
By Vraxis Vraxis

Published on Oct 3, 2005


Pussyboy, Pt. 2 "My Long Weekend" By Vraxis

This is the continuation of my story, "Pussyboy" which detailed my first sexual experience. So many of my readers kept asking for more stories about my sexual youth, so here we are. I do not condone pedophilia in any way. CONSENTING ADULTS ONLY. But this is a true story, nonetheless. I simply was a very precocious, very naughty boy in my youth. If you like this story, please don't hesitate to write me at vraxis@hotmail.com. I love hearing from my readers! So, without further ado, here's Chapter Two of Pussyboy, "My Long Weekend." ENJOY!

It was two months after Steve took my virginity, and while we had hooked up once or twice after that, the sessions were usually brief and involved giving each other blowjobs in his car. I was really looking forward to something more intensive, and when my family announced they were going out of town for the weekend, I knew the time had come.

I called Steve and told him that I would have my house to myself for the entire weekend, and that I would like for him to come stay with me. He laughed on the phone and said, "you're a frisky little one, aren't you?"

I giggled and told him exactly what I wanted. "I want you to come over and I want to spend the whole weekend having sex. I don't want to wear clothes at all and I want to cum at least a dozen times!"

He laughed again, then said that he would be over on Friday afternoon after work. "Who knows, I may even surprise you!" he said.

I couldn't wait until Friday. All day long, as I watched my family pack, all I could think of was Steve, his cock, and cumming. I'm surprised that my mom didn't notice the constant erection I was having throughout the day.

After waving goodbye on the front porch as they left, I ran back into the house and put on simple, easy-to-remove clothing. I wanted to get started with Steve as soon as possible. I paced around the house, waiting for my fuck daddy to come and take me. At fourteen, I had no access to porn, or anything else that would relieve my frustration except for my own hand. Finally, I saw a car pulling up into the driveway and my leaking teenage cock started throbbing in anticipation. Summoning an incredible amount of patience, I stood in the living room and waited for the knock at the front door.

The knock finally came and I opened the door quickly, only to stop short when I saw TWO men at my front door.

Steve smiled and said, "hey Babyboy. This is my friend Yoshi. I thought we could have some fun together."

Yoshi was a Japanese man in his late twenties/early thirties. I was surprised to see him, not only because I expected Steve to be by himself, but also because Asians were astoundingly rare in Atlanta at that time. He was handsome, clean cut, and looked very professional. He was wearing a polo shirt and khakis, and had a large blue duffel bag slung over one shoulder. He smiled warmly at me and said, "Hello! It is very nice to meet you!"

I paused only for a moment, then smiled back. "Hi! Come on in!"

I moved aside to let the two men into the house, but Steve stopped short and stooped down to look me straight in the eye. "Baby, I want you to understand what's about to happen." He lowered his voice, I suppose because he didn't want the slightest chance of the neighbors listening in on our conversation. "If you invite us in, we're both going to fuck you. You said you wanted to have sex all weekend, and that means that Yoshi and I are going to take turns with you. We're also going to videotape us having sex. He's seen the pictures I took of you, and I think you're really going to like playing with him, but I just want you to know what's going to happen if you let us in. Are you sure you want to do this?"

I looked both of them in the eyes. "Yes, I understand. Come inside and fuck me."

Yoshi started to laugh a little. "He knows what he wants!" he said in slightly accented English as he stared at my hard-on tenting my shorts. Steve smiled broadly, and then the two men entered my house.

After setting the bags down and getting a brief tour of our modest three bedroom house, (I had naively placed their bags on my small twin bed, not thinking that we would have to sleep on my grandparent's king-size bed), I stood before them in my bedroom. Both Steve and Yoshi were smiling broadly, and both men's cocks were straining to get free. Yoshi looked at Steve and asked, "should I set up the camera here?"

Steve nodded and Yoshi pulled a video camera and small tripod out of his duffel. I noticed there were a lot more things inside the bag, but Steve quickly pulled my head back to look at his face.

