Pursuing Timothy

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Apr 22, 2009


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. A great thanks to Pete for all his input and editing.

Pursuing Timothy Part Three

"Tim, I think we need to remember this is a training opportunity. To pull this project off, Michael Snyder needs to believe that you are gay and everybody knows gays like to suck dick. Right?" instructed Greg.

"Yeah, I guess so. Can we just get this over with before I change my mind?" I begged.

"Well, if you're not sure you want to do this Tim, maybe you should suck your own dick," Greg challenged.

"Greg, if my lips could reach my dick, I'd never leave my bedroom. OK? No, I need to suck your dick, I want to suck your dick. Please can I just do it?"

"Well OK, if that's how you feel, get on your knees, Timmy and I'll let you have your first taste of 'Old Faithful'," he said proudly.

"You've named it?" I questioned.

"Well if you must know, it kind of named itself. This baby goes off regularly every night and every morning," I was informed.

"Greg, that's much more information than I needed, thanks; just make sure it doesn't go off in my mouth. Understand?"

"Yeah, sure, sure. OK, get down there and start your sucking, Timmy, before I change my mind," Greg directed.

Once on my knees, his dick looked really big this close to my face. As I said, it's kind of fat and I began to wonder if I could get it into my mouth. His peach fuss pubes looked really soft from here and I worried that they might tickle my face. I had to decide what to do with my hands, too. I decided that's what the butt crack is for, you know, to give you a place to hang on.

Hands in place, lips curled back over teeth, tongue good and moist, lips moving in for contact.

**** There was a sharp knock at my bedroom door.

"Timothy, Honey, you're friend is here to visit," came from my Mom.

It surprised both of us. My head moved forward as Greg jumped my way and slam! Greg's hard dick bashed into my forehead. I'm telling you, a half inch lower and I'd be wearing a patch!

Greg bent over in pain and through clenched teeth he said, "Damn Sullivan, I think you broke 'Old Faithful'! Did you hear that crack?"

"That wasn't a crack you idiot, you farted. What did you have for lunch a number ten can of beans," I retorted.

"Hey I like my fiber," he defended.

"Tim, may I come in?" came the sweet voice of Mike Snyder.

Still naked and in pain, Greg looked at me in panic.

"Quick, get into the closet," I told him.

"Gee, I thought we were just coming out," I heard him say as I watched the door almost close on 'Old Faithful', now with a slight bend.

"Just a minute, Mike, I'll be right there," I yelled as I kicked our clothes back into a corner.

Being closest, I grabbed Greg's briefs and slipped them on and pulled my jeans up with a quick zip and pulled the door open, trying my best to smile nicely at the next guy I hoped to strip. This was NOT how I had planned my day.

"Hey Mike, good seeing you, come in, come in," I offered.

Snyder stepped back looking at me. I realized I was shirtless and shoeless, my hair was a mess and I was a bit out of breath.

Smiling, he said, "Gee I was hoping you'd wait for me."

"What? Oh no, it's just I was relaxing, I mean I wasn't doing, you know, I was just... oh never mind, come in, it's good to see you," I scrambled.

"You look very comfortable, I don't think I've seen you like this before," he commented with a leering look.

"Oh please join me, I mean get as comfortable as you like to be, take off everything, I mean anything," this wasn't going well for me.

"I suppose I could remove my penny loafers," he speculated, as he kicked them to the pile of clothes in the corner.

"So w-what are you doing here," I stuttered?

"You said you wanted me, or needed me, you know, to help you out with your essay," he reminded me.

"Oh yeah, I can't do it without you. Do you want to take your shirt off or anything? It's really hot in here," that came out way too quick and I told myself to slow down.

"No, I'm fine, but you can get more comfortable if you wish," he did a quick stare at my bulge.

Well I knew I had to get this moving and I decided the only way I could do that is to take the lead. I remembered that it had been easier than I thought to get naked in front of Greg, and if I wanted to see what it was like to be gay, I mean for the project sake, I had to do it.

"Sure, I think I'll just slip these tight jeans off... if you don't mind?" I asked.

"Oh no, please get as comfortable as you like, I don't mind at all," his smile was freaking me out. What the hell was I doing?

Off with the jeans, hoping he would join me, but he laughed instead.

Now I was embarrassed, maybe I'm not gay enough, I shook my butt in hopes of improving my chances.

He laughed again.

"What's so funny?" I demanded.

"Your briefs are on backwards. I hope you weren't in too big of a hurry to get them on before you let me in," he suggested.

I looked down, he was right; I stammered, "No it's for Reverse Thursdays."

"It's Wednesday," he replied.

"I'm practicing," I suggested and then took the leap. "I guess I could slip them off and turn them around if you'd like?"

He answered with a smile and as the edge of my pubic forest came into view, we heard a noise from the closet.

Mike asked, "What was that?"

"What? Oh, that's was my cat," I answered quickly.

"Oh, can I play with him? I love kitties," Mike begged.

"No, that's become my job, he may not like you messing with him," I warned.

"Will he bite," Snyder worried?

"He better not," I said loudly, "I'll bite back," I warned Greg.

"Is he fixed?" more questions from Mike.

"He might be later, if things don't work out," I replied, knowing Greg knew what I meant.

Doing my best to get back into the action and take Snyder's attention away from the closet, I said, "Perhaps you'd like to help me turn these around?" snapping the front, no make that the back of the briefs that still covered my business.

"Oh my" he said as he took a step towards me.

Mom was at the door again. Her knocks always took my dick back to parade rest

"Yeah Mom, what's up," I asked politely.

"Michael's mother is here and asked him to move along or he'll be late for his ballet lesson," she said with a smirk.

"You take ballet," I asked?

"Oh yes, you should see my pirouette," he smiled.

"I hope to. So can we do this again tomorrow?" I had to get this moving or the project would fail along with me.

"I can come over after I finish practice for the school play," he suggested.

"You're in the school play?" I gritted my teeth.

"Musicals are my life," I was informed.

"Yeah, right, I should have known that, but anyway can we take this a little further tomorrow? I mean, you know, get some work done on the essay?" I hoped.

"Sure, I can't wait to see what you have. I mean... by the time I get here. See you at school, bye-bye." And Snyder skipped out the door.

The bedroom door closed and the closet flew open as Greg fell on my bed, rolling in laughter. I had to join him, this was just too much. We were both in tears imitating Snyder's voice.

Greg said, "Can I show you my pirouette?"

I replied, "Oh my, can I play with your kitty?"

He laughed through, "Musicals are my life."

I said, "Good hum this," flipping my dick into his hand. He squeezed it; I found his and pulled it towards me. I looked him in the eye, he back at me. He rolled over on is back, hard side up. I rolled over on top of him and slid downwards. My knees hit the floor, my face was in line, I could hear Greg breathing hard. I pulled him towards my lips...

Knocking again; "Timothy do you boys want anything to eat?"

Damn, Mom!

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 4

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