
By Vraxis Vraxis

Published on Oct 28, 2005


Pussyboy 3 -- "My Long Weekend, Continued" By Vraxis

This is the continuation of my story, "Pussyboy" which detailed my first sexual experience. So many of my readers kept asking for more stories about my sexual youth, so here we are. I do not condone pedophilia in any way. CONSENTING ADULTS ONLY. But I was a very precocious, very naughty boy in my youth. If you like this story, please don't hesitate to write me at vraxis@hotmail.com. I love hearing from my readers! So, without further ado, here's Chapter Three of Pussyboy, "My Long Weekend." ENJOY!

Yoshi had just cum inside my ass and forced me to shoot my jizz onto my chest. Steve had caught it all on film, every last wet drop.

Yoshi had collapsed on top of me, laughing about what a good time we were going to have together this weekend. But Steve quickly tapped his shoulder.

"My turn!" he said, handing the camera to Yoshi.

As Yoshi stood up and grabbed the camera, I could see Steve in all his splendour. My first lover had been working out, and his entire body was sweaty and taut with sexual frustration. He'd been watching his own boylover be fucked by another man, and he'd had his full of standing by. He wanted to fuck his boy right NOW.

Even though I'd just cum, I knew I couldn't deny Steve.

"Are you ready for me, Babyboy?" he asked. I nodded and smiled, since it was a pointless question. He was going to fuck me whether I was "ready" or not. He grabed my ankles into the air and plunged his cock into me.

He banged my ass hard, splattering Yoshi's cum onto himself and my own sheets as he slammed in to me again and again. He was clearly overheated from watching my previous fuck with Yoshi, and simply wanted to get off inside my ass.

"Hot little cum-filled asshole, baby," he moaned. "Hot little boyslut ass!" he cried out as he increased his fuck pace. "Did you like that fuck, baby? Yeah, I bet you did. Got that little asshole of yours fucked good and hard.

And we're gonna keep fucking you all night long!"

I moaned as my cock stiffened again. "Yeah, Steve, FUCK ME! Fuck me all night long!"

At that last bit, Steve finally couldn't hold back any more. Pushing my legs against my chest as far as he could, he unloaded his jizz directly into my asshole. He moaned like a thirsty man receiving his first drink of water. Yoshi, who'd been filming the two of us since finishing up with my hole, came in close to get a nice tight shot of Steve's cock and cum shooting up my boycunt. When Steve finally pulled out, Yoshi brought the camera in even closer to get a nice picture of my wet, fucked, cum-dripping hole.

"Oh my God, I was so ready to cum!" Steve said as he pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to me. "That was really hot!"

Yoshi put the camera down and joined us on the bed, lying down on my opposite side. "Yes, that was amazing! I can't wait to do it some more! Are you feeling OK?" he asked me.

I nodded, noting that my butt was sore from the pounding I'd just received, but other than that I was fine. "This is exactly what I wanted!" I smiled, noticing that my own teen cock was getting hard again.

Steve and Yoshi both laughed, looking down at my cum-soaked ass and my resurfacing boner. "You should take a shower, a nice long shower!" Yoshi said. "Once you're done, we'll have some more surprises for you" he added, tweaking one of my nipples.

They escorted me to the shower, but Steve excused himself saying that he needed to make a phone call. Yoshi, his own body dirty from the fuck, would stay behind to shower with me. As we showered, Yoshi paid special attention to me, cleaning me all over with loving care.

"Did you like us fucking you?" he asked, washing one of my arms. I nodded yes.

"Did you like putting my penis into your mouth?" I laughed at his clinical terms, and said yes.

He knelt down and started washing my genitals. "You have a big penis for such a young man. Big testicles too. You are going to be very big and thick when you grow up" he said, fondling my balls and stroking my cock hard again as he washed me. He allowed the water to wash all the soap off of me, then looked up into my eyes as he slowly opened his mouth and took my cock in. I moaned and grabbed the back of his head, enjoying the heat of his mouth and the submission in his eyes. After bobbing on my cock for a few minutes, he started tonguing my balls, and then moved further aft to rim my ass.

"I can taste the sperm coming out of you" he moaned as he continued to lap at my hole. "We're going to be putting a lot more into you this weekend." Even though we were in the shower, his tongue felt so good against my sore boypussy. Yoshi rimmed me for several minutes, eating all the jizz out of me.

Suddenly I was struck by the reality of my situation. I had invited two men (one a complete stranger) to come into my house and STAY HERE all weekend so that they could fuck me as much as they wanted. My dream had become real, and it made me a little nervous.

As if he noticed my slight concern, he quickly stood up, wiped the water from his eyes, and told me seriously, "Don't worry. We're going to be very good to you."

Steve came into the bathroom with us. "All clean and ready to go?" he asked brightly. I peeked out from behind the shower curtain. "Yep! You wanna shower?"

