
By Vraxis Vraxis

Published on Jun 28, 2005


This is the true story of my first sexual experience with a grown man. The events here are true and accurate, the dialogue is as accurate as I can remember it. It is also the story of sex between an adult and a minor, so if that turns you off, I'm sorry. But in the real world, this stuff happens all the time.

I always love hearing from my readers, so feel free to write me back at vraxis@hotmail.com. For those of you waiting for another chapter in the Chronicles of T-Rex, I'm sorry I've been away for so long. Don't worry, another chapter is coming soon.

Until then, enjoy this little exposed piece of my soul...

I was fourteen years old when I started noticing men for the sexual adventures they were. One summer afternoon, I was in the bathroom of a local department store in Atlanta while my mother was shopping. I was looking at all the filthy scribbling on the wall, the crude drawings of gay sex, and the phone numbers promising a good time or deep throats. I knew there was another man in the stall next to me, but I was too focused on the graffiti (and the boner it was giving me) to pay too much attention.

Then the dark shoed foot in the stall next to me started a slow up and down tapping. Looking down I was confused, but then it seemed so deliberate that I recognized it for a symbol. Then I saw another piece of graffiti that sealed it. "Tap foot for blowjob."

My fourteen year old cock was dripping pre-cum like crazy. Could this possible be for me? Could this person really be interested in giving me a blowjob? As if my body were moving in slow-motion, I raised my foot up and returned the tap.

A man's head popped under the metal divider between his stall and mine. He was young, around 25 years old, with big brown eyes and curly dark hair. He looked at my young, dripping hard cock with wide eyes, then looked at my face and asked, "how old are you??"

"Fourteen," I replied.

He didn't hesitate for a second. Smiling broadly, he whispered "kneel down here and let me suck your cock."

I was so nervous. "What if someone comes in and catches us?"

"It's OK, they won't. It's cool. Get down here and let me suck you!"

I was scared, but the open invitation from the good looking man and my own throbbing teenage dick overwhelmed my fear. I got off the seat and lowered myself down.

I'll never forget the look on this man's face. His eyes were locked on my cock and his tongue licked his lips eagerly, as if he were a lion about to tear into slab of juicy meat. When I finally got myself into position, he lunched towards my cock and slurped it into his mouth in a flash.

The sensation was so amazing. I'd messed around with neighborhood boys before, sucking the occasional cock or rubbing a young crotch, but this was a strange MAN. An adult! He knew things I didn't, and knew how to do them to a young cock. His mouth was hot and wet, covering my cock with spit as he sucked me down to the root.

I started moaning and he stopped. Looking up at me with a smile, he said, "Shh, baby. We gotta keep quiet. But that sounds hot." Then he resumed his blowjob.

I tried my best to keep quiet, watching this man's head as he bobbed up and down on my dick. I watched his cheeks cave in as he sucked me hard. Watched the way he'd turn his head as he changed positions, the ripples in his mouth as his tongue worked over my head and shaft. He reached one hand over to cup my balls, massaging and tugging them gently while he worked me over. Then he reached back to my ass, gripping my asscheeks and then slowly fingering around my hole.

I felt so dirty, listening to the slurping sounds echo through the room as a stranger sucks my cock and fondles my asshole. But it felt so good. My balls were tightening up from all the activity, then suddenly, the outer door to the bathroom opened. In a panic, I popped back up to the toilet seat just as the inner door to the bathroom opened and another man came in to use the urinal. Then another man came in to do the same.

Terrified, I was looking all around, waiting for a cop to pop his head over the partition and take me away. My boner deflated in a heartbeat. Then, I saw the cocksucker's finger under the partition, gesturing in a "let's get out of here" way. He didn't need to tell me twice, so I pulled up my shorts, flushed the toilet, and moved out of the partition.

I followed him out of the bathroom and then he turned around. "It was getting a little too busy in there. Wanna go out to my car? I know you're ready to pop. I can take care of you out there."

My mom was still somewhere shopping, and I knew better than to get into a strange man's car. But when you've just gotten your first real blowjob, you don't think too clearly. "Okay!" I replied, as I felt my cock start to stiffen once more.

He smiled broadly and licked his lips once more. "I'm Steve. Let's go!"

