
By Vraxis Vraxis

Published on Apr 26, 2008


Pussyboy 11 "Japanese In The Playground" By Vraxis

There's just more Pussyboy to tell! So, welcome to the next "volume" of Pussyboy

Just like before, I do not condone pedophilia in any way, and this is a work of fantasy based on my own personal life. CONSENTING ADULTS ONLY. If you like this story, please don't hesitate to write me at vraxis@hotmail.com. I love hearing from my readers! I have been tremendously encouraged and supported by the e-mails I have received from so many of you from around the world, and I most sincerely thank all of you.


Hours passed, and when I woke, I was no longer in the bedroom. It looked like I was in a dungeon of sorts, with lots of sex toys on the walls. A set of five chairs was facing me, and I was nude and bound upright in a frame that spread my arms and legs apart. There was a ball gag in my mouth and a collar around my neck. Around my cock was a strange contraption that looked a lot like the chastity belt that Yoshi had given me, but this one had a pair of odd terminals around the base of my dick and some wires leading away from me.

Yoshi walked in carrying a box full of stuff and saw me looking at him. "Excellent! You're awake! Our guests should be arriving shortly!" He came over to me and stroked my ass. "This is going to be a night you'll never forget!"

I tried to ask what was going on, but the ball gag prevented me. Yoshi just stood there naked, smiled, and stroked my left nipple.

"You must have had a really fun time when you were playing earlier!" Yoshi laughed. "You had no idea how much cum came out of you when I was cleaning you up! Naughty boy!"

I had no idea where I was anymore, nor of who was coming in to be my "guests." All I knew is that my head was groggy, my ass was on fire, and I was completely helpless.

Yoshi obviously was reveling in my vulnerability. "Don't worry, Dark and Steven will be down shortly. They have something they want to talk with you about. In the meantime..." he reached under the strange contraption around my cock to fondle my balls and taint, "ooh...I just can't wait!"

He reached for a small metal box, then moved behind me. I couldn't see him, but in very short order I felt him rimming my exposed asshole. His tongue felt so cool and sweet after all the fucking I'd had beforehand (consciously or not). A soft moan escaped from both of us.

"Your asshole is so amazing," Yoshi moaned. "No matter how much it gets fucked, it's so TIGHT!" He rimmed me hard for a few more seconds. "It's so sweet and juicy!"

I heard the metal box open, then Yoshi's fingers inserted inside me. He was rubbing something into my ass, or inserting something into me. I couldn't see or ask what he was doing to me. I just had to accept it.

Yoshi kissed each of my sweaty asscheeks. "That'll help you perform. I can't wait to see you work tonight! Taking all those cocks, working your hot little boypussy til it's covered in cum! It's gonna be amazing."

Yoshi walked back in front of me, his hard-on curving upwards and already leaking a droplet of pre-cum. "Wow, I sometimes forget how hot you look when you're all bound up." He daubed the pre-cum droplet onto his finger, then rubbed it onto my right nipple as he leaned in and kissed me on my neck.

Suddenly, a door opened to my right and Steven and Dark came into the room, both nude and hard. "How's he doing?" Steven asked.

"All prepped and ready to go," Yoshi replied. "Although he doesn't have any idea where he is or what's going on."

"We'll take care of that," Steven replied. "Can you give us the room? Go tell our guests that we'll be ready in five minutes."

Yoshi tweaked my nipple one last time, then walked out. Steven and Dark walked in front of me. "You look so hot, babyboy." Dark said, smiling broadly.

Steven looked me over. "Yes you do, baby. OK, here's what's going on. You know we love you, right?"

I nodded.

"This is a party for a lot of people who helped me build this place. It's a place where people like you and I can play together. We call it `The Playground.' It's a safe place for people like us to have some fun! But we got some special help from this group of Japanese men, and they're coming here first to see you, specifically. They want to meet and play with you, because they've seen some of our movies."

