
By Vraxis Vraxis

Published on Jan 10, 2006


Pussyboy, Pt. 5 "My Long Weekend" By Vraxis

This is the continuation of my story, "Pussyboy." I do not condone pedophilia in any way. CONSENTING ADULTS ONLY. If you like this story, please don't hesitate to write me at vraxis@hotmail.com. I love hearing from my readers! Some of you have asked if this story is true. To be honest, the first two chapters were true, and the remainder are fictionalized versions of numerous other real events in my life. But it's all in good stroking fun. So, without further ado, here's Chapter Five of "Pussyboy, My Long Weekend." ENJOY!

After my orgy the night before, I slept like a log, until I felt something touching my face. Slowly waking up, I saw Dark's hard cock tapping my cheek.

"Wakey wakey, boy. Time to play..."

I looked around and saw Steve and Yoshi cuddling up next to my naked body, touching and stroking me with smiles on their faces. "Good morning babyboy," Steve said, grabbing my rapidly inflating cock, "time for a little fun in the morning."

Yoshi started to kiss and suck on one of my nipples and Steve placed my cock in his mouth. Dark slipped his meat in between my lips and started to hump my face. I was barely awake and I was already in a four-way. After a few minutes, I pulled my face off of Dark's meat. "Can I goto the bathroom for a second?" I needed to relieve myself and freshen up.

"Sure thing, babyboy," Steve said as he got off of me and helped me out of the bed. "Take as much time as you need."

I was in the bathroom for only a few minutes, just enough time to pee, splash some water on my face and rinse my mouth out with mouthwash. When I came back, Yoshi had a glass full of something.

"Here, I made you a special breakfast shake. This will help you out today."

I took the glass and drank the whole thing down. Wiping my mouth, I looked back at the naked trio on my grandparents' bed and said "let's get back to business!"

I jumped back among my men and was quickly taken over by their lust. Dark pumped his thick cock back into my mouth, getting a thrill from the tingling caused by the mouthwash I had used. Yoshi kept rimming my ass and Steve sucked my cock like a man possessed. "This is all about you, baby," he moaned in between suckings. "All for you."

Dark pulled his cock out of my mouth. "What do you want to do, little man? Tell me what you want."

I looked down at Yoshi and Steve. "I want to fuck somebody. I want to fuck Steve."

Dark laughed and Yoshi and Steve smiled. "I figured you might," Steve said.

"OK, babyboy. Come and fuck my ass!"

The group repositioned as Steve dropped onto his back and spread his legs for me. Yoshi had grabbed the video camera and started filming again. I looked at his asshole, hairy and dark, so different from my own. Yoshi grabbed some lube and smeared it onto my dick and Steve's hole. "Come on, babyboy. Fuck this ass the way you want."

I pushed myself into Steve, experiencing the feelings and sensations as much as I could. Dark kept encouraging me. "Yeah, boy! Fuck that ass! Get a piece of your own!"

My smaller cock was thick, but not too long, so I bottomed out in Steve fairly quickly. Then I grabbed his ankles and started to pump. He felt so warm inside, so wet. I tried to mimic the various fucking styles I'd experienced myself last night. Sometimes slow and humpy, sometimes hard, fast, and rough. I picked up the pace of my fucking to cheers from Yoshi and Dark. "Yeah! Fuck him! Fuck him good, little man!"

I was feeling a rush of energy and heat throughout my body. It wasn't long after that I started to cum inside Steve. "I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" I gasped excitedly.

Steve reached around and grabbed my asscheeks, pulling me as far into him as possible. My head swam as I shot my little load into a man, my first time fucking anyone. It felt great, but it didn't last long.

"Turnabout's fair play," Steve said, pulling off of my cock. "MY turn now!"

With that, he pushed my onto my back and spread my legs apart. Dark and Yoshi took positions next to my head, their cocks tapping a beat onto my cheeks. Steve lubed himself up and pumped into me without a moment's hesitation. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt. In fact, I loved the way his cock punched its way into my asshole.

"Yeah, fuck me Steve!" I cried out before Dark's cock found its way into my mouth again. Yoshi put the camera down, leaned over and grabbed my cock. "He's still hard!" he yelled out before sucking my ass-sticky cock into his own mouth. Yoshi was a nasty boy.

