Quades Adventure

By Gary Sechen

Published on Dec 3, 2020


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Comments, suggestions and question are welcome, please contact me at wetnlocked@gmail.com.

Oh, that felt great again. If I could only make that feeling last longer. I jacked off so many times the high from the orgasm seemed to last less and less each time. I tried to j/o less each day so that once or twice would feel so much better, but I just couldn't keep my hands off my cock. I found a solution on line. I had read about male chastity devices, once in place you couldn't jerk off. I'd decided to try it out, lock my cock and then go to work or school but then it became such an obsession about getting home to play with myself. I couldn't concentrate at school and when I was at work, I'd mess up orders in the restaurant. Most of the customers let my mistakes slide since I was young and adorable. If they only knew. One time I actually started to hump the table in the booth - unconsciously and maybe the couple didn't notice.

Anyway, I thought since I was going away for a few days I'd lock my cock and leave the key in my bag for the drive to the resort. My roommate had snagged some free passes to a gay resort and he invited me, not as a date but someone to share the experience. We would have our own rooms so we would not be crimping each other's potential conquests. Jay, roommate called to tell me he was on his way home from work to pick me up in about 15 minutes. I knew I had time for one more jerk off then I could lock up my cock and leave my worries behind.

I had used my little butt plug and was playing with it when my phone rang again. I was so close to cumming I ignored the phone. Just when I reached that point of no return my phone dinged with a text. Jay was waiting in the parking lot. Shit, now I was cumming and all the pleasure of this j/o was lost. I went and wiped the cum with a towel from the bathroom, quickly slid the chastity cage on my cock and locked it in place. I threw the key into my bag and grabbed it and left. I only had on my sandals, shorts, t-shirt and hat.

I hustled down to the parking lot and met Jay, apologized for taking so long and we were off. Jay was so excited to get away for a weekend, a long three-day weekend. There was some sort of special event at the resort and he said the weekend was sold out. We were lucky to be going. Jay had the top down on his jeep and he had his shirt off. I did the same and put mine in my bag. Then I realized I still had the butt plug in me, every time we hit a bump in the road a little jolt of electricity was exciting me.

After a couple of hours, we stopped at a fast-food place, grabbed our shirts and headed in to eat. We both had grins on our faces, mostly excited for our adventure. I kept wondering if I'd be able to make it to the resort before unlocking my cock to j/o, I certainly wouldn't do it in front of Jay while he drove. With the butt plug pleasuring me, I was leaking and it was starting to show thru my shorts.

At the main entrance to the resort, we were given our room keys, maps, itinerary for the weekend events and free drink coupons. It seemed like we were being treated first class. Our rooms were next to each other and all we did was throw our bags into our rooms and headed out to explore around the resort.

I should describe the two of us, Jay is 23, 5'10", 195 pounds and really hairy. Deep bushy black eyebrows, thick moustache, and his body is really hairy. Jay is well proportioned, but chunky, nice bubble butt; however, I've never seen his cock. I'm 21, 5'9" and 150 pounds but almost smooth all over my body. I look like around 14 and you would think I haven't started shaving yet. My light brown hair is so fair that my pits look bare and the little pubic hair is so fine it looks like I manscape my cock and balls. My body doesn't have the definition of some guys, I don't have a six pack and my pecs are well non-existent but I am slim with a decent butt.

We were walking around the resort to get our bearings. Nice pool with lots of guys skinny dipping and a few in swim trunks. Significant cruising area as we had many sets of eyes follow us as we walked. Jay stopped at the bar and got a beer, I had a bottle of water, wanting to go slow on our first night.

Next, we happened onto a vendor area, everything you could imagine from gay pride to bear to leather equipment and toys. As we were browsing some of the leather items, Jay mentioned he didn't know what a lot of the items were or how they were used. I was pointing out a few of them and said even I didn't know what some of the toys were called. Just then a salesman overheard us and he explained what the items were and how/where they were used. Jay whispered into my ear he made eye contact with a guy he wanted to meet and asked me not to go far so I could rescue him if he needed help. I continued chatting with the salesman as he was describing several cock and ball pieces. He shook my hand and said his name was Kevin, I replied that my name was Quade but most just called me Q. Kevin asked what I knew about the devices and also asked if I had any experience with them. I said I had tried a few items and liked most but many I had never seen in use. Kevin said if I wanted, I could try on anything and he would help get the correct size. I told Kevin I was interested but I had a little problem I needed to solve before I committed.

