Pursuing Timothy

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Apr 16, 2009


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. A great thanks to Pete for all his input and editing.

Pursuing Timothy Part One

"Listen Tim, if you don't do something to change your ways, you're going to fail English Composition," he warned me.

"Please, I can't do this class again, Sir. I mean nothing personal, but if I have to sit in your classroom again... I'd rather do anything else but that," I begged.

I hate it when Old Man Evans raises one eyebrow like that. It means he has something in mind that I'm not going to like.

"Timothy Sullivan, I don't like making special credit for just one student, so I'll do it for you and your pal Greg, he's failing too. If you two wish to pull your grades up to a "C" then I want a story from each of you about something true that you have done that has changed your life. Remember the story must be true, you can make it about something you have done, or you can come up with something over the next week that you've done that has been life changing, understand?"

"Yes Sir," I said with my head down.

At least I won't be in this alone, my best bud Greg will being doing it with me. Only what the heck can we do?

"You bustard! How the hell did you get me into this? I ought to kick your butt, Sullivan," yelled Greg.

"Look you should thank me; this is the only way we're going to get out of that class. Do you want to sit through another year looking at Evans again?" I asked him.

"No way, but we really need to make this good, or that will be our only choice," he agreed.

I was thinking of things that might be good and came up with nothing. That's when Greg had this weird smile on his face and sprang his plan on me.

"Here's what you're going to do," he instructed. "You're going to make friends with Michael Snyder and write about what happens."

"No way," I complained. "Everyone knows Snyder is gay. If I make friends with him, they'll think I'm gay too."

"Don't worry Tim, it will be easy, I see him checking you out all the time, it will make for a great story and get you out of Evans' class. And you might even enjoy it," he laughed.

"You're weird, Greg, if you think I'm going to have sex with that fag. Sorry, but I'm not gonna do it. Besides, what are YOU going to write about?" I asked him.

"Don't worry about me, I've got my own plan and you don't really have to have sex with the guy, just get as close to it as you can so you can write about it. Man this is going to get us an A," he smiled.

Greg is usually pretty clever, he has come up with enough good ideas in the past that I figured he might know what he's talking about. Like the time we painted Mrs. Willard's cat. She told our parents that she was sure it was us, but Greg pointed out that a can of paint of the same color was in her neighbor's trash. Well when she went over there to confront him, they got to talking and now they are together all the time. It's kind of gross to think about what those two old farts might be doing together.

Anyway the next day I started the plan and went looking for Mike. I know he likes to hang out near the Boys john so he can follow the hot ones in there. He always comes in behind me and straddles the urinal next to mine, showing me a flash or two of his long dick. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking, but you tell me what you're supposed to look at when you're peeing?

Sure enough, I'm flipping the last drops off of mine and Mike slides in next to me all smiles.

"Hey, how you doing?" I asked lamely.

I watch him look down and towards me; I leaned back and give the boy a peek, his smile grew along with his dick. Yeah I can see, it. Like I said, where should I be looking?

"Hey Tim," he says with surprise. I normally don't speak to him.

"How are things going with you?" he asked, still trying to steal a peek.

"OK I guess, but I'm failing English Comp. I know you're pretty good at stuff like that and I was wondering if you could help me out."

Again a little surprised and now a bit spacious, he finished his leak and flipped it back in, zipping up and said, "Yeah, I'd like to help you, but why me? I don't think you've said two words to me this year."

"Yeah, sorry about that, I guess I wanted to, just didn't know how to break the ice, maybe we could hang out or something, if you want. You could come over and maybe the two of us could do something together, if you want," I fumbled through that one.

"Yeah, I'd like to hang out with you, sure I know where you live, I could come over and maybe we could get to know each other, I mean while I help you with your homework," he replied, now a little hope in his voice.

Great, I thought, the trap is set, all I have to do is get him into my room and then... OMG! What am I going to do then? I began to regret this whole deal and started trying to figure out what I could do to get out of it, but before I could say another word, four more guys came into the john and Mike smiled and winked at me before he left. I'm going to need Greg's help with this; I had no idea what to do.

"Relax, Sullivan; you're going to be fine. All you need to do is act sexy and you'll have that boy all over your skinny ass," assured Greg.

"Wait a minute; you said I didn't really have to have sex with him, what if he tries to grab me or something?"

"Look Timmy, this isn't going to work unless you're willing to work at it. Don't tell me you've never played around with another guy before," Gregg questioned?

"No way! What am I supposed to do?"

"OK, I don't like doing this, but it was my idea, so let me at least give you some pointers. Take your clothes off," directed Gregg.

You mean get naked in front of you? No way! That's so embarrassing!" I objected.

"Will you stop it, you dork? I've seen you naked plenty of times in gym class. Trust me, it's no big deal," and he smiled.

I wasn't real sure how he meant that, but I had to agree, we had been naked in front of each other plenty of times. Like Halloween last year when Gregg came up with the idea for us to strip and run naked around the neighborhood scaring the little kids so we could steal their candy. At one point Gregg disappeared for about ten minutes, but when he got back, we enjoyed our sugar high. When we came back to where we had hid our clothes mine were missing. Gregg got dressed and took me naked in through the backdoor of his house. Once in his bedroom he joked around about letting me stay naked all night, but finally gave in and let me wear a pair of old ragged shorts with a hole in the leg where my dick kept sliding through. Yeah, he thought it was real funny, so did I until my mom stopped us coming into the door of my place. She asked me why I was dressed like that and good old Greg saved the day, telling her, it was my costume for Halloween. She asked what I was dressed as and he said a male stripper. She laughed, and Gregg saved the day again. He's a good friend that's for sure.

Anyway I slipped my shirt off and slid my shoes and socks off, now just in jeans, Gregg told me to hurry up, or he'd wouldn't help, so I quickly dropped my jeans and pushed my underwear off my body. There I stood in front of Gregg in nothing but Goosebumps.

"Damn, Sullivan! You're a skinny shit," he said looking me up and down.

"I'm sorry, this is all I got. What do I do now?" I asked.

"Well you're going to need to get hard, so I can see if Snyder is even going to be interested in you," he ordered.

"What, are you crazy, what do you expect me to do, stand here and beat off in front of you or something?" I demanded.

"Tim, you are so lame. I don't know if I can help you or not. Look, I know this isn't easy for you, but you need to be prepared before Mike Snyder comes over. I suppose if you asked nicely, I can help you a little bit, but you better beg, or forget it," he warned.

Standing naked and limp, I said in my nice voice, "Please Greg will you help me get hard?

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 2

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