Quades Adventure

By Gary Sechen

Published on Dec 8, 2020


Chapter Two Disclaimer:

This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts of men and discovering kinks that are erotic. It contains graphic scenes of sex between consenting adult males in a time and place where sharing bodily fluids is not a problem. In our day and age this remains an issue and consenting adults need to proactively engage in safer sex.

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The first of my fellow models to arise was Max the handsome hairy man. He saw that I was awake as well and helped me up from by bed. Max showed me to a communal bathroom and I saw just how handsome and rugged Max was. His boxer briefs were tightly covering his ass and his morning wood struggled against the fabric in the front. His body was thick, not fat and proportioned perfectly. Once I?d finished with the first business, I saw Max already soaping up in the showers. I walked over to him and said with my hands locked to my collar I was able to properly ? and Max finished my awkward sentence by pulling me towards his body. Most of us models help each other out when we need it. Max started by lathering my body liberally with soap and worked his hand between my cheeks. All squeaky clean on the landing strip he said, let me get the rest of you cleaned up. My cock has so hard and bouncing and I couldn?t hide it from Max. He soaped my cock and balls but commented my cage was too full to properly clean my shaft. I?ll help you with that later if you like. As Max was shampooing my hair my hands were able to rub his nipples, gently but noticeably. When the shampoo was rinsed away Max took me to where our towels were and he rubbed my body dry. I thought I had died and gone to heaven, being taken care of by a man. As Max dried himself, he asked if I?d like some coffee. When he said follow me, I was glad to watch his butt flexing under his briefs.

Max pulled a chair out for me to sit while he retrieved coffee and some fruit. When Max sat down his eyes drew me into his body. His conversation was easy and engaging. We need to have Kevin unlock your wrists; you are going to get cramps if your arms stay like that much longer. He asked how long I had been wearing the chastity cage and I said about 18 hours but I had a different one on when I arrived. He asked if I knew how to keep my cock clean when wearing chastity long term and I shook my head no. We can discuss that later when we know what Kevin has planned for us. Max said I was such a tender and sweet guy and that he was glad to have met me. I thanked him for his help this morning and said I had a question for him. I asked him if Troy was a mean guy because of the way he seemed to treat me last night. Max laughed and said Troy is just jealous because he usually gets a lot of attention and I took most of his thunder last night. Max offered to get the wrist key from Kevin and said he would be right back.

Sipping my coffee and eating an apple allowed me to reflect on last night. Sitting naked. Wow. Caged Cock. No wanking for 18 hours. Constantly hard cock! I was replaying the events from yesterday, wondering what Jay was doing ? and with whom. I was smiling when Dwayne and Tito sat down with their coffee and pastries. Dwayne said penny for your thoughts? I said thanks for asking buy I am not sure myself. Is this real what is happening? My cock has never been so hard, sorry if that is TMI. They both chuckled shaking their heads. Tito said I?ll be alright, just go with the flow and don?t think too much. This can be fun and rewarding if you don?t over think what is happening. I asked how they became models, for how long, any partners at home? I want to hear your stories. Dwayne said those are too long for breakfast but said later when we have time, we can swap stories. I asked if Max was as nice as he seemed, he is treating me like a friend. Tito said speak of the devil and Max was around my neck unlocking my wrists. You are under strict orders to not touch your cock or we all will be wearing a chastity cage. Do you understand? I?m not wearing one of those and he looked at Tito and Dwayne and they were shaking their heads with serious looks on their faces. Dwayne added, ?I don?t think they have one big enough for me so you had better listen?.

I'll do my best guys but please help me. I've never been so horny, I need to find a way to relieve the pressure, the strain. Please think of ways you can help. Troy had a cup of coffee and announced that Kevin had a meeting planned in 15 minutes as he sat down and asked what up? After a few giggles, Tito said we all know the answer to that one. Troy asked how everyone was and did we all sleep well as he looked at me. Marc gave Troy the evil eye and said be nice, we were all newbies once. Small talk ensued around the table but a large hand touched my thigh. I jumped a little as Max patted and rubbed my leg, we stole a glance at each other. Jimmy, Kevin's husband made an appearance, grinning from ear to ear. Troy said it looks like someone got laid last night and Jimmy flashed a big grin. You guy should be so lucky today and I think a few of you might. Time to move on, the boss is waiting.