Kevin said he had solved many problems in his life, including those related to the toys he sold. I grinned and said I may need to take you up on that. I left and went over to Jay who was deep in conversation with his new friend. I told Jay I would be back in a few minutes. Once inside my room I tore off my clothes and then searched for the key to unlock my cage. My cock had been leaking so much my shorts looked like a had cum. I dumped the contents of my bag onto the bed. I looked through all of my clothes and toiletries without success. I checked under the bed and all over the floor. I checked everywhere again thinking I would find the key on a second search. I checked my pants pockets and nothing. I pulled on my shorts and went to look in Jay's jeep and couldn't find the damn key. Panic began to set in. I couldn't go a whole weekend without jerking, especially when I was around so many hot gay guys. Many times, in the past when I was away from my apartment where I had left the key, I had tried to pull off the cage so I knew that didn't work.

I went back at the leather store. Earlier Kevin told me he had been selling this merchandise for so long he had solved problems with his inventory, maybe he had a master key he could use to unlock this cage? My cock was well overdue of a wank and it was getting full in the plastic cage. I could imagine my hands rubbing my cock and releasing that pent-up cum. Kevin waved to me and told me to look around, he would be with me shortly. I was rubbing my hand over my crotch as I looked at some of the things for sale. Every time I picked up a cock ring or nipple clamps my cock twitched. I was looking at some of the different models of chastity cages when Kevin approached. He immediately was telling me about the different models he had and said he had several other types he kept locked up because of their value. He asked if I would like to try any of them on?

I mumbled a quick reply and Kevin asked me to speak up. I said I did have one on right now and I misplaced the key to unlock it. I needed help to unlock it as I was desperate to jerk off. Kevin put his hand on my shoulders and turned me so we were facing each other. He said I'm sure I can help you out if you will help me out as well. First, he said let's take a look at your chastity cage and lock. I asked if he had a changing room where we could go? Kevin chuckled and said this is a changing room and later on many guys would be naked at this resort. You have nothing to be ashamed of and in fact a young man with a body like yours should be showing off. Now drop your shorts and let's see what I can do. I looked all around and nobody was nearby so I unzipped my shorts and held them open for him to see. Kevin grabbed my hands and my shorts fell to the ground. My cock was now filling up the plastic cage and I was leaking too. He asked if this was a "Chinese knockoff" a cheap substitute. I admitted it was and Kevin started explaining that this would be falling apart soon causing me much pain. He grabbed a few other cages and started explaining to me what I should look for in a quality cage. Kevin was talking so loudly a few other guys were listening as they were browsing nearby. They looked over and1 noticed I was naked but didn't seem shocked or concerned. Kevin continued that some cages were metal and would not fail, others were silicone and wouldn't fall apart like the "Chinese brands". He was holding a few options next to my cock showing me the differences. Which of these would you like to try on tonight? I picked out a shiny metal one, Kevin grabbed a few different size cock rings, picked up my shorts and we headed to the front of his booth.

First thing you need to do is take off your shirt. I asked why my shirt and he told me it was part of the bargaining between the two of us. I'm helping you and you'll be helping me. For me to unlock your chastity cage I need you to sign the model agreement, you'll be modeling my inventory this weekend and I'll be unlocking your lock. Once you have signed the modeling agreement, I need to have a photo id of you so you can model anywhere on the property. First, take off your shirt, sign this agreement and then we need to have another person witness your signature. We'll finish up soon. If you'll read over this modelling agreement, I'll get someone to witness your signature.

The two guys who were browsing the merchandise offered to witness my signature and more if I liked. I couldn't really concentrate reading the agreement, my cock was rock hard and throbbing and I was naked next to two guys I never met. I stuttered, where do I sign and filled out my name and other requirements. The two guys both signed as well and they continued shopping. Kevin got my driver's license and used that as confirmation of my identity then called to his co-worker to bring the camera. I was posed with a backdrop of toys and told to smile. Kevin said while we wait for the id, we should pick out a collar along with the new chastity cage I'd like to wear. I asked Kevin if I could jack off before he tried on some new cages and he said we would figure that out later tonight.

We looked at the collars, from simple chains to leather and heavy metal. Kevin and I agreed on a simple leather collar with several "d" rings and a locking mechanism in the back. With that in place we were in the restraint area and I had placed on my wrists and ankles restraints that also were locked in place. We now were looking at the chastity cages and Kevin had selected several he thought would look good on me tonight. All were highly polished metal and seemed to pick up any light. I pointed to one and Kevin said that was a good choice. We'll have many others to pick from over the rest of the weekend.

