Puppy Love

By socrazii92

Published on Sep 20, 2012



Ch.6: Welcome To LA/Drama Free At The Beach

{Rashon POV}

PA Announcer: Whitley, Feagon, & Graham, your escort to your private jet is here at terminal V

Kim- Alright yall thats us. You got everything

Katrina- Yea. Bulletproof vest check, change for homeless people check, & natural disaster kit check

Kim- Girl come on

We grabbed our stuff & headed to the terminal. My mom only had her purse as she walked sporting a smile of excitment. I only had a backpack & a suitcase with my ps3, games, laptop, iPod sation, & 3 pairs of my custom made adidas. My sister had her big purse with all her feminine products, hair & makeup stuff, her laptop, & webcam stuff. I sported a smile like my mom, while Katrina almost stomped with her black shades on, pouting.

Me- What the hell was that for

Katrina- We're moving to LA aka Bagdad

Me- Umm we're moving to Malibu Beach. You know the area that looks like the beach from GTA: San Adreas, the one with the pier

Katrina- Ion care. Its not Atlanta. And Michael (Vick) aint coming

Me- I know you dont wanna leave Michael & Atlanta

Katrina- Just like you dont wanna leave Deandre, & Atlanta

Me- Yea but can you just look at this from moms point of view

Katrina- I'd love to but I just cant stick my head that far up my ASS

Me- Actually yours is further up

Katrina- Ugh. Well you tell me, whats so good about dropping everything here & moving to natural disastervile

Me- Umm Mom gets a better job working as Uncle Terrells assistant getting paid hella, no worries about money, & an unlimited shopping spree. Oh & endless amounts of sexy guys

Katrina- Ooooh LA here I come

She catches up with our mom. I knew she'd act like that. You mention shopping & boys, you got her hooked. Me personally I just cant wait to see Terrence. Hopefully he hasnt changed. We made it to the jet & on the side it said, "Property of Jenkins Inc."

Katrina- Uncle Terrell got his own company

Kim- Yea

Katrina- So he's rich

Kim- Or very wealthy

Rashon- So are we gon get in the jet or stand outside & look at it

Kim- Boy shut up & get on the plane

We got on the jet & was ready for take off.

Me- Mom

Kim- Yea

Me- How come we just dropped everything to move out here

Kim- Well baby im getting a better job out here. And we all get another chance to start a new life

Me- But what was so wrong with Atlanta

Kim- Well I didnt want to tell yall but I lost my job

Me- Why didnt you tell us, I could've got a job

Kim- Baby its ok. You know I dont want yall working. Yall barely focusing in school so how yall gon get a job

Me- Ion know

Kim- (Laughs) Right

Me- What about my party Friday

Kim- Im pretty sure Terrence got somethin planned

Me- You actually trust him now

Kim- Yea. They just moved out there the day before yesterday. How much could he possibly be into

Me- Well cousin Terrence attracts more attention than honey attracts beez

Kim- Yea

Pilot- Ready for take off

I pulled on my Dre.Beats & let my iPod play. Honestly I really didnt wanna move. This means starting all over again, new people, new school & a completly different atmosphere. And to tell the truth, im kind of scared.

{4 hrs & 15 mins later}

I woke up to an empty plane. I looked out the window & saw my sister & mom talking to my uncle & cousin Rocsi. I grabbed my stuff & headed out the plane. Once I stepped out Rocsi ran to me & hugged me tightly.

Rocsi- Hey cuzo. I havent seen you in forever

Me- Its only been a year Rocsi

Rocsi- I know but its been a year too long

Uncle T- Hey nephew

Me- Sup Unc

Uncle T- Damn boy if you dont look like a darker version of yo pappy

Me- Ha, where's Terrence

Uncle T- At a football game with his friends

Me- I could've swore he hated football

Uncle T- Me too

Driver- Bags are loaded sir

Uncle T- Oh thank you Mr.-

Driver- Walker but considering I work for you, you can call me Paul

Uncle T- Alright Paul. Lets go

We all got in the limo & we were off to the mall. My eyes were glued to the window, taking in all the beautiful sceanery LA had to offer. The palm trees, expensive cars riding through the streets, & above all the sexy ass men I saw jogging & walking around shirtless. Ooh im starting to like it all ready. Once we pulled up to the mall, Uncle T handed me a gold credit card & said....

