Max. I whispered into his ear and his eyes got big. Q he said, you are a genius. I'm going to spread the word with the others as I can tonight. We need to work out a plan before anything is sprung on us. We'll get something figured out and hash it out later.

Next: Chapter 4

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