As Yoshi quickly set up the camera on my nearby desk, Steve stepped up close to me, stroking my chest. "Babyboy...I've been neglecting your needs, haven't I? I guess it's time to take care of you. We're gonna tape this, though, so we can remember this moment later. Is that OK?" I nodded and he smiled.

"My little movie star. This is going to be a lot of fun. And I know you're going to like Yoshi," he added, looking over his shoulder as Yoshi finished up the last of the setup. "He's got LOTS of tricks up his sleeve for naughty little boys like you."

Yoshi, checking the camera angle through the eyepiece, smiled broadly again.

"I'm very happy you invited me to join in," he said, his voice warm and sonorous. "The camera's ready. Should I just point it at the bed?"

Steve nodded. "This will do for now." Then Yoshi pushed a few buttons on the camera and walked toward me. He positioned me between himself and Steve, all of us lined up to face the camera.

Steve introduced me to the camera, adding, "he's only fourteen." Then, the two men started to caress me, stoking my hair, rubbing my chest.

Steve leaned over and started to kiss me. Meanwhile, Yoshi started fondling my crotch, grabbing my large balls and tugging the fabric of my shorts to accentuate the outline of my hard teen cock. I didn't know why they weren't taking my clothes off, but I started reaching for their clothing, tugging at their shirts and trying to get my own hands onto their cocks.

The gropefest didn't last long. Breaking away from Steve's kiss, I started taking both of their shirts off. I leaned over to Yoshi and started kissing him as I stroked his exposed, hairless chest. I'd never been with an Asian man before then, so his entire body was a new adventure for me.

They returned the favor, quickly shucking me of my clothes. While they stood shirtless, I was totally naked between them. Yoshi said "turn to the camera," then started positioning me at various angles so that the stationary camera could see all of me. Yoshi held me still with my ass to him and my cock pointing to Steve, and started fondling my bubble butt. Steve, meanwhile, grabbed my balls and started stroking my hard-on.

Yoshi started licking my butt cheeks, slowly spreading me out to reveal my recently-devirginized hole. His hands were cool against my skin as he spread me out and his tongue was so warm and wet on my hole. I started moaning from the attention.

Steve smiled. "You like that, huh? Yeah, Yoshi's been wanting to meet you for a while, ever since I showed him those pictures I took of you and those black men. You're all he's been talking about!" he laughed.

Yoshi came up from licking my asshole and whispered into my ear. "You looked so good! So sexy..." Then he started kissing my ear gently, reaching around me to stroke my cock.

Steve backed away from us. "The truth is, Babyboy, I've kinda `loaned you out' for a little while. I'm gonna sit back and watch you two play for a little bit."

Yoshi started caressing me further. "Would you like that, pretty boy? Do you want to play with me?"

I nodded and reached behind me to caress his face. He spun me around and said "take off my pants."

I lowered myself and started undoing his trousers. Soon, I was pulling his underwear down to reveal his cock. It was surprisingly long and uncut, the first uncut cock I'd ever seen. I leaned in to suck it into my mouth, but he pushed me back. "Wait. Not yet. Finish undressing me."

I finished then sat on my legs, looking directly at his cock and waiting. It was hard and jutting straight out from his hips. "Do you want my cock in your mouth?" he asked me. I nodded, my eyes locked onto the uncut cock waiting just inches from my mouth.

"Steve, get the camera up close, I want to be able to see this clearly later." Steve quickly complied and moved in next to me.

Yoshi reached down to touch my chin. "Are you sure you want to put my penis in your mouth?" Again, I nodded, looking into his eyes and smiling a little.

"Then do it. Suck my cock, pretty boy."

I was on him in an instant, slurping his cock into my mouth and immediately sucking on it. Yoshi didn't move an inch, just pushed his hips out slightly so that his cock would go more immediately into my mouth. My head bobbed up and down on the uncut Asian fuckstick as quickly as I could.

"That's it, Babyboy," Steve urged from behind the camera. "Suck his cock, baby. Stick that thing all the way into your mouth."

The uncut head felt different in my mouth, so much so that I started to play with it with my tongue. This got an immediate response from Yoshi.