I was totally shocked. How could Japanese men have seen the movies I shot with Steven and Dark?

"They're a very special group, these guys. They travel the world and play with boys like you. They're very rich and they're very exclusive, and they want to play with you because you're so sexy."

I didn't know what to say or do. Part of my wondered if I'd like the guys, but then the rest of me knew it didn't matter. I was tied up and gagged. I wasn't going to have a choice in the matter. I was going to have sex whether I wanted it or not. But that old familiar warmth was spreading from my ass and in my head again. I was getting into the mood for cock again, despite all the fucking I'd had earlier.

"You're going to like these guys," Steven said, stroking my balls. "All they want is to make you cum again and again. We'll be here, though, watching and making sure you're OK. They're pretty hot guys, though, so I wouldn't worry about cumming!"

I moaned as Steven stroked my nuts. My inner whore was coming out again.

"One more thing," Steven said. "I know you and Dark have been playing a lot together, and he really REALLY likes you. Do you like him?"

I nodded quickly and moaned again.

Dark smiled. "Do you wanna be my lover, babyboy? Do you want to play with me without Steven? I would pick you up and you and I would be together on the weekends, instead of here."

Steve interjected. "We'd all still play from time to time, but you obviously love black cock so much, I want you to know I'm happy to let you and Dark play on your own. You should have a black lover who can give you all the big black cock you want. Do you want to play with Dark alone?"

I looked over at Dark, the man who'd fucked me so many times, the cock I loved to ride so much. Even now, his thick meat was hard as a rock and trembling in anticipation. I nodded and moaned "uh huh" through my gag.

They both smiled, and Dark leaned in to grab my ass cheek and stroke my nipple. He whispered in my ear "I love you babyboy, and your sweet pussy's mine now. I'm gonna give you all the cock you want, baby. You and I are gonna cum so much, baby. Now show these Japanese fuckers what a hot pussy you've got, and then I'll show them how to really fuck your sweet ass!"

Steve smiled and kissed my other cheek. "I still love you, baby, but I think you've made the right decision. He'll be a great lover for you."

Then they both pulled away and walked to the door. "Come in!" they yelled out. Suddenly, five handsome Japanese men wearing white robes came in, followed by five more young and nearly naked boys. They boys were probably between the ages of 12-14, as they all had slight pubic hair, but they were still very young looking. There were three asian boys, one white boy, and one latino boy. They were all staring at me, gagged and bound in this harness, nude and completely vulnerable to their desires. I could feel my cock straining against the confines of the device enclosing it, and I could also feel a droplet of pre-cum oozing out of the head.

The first man to walk in was astounding. He had a light beard around his jawline, and bright green eyes that captivated me. The other men were also very handsome, all of them in their 20s or early thirties I would have guessed. The boys were all small and thin, but they all had these strange red pouches around their erect cocks. One boy was blushing heavily, but I didn't know if it was because of me or because of something else that happened before he came in.

The green eyed man walked up to me, as his companions took their seats in the chairs and the boys sat down crossed legged in front of them. Yoshi had come in last and closed the door behind him, and was now standing along the wall with Steven and my new lover Dark. He looked me over from secured head to bound foot, and then smiled sweetly.

"Hello, my name is Tanaka," he said in a low, but silky Japanese accent. "I am very happy to meet you. Has your man told you about us?" I nodded, captivated by his green eyes and beautiful face. "That's very good. My friends and I are very happy to have this pleasure with you. We have been watching your films for some time now with great enjoyment. We look forward to sampling your beautiful body and tasting your sweet delights."

He took off his robe and showed off a muscular, sculpted body with a bright green dragon tattoo. The dragon's tail wrapped itself up one leg, one taloned claw digging into his hip with a droplet of tattooed blood, the dragon's torso going onto his back, and the dragon's head reemerging to bite into his shoulder and pec. His cock was rock hard and BIG, bigger than Yoshi's by far and nearly as big as Dark's!