Steve had adopted a quick pace for his fuck. "Yeah, baby, you're gonna get it good today. You're gonna get big cocks in you today! Gonna see just how much cock your hot little ass can take!"

Dark pumped even further into my mouth and throat. "Yeah, pussyboy. You're getting a lot of big meat pumping into that little pussy of yours! Can't wait to pump this ass, boy!" I noticed that Dark was reaching around to finger Yoshi's exposed asshole. During the night, Dark and Yoshi had messed around a little and I think Dark was looking for more than one ass to fuck.

I was definitely getting warm and sweaty. Steve kept plowing me faster and faster, telling me about the cock and cum I was going to have inside me, all the cum I would have all over my face, and more. Shortly after, he pushed himself all the way into me and shot his cumload inside. "Who's next?" he cried, picking up the camera and filming again.

Yoshi pulled off my cock and lay down next to me on the bed. "Fuck me too, boy!" I didn't need to be asked twice, so I flipped over onto my knees and pushed my cock into Yoshi's tight Asian ass. Meanwhile, Dark had positioned himself behind me and, while taking a minute to watch a young white boy's ass bounce in the air from fucking, shoved his own thick meat into my twitching asshole. I had only fucked for the first time a few minutes earlier, and now I was in my first chain-fuck, with me as "lucky Pierre!"

Dark's fuckpace set the pace for me and Yoshi. Yoshi's ass was incredibly tight, much more than Steve's. I guess Yoshi didn't get fucked much. He looked up into my eyes and smiled, even as he jacked his own cock furiously.

He grabbed the poppers necklace and took massive hits as I plowed him, then gave me some hits as well to make sure I could handle Dark's big fuckstick pumping into me.

After a while, I couldn't even keep up with Dark, I just let his fuck push my cock into Yoshi. The man was a machine, alternating between pump fucks and the long-dick. I loved his cock punching into my hole and Steve caught the rapturous expression on my face. My eyes were rolling up into my head and my mouth was agape as Dark grabbed my shoulders and started an even more aggressive round of slam fucking.

Dark had fucked the hard-on off of me, and my limp dick slipped out of Yoshi's hole. Yoshi reacted by pulling my head down onto his leaking cock and pumping his Japanese dick in and out of my mouth at a lightning pace that was almost as fast as Dark's thrusting. I was loving it, and moreover, I was starting to feel this overwhelming feeling of sexual energy, something above and beyond what I had experienced before. But it didn't bother me, because I was having the time of my life.

We all soon grew very sweaty from our exertions, and Dark's slamming crotch made a wet slapping sound on my moist ass as he pounded me. "Yeah, fucking boybitch! You getting all fucking horny, take that cock, bitch! Take that meat in your hole, fucking boypussy!"

Yoshi pulled out of my mouth and started spurting thick loads all over my face. I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue, eager to get a taste. Once he was done, Yoshi started smearing his jizz all over my face with his cock. Of course, Steve zoomed in next to me and caught every droplet on film.

I was covered in cum and moaning like an absolute whore. Dark finally was ready to pop, so he pulled out of my ass and quickly repositioned himself in front of my face. More cum pumped out onto my head, but Dark then grabbed my ears and pulled my face onto his shooting cock, finishing his load inside my throat. He started slamming my face onto his crotch, splashing the cum on my face all around while his cock pushed ever deeper into my throat.

Finally he pulled out of me with a wet plop, and I looked over at Steve and the camera (with my one non-cum-covered eye) and said "MORE! I WANT MORE!"

Steve laughed and said "OK, babyboy. I'll get you more cock. Go shower and then we'll go on a little trip."

I pulled myself off the bed, and Dark followed me into the bathroom so we could shower together. A while later, Steve and Yoshi came into the shower to see what was taking me so long. Dark had his cock up my asshole again, fucking me in the shower. "I'm making sure he's clean all the way up there!" he laughed. I didn't think it was funny, I wanted more cock and cum more than anything else in my life.

"Come on, baby, let's get you dressed!" Steve admonished a little. "We're going to take you someplace very special."

Dark reluctantly pulled out of me and we got out of the shower. Dark got dressed first, said his goodbyes and gave me a deep French kiss as he left. "Have fun, baby!" he smiled.