"Yes, pretty boy. Suck on my cock. Lick the head...Oh! You suck so good!"

Then he grabbed the top of my head and started to slowly pump his cock into my mouth. His cock seemed to lengthen even more and was hitting the back of my throat pretty hard. "Suck it all the way, pretty boy!"

Steve must have noticed my facial expressions and said "hold up a minute, Yoshi. You want some poppers?"

Yoshi nodded and Steve got up (never losing the shot, though) and got a bottle of poppers out of the bag. Coming back, he gave them to Yoshi first.

Still pumping his cock into my mouth, he took three big hits and then gave the bottle back to Steve. He didn't even offer them to me, but Steve did. Yoshi's facefucking got even faster once the poppers did their trick, and Steve held the bottle up to my nostrils in a way that allowed me to take a hit while still sucking the insistent Asian cock in my mouth.

Once the poppers hit me, everything got wilder. My throat loosened and Yoshi's cock popped in. Once he realized what was happening, Yoshi grabbed both sides of my head and pushed his cock all the way down. He ground his pubes into my face for a few seconds, enjoying the panicked spasms of my throat. This had never happened to me before. Not even the light-skinned black guy from my devirgining had pumped into my throat. But I loved the sensation even as it challenged my control.

My face ground into his pubes, I tried looking up into his eyes and signaling that he should back off. Steve moaned, capturing my look of abject submission in the camera.

Finally, Yoshi backed off and pulled his cock out of my throat and mouth. "Yes, pretty boy, you are a born cock-sucker." He started stabbing his cock in and out of mouth randomly. "Yes, quite the little cock-sucker." He pumped his cock down into my throat again and held my head tightly for a few seconds, stuffing me with cock.

Then he pulled out again. "Are you ready, pretty boy? Are you ready for your reward? I always come into a boy's mouth first. That way they can taste it. Do you want to taste my cum?" I nodded. "Good boy. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue."

I complied, waiting eagerly for the cum that I knew would soon sprout from Yoshi's long meat. He jacked his cock furiously while he stroked my hair with the other hand. Then, he stopped and pointed his cock at my open mouth.

An enormous spray of cum erupted out of Yoshi's cock, coating my entire face in seconds. I caught quite a bit on my tongue, but my face was soaked. Steve zoomed the camera in to catch every drop that splashed on my face. Yoshi was moaning hard, half from the orgasm and half from the vision of a cum-faced fourteen year old boy before him.

Steve, who'd been jacking his cock while filming the entire scene, quickly stepped up and sprayed his own cumload onto my face. Unlike Yoshi, he didn't even try to aim for my mouth. He wanted his cum to shoot all over me, making me look more like a dirty cum-sucking whore.

My own cock was hard at attention and I was jacking it, but Yoshi quickly pulled me up. "No, you cannot come yet. We have more to do." Yoshi's cock was still rock-hard, but was quickly pressed against my stomach as he embraced me and wrapped his hands around to fondle my boy-hole. Meanwhile, both he and Steve started licking the cum off of my face. It felt nasty, but really sleazy and hot at the same time.

Then Yoshi spun around me, dropped down to my ass and started to rim me with some of the cum he'd licked off my face. The sensation was incredible, and Yoshi's tongue felt as long as his dick as it slipped into my sphincter and played in my boycunt.

I moaned loudly again and Steve laughed. "Yeah, Babyboy, I told you he was gonna work you over. First he turns you into a bukkake bitch and now he's gonna fuck you senseless. Hot little pussyboy, aren't you?"

I had no idea what "bukkake" was, but I imagined it had something to do with the cum that was drying on my face and hair. Fortunately my eyes were spared and I could still see. Grabbing the camera, Steve pulled back and said, `Yoshi, hold up for a second. Babyboy, get on your hands and knees on your bed."

We complied with the video director's instructions, then Yoshi went back to rimming my asshole furiously. Whenever I tried to reach between my legs and jack my cock, Yoshi would bat my hands away. "No! No jerking off. You can't cum yet."