I asked if I could pee before the meeting and everyone said we all better because this takes forever. Max showed me to the restrooms and asked if I needed any help. I said it might take a while since my cock was pointing to the ceiling. Max answered he knew of only a couple of was to solve that but they weren't going to help now. Max stood directly behind me, I felt his breath on my neck and I could feel his hairy body behind me. Gently think of rolling water on a river the soothing sound as it spills over rocks. You are walking in the cool waters all alone just you and nature. The cool clear water is all around you and you feel as though you are becoming the water. See your body melting into that beautiful stream. Just let it go Q, you can. My ass was slapped as I finished peeing. Hey young man, it worked. Now shake it and let?s get to the meeting.

Max and I were the last two at the meeting. With only one chair remaining, Kevin told me to sit on the floor, I sat near Max?s feet. Once again, I was the only naked guy in the room. Kevin began by saying last night was the most active nights, days, weekends or weeks that the store has ever recorded. Everyone worked very hard, Kevin was interrupted by laughter from the group. Kevin added that we were allowed a bit of levity since everyone exceeded their goals with Q making his goal many times over. Today would be a long and busy day so make sure when you are scheduled for rest you take it.

At 10am in tent A we have Dwayne and Tito showing how to demonstrations. In tent B we have Max and Marc demonstrating leather gear and care. And in tent C we have Troy with the Bears and fisting. At the same time Q will be with me working on afternoon demonstrations. Morning sessions are over at 11:30, clean up and then lunch. We will meet back here at 1:30 to discuss the morning sessions and assignments for the afternoon sessions. Any questions? Q you come with me.

Kevin and I went to another room and we began discussions on this weekend and future events. Kevin asked if I had a list of things I would not perform under any circumstances. I admitted that I did not have a list and apologized to Kevin. He handed me a list of scenes that could happen either this weekend or the future and I was to read off the description tell him what I knew about the item and if I would consider participation as either a top or bottom or not at all. Fucking ? anal penetration ? bottom experience no top experience. Sucking cock, no explanation needed and experience both giving and receiving. Rimming ? licking an ass, no experience, Tit Torture ? nipple play and no experience. Spanking/paddling ? no experience, CBT ? don?t know ? no experience, Water Sports ? pissing, no experience, Scat ? don?t know ? no experience, Piercing ? no experience, foot play ? no experience except last night, fisting ? no experience, E-stim ? no experience, prostrate massage ? no experience, whips/floggers/crops ? no experience, body shaving ? no experience. Ok Q, that gives me a starting point for working on some scenes for you this afternoon. I?m locking your wrists together in front of your body to give you some extra range of movement, however if I see or hear of you touching yourself that will change. Here is a bottle of water for you, go wander around and watch your fellow models and how they interact with the customers. No physical stimulation for you without supervision however you can touch the customers and they can touch you above the waist. After lunch we will have another meeting and afternoon assignments will be reviewed.

I took the water and wandered around the activity tents. I first came to the tent with Troy and the Bears who were learning about fisting. I watched for a while as Troy expertly discussed the details of fisting and he demonstrated on a willing model. They were going to pair off to practice on each other, both bottoming and toping unless they self-identified as only tops or bottoms. Although the participants were eager learners, I did not see this as an activity I would want to participate in anytime soon.

Max and Marc were already into some discussions on the care of leather goods with a large selection on a table. I saw paddles, whips, crops, gags, hoods, chaps, harnesses, boots, jocks and cod pieces and many more things I wasn?t even familiar with. Marc would explain proper uses of the items, how many of them could become abused through normal usage and how best to return them to their original condition. I found myself mesmerized as Max and Marc confidently spoke and answered questions from their audience. Max looked spectacular in leather chaps, vest and harness. He only had a cod piece covering his cock and his firm naked butt was highlighted by the chaps. Marc was wearing leather shorts and a harness which accentuated his muscular frame.