Steve and Yoshi said I should dress as skimpily as possible, and put the collar/poppers around my neck again saying that I would need this. They put the poppers underneath my t-shirt, and said I shouldn't wear any underwear. Appropriately dressed, Steve and Yoshi took me out to Steve's car.

"Where are we going?" I asked feverishly, still hot and horny as I grabbed at Yoshi's crotch.

"We're going to college! Remember how we met at that store bathroom? We're going to another one like it, but at a college. You're gonna love it!"

We drove to a college campus in downtown Atlanta, during the trip I leaned up from the back seat to give Yoshi a blow job. Steve said the bathroom was probably going to be very busy this time of day on a Saturday. He said that there weren't any cameras or police patrols, and that this room had become a really notorious "tea-room." I didn't know what that word meant, but I assumed it meant more cock and cum for me.

"In fact, babyboy, I did a little advertising just for our trip today. Hopefully we'll get some good action for ya."

My cock was tenting out my shorts obscenely as we walked through the campus corridors towards a dimly lit hallway with a men's room door. After walking through two sets of doors, we emerged into the restroom proper. I already smelled the sex in the room. There was a line of urinals along one wall, and directly facing them was a bank of stalls, none of which had any doors. Steve led me past the stalls. No one was there except for one latino guy near the end. He was looking down and covering his crotch, but he looked up and gave me the once over. Steve brought me back to the stall right before this guy's and sat me down on the toilet. I was in the exact middle, with two stalls on either side of me.

There was all sorts of obscene graffiti on the walls of the stall, pictures of ejaculating cocks and slimy fucked assholes, and there were big holes in the middle of each that allowed me to peek into the other stalls. Steve pointed to one piece of graffiti that was particularly important. It read:

"Horny gay teen coming noon on Saturday the 14th. Looking for big latino and black cocks. Come fuck me here!"

"Take your clothes off, babyboy. We want you to be ready for action. If you hear anyone coming through the first door, just be ready." He nodded over to the guy in the next stall and whispered, "I think he's here for you!"

Steve helped me out of my clothes so that I sat completely naked on the toilet, with only my slave collar and poppers bottle with me. Steve also handed me a small bottle of lube "just in case!" he said. Then he left the stall and stood by the urinals, looking around and waiting for the show to start.

I looked over to the hole and saw the latino's crotch, no longer hidden and openly displaying the biggest cock I had ever seen. He was easily three inches longer than Dark's fuckstick, and meatier. His cock was uncut, but the slit was peeking through the foreskin. I leaned over more and put my face to the hole in the wall and saw him looking at me.

"Why you looking through the hole, boy? Come over here!"

I stood up from the stall and walked out in front of his, a 14 year old white boy, naked as the day he was born, with only a leather collar and bottle of poppers. I must have made quite an image for him. Evidently it worked for Steve and Yoshi too, who were watching the whole scene from the urinal wall and jacking their cocks at the show.

He was young, probably a student at the college, and he was in pretty good shape. His baseball cap was on backwards, and he'd flipped his shirt over his head and neck to expose his lightly muscled torso. He stroked his enormous cock as I gazed intently at it, my own cock rock hard and ready. "You wanna suck this? Come over here and put this in your mouth."

I dove towards this cock, as I was still hot and horny as hell. I fell to my knees in front of him and put that big uncut latino cock into my mouth...

The cock was brutally huge, so thick and meaty I could barely get it into my mouth more than a few inches. He grabbed my skull and started to push me onto his meat harder, but there was only so far it would go. My mouth was stuffed with cock and I was gagging a little. He pulled up the poppers bottle and made me take a hit, keeping his big dick in my struggling mouth. He popped his cock out of my mouth, then pulled me back onto his meat, getting me used to its size and thickness. The sounds of wet lips smacking against cock resonated throughout the bathroom.

"Yeah, this is a big dick, isn't it?" he asked, stroking my hair as he continued his popping in and out game. "Come on, boy, suck more. Suck more of me!"

Tears were forming in my eyes, but I didn't care. I'd never been stuffed with so much cock before and I loved it. I was jacking my cock with a fury, as were Steve and Yoshi. While I was on the floor sucking a strange latino cock, the outer door to the bathroom opened up. "Get back!" Steve whispered, and I barely had time to pop off the cock and get back into my stall before the inner door opened.