We walked out to the car, the Georgia sun warm and bright. Then Steve drove us around to the back of the store, near the dumpsters where we could be alone.

"Goddamn you've got a big dick for a fourteen year old!" Steve laughed as he pulled down my shorts and revealed my erection. "It felt really good in my mouth. Did you like it when I sucked your cock?"

I nodded, eager for him to resume his activities. He held the head of my cock to his lips, and kept looking up at me. "I love boys. Their cum is so sweet." He kissed the head, then licked a little around the slit. "Yeah, your pre-cum is sweet too." More licking. "I can't wait to swallow your load." Then he attacked my cock with a fury.

I started moaning with abandon as his mouth worked my cock over. Every swirl of his tongue brought out another gasp, every bit of suction elicited a moan. "Yeah, babyboy, moan for me," he panted as he pulled my cock out of his mouth. He started fingering my exposed asshole. "Shoot that sweet boycum into me."

It didn't take long after that. Moaning loudly and pushing his head all the way down on my cock, I started to shoot. It felt like a huge load, but I couldn't tell as he slurped up every drop.

"Holy shit, babyboy! That was good! You tasted so good!" He quickly removed his own pants and started jerking off. "I've gotta cum too. You wanna watch?"

I did more than that. I leaned over in the seat and took his cock into my mouth, just like I had with two of the neighborhood boys a few months before. His cock was average sized, not too long or short, with medium thickness and a little upturn at the end.

Now it was his turn to moan. "Oh my God, babyboy! Yeah! Suck my cock." With one hand, he pushed down on my head. With the other, he reached over and started fondling my naked fourteen year old ass. "Yeah, you're a little sex kitten, aren't you? Oh shit, what a find! Yeah, babyboy, keep sucking on me. I'm gonna blow soon!"

I loved the smell of his crotch, I loved the way his cock felt in my mouth. It felt so good to be with a real man, and a man who was so obviously into me. He started fingering my asshole really hard. "Ooh babyboy, you've got a nice tight little asshole. I bet you're a great fuck! I bet you're a tight fuck!"

His balls pulled up almost immediately and he pushed down hard on my head. "Shit, babyboy, I'm coming! Drink my cum, babyboy! Drink me!"

He spurted cum wildly into my mouth, but I drank it all down. It was warm and salty and I felt like the filthiest whore imaginable. But I didn't care. I loved it.

I pulled my head off of his spit-soaked cock and sat up in my seat. He was smiling. "Yeah, babyboy, you're awesome! Man, you're hot! Do you wanna get together later and mess around again?

"YEAH!" I cried out as I wiped the last cum-spit smear off my lips. Steve grabbed a pen and paper out of the glove compartment and gave me his number. "I'm free this weekend, if you wanna do something. I can pick you up and take you to a good place."

I nodded, pulling up my shorts and putting the number into my pocket. "Thanks, I'll call you. I'd love to mess around some more."

Then he drove me back to the front of the store and I returned to my mother.

I kept sprouting wood throughout the rest of the day.

************************************************************************ The Following Weekend Surprises in the woods ************************************************************************ I'd called Steve up the next day and arranged to meet up on Saturday afternoon. I rode the bus out to a convenient point where he'd pick me up. I was hard the entire time I was on the bus.

Shortly after I arrived at my destination, he pulled up in his car. He was dressed in loose fitting clothes and I noticed the big tent in his shorts. I got in and we pulled away. Once away from any prying eyes, he reached over and gave me a French kiss. "Hey babyboy. We're gonna have fun today. I've been thinking about you all week!" He reached into the back seat and pulled up a bag filled with books and magazines. "I thought you might like looking at some of these."

The bag was filled with kiddie porn, pictures of men fucking little boys, photobooks of boys having sex with each other. Cocks and cum, page after page of it. I'd never seen real porn before, least of all gay kiddie porn. My cock couldn't get any harder.

Steve must have noticed my wide eyed fixation on the images in front of me, because he laughed. "Yeah, that's what I've been wanting to do with you," he said as I paused on a picture of a grown man shoving his thick dick into a tight young boy's asshole. "You think you'd like to do that?"