Uncle T- You 3 have fun

Me- What

Uncle T- You watch Kat & Rocsi. Their's yall 4 shopping card

Katerina- Us 4

Uncle T- Yea you 3 & Terrence. I know how much yall teens like to shop so I set up an account just for that

Katerina- Omg thanks Uncle T. Lets go

We all got out the limo & ran into the mall. First we hit up all clothing stores. Aeropostale, American Eagle, Abercrombie & Fitch, a new store called Teen Scene, Journey, & we saved Burlington Coat Factory for last. As we walked in, I had already knew exactly what I wanted. I seen a manikin dressed preppy. Rocking a black gray & white plaid shirt, a black bowtie, a gray & black striped 3 button sweater, some black ripped skinny jeans, some gray & black adidas, taped glasses, black suspenders & a black formal hat. I stood & stared at the manikin, picturing myself in the outfit. Then I saw broken outta my trans by smoot voice....

Voice- Can I help you

I looked to my left & saw a skinny light-skinned boy, with hazel eyes, a dusting of chin hair, & golden brown dye dreads twisted together neatly & a black headband holding them up. For a moment, I was at a lost for words & his laugh brought my back to reality as I was picturing his full pink lips pressed to mine.

Me- Im sorry

Guy- Its ok. Im used to that reaction

Me- Oh really. Guys or girls

Guy- Most guys & all girls

Me- Mmhmm

Guy- Yea. Umm do you need help finding anything

Me- Umm yea. Can I strip this manikin

Guy- Yea for $200 hundred dollars & your phone number

Me- Gotta phone

He handed me his slide up touch & I texted my phone & saved my number. I gave it back to him.

Guy- So that number come with a name

Me- Rashon. Rashon Feagon

Guy- Jerome Jones. But due to my boyish charm & good looks my friends call me Romeo

Me- (Laughs) Ooh a cocky one

Romeo- Na baby thats the wrong "C". Its confident baby

Me- Oh wow. You know that manikin aint gonna strip itself

Romeo- Oh getting bored

Me- Can I just get the clothes

I said with a smile.

Romeo- Ooh impatient as well

Me- You're an asshole

Romeo- But a cute asshole

Me- (Quietly) More like sexy as fuck

Romeo- What

Me- Nothing. Can I get the clothes please

Romeo- I guess

He turned around & squated down & started to take off the shoes. Then out the bottom of my eye & saw some skin so I had to look. I looked down & saw 2 of the most beautiful/dick hardening sights ever. First, I saw his back dimples. I am a freak for back dimples. Then I saw, what I like to call, ass clevage. Its when you can see a the top of their ass. Damn & ion see no hair either. And from the looks of it, he need some bigger pants cause his ass look like its ready to bust out of them pants. I must have really been off into my own world because it seemed like forever before he stood up & the show was over. He turned around with the clothes in his hand.

Romeo- Follow me to the register & i'll ring this up for you

Me- (Quietly) I'll follow that ass anywhere

Romeo- What

Me- Nothing. Lead the way

He began walking toward the counter. I followed on full bone with my eyes glued to his ass. Just watching how they switched back & forth as he walked. There was even a small jiggle as he walked. Damn I got pure pefection in front of me. But then the counter got in the way. After giving him the credit card, he started talking....

Romeo- No cash

Me- Na we dont like that

Romeo- Oh you too good for cash

Me- Something like that

Romeo- So where you from

Me- Im from Queens but we're moving from ATL

Romeo- Who's we

Me- My mom & lil sis

Romeo- Oh ok. Whats school you going to

Me- Gateway High

Romeo- (Dissappointed) Oh

Me- What

Romeo- Nun I was hoping you was goin to Mt.Zion with me. So we can get to know each other a lil better

Me- Well you got my number. (Grabs his bag) Use it

I started walking away & he said...