I looked over my shoulder and saw that Steve was zooming in on my asshole, recording Yoshi's hurricane tongue as he licked and penetrated me. "Yeah, eat that boypussy!" Steve whispered. "Get that boymeat ready for fucking!" Steve then placed the poppers bottle on the small of my back, like it was a shelf.

After a few more wonderous minutes of Yoshi's rimjob, he finally stood up. Grabbing the poppers, he said in a firm voice, "turn over and lie on your back."

I complied and looked up at him, his taut muscular body sweating with excitement. He climbed atop me, making sure to touch and rub nearly every part of my body as he humped me. "You ready, pretty boy? You ready to get fucked? You want my cock in your pussy?" He reached between my legs and fingered my slick boyhole. By this point, I was so horny I would have let him do anything. "Yes, Yoshi" I cried out. "Fuck me!" He put the poppers up to my nose and made me take a massive hit. Then he did the same.

"Say it again!" he ordered, standing up and grabbing some lube for his cock.

"Fuck my ass, Yoshi!"

He grabbed my ankles and spread my legs, putting the head of his lubricated cock at the entrance of my boyhole. "Beg me."

I was humping my own bed at this point. "Please, Yoshi, fuck my ass! Fuck my pussy! PLEASE!"

Steve had slipped in between Yoshi's legs and was filming upwards so he could get the shot of Yoshi's cock finally pushing into my boycunt. We all moaned at the same time.

Yoshi's cock wasn't thick, but it was long and quickly delved deeply into my ass. In seconds, his balls were smacking against my ass in quick rhythm. He intended to plow me hard and fast. Steve came up from the floor and repositioned himself above my crotch, filming every second of Yoshi's bareback fuck of a fourteen year old white boy.

Yoshi wasn't talking anymore, his eyes were closed in concentration. But his pace began to change, the initial smack pounding had been replaced by a wave-like humping. He also began to move my legs into different positions, each one revealing a new angle for his cock or a new level of exposure for my hole. Steve was loving every minute of it.

"Yeah, Yoshi! Fuck this boycunt! Fuck him good! Plow that pussy!"

Yoshi, perhaps a little annoyed at the intrusive encouragement, grabbed Steve's head and pushed it down to my cock. "Suck his dick now!" he ordered.

Steve put the camera on the bed, pointing towards all of us in an attempt to keep the footage going. Then he started to slurp on my stony cock, which had been leaking copious amounts of pre-cum since I'd been forbidden to jerk off. The attention was wonderful, and my cock must have pumped more pre-cum into Steve's mouth.

Yoshi's fucking became more urgent, but he also started to focus his assault on my prostate area. Grabbing my legs hard, he accelerated to full speed in my ass.

"Yes, little fuck toy. I'm going to make you cum without touching yourself.

You are going to cum in Steve's mouth, and then I'm going to cum inside you!"

My head was rolling around at this point, both from the poppers and the pounding my ass was getting from Yoshi. The man was hitting my most sensitive spot over and over again, forcing my body to react. He was so aggressive and authoritative that I wanted to submit and do anything he said.

Yoshi took another big hit of poppers, then gave them to me for another snort. Steve also took a hit and resumed his expert blowjob on my twitching and leaking cock. Yoshi then started to pound me with a fury, punching my prostate with every rapid stroke of his dick. He was going in for the kill.

"Cum, you pretty boy. Cum for daddy you little fuck toy!"

I started to scream at that point, then shot my first thick load into Steve's mouth. He popped off my dick and let me cum all over my chest. The denial I had suffered earlier had led directly to the pressurized shower of teen boycum all over my body.

Steve grabbed the camera and stood up next to Yoshi, who'd never stopped his blitzkrieg on my asshole. As I continued to scream and moan in orgasmic bliss, he pushed my legs to my chest and kept sinking deep into my cunt.

"Steve, get ready!" he yelled, then pulled out of my hole and shot a thick wad of cum across my ass. Then he rammed his still-spurting cock back into my boypussy to coat my insides with his Asian cum.

He collapsed on top of me, then looked into my eyes and winked. "We're going to have a lot of fun this weekend" he grinned.

<<To Be Continued??>>

Next: Chapter 3

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