Even though I wanted to stay, I thought I should move on and watch Tito and Dwayne. Several guys were in slings, some bent over ?horses? and some on all fours. Tito was explaining how fucking was not only an activity for the tops but a mutual experience. Both guys could achieve a satisfactory orgasm if they listened to and were ?in tune? with each other?s body. The bottom could also have a highly pleasurable orgasm when the top worked to please him. Apparently earlier the class learned about the anatomy of the bottom and top so this was being put into use. They had several toys that could stimulate both parties, I?d want to ask them about them later.

I moved on as I was getting too excited from watching the last two sessions. I found a lounge chair in the sun and decided to soak up some rays while I waited for lunch. Laying on my stomach I was getting some warming sun. I earlier saw a couple of guys who were enjoying the events naked, almost like me. They did not have cages so their cocks were swinging as they walked and talked. Occasionally someone would be touching them or they would be in a sensual embrace with another. For the most part I was the only naked guy among the crowd. I didn?t see Jay or the guy he apparently hooked up with last night. They must still be going at each other. A hand slapped my butt and I jumped. Looking over my shoulder it was Jimmy, Kevin?s husband. He was smiling as he said it looked like I was beginning to burn and I should turn over. He sat next to me and thanked me to getting his husband excited last night. He said they had some of the best sex they had in a long while. They even talked about using some chastity on each other to spike their appetites. He rubbed a nipple of mine and my cock jumped again and more cum drooled from my cock.

Tell me Q, what are your impressions of being a naked model? Don?t be shy, I?ve been to many of these events and I?ve seen and heard just about everything. I told Jimmy that I had no intentions of being a model and a naked one at that. I was just looking for a getaway weekend where maybe I could get laid, make out with a few guys and let my hair down. I?m in a rut back home, going to school with no end near, working a couple of jobs that don?t seem like a career. I?m usually so busy that I don?t have a chance to meet anyone, let alone spend some quality time with someone special. I?m still not over the being naked all the time bit, and having strangers touch me all over my body is so unusual. Last night I was forced to meet and interact with guys in a way I would never have imagined. Now, I find myself talking to a new friend, my cock is somewhat on display, it is hard and leaking and all of this is obvious and for everyone to see. I?m nervous about what will happen the rest of today. I don?t want to make a fool of myself. Jimmy tried to assure me that Kevin was a pro at what he does and he won?t let me embarrass myself or the company. He is really impressed with your attitude and so is Sebastian. We headed back to our rooms so I could rest a little before lunch and an active afternoon.

The guys coming back from their morning sessions woke me from a short nap. Troy lifted my sheet and exclaimed yes, I was still hard and he won the bet. Apparently, they had bet on whether I would still be hard and it was quite obvious that my hardon still existed. I asked how their morning sessions were and if there were any surprises. Troy said his group gave him favorable reviews and everyone seemed happy. Tito and Dwayne made many guys happy with new techniques and improvements on fucking. Max and Marc said the same, guys were happy to learn how to care for their leather clothes and toys.

At today?s lunch, we were told to spread out to give the attendees a chance to ask questions of us and speak to us in a non-threatening environment. I was asked to sit at several tables and told everyone I would try to move to their table later. My group of guys were mostly couples, daddy/boys, master slaves, Dom/submissive and they all knew each other. The conversations were mostly from the tops in the group of guys, mostly asking me about my chastity cage, how it came about and also being naked 24/7. I was honest and non-judgmental when explaining each and telling them I was a novice at both topics. I noticed one of the submissive boys whispering to his dominates ear and then a few of the other doms nodded in agreement. I was asked if I would recommend chastity and nudity to the submissive boys. I suggested each couple should discuss those topics in private and mutually agree with perhaps trial periods for each. The doms all stood and left while the subs remained to ask questions. I was bombarded with questions but I told them I had so little experience I didn?t want them making decisions solely on my answers. Nudity was something new to me, especially around a crowd of guys. It took me a while to get over nervous jitters but things happened so fast last night I kind of lost track of being without clothes unless someone mentioned it. I explained how I started chastity and that it was meant only as a short-term solution to my constant jerking. It was getting in the way at school or work so if I locked my cock away for short periods then I could finish work without wanking. One thing led to another and here I am now locked away for about 24 hours and my cock so needs some relief but I don?t know when that will happen. Questions, answers and comments continued until lunch was over and I had to go to a meeting.