Romeo- Oh dont worry bout that baby...i'll be calling (Winks at Rashon)

I smiled at him & walked away making sure to turn out light with my switch. I met up with Rocsi & Katerina outside of Burlington.

Katerina- Who was it

Me- What you talking bout

Katerina- I know that smile. You just had a quicky now who was it

Me- Actually all we did was flirt

Katerina- Wow. Flirting & your smiling like that. I really need to know who was it

Me- Light-skinned, black headband, counter 3

Katerina- (Looks at Jerome) Ooh ok Dumbo, you actually taste cause Deandre Cortez Way was beat with a Ford truck

Me- Shut up water head

Rocsi- Dayum dat man is fine

Me- No that aint no man thats a god

After I was able to get Rocsi & Katerina to stop drooling over Jerome, we started Kiosk shopping. We stopped at every Kiosk. We bought jewlery, & other accessories then headed to the food court. The lines were insane so it took 20 minutes to get our stuff & sit down. Katerina sat next to me & Rocsi sat across from her.

Rocsi- So where we headed next

Me- Well now all we gotta hit up is shoe stores

Katerina- Yea I got some outfits that requires some serious footwork

Me- Yea my footwork gotta be nice

Romeo- (Sitting down across from Rashon wearing a Footlocker uniform) Well im the person you need to talk to

Me- What are you doing

Romeo- Im gettin sum to eat before I go to my next job

Me- Your next job

Romeo- Yea on weekends I work Burlington in the morning & Footlocker moving into the afternoon

Me- Wow. This is my sister Kat & my cousin Rocsi

Katerina & Rocsi- Hi

Romeo- How yall doin

Me- So whats with the two jobs

Romeo- I need money

Me- Thats the only reason

Romeo- For now. What you dont like broke guys

Me- I make an exception for the cute ones

Romeo- Ha well do I pass

Rocsi- With flying colors

Me- Umm do yall wanna take a walk

Katerina- No we cool right here

Me- Go take a walk

They walked to another table & sat down.

Romeo- Cute

Me- Thanks

Romeo- Oh you too but I was talkin about them

Me- Oh sweety I dont do bi guys

Romeo- Well good thing I aint bi

Me- But you just said...

Romeo- Ha calm down. Im gay not blind

Me- I cant tell

Romeo- Thats cause in LA if you are spotted outside your house looking like a typical gay guy, you'd become an object of reticule

Me- I wanna go back to ATL

Romeo- My bad thats just where i live at but up their in that Malibu beach area you got no worries

Me- Why not move there

Romeo- Man that whole area is expensive. And so is the damn school

Me- Wow. Well I gotta go shoe shopping so call me

Romeo- Aight. You got free calling

Me- Nope

Romeo- You gonna answer

Me- Yup but do me a favor

Romeo- What you want baby

Me- (Shivers) Ooooh I like the way you say that

Romeo- (Gets up & puts his mouth to Rashons ear) (Whispers) What you want, baby (Licks Rashons earlobe & sucks on it)

Me- (Moans) I want you

Romeo- (Plants kisses moving toward his mouth) Well after a few more conversations...texts...calls...& dates...you'll get all of me (Stops in front of Rashons lips) so about that favor

Me- Huh. Oh yea the favor. Well now its changed

Romeo- What is it baby

Me- Can I get a-a ki...can I-i get

Romeo- What

Me- A kiss

Romeo- Maybe after the first date

After that he got up, threw his stuff away, & walked away. Even though I really wanted that kiss, all I could do was smile. He looked over his shoulder at me & winked at me. I just winked back. I was kinda salty he didnt kiss me but thats ok. It shows that he actually respects me & hisself & I admire that fact. Katerina & Rocsi ran back over to me

Rocsi- Damn cousin after I seen that nigga Deandre, I though you aint have no taste

Katerina- He was kinda beat after all them damn tattoos

Me- Dont start dogging him

Katerina- Hey yall not together no more

Me- Actually my nosy little sister we never officially broke up

Rocsi- What he'd say when you told him yall moving

Me- Ok then we fucked

Rocsi- Eww he's ugly

Me- But he's literally hung like a horse

Katerina- T.M.I bro

Me- Yall brought it up

Rocsi- So we gonna hit up foot locker or not cause my dad waiting outside

Me- Yea come on

We threw away our shit & headed for foot locker. As soon as we walked in, I saw Jerome standing behind the counter. He smiled at me & I smiled back. He started walking towards us...