Kevin said he wanted to maintain an air of suspense so he placed a spandex hood over my head while he removed my current lock and cage. He also had locked my wrists behind my back. I felt Kevin playing with the lock and I heard it release. The cage was difficult to remove since my cock was so full but soon, I felt the breezes across my skin and I let out a sigh with my cock being released. Kevin placed the new cock ring on me and I nearly jumped out of my skin when my cock and balls were dunked into ice cold water. Kevin had his hands on my shoulders and said just a necessary part of putting on your new cage "since you are so hard".

I was being dried by another set of hands and with much effort I felt my cock now enclosed again and a different kind of locking device, Kevin said this looks stunning. He turned me around in a circle and at one point had me bend over. "Oh" Kevin exclaimed you didn't tell me you have a butt plug too. We'll leave that for now but I'm sure you will get lots of votes for a new one. When I started to speak, Kevin pulled off the hood and had a clipboard. He started to explain how my modelling contract worked this weekend. My jaw dropped as he talked.

Kevin began by telling me that I was moving out of my room and checking into the bunkhouse with the other models. As Kevin was picking up my clothes, he said I wouldn't be needing these until I left the resort on Sunday. My hands remained locked behind my back and we headed to my room. I resisted; I couldn't walk around totally naked. I politely said I've never been naked outside of my room or the bathroom. Kevin said I was about to experience something new; I would be naked for the rest of the weekend and my ID clipped to my collar gave me approval to be naked anywhere since I was a model. With an arm around my waist Kevin encouraged me as we walked out into the public areas of the resort where many guys were getting a good look at me. My cock was betraying me, I was rock hard while on display. I whispered to Kevin that my cock was about to burst and it is bouncing all around. Kevin just grabbed my cock and pulled it down and then released it and it bounced off of my stomach. The metal cage hit my stomach with a thud. He whispered back; this is going to be so much fun. Jay spotted us, he came up to me and asked what was happening. I mumbled that I was a model for the weekend. Kevin piped up that "Q" was lucky to be selected to model for the vendors this weekend and he would be experiencing many products and services and showing the customers how to best use merchandise. Jay said he was jealous and said he would be following my every move. Jay quietly asked what was on my cock and Kevin said it was a chastity cage, one of the items Q wanted to experience and he will be happy to tell you all about it later. We now are moving his belongings to the model's bunkhouse.

Kevin stated that once I was settled into the bunkhouse room Q would be mingling with the guests and offering himself for product demonstrations and more. Kevin offered to show Jay how the "app" worked when we saw him later. I looked at Kevin and he gave me a wink and a little smirk as we headed for my old room. Several guys were staring at me, a few reached out and touched me and saying they wanted to talk to me later. Kevin cleared out my room of all of my belongings packing up my bag and we headed to the bunkhouse. This room had 6 beds in an open area with no privacy, one bathroom and a small kitchen area. My clothes were locked into a chest which Kevin kept the key. My toiletries were placed on my nightstand.

Kevin commented on the status of my hard cock and said it looks like this is something you were made for and you should have a great time. My wrists were unlocked and I went to the bathroom to remove the butt plug, cleaned it and my ass and returned to Kevin. He told me to kneel on the floor by his feet and began to explain my goals for the weekend. He had added me to the app/web site for customers to make comments and suggestions for what they would like to see me wear. A place was included for services they would like me to experience. Ideally these were products that I would model for the customers so they could see firsthand how the item was used on a real live person. If a customer wanted more information on services, say how best to shave their cock and balls, they could request I be a live model and they could witness the procedure and even try out the service on me.

I had as part of the contract I signed, a $1,000 goal of goods and services purchased by attendees this weekend. If and when I met the goal, my contact would be fulfilled and I would be no longer required to perform after this weekend or in the future. If I failed to earn the $1,000 target then what ever balance remained would be added to the next weekend's target of $1,000 and I would continue to work until my target was met. If I was not able to attend any of the weekend events, my required balance would continue to grow until paid in full. Kevin asked if I understood how his modeling system worked and wondered if I had any questions. I was told my model number and I should make sure that when speaking to potential customers I should make sure they used my number and also rated my interaction. I asked what happens if I never meet my goals, it sounds like I'm going to be perpetually working and falling further behind. Kevin said I should never have a defeatist attitude; I should get going and work as hard as I can to please the customers and one way of doing that is to please myself.

