
By Jakester Mobile

Published on Jan 3, 2013


presses record

"Y'see.. writing music can be really difficult. Problem with me.. is that I have this really neat piece that just came to me.. my fingers knew what to do as I escalated up and down the piano. They were leading me. You're probably going, 'Uh duuuurrrrpp what's the problem uh duuuuurrrp.' Gladja asked! Problem is!... that when I actually try and use my BRAIN to make a song.. nothing comes out! This song that just came to me.. is barely enough to call an intro... But it sounds so beautiful...

In my favorite key, G minor, this piece was titled 'The Lonely Ghost,' and it mixed beauty with spooky. I love scary things, being scared, scaring others, not knowing if there's some pissed off evil grudge lady in my closet wanting to rip my jaw off, or if that character is going to jump out of the television and scare me to death. I was going for a Ghost that has (obviously) died and is alone in the world, so it goes about life tormenting others. I believe what I have portrays that, but it's just not enough.

You're probably irritated because I'm not talking about sex or anything like that yet, but I'll get to that. Gotta be patient! Sheesh louise I know that I'm probably boring you, but this sorta kinda has to do with the story.. It's background on me anyway so at least pretend to be interested.

Moving on!

My name is Jamie. Shut up it's not a girly name. It's my name, very boyish. Or erm.. Manly name.. no that sounds too manly.. okay whatever shut up boyish. People way too frequently call me ma'am on the phone and it's not because I sound gay! It's because I talk very politely.. well that's what I think anyway.

So to give you a slight image of me, I'm not terribly tall.. yesterday I measured up at 5'7", but I only weigh one hundred and twenty pounds! I'm 19 and live on my own, a slight inheritance has given me about 8 years to slack off before I need to consider going to college. I don't like to brag much about me, but my proudest feature is meh feet. Don't worry! This isn't some gross foot fetish thing, I usually hate feet. But I think my feet are darn cute if I do say so myself, which I did so it is. My hands were built to play music on the piano. I would go into detail about my hands but that's impossible to do without making them sound gross... so I won't.. They're not gross! Explaining them would just make the details too vivid in your head... like this weird shadowy image you created of me.. with giant gross hands... So I won't go there.

I have a soft face, I think pretty cute anyway... and I actually studied my face this morning so I could describe it in more detail. Sounds pitiful.. but I was tol-... erm.. well anyway I have full lips, no darkness around my eyes, and very smooth skin. My eyes combine yellow, brown, green and even some blue. They look kinda turquoisey from a couple feet away, but up close you can see the colors.

I don't have muscle, but I have tone. I'm not boney I'm soft! Anyway... a couple months ago I hated my size, but the 'change' kinda made me warm up to it.. Sounds spooky right? The chaaaaange... chaaaange... anyone got any chaaaange? Hehehe sorry.. south park..

Onward train of thought!

So onto the story (for those of you who kept with me this long, I thank you very much, I think we mostly weeded out the purely sex-driven readers! (no offense purely sex-driven readers! I appreciate your attention as much as everyone else!!))

T'was late October whence this story took birth! At night, outside, this lit moon shone on earth. From in, to out, a boy did go hither. A cold night, an eerie night, the boy did consider. To go back inside, the safety of his home. The boy shook this thought.. To outside!! I'll roam!

Aren't I so good at rhyming? Basically it was late october and I went outside on a cold night. Okie!

I had left my loft to get some barbecue chips at the corner store (and yes there are corner stores near lofts!) but ended up leaving with four or five bags full of goodies. When I got back to my place, the door was slightly ajar. I remember cursing at myself because this wasn't the first time I had left my front door wide open for everyone to come in. But I was lucky enough to /not/ have been robbed each and every time.

I walk inside and I notice that my loft smells.. different... I couldn't place the smell exactly.. Plastic? Rubber? It was faint, like someone had 'febreezed' my room with a really crappy scent, but it was noticeable.

I ignored the scent and put all the refrigerator/frozen products away, and left the rest on the counter. I went over to my piano and sat on the bench. Stretching my hands across one octave each, I played a G minor chord mezzo forte. The second I did this a whole wad of that plastic-smelling dust blew from my piano wires right into my face. I did an over-the-knee cough several times before I felt I got most of the stuff out of my lungs. I turned on my flashlight ap from my phone and looked in the back of my piano, noticing a bunch of the dust. I got some air-in-a-can and blew most of it out, but like a complete dolt I forgot to open a window first, so I blew most if it up in the air and right back into my face.

A minute of coughing later, I opened a window, covered my nose with my shirt, and blew the hell out of that dust.

Now you're thinking this is weird, because you're reading a story and anything is possible in a story when no boundaries have been set in regards to supernatural activity!.. right? Well I was there in the moment and my brain instantly rationalized how that much dust could have built in the one day since I had played my instrument.

Anyway, it was late, I was getting sleepy.. so I went to bed! I remember having a really strange, really awesome dream that night. I dreamt that I was being engulfed by this monster thing.. It held me down and covered my body in this shiny goopy stuff that molded perfectly to my body. It evenly distributed to my entire naked self, and basically controlled itself. From my neck to my toes, there wasn't a spot on my body that wasn't covered in the stuff.