Romeo- Welcome to Footlocker. Is their anything particular you're looking

Rocsi- Na we just browsing

Romeo- (To Rashon) And you

Me- Ion know

Romeo- Well if you find out let me know

Me- Well actually I do know what I want

Romeo- Whats that

Me- I need some shoes that scream unique, some shoes that everybody dont got

Romeo- I got just the thing. You like adidas

Me- Yea

Romeo- Whats your favorite colors

Me- Red & gold

Romeo- Then you'll love these

He lead me to a wall full of adidas, & handed me a pair of red & gold high top adidas. As soon as he showed them to me I fell in love with them.

Me- Ooh how much is they

Romeo- $90

Me- Damn can I get em in a size 11

Romeo- Yea hold on

It took a second for him to jog his sexy ass in the back room & another to jog back.

Romeo- Here you go

Me- Thanks

Romeo- So what you doin Saturday

Me- Probably gonna be hung over

Romeo- What

Me- My 16th birthday is Friday

Romeo- Oh damn you young

Me- How old is you

Romeo- Im 16. Just turned 16 in January

Me- You only 2 months older than me

Romeo- So im still older

Me- Whatever

Romeo- You having a party

Me- My cousin is most likely planning something since we have the same birthday

Romeo- Thats wassup. Whats his name

Me- Terrence

Romeo- Is he light skinned with hazel eyes

Me- Yup. How'd you know

Romeo- He was at this teen club called Club T

Me- And you remember him

Romeo- Hell yea. He was one of the best dancers i've ever seen

Me- Terrence always was known for his dancing

Romeo- You dance

Me- I move

Rocsi- And im ready to go

Romeo- Aight mami. Lemme go ring these up for lil daddy right here & yall can be on yall way

Rocsi- Ok

He went took care of my shoes.

Rocsi- He's too bad

Me- Luckily for me he's gay

Rocsi- All the good ones are gay

Me- What would you know about a good one

Rocsi- I just mean the sexiest ones

Me- True

Katerina- I never thought i'd say this but I love LA

Romeo- (Hands a bag to Rashon) Here you go

Me- Thanks. Call me when you get off work

Romeo- I will. Just make sure you pick up (Rashon starts walking away)

Rashon. (Rashon looks back) You gon pick up

I just smiled, winked, & walked away. As we made our way out the mall. All I could think about was if he was gonna call. Day 1 & I already connect with somebody. We got in the car & drove away. While Rocsi & Kat debated on whos clothes or shoes look better, I daydreamed about Jerome. His flawless light brown skin, all too sexy light brown eyes, juicy pink lips, lean build, & 1st prize winner ass. Man he's fine. Ooh and in the food court when he kissed down to my lips. What a tease. Here I am thinking LA was gonna be bullshit. We pulled up to the house & wow was I impressed. It was so beautiful. It looked like a single story house with a basement rose up out of the ground & they built steps up to the door. It had 2 windows on the bottom left, 1 line of windows top left, 1 window top right, 1 window bottom right, & a two car garage off the right side of the house & a deck on the top of it. Dayum I love it already. We pulled up in the two car driveway & the

garage door opened up.

Me- What you need a two car garage for

Uncle T- Terrence got a car

Me- Oh

We got all our stuff, & went through the garage. When we went through the door, & entered a grey carpeted sitting room with a black couch, loveseat, & recliner, tv on a stand, grey & black pool table, & a slide door leading onto a patio facing the beach. I walked down a hallway, passed a set of stairs, passed a bathroom, & then I was at Terrence/My room. I still had the gray carpet but it looked nice. The walls keep their original white color, both of our bed suits were black wood, & on each side of our beds sat a computer on a desk. My bed sheets & pillow cases were grey satin with black playboy bunnies on it, & my comforter was grey with a big black playboy bunny on it. Terrence had the same thing but switched around. We also had a 60 inch flatscreen on the wall with a ps3 under it. I saw 2 panel closet doors. Once I opened it, my mouth dropped. Still grey carpet with a mirror on each wall but 4 horizontal bars that went from wall to wall. Damn I know

walk in closets but dayum. The I turned around & on each side of the doors, were selves with shoes on it. I love this place. I hung up all my clothes, racked up my shoes & as soon as i was done I was playing GTA:4. While I was in the middle of a mission, the door burst open & I hopped up in excitement...