"Do you like what you see?" he asked. I nodded furiously, my cock straining against its confinements and oozing pre-cum. "I am pleased. Do you wish to feel my body against yours? Do you wish for my penis to be inside your mouth? Inside your bottom?" I was moaning hard at his words, because I was in full slut mode and wanted nothing more than a hard cock up my asshole. He came up to my bound body, then leaned in to lick my armpit. "Delicious. So sweet and fresh," he whispered. Then he walked around the restraining frame to examine my backside. "Beautiful," he whispered again as he gently stroked my buttocks. My asshole was twitching like mad at this point, and puckered even more when he spread my cheeks apart to blow on my hole. "Delightful," he whispered again.

He walked in front of me again. "Whenever my friends and I first meet a new boy like you, we do something very special. Do you know what this is around your penis?" I shook my head.

"It's a very special device. Young boys like you typically secrete a great deal of pre-seminal fluid, which is very sweet and delicious. I see you're doing it now. There is a little bottle at the bottom of this container, which is collecting all of your juices. There is another chamber further forward which collects your ejaculate, should you cum while in this device. We like to collect your juices and then include them in a special tea we drink before we play."

I felt more of my "juices" leaking out of my cockhead and into the bottle, and moaned softly again.

"But we cannot count on your juices flowing naturally, so there is a series of electrodes throughout this device, which stimulates your penis once we trigger them using this," and he reached for a small black box with a series of knobs and buttons on it. "With this, I can send varying degrees of electricity through your penis, which will heighten your sexual pleasure and force you to ejaculate for us. We will TAKE your juices from you...Now."

He flipped a switch and I feel this small little buzz at the base and head of my cock. I moaned hard at this new experience and started to squirm against my bonds with each new jolt.

"Yoshi!" Tanaka called out as he watched me writhe in the bondage frame. "Tell us all about this beautiful boy!"

Yoshi stepped forward, his cock leaking pre-cum as he walked in front of the assembled crowd like a visiting professor. "The boy is 14 years old, but will be celebrating his 15th birthday in two months. He lost his anal virginity to Steven five months ago, in a wooded area in the suburbs of Atlanta. At his deflowering, he and Steven were interrupted by Dark and another black man, who promptly joined in to give the boy his first interracial three-way. His next sexual encounters occurred within his home with Steven, Dark, myself, and three Vietnamese men. Those events were captured in the movie, "Atlanta Pussyboy," which you have all seen."

Tanaka continued to stroke my torso with the back of one hand as Yoshi talked. Tanaka started adjusting the duration and intensity of the current. My cock was going crazy with the various electric surges I was getting. I almost missed the part about a movie called "Atlanta Pussyboy" and the fact that all of these men had seen this film. I had no idea that Steven's movies were being distributed, but with the vibe going on my cock, I didn't really care.

"Sexually, the boy is extremely receptive to domination and humiliation. He has had numerous group sex encounters, both privately and in public places, with anywhere from 2 to 6 partners at once, and shows exceptional resilience in his ejaculate and anal tightness. He has knowingly and willingly participated in the creation of pornography focused on his own submission and penetration. He routinely accepts 9 inch penises into his throat with little difficulty, and on one occasion was successfully anally mounted by an 11-inch penis. His preferred sexual partners are black and latino, due to their larger penis sizes generally, but is generally accepting of any male who wishes to dominate him sexually."

"As you can see from his reactions now," he said, turning to face me, "he is highly stimulated from this encounter, despite not knowing where he is, who you are, or what will happen to him. He is bound and gagged, completely vulnerable to anything we choose to do to him, but he does not protest in the slightest. His penis is fully erect and leaking pre-cum, and his sphincter is twitching involuntarily. Watch now..." Yoshi moved up to me, grabbing a bottle of poppers as he approached. He held the bottle up to my nostrils and I took two huge hits. "You see? Given the option of additional stimulation, he indulges without hesitation. He will be a very compliant and satisfying partner for any sexual activities you wish to engage in with him."