A few seconds later, as I sat on the toilet naked and nervous, a black man with big dredlocks walked in front of my stall and stopped directly in front of me. Grabbing his crotch, his deep voice rumbled, "looks I got here just in time for the show!"

Seeing the new guy's reaction, Latino boy didn't hesitate anymore. He stood up and slammed his cock through the glory hole. "Suck me, bitch!" I took another huff from my popper bottle and started stuffing the thick meat back into my mouth. I wasn't much more successful than before, but I loved the feeling of my cock-stuffed mouth.

Dredlocks got into the stall on the other side of mine and soon a thick black cock was coming at me from the other glory hole. "Show me some love, boy!" I grabbed his cock and jacked it while I gave Latinocock one more stuff for good measure, then switched over to Dreds.

Dreds wasn't as thick as Latinocock, but he was longer. His cock tasted so good, sweet and hard and ready for anything. A low moan emerged from the other side of the partition as my tongue swirled around his meat. Then Latinocock, antsy from the lack of contact, hissed from the other stall.

"Come down here and let me fuck you!" His cock, lubed and ready, appeared under the partition between us. Of course, what was I supposed to do? I pulled off of Dred's sweet meat and lowered myself down to the floor. Another hit of poppers to help out, and then I slowly started to spear myself on this thick latino cock.

That cock was monstrously huge, and very quickly was stretching my boycunt to its limits. Both Steve and Yoshi were outside my stall, watching with intense interest as I lowered myself onto this brown pole. Latinoboy was calm and patient, simply holding himself hard as I struggled to get the whole meat into my asshole. Other bottoms must have had similar problems. It was the biggest cock I had ever had up to that point, and I started to sweat from the strain. He was moaning hard too, whispering things like "good pussy!" and "fuck yeah," and other things in Spanish I didn't understand.

Slowly, I finally bottomed out on his cock. Steve and Yoshi both smiled appreciatively, then pointed to Dred's cock, which was now under the partition on the other side. I slowly angled my body so that I was able to put Dred's black cock into my mouth, and splayed my legs out so that Latinoboy could continue my anal stretching.

There I was, a naked 14 year old boy on the nasty floor of a public bathroom with a black cock pumping into my mouth and a thick latino cock fucking my asshole. Latinoboy started to slowly fuck me, pulling his immense cock back then plunging it all the way inside me. After a few more minutes, he was working my pussy over hard. I was in complete sexual bliss, moaning loud despite Steve's protests to keep it down. I couldn't help it though. The thick latino meat was fucking me deep and hard and driving me crazy. Dred's cock was now permanently at the back of my throat and inching down with every pulse.

Somehow, another person came into the bathroom with no one noticing. He was a young black guy with a slight build and glasses, probably a freshman. He stood next to Steve and Yoshi to watch the show, then as I continued my nasty floor fuck, Yoshi took down his pants and started sucking on his cock.

Latinoboy had sped up his fuck dramatically. "I'm going to cum! Tell me you want me to cum in your ass. TELL ME!"

I pulled off Dred's cock and said "Yeah! Cum in my ass! Cum in me!" A few seconds later, Latinoboy put all his weight against my ass, forcing my crotch full onto the floor as he pumped his cum into my strained ass. It felt like a huge load had just been pumped into me.

I struggled to pull myself off the floor as my legs had gone asleep during my fuck. Dred had pulled his cock out from under the partition and had come over to my stall. "I wanna piece of that pussy too! Come and sit on this dick!" He sat himself down on my toilet seat and guided my ass onto his cock. Lubed up well by Latinoboy's thick meat and awesome fuck, I slipped down easily onto Dred's cock. He moaned deeply and spread my legs out, providing my audience with a great view of black cock pumping into a slutty whiteboy ass.

Latinoboy had gotten himself together and walked out of his stall. He looked over to watch me bounce my ass up and down on Dred's dick and smiled.

"Look at my cum dripping out of that slut's ass!" I looked down and sure enough, white jizz was leaking out of my ass and dripping off of Dred's meaty balls onto the floor.