{Terrence POV}

I opened my door & thought I was dreaming. I looked at the foot of my & there stood Rashon. I hadn't seen him in so long but still his ears looked as though they have not changed, in size I mean. He ran to me & embraced me tightly.

Rashon- Oh my god. What happened to you, you got buff on me

Me- Me? Im suprised you aint got with the trend

Rashon- All the muscles done made you lose your curves

Me- They still there. But yours stand out just like them ears

Rashon- Shut up

We let each other go. As soon as we separted I saw Pooch at my window with a "Really" look on his face. I already knew what he was thinkin so I keep my smile on my face as I opened my window.

Pooch- You think this shit is funny

Me- Pooch calm down

Pooch- Calm down? You was just hugged up with another nigga & you telling me to calm down

Me- (Rashon walks up on Terrences side) Pooch meet my COUSIN Rashon

Pooch- Oh shit I forgot about ur cousin moving in with you

Me- I never told you

Pooch- Raven texted me. She really wants us to work

Rashon- Wait yall go out

Me- Yea. He sexy aint he

Rashon- Shorty too bad

Me- Pooch come in. Give me a few minutes to get dressed & we'll be ready too go

Pooch- Aight

Rashon- Go where

Me- Oh yea get dressed

Rashon- For

Pooch- After every football game, The Crew goes to the beach & we just have fun

Rashon- Who's The Crew

Me- Just get dressed

Rashon- Ok

As Pooch sat on the window seat, Rashon & I got dressed. I kept on my boxer-briefs, threw on my red loose spandex basketball shorts, a black beater, & my black, red & white jordan flip flops. Since we were goin to the beach, the only accessory was my Terrence J snapback. I came out of the closet to find Pooch layed out on my bed, knocked out. I just layed down next to him.

Me- Aww my baby tired

Pooch- Im just resting my eyes

Me- Babe have anybody ever told you, you got trust issues

Pooch- No cause I don't

Me- Well then you got anger issues

Pooch- No I don't

Me- You get hella mad hella fast for nothing

Pooch- Im sorry bout that. I really dont know what my problem is

Me- Its ok. You know im here to help

Pooch- I know (Kisses Terrence)

Rashon- Yall are too cute

Rashon came out wearing a white fishnet shirt, khaki cargo shorts, white flip flops, & a tan prep hat with a white stripe. I saw a tattoo of a heart over his belly button with wings on it & a belly button piercing. All I could think of, even though he's my cousin, was sexy.

Me- Not as cute as you

Pooch- Well lets go (Rashon starts walking toward the door) No sir. We dont use the door

Rashon- Oh I forgot

Rashon practically dove out the window.

Rashon- Was that a ten

Me- Eleven

Pooch- Ion mean anything by this but your cousin is sexy

Me- Sexier than me

Pooch- In my eyes....yes

Me- Your an asshole

Pooch- Not just an asshole, im your asshole

Me- True that

Pooch- Lets go. If Chris text me one more time saying, "Hurry up" imma knock his ass out

We hopped in Pooches truck & drove off.

Rashon- So who exactly is The Crew

Pooch- Our group of friends. Most people got fake friends. We dont minus a few who's getting the boot today

Rashon- Wow

Me- Who getting the boot

Pooch- Keri, Kelly, Keily, Adrianne, Sabrina, Big Sean, & Ti

Me- Why

Pooch- You'll find out when we get to The Diner

Rashon- Aight

Me- So what you do today

Rashon- Oh man, so we went to mall & I was in Burlington & one of the employees asked me if I needed help. Boy when I seen him, I damn near drooled

Me- Whats his name

Rashon- Jerome Jones but because of his looks & boyish charm people call him Romeo

Me- Ok what he look like

Rashon- Oh my god. Smooth mocha skin, full pink lips, eyes like yours, skinny blonde dyed dreads twisted together, lean/muscular build & an ass like yours. Now tell me that description didnt get your dick hard

Me- He sounds aight

Rashon- Aww you aint shit

Me- Neither is your tattoo or belly ring

Pooch- (In a high pitched voice) Tramp Stamp

We all laughed.