We should get you working the crowd, everyone is horny on the first night at the resort and as a new model you will be in great demand. For now, I'm leaving your wrists locked in front of yourself. If I notice you hiding your cage, I'll be forced to lock your wrists behind your back. Kevin walked me back out to the resort bar/pool area and once I saw Jay, Kevin slapped my ass and said have fun boy.

Smiling, I made my way to Jay and nervously made small talk. I asked him to download the app on his phone and to give me a good review. If he wanted, he could make some suggestions about toys he would like me to model. Jay and his new friend were looking at the app and I felt a hand grab my butt. At first, I was going to turn around and give this guy a piece of my mind, but then I realized I shouldn't do that. When I did turn towards him, he said "OMG" you have your cock locked away and it certainly appears to be a nice one too. I started the sales pitch and the app information and my model number but he cut me off. I've already downloaded the app and I'm planning what performances I'd like to see you participate in tomorrow. I told him my model number, but he already saw it on my id badge. Plus, I can always see your pic and info on the app. I asked him if he would you like to share with me what he had suggested? I could sway others to or away from your desires if wanted. This guy said he wanted it to be a surprise.

I seemed to have an endless supply of guys wanting a close-up view and a feel of my body. Several wanted to feel the chastity cage and ask about it. Every time the cage was touched a little bit of electricity tingled in my body. I'd never been the center of attention before tonight needless to say completely naked in a crowd of clothed men. I had many offers to spend the night and with most of the guys I would have jumped at the chance. Right now, I felt I was in control of my destiny tonight, yes and no, I was ultimately under Kevin's control but I also had the ability to say no. I also found myself steering comments and suggestions for these guys to add to my modeling website. I finally began to enjoy all the attention however my cock was constantly hard and I was feeling frustration by having my cock locked away.

Kevin had warned me about staying away from booze during this first night so that I would keep my senses. I had many soft drinks and now found myself in need of the men's room. I was followed into the small room by a number of guys but I remained focused on only relieving my bladder. I needed to get into a stall and sit since I would splash piss everywhere if I tried to stand at a urinal.

I had a small following when I went to the restroom, I don't know what they expected to see since I was already naked. I used a stall and sat down, forcing my hard cock to pee into the bowel. This cage emptied easily and after dabbing with toilet paper around the piss slit, I returned to the party.

As the evening progressed, I had an endless supply of guys wanting to talk to me, touch me and ask me about the cock cage I was wearing. I was touched in so many ways by so many men I was on edge ready to shoot. Cum was drooling from my cage now and I had to describe my feelings when asked. I talked to couples, individuals, young and old, in shape and many not in shape.

I saw out of the corner of my eye another guy who must have also been a model. He wasn't naked but he had an id badge similar to mine. He winked at me and when he could he leaned near my ear and said welcome to the club, good luck. Perhaps we will be involved together tomorrow during some demonstrations. We need to talk tonight once the party is over. I nodded that I understood and did want to talk to him about what to expect. His hand brushed one of my nipples which sent electricity to my cock. It jumped forcing more precum to drool from my tight cock cage.

The metal shined in the evening lights and as my cock bounced. This was so much heavier than the plastic cage I wore when trying to keep myself from jacking too much. If I could only rub my finger under the head of my cock, I'm sure I would shoot in a matter of seconds. Kevin stopped by to see how I was and handed me a bottle of water. He encouraged me to keep up the good work, my app was generating lots of traffic. He also said the cock cage was trending very high for items being searched. Once he grabbed the metal tube, I could feel the heat from his hand. He hoped this cage felt as good on me as it looked. I was going to be busy this weekend. He squeezed my butt check and winked at me as he walked away.

It was approaching 12 hours since I'd jacked this morning. My cock was as hard as ever and this blasted cage was keeping me from giving it the attention that it needed. I don't remember my cock being this hard for so long. I guess I usually wanked to take care of the situation but now I was helpless. I was sweating even though I was naked, maybe that was part of the problem along with hands touching me all over. I thought my cock would burst I was so hard but that metal cage was keeping me confined.