The conversation with these other subs made me think about my life. Some of the guys were much older than me but most were around 10 years older than me. One guy was close to my age, he was very quiet and apprehensive right now. I did seem to take to the collar and restraints. I was walking around naked in front of everyone. I would have never had a thought along those lines before last night. A couple of the subs said I should be proud of myself. Nearly all of the subs were worried about the chastity cage. They could not imagine not touching their cock or not having an orgasm. Being naked 24/7 was a goal of a couple of the guys. It dawned on me that guys into the s&m/bd scene were looking up to me for guidance. My cock bounced again as I realized I might have an impact on someone's life.

Max taped me on my shoulder saying earth to Q, I guess I was daydreaming about the subs and how I might relate to them. Max said our meeting was starting soon. When I stood up my cock was pointing to my belly and still leaking. Max said we are going to have to do something about that as he gave my cock a playful slap.

I had to sit on the floor again. Kevin again thanked everyone for a great weekend so far. Orders for equipment are great and we will be filling them this afternoon. Q has sparked a significant interest in chastity. At the end of the afternoon session I would like all models to work with customers trying on cages. Myself, Jimmy and even Sebastian will be in our store helping customers and sales will be filled at that point. Every one of our models will earn credits for assisting.

Afternoon sessions are p-spot massages and anal play. All models will work with Q at some point and helping customers when not with Q. We will have toys of all shapes and sizes that should give Q plenty of pleasure. I need a volunteer to help clean out Q's ass and otherwise prepare him for the activities. The rest of you can help set up the tent for this special session. Thankfully Max volunteered to help me and the two of us left for the shower room.

Max?s casual demeanor helped calm my nerves about me being the center of attention. He asked if I had ever ?douched? or was I a virgin. When I gave him a blank star, Max smiled and said don't worry, we'll make this a game, and we will both play. What we are going to do is insert a nozzle up our butts, fill our intestines with warm water and then hold it for as long as possible. Once the water we expel is clean then we are finished. Now that doesn't sound too bad, right?

I'll go first and you can help me and then I'll help you. Now the water is nice and warm, put some lube on your finger and loosen up my hole and I'll do the same to you. Not so bad so far. We are doing this so we don't get any unwanted stains on fingers or toys. Now that we are both lubed up, take the nozzle and slowly insert it in my ass. I was amazed that I was this close to Max?s adorable hairy butt. His hairy cheeks firm and rounded. I?ve watched movies on-line about guys and enjoying another?s butt. Max said I think that is enough for me, now your turn. If you bend over a little then I can get my fingers in to loosen you and we?ll start the water. The warm water felt good then I realized I was beginning to fill up. Max had a hand on my front as he was filling my ass. Ok Q, now I?m pulling out the nozzle, squeeze your butt tight and hold the water as long as you can.