I nodded my head furiously, my eyes constantly scanning the collection of porn in front of me. It was like I had discovered a dirty treasure chest, showing me everything I really wanted. I felt my underwear getting wet.

"I'm what's called a `pedophile,'" Steve said. "Do you know what that means? It means I like to have sex with young boys. Hot little boys just like you. And you're so sweet. So handsome and sexy. I haven't been able to get you out of my head. We're gonna have a great time today. I'm gonna make you feel so good."

I was looking at another picture of a man fucking a boy when he asked "have you ever done that before? Let someone inside you like that?"

"No," I replied, looking up at him devilishly. "Is this buttfucking?"

Steve laughed. "Yeah! That's buttfucking. It's a lot of fun, but it can hurt a little at first. You're sure you've never done this before?" I shook my head, and he smiled broader. "Well, that means you're a cherry. That's what boys who haven't had sex are called."

"I don't think I wanna be a cherry" I replied, looking up from the porn and into his eyes.

"Okay, babyboy," Steve replied, reaching over to grope my crotch as he drove. "I'll help you with that. I brought stuff that will make it feel good."

We kept driving, both of our cocks hard and spotting our shorts, until we pulled up to a small neighborhood park surrounded by thick trees. The park seemed abandoned, but then it was a very hot Georgia summer day. Steve told me to leave behind the bag of kiddie porn, and he pulled a blanket and small totebag out of his trunk. "Let's go into the woods. Follow me."

I followed him into the thickly wooded hills ringing the park's field. After walking deeply into the woods, Steve stopped at a flat area and unfolded the blanket on the ground. Then he reached over and grabbed me gently. Pulling me close, he kissed me on the lips again. "Let's get naked and have some fun."

We pulled away from each other and started removing our clothing. Steve reached into his little tote bag and brought out a small camera. "Can I take your picture?" I smiled and said yes. He started taking pictures of me, taking off my shirt, pulling down my shorts, then finally standing in the woods naked and hard. "Yeah, babyboy. You look so sexy. Show me your muscles. Yeah! You look so sexy!"

He finally put down the camera and approached my naked body, his own cock hard and pointing to the sky. "Lie down on the blanket, babyboy. Lie down and let me take care of you."

I laid down on the heavy brown blanket, spreading my legs a little. Steve grabbed his camera again and took more pictures, the sunlight filtering through the trees and a warm breeze running across my cock and balls. My dick spilled a little more precum as I watched him photograph me, one of his hands jacking his eager cock as he took the shots. Then he put the camera down and started sucking on my cock.

It was even better than before. We were alone in the woods, my cock was already cum heavy from the kiddie porn I'd looked at in the car, and I knew we were going to have real sex this time. Here I was, a fourteen year old boy, having sex with a grown man. Despite a little bit of nervousness, I thought I was hot shit. I was now a real sexual being.

Steve was moaning and jacking his cock in a frenzy while he blew me. Then he popped his head up and asked, "do you want to suck me too?" I nodded and he moved into a sixty-nine position, sticking his dripping cock next to my face. Both of us on our sides, we sucked each other's cock. Looking back on it, I suppose I was a natural cocksucker, because he didn't need to tutor me at all about my teeth, or how to get a cock deep into my mouth.

We weren't able to last long. Within a few short minutes, I started to cum in Steve's mouth, spraying another eager boyload into him. Seconds later, Steve spewed his manload into my mouth and I drank it down. After we came, we readjusted ourselves and I was cradled in his arms as we lay down together on the blanket. "We're not done yet, babyboy," he cooed at me. "Just give me a few minutes to recharge, and then we're gonna start..." he paused then giggled, "buttfucking."

I laughed a little at that, but my cock was already hard again. The capacity of teenage boys to cum again and again. We started laughing and talking gently, Steve trying his best to keep my comfortable and engaged while his cock recharged.

After a few minutes, he started licking my nipples and reached down to finger around my ass. After a few minutes of gentle foreplay, he was ready to go again. "You ready to play some more?" he asked as he started to ease his way down towards my ass.

I nodded silently as I watched his face move between my legs.

