Pure Luck

By Don't Eat The CANCER FRY

Published on Jan 7, 2001


Ok, ya know what...if you're this far in the story than chances are you've already read the other 3 disclaimers. You get the idea.

Thanx to all those who have written me.

E~Mail any questions or comments to dd_sp_2201@hotmail.com.



Chapter 4 "Dirty Little Secret" The oven timer goes off. The microwave dings. The veggie steamer makes this really loud squeek. It's all at the same time. I'm going insane, how the fuck am I supposed to take care of it all at once?? "Aaaarrrrgggg!" I growl as I hurry around Marissa's kitchen, trying not to burn everything at the same time. Burning things seperately is bad enough, but at the same time? Come on. That's just wrong. "Babe?" Riss calls from the bathroom. "Do you need a hand out there?" "No...I'm fucking everything up just fine by myself." I joke to keep my sanity. Marissa comes into the kitchen and leans in the doorway with just a towel wrapped around her. She's running her fingers through her hair as she looks around trying not to laugh her ass off. "Whoa buddy." I exclaim. "Why don't we call your parents and tell them we're busy?" I walk over to her and wrap my arms around that luschious body of hers. Riss kisses me on the nose and wiggles away...minus one towel. "Hey now, it's cold in here, give that back!" Her nipples protest to the chilled air. I throw the towel in the kitchen and block the doorway. "Come get it if ya want it." "That's just not fair pumpkin. I really want my towel." "Yea, well people in Hell really want ice water. Try again." "Fine. If you're gonna be like that..." She runs towards me and tackles me to the ground. My arms are pinned to the floor (although I wouldn't try to fight this if my life depended on it) and I am helpless as she grinds herself against me. Such a tease. She lets my arms go and they find their way to her hips as she kisses me full force. We've been together for about a month now and while we haven't had sex yet, being naked and playing around has never been a problem. My hands are on the move again, relocating themselves on her supple ass when the phone rings. "Son of a bitch. I was just about to get some, dammit." Marissa jokes as she hops off me and skips to the phone. I prop myself up on an elbow and just watch her move. "Hello?" "Hi mom." Riss rolls her eyes and makes a jerking off motion signaling her mom isn't planning on shutting up anytime soon. "Yea mom, I know." "No, Mandy won't be here." "Yes mom, I know you hate her." "Yes mother!" "So hows dad?" Another pissed off look. "Tell him I said if he eats one more time at McDonalds I'm gonna disown him." "Hi dad." "Dad, you know your colestoral is sky high as it is." "Yes I know that shit the doctor told you to eat is exactly that." "Daddy please??" "Ok, when are you guys getting here?" "Seven? Not a problem." I look at the wall clock, 5:30, plenty of time. "Ok daddy, buh bye. Love you too." She hangs up the phone. "Ok...now where were we?" She says as she pounces on me. "Oh, I dunno. I think I had my hands here." I put them on her ass. "And I think your lips were here." I pucker my lips and squeeze my eyes shut. An eternity passes before my mouth is met with her nipples. "Heh," I muffle between mouthfulls of breast. "Dis is ot your wips." "Close enough." She giggles. I give in to the onslaught of tit and roll my tongue around her erect nipples. Marissa gives a satisfied moan and pushes her chest harder into my face. I squeeze her ass with one hand and let the other roam up to her unattended breast. Riss once again grinds her hips against mine sending electric sparks shooting from my head to my toes. Then, just as quickly as it started, Marissa bolts up, grabs her once abandoned towel and runs to the bathroom. "Hey now hey now what's this??" "I told you I wanted my towel and I was gonna get it one way or another." "Tease." "Slut." "You know it."

"Well dear, the dinner was wonderful. How did you manage not to burn everything?" Marissa's mother, Cynthia, asks while whiping her mouth with her napkin.

"The only reason nothings burnt is because Lisa cooked everything. I just watched and took notes." Riss stands up to take the plates to the kitchen.

"Yea Mrs. Sabback..."

"Please, call me Cynthia, Mrs. Sabback makes me sound old."

"Ok, Cynthia, I hate doing dishes and she hates cooking, so it's a good deal." I say as Marissa takes my plate.

While Riss is in the kitchen getting everything cleaned up a bit, Cynthia asks me if I've met her boyfriend, Richard yet. My eyes widen a bit, but I act as if nothing is out of the ordinary.