Guys were starting to pair up (or more for a party) and eventually just a handful of men remained late into the night. I stayed talking to one of the few remaining guys, unsure of what I was to do. Kevin found me and said I was through for the evening and he wanted to introduce me to the other models and roommates in the bunkhouse. Kevin grabbed my cock and balls saying I'm one horny dude. Every time I saw you tonight your cock was pointing up and leaking most of the time. I pleaded with him for a quick wank so I could sleep tonight but Kevin said he had a few more items for me to attend to before bedtime.

In the bunkhouse I formally met Dwayne who spoke to me earlier. Dwayne is a tall and thin but muscular black man who shook my hand, hugged me and said he hoped we would be paired up tomorrow. Tito was a little shy but friendly. He is a little shorter than me, stockier but not at all overweight. Max is the oldest of the men, has a nice trimmed beard and from what I can see he is mostly hairy all over. He has a disarming smile and dreamy eyes, and gives me a warm hug and also says he would like to pair up with me tomorrow. Marc is the one guy with muscles, abs and pecs that seem to move in unison and are mesmerizing. He is close to my age but only shakes my hand. The last guy is Troy, on the shorter side and built like a fire plug. Not overly muscular but his biceps are to die for, shoulders built from work and his waist and legs are not developed by a gym but from manual labor. He gives me a fist bump. Kevin tells the group that I'm going with him because he wants to review my work this evening and he has someone else for me to meet.

Kevin places his arm around my shoulders, grabs my collar and we leave the bunkhouse. We arrive at what turns out to be a suite of rooms that Kevin has, filled with many pieces of his leatherwork. I'm pushed down to the floor sitting opposite of Kevin who is on a sofa. Kevin begins by telling me to remove his boots and I begin unlacing them. Kevin is praising me while I'm pulling off his boots, I've exceeded all quotas that previous models had earned on their first night. Once I have his boots off, I'm told to massage his feet, he has had the boots on all day long and the smell of his feet confirm that fact. Kevin leans his head back and moans in satisfaction. He tells me that someone special will be joining us soon, one of his co-owners of the leather goods shop. This guy is mostly a silent partner but is involved in the major decisions regarding the business. His name is Sebastian and I should try to make a good impression on him and if that happens many new avenues will open for me.

While Kevin tells me about Sebastian, one of the workers from the leather shop arrives and he plants a big kiss on Kevin's lips and give Kevin hug while sitting next to him. I'm introduced to Jimmy, Kevin's husband. Jimmy has stretched out and his leather boots are in front of me so I begin to remove them. Jimmy says I'm a good boy. Now I'm massaging feet on two guys who do appreciate my efforts. Jimmy comments that he is surprised how naturally calm I was being naked all night around the clothed guys and showing off a chastity cage. And look, his cock is still hard and pointing to the ceiling. Jimmy raises a foot towards my face and mentions how wonderful it would be for me to give their feet a bath with my tongue. Kevin kisses Jimmy and I take the cue that my next actions should be to begin licking feet and sucking toes.

Kevin begins asking me questions about my life. He wants to know if I'm working full time, going to school and what is happening in my life. Do I have a boyfriend or is my friend Jay my fuck buddy, even though he hooked up quickly tonight? As I'm licking the soles of two different feet, I tell them that I do work full time, I have two waiter jobs. I do go to school part-time but I'm not doing well in school. I don't have a boyfriend and Jay is just a roommate. Kevin asks about my two jobs and I tell him that both are really part-time but I get nearly 40 hours a week between the two restaurants. I explain that one place is an everyday mostly breakfast and lunch crowd while the other place is an evening dinner restaurant. Both places are happy with my work but turnover is high at both jobs.

Kevin asks if I see myself staying in both jobs for a long time and making a career of waitstaff. Jimmy wants Kevin to leave me alone so I can continue sucking on his toes but Kevin tells him that when Sebastian shows up, he is to leave. When Jimmy begins to whine, Kevin puts a finger to Jimmy's lips and tells him that once Sebastian leaves and Q is locked up in bed, Kevin will take care of Jimmy's wants and desires. Jimmy kisses his husband says he may as well leave now.

Alone sitting on the floor holding Kevin's feet Kevin smiles widely at me. You were a real salesman tonight, universally your ratings were the best of all the models, you were friendly to all men no matter what they looked like or how old the guy was. Kevin says if we can convert half of your referrals into sales this weekend my goals will be met. That is why I wanted you to meet Sebastian. We may have other lines of work for you if you are interested Q. By tomorrow morning I'd like you to let me know what your boundaries are so when we begin planning our future, depending upon your guidelines.