"Nah, I'll shower later. Right now, I want to dry you off and give you something." I quickly popped out of the shower into Steve's towel-laden arms. After he and Yoshi dried me off, they took me back to my room. Grabbing the duffel bag Yoshi had brought with him, Steve pulled out a leather collar. "Yoshi brought it over. I think you should wear this. It shows off how sexy you are."

He put the collar around my neck, and positioned the metal o-ring in front of my Adam's apple. "And to top it all off, I think you've more than deserved this," he smiled as he pulled out a new bottle of poppers with a chain around the top. Working the chain through the loop in my collar, he attached the bottle to my neck. "This is all for you, so you can have your own whenever you want."

I smiled and hugged them both in thanks. "There's one more thing," Yoshi added as he moved around to face me. "You've got a lot of sex coming this weekend, and we need to make sure you don't get out of control. There's only so much fucking that we can give you. So, we need to make sure you don't cum too much." At that, he reached into the bag and brought out a large metal and leather contraption with chains attached. "This is called a chastity belt, do you know what that means?"

I looked at the belt and shook my head. "What do I do with that?!?"

Yoshi smiled as he started to put the belt onto me. "You are getting exactly what you want this weekend. But there is also pleasure to be found in denial. This will prevent you from pleasuring yourself or cumming until WE decide you can." He fed my cock into a plastic tube pointing downward. "I wasn't sure if this would fit you, since you're so thick, but it seems to be OK." He connected all the chains and material together, and then locked it all into place with a small golden padlock. "Now, you're secured. This will prevent you from getting too excited and wasting all your boyjuice too early. We want you to last!"

Steve had picked up his camera and started taking pictures of me locked up in my chastity belt, Yoshi clasping my shoulders with a big smile on his face and pointing at the belt in victory. Then, looking at the clock by my bed, Steve said "let's put on the tape!"

Yoshi went to his bag, brought out a new video tape and put it into my VCR. Steve sat me down on my bed in from of the television, Yoshi came up immediately behind me, and in short order the "show" started.

The video was a little grainy, obviously a home-shot video, and it was Steve standing with a small asian boy. "This is Tahashi and he is 12 years old..."

I watched as Steve (and later Yoshi, who came into the shot) stripped the young Japanese boy down and slowly started to fondle his naked body. He spoke no English, so Yoshi was translating Steve's requests and encouragements to the boy. Tahashi had no pubes, but his uncut dick was long and slender and rapidly got hard under Steve's ministrations.

Shortly, Steve placed his hard cock in front of the boy's mouth, and Tahashi slowly opened wide and took him in. The distortion on Tahashi's mouth was enormous, Steve's cock was clearly the biggest thing he'd ever put in his mouth, but Tahashi kept sucking. Yoshi put a bottle of poppers to the kid's nose and made him huff a hit. Then Steve grabbed the boy's head and started to pump his cock into the boy's small mouth and throat.

My cock grew as hard as it could, considering the curve and restraint of the belt. Yoshi started whispering in my ear, "do you like that? We're going to be doing so much more with you." He reached down and started to fondle my exposed asshole, getting spit on his fingers and rubbing around the sphincter. I reached one hand down to rub the chastity belt, eager for any sensation to hit my cock, then reached the other hand between my legs to join Yoshi in playing with my asshole.

"Uh-uh, little man," Yoshi chided as he knocked my hand away. "You can't play with yourself. Just enjoy the feeling." They he reached around to grab the poppers bottle dangling from my neck, opened it and made me take a hit.

The poppers just made it worse for me. As my head started to swim, I watched on the TV as Steve started to cum on Tahashi's face, coating the Japanese boy with jizz before cramming his cock back into the moaning boy's mouth. Then he pulled his cock back out and started smearing the cum all over the boy's face with this dick. As soon as he started doing that, the boy started to moan excitedly. The camera pitched down to zoom on on Tahashi's little boy dink, which was trembling furiously. "He's dry cumming" I heard Yoshi say on the tape.

The camera work turned all weird as Yoshi lowered himself to the floor in front of the orgasmic 12 year old. Jacking his cock furiously, Yoshi soon shot a load onto the boy's cock and hairless genital area. This just made Tahashi moan even harder. This was obviously one over-sexed 12 year old Japanese boy.

"Goddamn that kid was hot," Steve said next to me as he beat his meat to the video.

There was a quick cut on the video, then Steve was lying down next to the boy, reaching between his legs and fingering his butthole, just like Yoshi was doing to me. Tahashi clearly liked it, so Steve started with another finger. I grabbed the poppers and prepared to take a hit, but Yoshi once again swatted my hand away.

"Naughty boy! I told you no pleasuring yourself. I guess there's only one way to keep you from breaking the rules!" Yoshi reached down into his bag and brought out a length of rope. "Help me, Steve."

The two men quickly grabbed me and Yoshi started to bind me. My hands firmly behind my back, in no short order I was trussed up in full Japanese S&M style. Even my legs were spread apart by the pull of the ropes, so Yoshi still had unfettered access to my hole. I, on the other hand, could move nothing but my head.