Rashon- Actually I got 2 tats

Me- Where the other one

Rashon- I got Y.O.L.O goin down my side

Pooch- (High pitched voice) Tramp Stamp

Rashon- You know what, its gon be me & you

I turned on the radio & we jammed all the way to The Diner....

{Trey POV}

Brian & I sat in my car in the parking lot of The Diner. He looked like something was bothering him....

Me- Brian you aight

Brian- Yea just thinking

Me- About

Brian- You. I was thinkin bout you

Me- What you mean

Brian- Our relationship

Me- What about it

Brian- When I was talking to Chris & he was talking about how he feels when he shares Laz with everybody else

Me- We not like that

Brian- You sure? Our first time fucking ended with 3. Our second time started & ended with 4. What makes it worst is that I aint even fuck you the second time

Me- Mufucka you want a 3rd time

Brian- Nope cause we still gonna manage to atract a 3rd

Me- So

Brian- You were the one wanting a monogamus relationship

Me- Ion care no more I just want some dick

Brian- You wanna be like Laz & Chris

Me- Laz be fucking other dudes without Chris. If you fuck somebody without me, its gonna be a problem

Brian- I don turned you out

Me- What you mean. I been gay all my life

Brian- Na I mean I turned on your sex drive

Me- You sure did

Brian- I got a bad feeling about this

Me- Well im getting a good one

We had our little 10 minute makeout session. Then we were interupted by a Chris with a smile on his face.

Me- (Rolls down the window) Wassup

Chris- Everybody's here

Me- Mkay. Lets go

Before I got out the car I seen a sexy light skinned boy with Pooch & Terrence. He was wearing a white fishnet top, khaki cargo shorts, & white flip flops with a tan prep hat. Damn he was fine. Big ears but they worked for him. We got out of the car & went into The Diner. Everybody headed straight for our normal booth along the wall. It was two tables but one whole rectangular booth. As well all sat down, I noticed how everybody was looking at Rashon. Some with "WTF" looks & others with lusty looks. It wasnt long before Hosea yelled out...

Hosea- Now who the hell are you

Then Terrence was about to snap but the kid stopped him & calmly said...

Rashon- Well my name's Rashon Fegan and im Terrences twin cousin

Colombus- Twin cousin

Rashon- We're cousins who got the same birthday

Chris- Oh well that makes sense

Hosea- Wat are you doing here

Raven- He was invited by me. By the way Rashon my name's Raven

Rashon- Thanks for inviting me

So after Hosea calmed down, the fun began. Everybody started cracking jokes, laughing, just having fun. Once the food came I got a little more serious....

Pooch- So what was the big discussion about Terrence

Hosea- Pooch not the time

Pooch- Hosea pefect time

Kelly- Look i'll be the first to say, at first yall two getting together was lunatic but now I see yall together it dont matter how long yall knew each other, its how yall feel about each other

Hosea- Stop feeding me this bullshit cause I aint hungry. Really some random light bright comes around & everybody just loosw their fucking minds. I give yall a month til yall break up because he cheats. He dont love you. All he gon do is smash & boot dat ass. And im gonna laugh when he do. Im outta here

Hosea got up & left.

Raven- Anybody else wanna leave cause this light bright here gonna stay

Keily- Sorry Raven. Sabrina's dad is coming to get us tonight. It just dont feel like family no more

Sabrina, Keily, & Adrianne left.

Raven- Any more of my friends, wanna show their true colors

I saw Terrence looking at me & shook his head no as I looked at Big Sean. I really do wonder why he didnt want to call him out. Next thing I know Keri & Ti got up.

Kelly- Keri what you doin

Keri- Im not gonna act like im ok with this. (Looks at Terrence & Pooch) Love? Ha wrong L, its called lust sweetie. Lust

She walked out.