Look at me Q, look me in my eyes. Tell me a story while we wait out the time holding our water. Tell me something you want me to know, something about yourself, this weekend anything. I started to speak then stopped. Look at me Q, I?m not judgmental just start talking. Max held my head in his hands so that I was looking at him in his eyes. You are so kind and caring to me, never have I had a friend ? can I say friend, who is not looking for something, an ulterior motive with me. If anyone else was here with me, especially as I?m naked, I would be forced to my knees to suck cock or that cock would be shoved in my ass. You are talking to me and I think listening to what I?m saying. I?m not accustomed to that in another person. I was starting to breathe a little heavier and Max said for me to think of anything else besides the pressure building in my butt. Max asked me when I first had sex, either with a girl or guy. I chuckled and said that outside of some intense kissing I never went any further with girls. Guys in high school pretended they weren?t getting help from their girlfriends so we would have mutual jerkoffs, sometimes just two guys and other times some of my team mates. I think that is how I got hooked on jerking, it always felt so good and the guys bonded over it. Q, look at me, I?ve got the same amount of water in my ass, don?t let the water rule your body. Breath deep and think of good times, did you enjoy anything last night? How did you feel walking around naked? I replied that I was really nervous to begin with, I was sure everyone was judging my body and then the damn cage I was wearing. I was so embarrassed but then guys were talking to me like I?ve never experienced before. I would shy away from any good-looking men thinking they wouldn?t have anything to do with me. Last night, it was like they were attracted to me and after time, I was free to talk to them. At some point I wasn?t even aware I was naked and I was freely socializing with everyone. Max, I can?t take it anymore, please, I?ve got to release this. Ok Q, on the count of three squat on the toilet and release and don?t look at what is coming out. One, two, three and then the most god-awful noises started and rushing water and as soon as I finished Max was doing the same. Max told me to begin my second round and he soon joined me. We continued our conversation and Max asked me what were my initial plans for this weekend? I said I hoped to connect with someone, relax away from two jobs and school and to watch and learn. Max asked if I achieved any of those goals and I stopped and thought. I said I have watched and learned, I?ve relaxed a little and I think I?ve connected with someone, so yes, I guess this weekend is a success but a little different than I might have imagined.

Max asked if I could see myself doing this type of event again ? as a model? I said I?d like to answer that question at the end of the weekend. Fair enough on that last question. What would I like to experience before I left, Max asked? I think Kevin has some new activities for me and for all of us for the rest of today. I?ll go with the flow, I?m sure I won?t get harmed so I?m not too concerned. I?ll also have you looking over my shoulder to keep me and everyone else in line. I had begun to hop around as the pressure was building in my ass. Max grabbed my nipples and started gently playing which took my mind off the immediate problem. Max asked me how that felt, was it too rough, not enough or the right amount and looking for more. I said that was just right and I?d look for more of the same but just at another time. This time, Max pulled me to his body, my back to his front and played some more with my nipples but a little more intense. I was calmed some but once he stopped, I was again needing to relieve myself. Ok Q, go ahead and release on the toilet and we can see if you needed a third installment.

Max told me to give it once more but he had finished. Max watched me like a hawk as I filled up my intestines one more time with warm water. Max asked if I ever thought I would get piercings or tattoos? I admitted some piercings looked hot and some men had the body to carry it off but I hadn?t given a lot of thought to the subject. Max asked if I thought my nipples or a P.A. on my dick, maybe a nose ring or eye brow. I complimented Max on his nipples rings and asked if they hurt and how long did it take for them to heal? These two rings hurt like hell but I?m so glad I got them done but I have changed the jewelry several times. The P.A. is one of the easiest and quickest piercings to heal. If I were in your shoes, those are the first ones I recommend. There are some other piercings you could think about once those were healed. Not like you need it but nipples and erections go hand in hand. I don?t think your cock has deflated since you?ve arrived. Max wondered if I would be interested in filming a video of the scenes we were going to do? You should think about it, I?m sure Kevin is going to ask you. Why don?t you ask me some questions? What would you like to know about me?

I asked how he got started in being a model at these events, Max replied that many years ago he came to one of these sex weekends and he was high as a kite, dropping drugs all weekend. Once the weekend was over, he said he got into trouble stealing some of Kevin?s merchandise. He was offered an arrangement to work off any potential charges by being a model at least once a month. Kevin and Sebastian worked hard to clean him up and mold his image as a ?Daddy? type and his had become very successful. Max continued that his professional life also was cleaned up and ever since he has been sober and he returns monthly out of appreciation. I asked if this was all an act, and how does this somewhat public appearance as a model impact his private life? I enjoy being the Daddy to many men at these events and since I like what I do, it is not a chore or issue. My private life remains very private and hidden from all the men at these weekends and neither one has caused a problem with the other. I asked if his b/f-partner-husband has a problem or is he here at the event? That, Max said is something I let you know at the end of the weekend. And then, I needed to release the water again. When we checked this time, the toilet was clear so we took a shower to rinse clean and then headed to the tent.

Next: Chapter 3

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