I jumped at the knock on the door which opened immediately. In walked a young man and Kevin jumped to his bare feet to greet him. Kevin took him to an area away from me and they chatted quietly. This new guy kept staring at me while they talked. Kevin motioned for me to kneel and was introduced to Sebastian, Kevin's silent partner in the leather store. Sebastian extended his hand and I rose from the floor.

Sebastian spoke directly to me as he turned me around and felt my body with both of his hands. Q, he said, I understand you don't have any problems being naked and on display? I admitted that it took me a while to get comfortable tonight but as I spoke to guys it was less of an issue. So, to me Sebastian continued, if we go forward with a business relationship between us, I can count on you to do as you are told including being naked if you are told to do so? I said if you tell me to get and stay naked, I will assume you know the surroundings and that it is safe to do so then yes, I can follow orders. Sebastian handed me a pair of glasses and asked me to wear them while he snapped a few photos. I was asked to explicitly state what sexual acts I had experienced and what acts I wanted to experience. As I began to speak, Sebastian continued to feel my body and spread my cheeks, had me bend over as he ran a finger along the crack of my ass. As I stood up again, he felt my balls and also fingered my cage covered cock. I had told of being fucked once, giving and receiving blow jobs and mutual jacking. He asked if I'd ever fucked another guy which I said no. He asked if I had fucked a girl and I also said no.

Sebastian asked me what fantasies I had and could I ever see myself doing them? Would I do them in front of other people - live? I said I'd always wanted to try a three way and I wanted to experiment but that living poor and sharing an apartment didn't allow me much flexibility for opportunity for adventure. Sebastian said in parting, we'll have plenty of adventures planned for you provided you are up - and yes you still appear up for just about anything.

Sebastian told Kevin to take me to my room and said they would continue on his return. Kevin led me back to the now quiet and dark bunkhouse room. Our entry caused a stir among the other models as I was prepped for bed. He added that I had a brilliant future with him and Sebastian and I would look back on this weekend fondly.

I had a tough time peeing with a hardon and the cage covering my cock. Also, Kevin was watching me. Finally, I had a little stream of pee but my cock remained so hard, I've never been so hard in all my life. Kevin put me to bed after he locked my wrists to the leather collar. He wanted to make sure that I didn't find a way to j/o during the night. He kept saying it was very important for me to be hard all day tomorrow and if I wasted any of my seed that would be lost money for both of us.

I wasn't going to fall asleep fast under these conditions. Sharing a large room with 5 other hot men would have had me hard let alone I'd gone over 12 hours without a wank. How did I manage to get naked at this weekend party? It seemed not so long ago that Jay and I arrived ready for a weekend full of sex and parties. Now I had been on display for everyone to see me and I had a chastity cage covering my dick. No one would be able to suck me; I couldn't wank and now I couldn't sleep being oversexed without a way to solve that problem. Many of the guys were nice to me and sympathetic with my predicament. Many told me they would not be able to survive without a bj or wank and asked how long I was going to be locked up. I answered that I was locked up at least tonight and we would see what happened after that. At least a dozen guys I spoke to would be guys I was interested in spending time with and several really hot guys that would not have acknowledged me if I wasn't naked and modeling.

I thought of my fellow models, Max was a very handsome man nearly 20 years older than me but he had a great body. I could see myself riding his cock more than once. Then I saw myself getting fucked my Dwayne, would his cock be long and thick? Would Tito feed me his cock so I could suck on it while Dwayne was pounding my ass? I would also have sex with Marc, his body had muscles on top of muscles, he was tan, nice big butt to play with. I doubt he would be interested in just hanging with me. Just as I was remembering Troy and what an amazing body, biceps, pecs and a butt that filled out his shorts and then I felt him whispering into my ear. He was saying that if I fucked up their weekend by taking too much business from him, I would pay for it and that would not be fun for me. I tried to ignore his pronouncements but he then pulled off my bed covers and said I'd be sorry if I got in his way. I struggled to cover myself again with my wrists locked to my collar. It took me a while to get comfortable again. I got a little sleep thinking of the nice guys and worrying about Troy's threats.

When I did get some sleep, my dreams were invaded by the sights of clothed men gathering around me, my very hard and locked cock and thoughts of Troy and his threats. I tossed and turned wondering how my cock was staying so hard. I must have brought this on myself from wanking so much.

Next: Chapter 2

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