At this point, I was completely flying. My face was flush from all my sexual heat, my cock was pumping out pre-cum, and the electric shocks were stimulating my entire body. All my attention was focused on my cock and the pleasure it was feeling. I was moaning and writhing in my bondage frame, my legs spreading out as much as they could, my arms trying to lift me up and over in different directions. Steven and Dark were pounding their cocks like mad, but the Japanese men simply sat and watched in silence. The boys too sat quietly, but their cocks were hard and I saw a few of them looking over to Steven and Dark with lust.

Tanaka's cock was at full mast and nearly slapping his six-pack stomach, his green eyes flashing in pleasure over my sweet torture. He looked over at the device on my cock and smiled, then reached down and unscrewed a small plastic bulb from the bottom. "Look, my friends, he has already filled this container with his juices, and he hasn't even ejaculated yet!" He poured the pre-cum out into a bowl and then reattached it to the chastity belt/cum collector. Then he rejolted me with a new pattern of electric pulses, which caused me to start humping the air with my crotch in time with each jolt.

"Have you ever seen your movies?" Tanaka asked. I shook my head. "I think you should. Yoshi?" Yoshi moved quickly and pulled a television cart out on rollers. He turned it and the VCR on and the screen soon filled up.

It was "Atlanta Pussyboy," and there was Steven, his arm around my shoulder. Then I saw myself being fondled by him and Yoshi, then stripped down, then fed their cocks. I had never seen myself on camera before, so it was a total erotic shock to me. I moaned and humped the air faster as I watched myself sucking cock, getting Yoshi's load shot in my mouth and on my face, watching myself get fucked.

At this point, the boys on the floor were having a hard time not touching their own cocks. One Japanese boy was looking hard at Dark, his mouth opening slightly in his obvious need to suck Dark's magnificent cock. The Japanese men had opened their robes and let loose their own large cocks. I was amazed at how big they were. I thought asian cocks were supposed to be smaller. One of the men reached over to the young white boy sitting in front of him, spun him around, then pulled the boy's mouth onto his cock. The boy started sucking him immediately, and with great energy. Tanaka looked over at the Japanese boy cruising Dark. "Jiro! Go offer yourself to the black man by the wall." He turned to another Japanese boy. "Tahashi! You offer yourself to the white man."

Jiro was up like a shot and kneeling in front of Dark's throbbing cock in seconds. Dark smiled and stroked the boy's hair. "You want some of this, little man?" Jiro nodded furiously. "May I please have your penis, sir?" he said in a small, heavily accented voice. Dark stuck his cock out into the air and put his arms behind his head. "Go for it, little man. Put that big black cock in your mouth."

Jiro was fascinated by Dark's cock. He opened his mouth as wide as he could and then put the head slowly in his mouth. He put his hands along the shaft and under Dark's balls, feeling this magnificent cock as much as he could. He had never had a black man before, so Jiro took in all the textures, the smells, the tastes of all of it. The boy's eyes rolled up in his head as he stuffed his mouth with the black cock. Dark just leaned back and enjoyed the little cocksucker's work.

Tahashi was up and slamming Steven's cock into his throat with full speed, and I finally recognized him. He was the boy Steven was fucking in the video he showed me months ago! Steven was loving it too, grabbing the back of the boy's head and punching his cock into the boy. I remembered how the kid liked it rough, cumming so hard when Steven slamfucked his ass months ago, so it was amazing to see it in real life.

I, meanwhile, was still squirming in ecstasy in bondage as I watched myself getting fucked on screen and shocked with electricity in real life. The Japanese men sat unmoving with their cocks hard and oozing, except for the one man who was now slamming the length of his cock into the white boy in front of him. I was moaning constantly now, humping the air, desperate to cum. On screen, Steven was blasting his cum onto my face as Yoshi drilled my ass with a vibrator. Then the three Vietnamese guys showed up and started fucking me.