I didn't care, though. I had never fucked myself on a cock before and I was enjoying the slutty sensation. Dred liked it too, periodically sticking his tongue into my ear or whispering some nasty encouragement to me. "Yeah, pussy, bounce on that dick. Take that cock, bitch. Nasty cum-filled bitch!

You like this nasty shit, doncha?"

The new guy's eyes never left us, even as Yoshi was slamming his face onto his crotch to give him a blowjob. After a second, he pulled Yoshi off of his cock and walked in front of me, offering me his dick. In the end, it wasn't even up to me. Dreds pushed my head forward, saying "take care of my brother's dick, boy!" I started to suck on the young guy's cock, which wasn't nearly as big as Dred's or Latinoboy's, but felt nice in my mouth anyway. He liked the feeling of my mouth, given his moans and the hand he put on my head to push me further down his cock.

The outer door opened again and two more men showed up. Given the position we were in, there was no point in trying to scramble back to our stalls, so we just hoped that we weren't gonna get busted. One was an older thin white man and the other was a young latino kid, another freshman. They watched the nasty scene for a few minutes, then took positions in the stalls to either side of me and stuck their cocks through the glory holes.

I was now trying to suck three different cocks while getting fucked even faster by Dred, who was one long-lasting fuck machine! I guess Dred didn't like me going back and forth, though, because he pulled my torso back and lay me across his chest. He signaled to the young black guy in front of me, "Stick your cock in there boy! Let's double fuck this pussy!"

"Oh God!" slipped past my lips as a second black cock wormed its way into my ass. I took a massive hit of poppers, then had the new guy grab my bottle and take a hit himself. The duo of black cocks had completely filled me, once again swelling my boycunt up to Latinoboy proportions. The young black guy kept shaking his head as he fucked my ass. "I can't believe I'm doing this."

"Fuck him, little man! Fuck him!" came Dred's encouragement. The two guys on either side were watching with great interest, and I saw Steve sucking Yoshi's cock at the urinals.

It couldn't last. Overwhelmed, I finally started cumming onto my chest, blowing jizz all over my chest and neck. That started a tidal wave of cum. The young black guy moaned and started to cum into my asshole, which caused Dreds to finally give up his cumwad. The latino guy also shot his load, sticking his cock out at the last minute and shooting his cum onto my outstretched leg. Even Yoshi spurted out, dumping his cum into Steve's mouth as Steve shot a load onto the tile floor.

I pulled myself off of Dred's cock and stood up, only to let a lot of cum slip out of my hole and run off my leg. The older white guy in the other stall stuck his hand through the hole and caught some of the spent jizz on his fingers. I guess he licked his fingers off. The young guy just wiped his dick with toilet paper and ran away before anything else happened.

Dred started to laugh as he got up and went for his clothes. "That was some GOOOOOD pussy, baby! I wanna fuck you every day!" I smiled and laughed, but I was completely spent. The white guy stuck his hand through the hole again and started fondling my ass, but I moved away quickly. I was through with sex and really wanted to clean myself up and go home. Dreds wiped up as best he could and put his clothes back on. Steve whispered something to him as he started to leave, but I didn't hear what it was.

I walked out to the sinks and started to wash all the cum, lube, and dirt from my body. Steve and Yoshi, relieved and pleased by my performance, came up behind me with my clothes in hand. Right as I was pulling my shorts over my ass, another man walked into the room and looked over. He was a decent looking latino guy in his thirties. He looked over at me as my shorts covered my red ass and smiled. "Guess I missed the show, huh? DAMN." I smiled weakly and pulled my shirt on.

He walked over to the stalls and nearly slipped on the cum on the floor. "Damn! How many people were fucking here?"

As I started walking through the door, Steve turned back and said, "should have been one more. Be on time next time!"

Steve and Yoshi walked me back to the car and then drove me home. Yoshi put some cream on my asshole after a long hot shower and then put me to bed. I slept for several hours and was then woken by Yoshi, who was putting the chastity belt back onto me.

"Good, you're awake! Time for our last little lesson!" he smiled as he fastened the lock on my belt.


Did you enjoy this latest chapter of my story? Let me know! I love hearing from my readers! E-mail me at vraxis@hotmail.com!

Next: Chapter 6

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