I woke up in a sweat, and firstly noticed that the covers on my bed were completely shoved off. I was dying of hunger, strange considering I had so many snacks right before bed (not a good thing, I know! but shut up,) but I was happy that I was able to eat. I went to the kitchen and emptied probably about two-thousand calories into my tummy right then and there. I went to bed again, and had the same dream, woke up 2 hours later, and just as hungry!

Instantly I thought that I had a parasite... but I hadn't eaten raw fish in weeks! I made myself a PB&J sammich and a tuna sammich, got some barbecue chips, ate them all and passed out again. This process continued twice more before finally getting up and going on in my day. I remember I ate like a complete pig that day, but my stomach never looked like I had a food baby. I just couldn't get enough of anything, I swear if I were a girl I would've thought pregnancy.

So later that night (this is the second night by the way, I believe it was the 28th.. I think.. no no it was four days before Halloween!.. okay the 27th.) I had the same exact dream, and woke up again in the middle of the night. But this time, I wasn't hungry. This time, I was horny as hell... but also a little frightened.

Jamie, why were you frightened? I'll tell you! I was frightened because my entire cock and balls (5 inches by the way, not terribly big but shut up!) was covered in this sheer black shiny stuff, like latex. I immediately jumped out of bed, fully nude, and tried to rip the stuff off of me. That accomplished nothing, as the seemingly liquid latex continued to spread across my body. First I noticed the feeling of it. It felt like my skin was being pleasantly shocked, very lightly so, via static electricity. This feeling only happened as the stuff spread, but it was on square inch of my body!

I fell to my knees, gasping frantically as this thing starts spreading on me, when I see a glob of latex protrude out from my tummy and mold itself into a phallic-shape, guessing about 7 inches long, but not thin. The protruding latex starts to slither down my body, under my balls and then I feel the tip of it at my asshole. I instantly contort my body around, trying to see what's happening, and then I start to feel it slowly enter my rectum. I gasp and my head throws itself down onto the floor as it quickly slams itself all the way into my ass, and then is sealed off by more latex.

At this point, the latex has completely engulfed my chest and abdominal area, back, down to my knees and up to my elbows. I stood up to run for the phone, thinking that calling 911 would do anything, when the latex finally molded around each and every one of my toes. This feeling made me pause for just a second, and then I saw two globs of latex protrude from my hips, and then slam my legs together. Once my legs were together, the latex fused together, effectively molding my legs into one.

The latex arms extended further from me, until I watched a head and upper body lift from my lower body, and turn to look at me. I went to scream for all my lungs were worth, but this 'man' quickly covered my mouth. When his hands touched my lips, the latex spread from his hand and proceeded to cover my entire head. My arms were lifted above my head and then bent (as if you were stretching out your triceps,) and then fused to that area.

The man of latex left my eyes open, and grinned at my condition. It wasn't a mean grin, but it was an evil grin. It sounds confusing, but it was just the vibe I got. He held his palm in front of my face, and as he slowly pulled it away from me, a glob of latex protruded from it, forming into the shape of a large cock. The latex on my mouth parted until my lips were free, and I instantly opened my mouth to scream. It was weird, because his body laughed, his mouth laughed, for all intents and purposes he was laughing, evilly I might add, but no sound was coming out. Before I could escalate my scream to anything worth noticing, he shoved his palm, and the cock erected from it, straight into my mouth. I gagged instantly but as long as I kept trying to swallow, I wouldn't throw up. Latex from his hand poured onto the remaining naked parts of my face, and then all of it solidified. I couldn't see, and couldn't speak. I felt the rest of him extend from my chest, and then separate from me, his toes being the last thing as he raised his foot away from my stomach. I heard him walking around, unsure of what he was doing. I think I heard the fridge open as I lay there on the floor, engulfed from the top of my head to the tip of my toe in latex. I didn't realize this until I started struggling, thus thrusting my hips, but I was hard the entire time this happened to me. The cock in my mouth, dildo in my ass, and latex on my body all got me incredibly turned on.

I don't remember how long I remained liked this, but after a while the latex on me started pulsating, almost as if electricity was running through it. I felt a hand rub my stomach softly. At this point I heard a gargled whisper.

"You have been chosen, boy. And now you are mine. I will always be on you, I will always be in you. Wherever you go, whatever you do, you will not be alone. I will make sure you'll never forget I am here." The latex holes on my nose closed off and instantly I couldn't breath.

"Never forget this: Your life is in my hands. This body's pleasure and pain will derive from me. I am your owner, your savior, your everything, your God. I will love you, as you will love me, but as the relationship between a dog and its Master, I am above you. Remember this, my slave."

The latex on my nostrils parted and I sharply took in a lung-full of air. I felt a weird compression on my tummy as my new Master sunk back into my latex suit.

I was terrified, I was horny, I was awake, I was alive.. I was... awesome."

presses STOP on recorder

Hey everyone! I think I scared away most of the readers from the non-english master title 'Pyramis,' but I'm hopeful I'll get some readers on here soon! Please feel free and inclined to message your critiques and/or thoughts to One last thing! All of the recent authors know this, but nifty is a fantastic website that we all use and some of us may take it for granted! Let's not forget that this is a free website, but a lot of hard work and time is put into it. Any donation you can make (even if it's less than a dollar it seriously helps,) is greatly appreciated!! Any and all donations can be made at "" Thanks again for reading! ^^

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