Chris- Tip where you goin

Ti- Im the only straight nigga here man

Chris- Come on we were friends since diapers

Ti- Im just playin bro. Tiny called me, she need me right now

He left.

Colombus- So lets leave the drama behind

Rashon- Yea I thinks its time to have some fun

Nicki- I agree with the new kid

We all we back to our normal selves. Raven, Christina, Nicki, & Kelly bring up their girly topics. Then Terrence, Brian, & Me would throw in our comments. Which lead to Chris, Colombus, Pooch, & Rashon cracking jokes. Once we got our food, the laughing & jokes calmed down. So Rashon became the topic...

Colombus- So whats up with the fishnet

Rashon- Oh I like to show off my body when im not in school

Colombus- Well what a nice body it is

Rashon- (Blushes) Thanks. You dont look so bad yourself

Colombus- Thanks

Christina- Is that a belly ring

Rashon- Yea. Gold metal & a red diamond. My favorite two colors

Nicki- Oh. So wat your tats say

Rashon- On my belly button is a heart with wings. Down my side is YOLO: You Only Live Once

Colombus- I like that

Me- Anybody else hear sparks

Raven- I think I do

We finished our food & sat for a minute. I think I was the only one who noticed how unusually quiet Big Sean was. Then how Colombus was vibing with Rashon. Both of them smiling & admiring each others bodies with their hands. You'd expect for Big Sean to be the one all of him. While I snuggled up with Brian, Terrence did the same with Pooch. He actually held Terrence close, just like he used to hold me, where Brian just put his arm around me like a buddy. I wonder how long this will last.

{Pooch POV}

After we paid our check, we split it, & headed to the beach. To no suprise, Colombus rode with us. He & Rashon just talked to whole way. They looked like regular love birds. I know if Rashon & Terrence are really twins, Rashon & Colombus will be together tomorrow. Once we made it to the beach, everybody grabbed their shit & we walked down to our spot. There was a spot down the beach with a trail of big rocks that lead into the ocean. Nobody ever came here, so it made keeping it clean & private easy. We set up our iPod amp, plugged in Terrences phone, & let pandora take it away. Everybody was kinda doin their own thing. Me, Brian, Terrence, Chris, & Trey was tossing around the football just bullshiting. Raven, Christina, Nicki, & Kelly were laying in their beach chairs talking. Colombus & Rashon sat on top of the biggest rock & talked. But Big Sean just sat in the water. Normally he'd be with us but somethings really wrong with him & im gonna find out

what. I threw the ball to Brian & told them...

Me- I'll be right back

I walked over to Big Sean & sat next to him. When I sat next to him, he kinda jumped. He looked scared....

Me- Whats been up with you today

Big Sean- Umm nothing. Nothing

Me- Sean you aint foolin me. You been quiet all day. You are never quiet for more than 5 minutes & thats on a bad day

Big Sean- Its just something that I did earlier today

Pooch- Well we're friends right

Big Sean- Im too afraid to tell

Pooch- Its not like whatever it is gon piss me off

Big Sean- Thats what im afraid of

After he said that, I could feel the curiousity rush to my brain. Now their are 3 question in my head. Who does it concern? What did he do? Why did he do it? I dont know why but I got a feeling Terrence got something to do with it....

Me- Now you gotta tell me

Big Sean- So you can my ass. Hell no

Me- Bro just be honest with me, do Terrence got anything to do with it

Big Sean- No its Hosea

Me- What

Big Sean- Hosea let me poo his cherry

Me- Why would I kick your ass for that

Big Sean- Because I thought you wanted him

Me- I got Terrence. Better yet I got Terrence all to myself

Big Sean- So where do your friendship with Hosea stand

Me- Im cool on him. He officially lost it. Im done with him

Big Sean- Oh ok then

Me- Come play catch with us bro

Big Sean- Aight

So we got up & kept throwing the ball around. I could see Big Sean coming around. Colombus & Rashon came back & threw the ball around. Eventually, considering how compeditive we all are, we started playing a game. Me, Colombus, Brian & Big Sean vs Terrence, Rashon, Trey & Chris. We had fun even though it was only 4 on 4. After about 5 minutes, we were tired. So we just did random shit. We played vollyball, had a series of races, just had mindless & somewhat childish fun. Then it kind of darker & somewhat chilly. As soon as I grabbed my shirt, Terrence snatched it outta my hand & threw it down...