"Let's start making you feel good," he said as he spread my legs apart and started licking around my ballsack. I closed my eyes and felt his tongue getting me wet. Slowly, he lifted my legs and ass up and started licking around my asshole. As he started rimming me, I really started to moan. My asshole spasmed wildly as his tongue flitted over it, coating it with spit in broad strokes, spearing through the sphincter at other moments. It was the wildest sensation I'd yet experienced. I started to moan his name over and over.

"Yeah, babyboy, you like that, don't you? You like having a man eat out your little boypussy, don't you?" I moaned again when he called it my boypussy. I learned then that I love it when someone talks dirty to me. I heard the camera going off again as he took pictures of my wet boyhole.

He kept going, spreading my legs even further into the air and talking in between swipes of his talented tongue. "Tight, sweet little boypussy. Gotta get you ready for my cock, don't we? Gotta get that sweet little cherry ready for some fucking. I'm gonna pop this sweet cherry pussy today!"

Finally it was too much for me and I cried out, "fuck me, Steve. Fuck my cherry!" I meant it too, I had no idea what I was in for, but I wanted it bad.

Steve quickly flipped my entire body over and put me on all fours. My ass was in the air, and he started to bounce his hard and dripping cock right onto my throbbing hole. He reached into his totebag and brought out a tube of lube. He quickly smeared the lube onto his cock and some onto my hole. It felt cold at first, but the slimy feeling of his fingers quickly warmed it up. "That's it, babyboy, we're gonna get that hole all lubed up for my cock. I'm gonna fuck you so good, babyboy." He started to put a finger into my hole and I gasped at the intrusion. I'd fingered myself before, so the sensation wasn't totally alien, but Steve's fingers were larger than mine and he was touching places deep inside me. With his free hand, he photographed the beginning of my deflowering.

He fingered me slowly for a minute or two, working two fingers into my tight boypussy. Steve drew in his breath and whispered, "you're virgin alright. That's a tight little pussy. I'm gonna take care of you and make you feel so good, babyboy. I've got something that will make you feel so good."

Moving up to my face, he reached into the totebag and pulled out a little brown bottle. Lifting my face up, he looked at me and said, "I want you to sniff this. It's gonna help you when I put my cock into you. It'll make you feel good." He opened the bottle and then put it to one nostril, closing the other with another finger. "Inhale deeply."

I did what I was told, even though I had no idea what this stuff was or what it would do to me. I was going to do anything he wanted. After I inhaled the chemical, Steve then quickly repeated the move with my other nostril. In seconds, my head was flying.

Steve quickly moved back behind me and put his lubed cockhead to my asshole.

Slowly, he started to push himself into me. I felt my asshole start to dilate around his cockhead, it felt slimy and irresistible. There I was, fourteen and naked, on my hands and knees and high on poppers in a forest while a twenty-five year old man started to fuck me bareback.

Steve was gentle, I'll give him that. The poppers, plus his own gentle cocksmanship, slowly opened up my cherry asshole and allowed his cock to claim my virginity without a lot of trauma. He grabbed my hips as he slowly pushed himself into me as I moaned louder and louder. Of course, he took more pictures as he slowly fucked my ass, so that slowed his progress too. Finally, he bottomed out inside me and gave his cock a little flex to lock himself home.

I was sweating a lot, whether from the summer heat or the penetration I can't tell. He felt so GOOD inside me. As my asshole twitched around his meat, my cock was throbbing and dripping a lot of precum onto the blanket. I squeezed my asshole as tightly as I could so I could feel him more and more, which elicited a lot of moaning from Steve too. "Damn, babyboy, you like that cock inside you? You like me fucking you?"

"Yeah, Steve. You feel so good! Oh! Can I have more of that stuff?"

He handed me the poppers and I repeated the move he showed me. Once again, my brain took off. He must have felt my asshole relax a little, because that was when he started to really fuck me. Pulling out to almost the tip, Steve started to pump my boypussy with more speed and energy. All I could hear was the rustling of the leaves and our own low moans as he kept fucking me into my sexual maturity.

Steve was hitting a sweet spot inside me, and the more he hit it, the more energetically I jacked my cock. But Steve was also enjoying the ride, as I could tell from the frequency of his grunts and the level of his profanity.

"Oh you sweet boypussy. Yeah! Take that fucking cock you little boywhore! I'm filling your ass with my cock and soon I'm going to fill it with my cum. I'm gonna knock your little pussy up!"