Once they were done, they stood up to review their handiwork. "That's hot," Steve added, grabbing the camera and taking photos. There I was, a 14 year old white boy with dirty blond hair, trussed up like a Tokyo whore and wearing a leather collar and leather and metal chastity belt.

Yoshi came up and started tweaking my nipples, his own hard-on bobbing in the air. He grabbed the poppers and made me take a huff. Then, as the poppers did their work again, the pushed me onto my back, exposing my hole completely. As the video played Steve's quickening finger-fuck of the Japanese boy, Yoshi started to rim me again.

I started moaning again, frustrated by my complete inability to pleasure myself, yet overwhelmed by the sensations I was experiencing. Watching my first porn video of my lover fucking another young boy, feeling a relative stranger licking my asshole, high on poppers, I was moving into another realm of sexuality entirely. Suddenly, I felt Yoshi pull away from my ass. Looking down between my trussed, spread legs, Yoshi popped back into view holding an odd-shaped plastic device, shaped almost like a toothbrush, but with a thin rod topped by a slightly bulbous head. He flicked a switch and the device started to vibrate.

He slowly fed the vibrator up my ass, causing me to moan even louder. He moved it around quite a bit, as if looking for something. When he finally found my prostate, he kept the vibrator on that spot. My eyes rolled back into my head at the vibrating sensation deep in my ass.

"The camera's still rolling, right?" Yoshi asked, pressing more on the vibrator and my prostate.

Steve, stroking his cock hard and fast, nodded before he moved into position near my head. "Suck my cock, boy" he said before pushing his cock into my mouth.

By this time I was going crazy from sexual stimulation without release. My cock was oozing so much pre-cum that my chastity belt tube had grown slick and was starting to drip out of the grilled end of the tube. My prostate was being constantly stimulated now, and the poppers and the cock in my mouth had turned my entire body into a single exposed nerve.

Steve suddenly popped out of my mouth and turned my head to the television. "This is where I really start to fuck him" he said.

On the screen, I saw Steve splay young Tahashi's legs apart and move his bare cock into position at the boy's hole. Yoshi said something off-screen in Japanese, and Tahashi took another huff of poppers. Then Steve slammed his cock viciously into Tahashi's boycunt.

Tahashi moaned heavily, but somehow managed to tolerate that much cock rammed into his body that roughly. Steve wasted no time on pleasantries and started fucking the boy with a fury. Yoshi brought the camera up above Tahashi's prone and sweating body. The boy had a look of furious pleasure, overwhelmed by what was happening to him. His little boycock was at full attention and trembling constantly from Steve's anal assault.

I watched all of this with an increasing sensitivity. Yoshi had replaced the vibrator with another cock-shaped one that stimulated me even more. Steve kept bouncing his leaking cock on my face, leaving droplets of pre-cum behind. And I still could not touch myself or do anything other than what Yoshi or Steve permitted.

Back on the video, Steve was nearing his climax. But before he could cum, Tahashi let out a wild scream. Yoshi turned the camera back to the boy just in time to catch Tahashi's cock spew out a massive load onto his chest.

"Oh!" Yoshi yelled. "That's his first cum! You just made him cum for the first time!"

The dual sensations of Tahashi's twitching asshole and the victory of giving the boy his first ejaculation was too much for Steve. He came inside the boy immediately afterward. He couldn't even pull his cock out so that the camera could see the shot as he came. He was too focused on cumming inside the boy.

Evidently, reliving that moment was too much for Steve too. After that scene played out, Steve grabbed my head and turned it back to face him. "I'm cumming. Catch it, Babyboy!"

Steve's cock started spraying cum onto my face before I could put it into my mouth. Nothing got into my eyes, fortunately, but I got hit pretty good. Yoshi popped up from my anal torture to grab the camera and zoom in on my face. "You always cum so much, Steve" Yoshi said appreciatively.

Suddenly there was a knock on the front door. Yoshi and Steve both turned to look at the clock on my nightstand. "Hah, I told you they'd be early" Steve said.

Yoshi nodded. "I'll go get the door." I stared wide-eyed (and cum-faced) at Steve. "Who's here?"

Steve smiled down on me as cum dripped from my face. "You'll see!"

Shortly, Yoshi returned to the room with three young Vietnamese men. They were all wearing uniforms from a cleaning service, and when they saw me they all started smiling or gaping in amazement.

"These are my friends Ho, Tran, and Dinh. I told them about you and they want to play with you too"

I struggled in my bonds, growing more nervous by the second. Steve stroked my hair gently. "You've already handled one, two, three men at a time. Yoshi and I thought we'd like to see if you can handle FIVE."

One of the men, Tran, started taking his uniform off and stripping down. He revealed a lean muscular body with a pointed, angular hard cock.

"Let's see how he feels" he said as he grabbed my upturned ankles.


Like this story? Please let me know at vraxis@hotmail.com. I'm always happy and eager to hear from my readers. Keep the letters coming!

Next: Chapter 4

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