Me- I know you wanna see my body but im cold so can I please get my shirt

Terrence- No not until you get in the water with me

Me- No its cold

Terrence- Punk

Me- Oh really

So I dropped my cargo shorts, scooped Terrence bridal style, ran into the water, & threw him in. Once he resurfaced, we splashed around, laughed, & wrestled a lil bit. I have no idea how but we ended up with water up to our necks, face to face, his arms around my necks, & my hands on his hips.

Me- I still thinks its cold

Terrence- Well I can heat it up

Me- How

Next thing I know, Terrence attacks my mouth with his own. He tried to claim his dominance, like I was gonna let that happen. So me being the alpha male just couldnt let that happen, so I attacked back. Our rough kiss turned from rough to passionate.

Me- (Between kisses) I win

Terrence- Because I let you

He let his hands glide over my chest, down my abs, to my hips, up from the small of my back to the top, then he gripped my shoulders from the back. Since he decided to do some hands on work, why the fuck should I? I let my hands venture south & grip the meatiest ass i've ever layed my hands on.

Me- Damn I gotta have this ass now

Terrence- Whoever said you couldn't have it

My hormones are to the max & I know I said I wanted to wait but I gotta it. I grabbed both of his ass cheeks & picked him up. Our lips stayed together while I walked us near a rock. Once we got there, water was to our hips. I pinned him against the rock & our dicks were rock hard & rubbing together. My hands found the waistband of Terrences' shorts & slid them down. He took his legs off me & took them completely off. We pressed our bodies together once again. This time he reversed our positions. He grabbed the waistband of my shorts but I stopped him.

Terrence- Whats wrong

Me- We cant do this

Terrence- Why not this time

Me- Look where we are

Terrence- Ok

Me- I just feel like we're rushing it

Terrence- And I have to respect that

Me- Im sorry just give me some time

Terrence- Its ok but we still have a problem, 2 big problems

Me- What

Terrence- 2 hard dicks

Me- Actually only one. The water got cold again

Terrence- (Notice that he's also soft) I just noticed

Me- Im sorry

Terrence- Its ok

Me- No its not. I just...i feel like im letting you down

Terrence- How

Me- The whole waiting for sex thing

Terrence- You arent letting me down. I love you Pooch Hall

Me- (Kisses Terrence) I love you too, Terrence J. Let me make you this promise

Terrence- Im all ears

Me- I promise when we finally do have sex, it'll be the best night of your life

Terrence- And you better keep that promise

Me- Will I ever lie to you

{Rashon POV}

When Terrence & Pooch came back their dicks were all too visible. You.could only assume what they were doing. We began to pack everything up & headed back to the house. Once we made it, we said his goodbye's to Pooch & headed straight for our room. Once we got in, we both undressed & sat in our towels.

Terrence- I saw how you were acting with Colombus

Me- Yea so

Terrence- So you like him dont you

Me- Ok i'll admit he's cute, sexy, funny, sweet & yea I do kinda like him

Terrence- And you're holding back because

Me- Im me. And being me means that I cant be tied to one guy

Terrence- What about 2

Me- Now Colombus & Jerome would be a dream come true

Terrence- Thats how I see it with Pooch & Trey

Me- You like Trey

Terrence- Something like that

Me- Well I think a shower is in order

Terrence- Me first

He ran & jumped in the shower. After 20 minutes he came out in some pajama pants & crashed on his bed.

Me- Dont fall asleep on me

Terrence- I won't

I took a half hour shower. When I came out Terrence was knocked out. I got in my bed, turned off the light, & drifted off to sleep with Jerome & Colombus on my mind.

{Pooch POV}

I stood outside my door wondering if I should go in or not. So I took a chance. When I opened the door, all I saw was red....



Next: Chapter 8

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