Tanaka started humping my leg with his cock, his own pre-cum streaking along my thigh. "You are magnificent, my boy. No one has ever gone this long, or made so much juice for us! Look! You have nearly filled up the bottle again! I cannot wait to see you ejaculate! Your testicles are so large! You must create so much juice! I want to feel it!" He quickly moved to unscrew the bulb again and pour my pre-cum into the bowl, then removed the entire apparatus from my crotch except for the electrodes on my cock. My cockhead was swollen and beet-red, with a constant drool of pre-cum from the tip. I'd never seen or felt my cock harder.

Then he knelt before me, his cock rock hard and his eyes flashing with fire. "Cum upon me, sweet boy. Feed my dragon with your juice!" He turned all the knobs on the control box up to full and pressed a few buttons. My cock was now violently twitching in mid-air, the muscles around my cock spasming in time with the programmed jolts of the electrodes. My moans turned to grunts from the power of the shocks. After a few more seconds, I couldn't control it anymore. My balls seized up and I started to shoot ropes of cum onto Tanaka's face and chest.

"YES BOY!!! FEED MY DRAGON!!!" he cried out in joy. I was moaning and completely on fire. My cum had just been stolen from me by this man and his magic box, and my uncontrollable cock was hosing him down with my juice.

My mind was exploding from all the sensations, and I was obviously having a cascade effect on the other people in the room. Dark started swearing and then blasted his cum into Jiro's straining mouth. The boy couldn't handle it and started puking up spit and cum. The Japanese man getting the blowjob from the white boy started moaning and then held the boy's head down as he shot his load deep inside the acquiescent boy. The latino boy on the floor was trembling and I saw his tented red crotch pouch get wet and start to seep the boy's thick white cum through the fabric.

"Magnificent, my sweet boy!" Tanaka yelled. "What a blessing you are! Now, we drink our tea with your sweet juices! Come, my friends!" Tanaka turned off the electric shocks (thank goodness!), then stood up and walked over to the table with the bowl. My spent jizz still covering his face and chest, he picked up a tea kettle and poured it into the bowl with my pre-cum. The tea was hot and steam was rising from the bowl. The other four Japanese men stood up and waited as Tanaka finished stirring the tea and mixing my pre-cum inside.

Tanaka intoned some words over the bowl, then took a deep sip of the tea and passed it to his friends, who all did the same. Then they offered some of the tea to Steven, Yoshi, and Dark. Then the boys all took sips, and then the bowl was brought to me. Yoshi undid the ball gag from my mouth.

"Drink, boy. Drink and share our passion." I took the last bit of the tea. It was a strange taste, but it was sweet. "Do you taste yourself, boy? This tea was made with you, we all taste you and take you into ourselves."

"Oh my God...please...please fuck me!" I begged, my horniness undiminished from my massive orgasm. "Please put your cock inside me!"

Yoshi laughed. "My apologies, Master Tanaka. The boy is somewhat direct when he is this aroused."

Tanaka smiled and waved his hand. "It is of no concern. The boy's passions threaten to run away with him. His thirsts must be quenched!" He reached over to a nearby bench for lubricant and greased up his throbbing cock. "Are you ready to accept me into your body, boy? Are you ready to accept all of us?"

"Yes, sir! Yes Master Tanaka! Please!!!"

He moved behind me, and I felt his hands upon my ass, spreading me out and lubricating my anxious hole. "Give me pleasure, boy!" he said, this time with a more commanding tone. Then I felt the electrodes around my cock start up again, and suddenly his cock was inside me.

Wanna know what happens next? Let me know what you think of this story, and what you'd like to see our long-suffering Pussyboy endure! I love hearing from my readers! You can reach me at vraxis@hotmail.com.

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