"Umm, no, I haven't had the pleasure."

Riss bolts from the kitchen to change the subject.

"So daddy, how's work?" She looks at me but I ignore her for the moment.

"Oh, same old people, same old paperwork. The Boyer case has been a pain in my ass..." He's cut short by Cynthia.

"George, watch that language around your daughter and her friend." She says as if we're five.

"Ecxuess me, a pain in my behind." He emphasises behind and mouths the word 'ass' when she isn't looking.

Riss giggles but I have yet to respond to any of this new conversation. 'Who the fuck is Richard?' I think to myself. 'Am I being played here?'

George and Cynthia stay for about an hour longer before they have to leave.

"Well it was nice meeting you dear, we hardly ever get to see any of Marissa's friends anymore. It's like she's hiding us from them, or them from us. Anyhow, it was a pleasure. We hope to being seeing you again soon." Cynthia says then gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

When they go Riss darts off to the kitchen. I just stand there with my head on the now closed front door.

"Riss honey."

A pause. "Ye...yea?"

"Sweetie, who's Richard?" I ask in the nicest voice I can muster.

"Oh, just a friend."

"You're mother seems to have the idea that he's your boyfriend. Why would that be darling?"

She comes out of the kitchen drying her hands on a towel.

"Um, because I told her that he was." She says meekly.

"And why would that be pumpkin?"

"Because they think I'm straight." Riss finally comes out and says then automatically goes on the defence. "You just don't understand my family. I've got to be perfect for them. Perfect schooling, perfect friends, perfect boyfriend. Perfectly straight. My mother's a prominant real estate sales woman, my fathers a big shot lawyer. How do you think the public would react to them being the parents of a gay daughter?"

"I don't care what the public thinks. The public doesn't have to know. Jesus Christ, I came out to my mother who's a fucking Ohio representative. If I can tell that tyrant I would think that you would be able to tell your parents 'Sorry mommy and daddy, your little tea party playing Barbie doll doesn't play with the Ken dolls.' The whole public doesn't have to know, just them. I can't believe you didn't even tell me that they didn't know. I felt like such an ass...excuess me, behind...when they brought up Richard. I didn't know what to say."

"Richard, sweetie, is a real person. But unlike myself, Richard does play with the Ken dolls."

I just laugh out loud at this. "Oh isn't this rich. I see now. You both don't have the balls to be who you are, so in order to face humiliation you say you're 'dating'. And just how long have you and Richard been 'seeing each other'?"

"Oh, since about 7th grade."

Again I laugh. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Well, for starters you could get your ass in this kitchen and help with all these damn dishes."

"Or I could stand there and watch you with a towel wrapped around me."


I go over to her and wrap my arms around her. "So do you think Master Richard would approve of us?"

"Well, we'll just have to see."

' Flight 643 from Atlanta is now docking at Gate 5. Luggage can be picked up at the baggage return on the second floor.' The announcer says over the loud speakers. "OOOOOOHHHHHH he's here!" Marissa squeals while clapping her hands. "Who's here?" A voice calls from behind her. She turns around to be engulfed in Richard's arms. 'Wow. Whoever his boyfriend is is one lucky guy.' I think to myself as I watch them reunite. 'I gave up men a long time ago, but if I haden't...whooo buddy.' Then I giggle. "Oh, I almost forgot, this is my girlfriend Lisa." She says into Richard's shirt. One of her arms reappears from practically inside of him and points to me. He's at least two heads taller than her and at least a hundred pounds more. It's like looking at a Greek God. I'm not attracted to him, just astounded by his size. From the way he was explained, I was expecting a 160 pound flamer. Not even close. "Hey Lisa, nice to meet you." My tiny hand disappears in his as he shakes it. The muscules in his forearm flex as he does so. "Ummm hi. I wasn't expecting..." "Yea I know, I'm tall for my sexual preferance." We all share a giggle. "Well kiddle, I appove of this one." He says to Marissa. "She's a little on the short side, but I guess we can over look that." He adds. "Hey now, have you ever heard of David and Goliath buddy?" I say mock defensivly. "Ooo, and firey. So when are you two getting married? I'll be the maid of honor." We all laugh at this and walk off to my car.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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