With that last bit, I went over the edge. I started to spurt out a massive amount of cum in pressurized waves. My asshole started to spasm wildly and that must have sent Steve over too. He pulled me hard onto his cock and moaned out "I'm cumming in you, babyboy!" I felt a bunch of liquid shoot inside me and my butt felt really slimy. Steve fell on top of me, his cock still in my ass as both of us gasped through our afterglows. It was done. I was a bred faggot pussyboy.

"Holy fuck, look at this!" a voice called out from the side.

Two black men peered down at us from a small hill nearby, each cupping their crotches as they watched Steve rapidly pull his cock out of me. I was paralyzed in shock, still naked on all fours with my ass full of cock and cum, staring back at them.

The guys were in their late twenties, it seemed. One guy was a lot darker than his friend, but they were pretty good looking, generally athletic men. The dark one whispered something to his pal, who shrugged. They looked all around and quickly came over to us. "Looks like we got some buddies here. Just fucked a little boy's ass."

"Damn, the cum's still dripping out his ass!" said the lighter one, bending down and touching my just-fucked asscheek. I was still paralyzed, but his touch warmed me up a little.

Dark looked over at Steve and asked in a low voice "is this your boy?" Steve laughed and said no. Then Dark asked "you gonna share?" Steve shrugged and said "it's up to him."

Dark turned to me and asked "you wanna play with us too?" I looked at Steve, and then at Dark and Light and the growing outlines of the cocks in their shorts.

"Yeah. Let's play."

I don't remember their names. In fact, I don't think they mentioned their names. They just wanted to fuck a young white boy and get a piece of jailbait ass. Dark and Light smiled broadly as they stripped off their clothing and revealed a pair of nice black cocks, all for me.

Dark's cock was thickest, but Light's was a little longer. They stood in front of me as I got before them on my knees, ready to swallow their meat. All I wanted now was cock and cum, and I didn't care who gave it to me.

"I just popped his cherry," Steve said as he grabbed his camera and backed away from us to get a good shot. "This was his first fuck."

"Holy shit..." Light whispered. "How old are you, kid?"

"Fourteen," I gasped out, my eyes locked on the two black fucksticks in front of me.

Dark quickly took control of the scene. "Open your mouth boy. Open it wide. I don't wanna feel no teeth on my dick." As I opened, he started to push his dark cock into my mouth. He filled me up really quick and grabbed the sides of my head to get my mouth into prime facefucking position. I inhaled the smell of his black crotch, a unique smell that to this day gets me instantly horny and hungry for black cock.

Steve was taking more pictures, and strange as it may seem, at that moment I was wondering how many shots he had in that camera.

Dark's cock was too big for my mouth, so I put a hand up to control the depth of his fucking. Soon my hand got all slimy from my spittle, which was starting to drip down my mouth. Light quickly intervened, "don't hog the boy, damn! Let me get some of this boy's mouth!" Dark pulled out of my mouth, but it was almost instantly refilled with Light's long dick.

"Look at this little cocksucker here!" Dark cried out, jacking his meat as he watched Light pump my face. "You said this was his first time? DAMN! Little kid's a fucking PRO!"

I saw Steve jacking his again-hard cock as he watched us. "Yeah, this boy loves cock. And he's got a great boypussy too."

Light kept fucking my face, so I couldn't really react to the conversation going on around me. It felt really sleazy to be talked about like that, and Steve suddenly changed from nice, supportive lover to a sexual predator talking about me like a whore or a piece of meat. But then again, I was sucking men's cocks and getting fucked in the woods, so maybe I was a sleazy whore. I didn't really care anymore.

Dark moved behind me. "Gotta good pussy, huh? Let's see about that. You want this black cock in that little white pussy, boy? You wanna get fucked?"

I couldn't respond. Light's cock was at the entrance to my throat.

"Yeah, fuck him" Steve said urgently as he moved closely to my face. He tossed lube to Dark and put more poppers to my nose, careful not to interrupt the flow of the cock pumping into my mouth.

Lubed and ready, Dark started to push his cock into my cum-dripping asshole, his thick meat stretching it out more than Steve had. "Damn, he IS tight!" I remember him saying as he pushed his meat further up my de-virginized asshole.

It hurt. His cock felt fucking huge as he pushed his way into me. I remember moaning, trying to reach back and slow him down. I had lost all control and it was starting to scare me.

"Easy, easy" Steve cautioned. "He's still a boy, and just got fucked for the first time. Be careful or you'll hurt him."

"Okay, okay," Dark said, backing off a little. Light still had a grip on my head but he slowed up a little too. My chin was covered in spit.

I was so overwhelmed, being taken by two black guys out of the blue. They were double teaming me, adjusting their rhythms so that they could get the most out of whatever hole they were in. Steve had stepped back and was taking more photographs of us, and whenever he wasn't doing that, he was shoving more poppers up my nose. I was flying, overwhelmed by all the sex and the feelings of the strange black cocks pumping into me. Slowly, I grew accustomed to the cocks and started to enjoy them more. My ass, filled with lube, Steve's cum and Dark's precum, felt so slimy and nasty.

The guys got into it too, calling me all sorts of names while they did me. "Suck that black cock, white pussyboy. Yeah, take that dick, bitch. Fucking jailbait bitch." Steve got back into the action too, crawling underneath me and sucking my cock as the two black studs worked me harder and faster.

"Fuck I'm gonna cum," Dark cried out. "Gonna cum in this ass! Yeah white boy, take this cum!" He pounded me so hard as he shot his load into me, but it made me cum too. I pumped my load directly into Steve's sucking mouth.

Light pulled his cock out of my sore mouth and started jacking it off. "I'm gonna shoot all over this white boy's face. Open your mouth, boy!" After a few seconds, thick ropes of cum started to streak across my face. Of course, Steve was right there, taking pictures of it all.

It was so hot, yet so degrading. Especially when Light and Dark started to laugh and slap my face and ass. "Good white pussyboy. Fuckin' little slut. We gotta fuck you some more."

"No," I said, pulling away from all of them. "No more!" My ass was rapidly getting very sore, now that the poppers and the thrill of the sex had faded.

Steve, probably noticing how close to a freak out I was, stepped up. "Yeah, I think it's time I took him home. He's had a big day!" He pulled a towel out of his totebag and tossed it to me so I could wipe the jizz off my face.

Light and Dark started putting their clothes back on quickly, as if they'd finally realized they could get caught having sex with a minor. "OK man. Maybe we can meet up here again sometime and fuck him some more."

"Sure," Steve said, putting his clothes on and gathering his stuff together. "That would be hot."

Light and Dark took off and Steve stood by me as I slowly put my clothes back on. "That was hot" he said, trying to keep me positive. "You were really sexy. Those two guys were really into you."

I nodded, but my ass was really hurting by then. "Can we go home now?"

"Yeah, I'll take you back. You OK?"

"My butt hurts."

Steve laughed as we headed back to the car. "It'll get better. I promise. Now that your cherry's been popped, you'll be able to take all sorts of dicks."

He drove me back to the bus stop and left me there to wait for the number 28 bus home. My ass started to feel really wet, and then I realized that cum was leaking out of me and onto my underwear. I went into a nearby store's restroom and confirmed it. My underwear was soaked with Steve and Dark's cum. I used the bathroom and tossed the underwear into the trash.

I messed around with Steve a few more times over the next several months. He never showed me the photographs he took of me, though. I have no idea what happened to those pictures or if they still exist. Eventually, he "dumped" me because I'd turned sixteen and was too old for him. I saw him a few years later in a local mall, hanging with his new wife's young nephew. Evidently, Steve was enjoying the nephew's ass by then. He said we should all get together, since the nephew liked big cocks like mine. We didn't.

I'm not a pedophile, and I don't condone what Steve did. But it was perfectly consensual, I wanted sex and he was the guy who gave it to me. Considering what could have happened to me, Steve actually took pretty good care of me, so I can't be mad at him. Steve, if you're out there, e-mail me. I'd like to know what happened to you, and see if you've still got those pictures of me.

THE END ************************************************************************ I always love hearing from my readers, so feel free to write me back at vraxis@hotmail.com. Let me know what you think of this story!

Next: Chapter 2

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