Puppy Love

By socrazii92

Published on Aug 24, 2012



Ch.5: Pooch Problems/New Comer

(Terrence POV)

Eventually Pooch fell asleep in my arms. I just held him as he curled up against me. He looked so peaceful. Looking at him you'd never guess he'd have any worries. I cant believe his parents are the way they are. Its just so fucking messed up. Then I heard my phone ringing. Once I pulled it out I seen a name that really fucked me up. My Dad. I picked up though....

Me- Yea

Dad- Where are you son

Me- Im fine dad

Dad- I didnt ask you that

Me- Im with Pooch. He had a situation with his parents

Dad- Its 2 in the morning

Me- I know dad

Dad- You need to get home right now

Me- Ok dad

Dad- Alright

I hung up & I felt Pooch began to move under me. Once I looked down at him, his eyes were open & looking up at me. I rubbed his head....

Me- Hey

Pooch- Hey. What time is it

Me- 2

Pooch- You stayed with me that long

Me- Yea. I love you

Pooch- I love you too

Me- Umm my dad just called & I have to go home

Pooch- You cant stay for a little while

Me- No. Knowing my dad if I stay out any longer he'd have a search party sent out

Pooch- What, dad dont trust you

Me- Actually no. Or at least not past 10

Pooch- Why not

Me- Thats a whole different story for a different situation. Now come on let me up

Pooch- You really gonna leave

Me- Yea I gotta get home

Pooch- Well what am I sposed to do

Me- Umm go home

Pooch- WHAT!!!

Me- Ha im just joking. Look, park outside, when I open my window come on in. Ok

Pooch- Ok

We kissed & then we both got in our cars & drove back to my house. I decided that it would be nice to use the front door so I did. As soon as I closed the door, I heard my dads voice....

Dad- Terrence, living room now

Oh shit. When he says it like that I know im in trouble. All the shit I did in New York really made my dad a little more strict about my late night early morning engagements. My house is set up like Ravens a set of stairs goin up & one goin down as soon as you walk in. I walked up the stairs to find my dad laying on the couch with his arm over his eyes.

Dad- Where you been

Me- I told you. I was with Pooch

Dad- Dont lie to me

Me- Im not lying

Dad- I dont want no repeats of Queens you hear me

Me- Oh god

Dad- Im serious

Me- Ok

Dad- Ok?

Me- Yea ok. Im not gonna argue, first step of showing a brand new Terrence. Can I go to my room now

Dad- Y-yea I guess

I got up & went to my room. I closed & locked my door. I saw Hosea in my bed sleep. I ran & opened my window only to find Pooch standing right there.

Me- Come on

Pooch- (Climbing into the window) Where's Hosea

Me- He took over my bed

Pooch- Just like him

We sat on top of the padded window seat. It was long enough to where we both had our backs against opposite walls. I changed into my shorts & kept off my shirt. Pooch just kept his pants on but took everything else off.

Pooch- Babe

Me- Yea

Pooch- What are we doing

Me- Umm sitting here. What you mean

Pooch- Us. Our relationship. What are we doing

Me- What made you wonder that

Pooch- I dont know. Its just we've only known each other for two days & we're already together

Me- Look, im gonna tell you like I told Hosea, just cause we only knew each one day dont mean nothing. I love you & you love me. Thats all that matters fuck what everybody else says

Pooch- I guess you're right

Me- Ya damn skippy

Pooch- Im sorry

Me- For what

Pooch- Bringing it up

Me- You dont have to apoligize for that. But I got one question

Pooch- What

Me- What made you want me

Pooch- Your ass. Just so fucking phat, just KAPOWWW & I was like DAYUM

We both started laughing.

Me- Im serious

Pooch- Seriously, at first it was your looks

Me- My looks

Pooch- Yea light skinned, light brown eyes, full pink lips, skinny with a muscular build. Just sexy & swagged out

Me- That it

Hosea- (Still sleep) No Drake. Imma tell everybody about my drunk threesome with you & Wayne tomorrow

Me & Pooch laughed.

Pooch- And your smile

Me- What

Pooch- Your smile

Me- What about it

Pooch- You've got one of the most beautiful smiles i've ever seen. When you smile its like everything stops just to look at you

Me- Thats either one of the most beautiful or corniest things I've ever heard

We laughed.

Hosea- I'd go with corny

Pooch- You wanna tell us about that threesome with Drake & Wayne

Hosea- Going back to sleep

Pooch- Thats what I thought

Me- How do you do it

Pooch- What

Me- Hosea is sexy as hell, how have you not tried to fuck him

Pooch- We had oral experiments

Me- Can he suck

Pooch- No but from the noises I hear he can give some good dick

Me- Oh really & what about you

Pooch- Im good at it all

Me- When will I get witness that

Pooch- I dont know yet. You might not be able to handle me

Me- You must not know who your boyfriend is

Pooch- Ha. Neither do you

Me- I know enough

Pooch- I dont

Me- What do you need to kno

Pooch- Why dont you dad trust you at night

At first I was scared to tell the truth. But then I didnt want to start our relationship off wrong so I told him...

Me- Promise me you wont look at me any different

Pooch- I promise

Me- I used to steal, fight, & fuck every night all night back in Queens

Pooch- (Burst out laughing) You. Terrence the original mother Theresa, a theif, a fighter, & a bop

Deep down, it hurt me to hear him laugh the way he did.

Me- Pooch im serious. Growing up in Queens without a fully functioning family isnt easy. You learn that if somebody aint givimg it to you, you gotta get it on your own. Thats where stealing came in

Pooch- You were serious

Me- Yea. What makes it worst is that I got good at it. It went from just food, to money, to bigger shit

Pooch- Where'd the fighting come in

Me- Being a skinny, light skinned, sexy, gay guy & fresh to death in Queens made you a target. They either was gonna rob you, or try to rape you

Pooch- I guess thats where fucking came in

Me- Some of the dicks I got fucked by kept me from being shot

Pooch- Damn babe

Me- Yea but thats old Terrence

Pooch- Well lets keep it that way. Ion wanna have to ride no dick to save your life

Me- You're an asshole

Pooch- But be honest, you love this asshole

Me- (Crawling over Pooch & stops to sit on his lap) Tru that. I must be stupid

Pooch- Maybe one of those guys with guns literally fucked your brains out

Me- Well maybe you should see if you can fix that

Pooch- Maybe my lips on yours will help

Me- Maybe lets try

I pressed my lips on his softly. He kissed back. His lips are just so perfect. But the kiss didnt last long.

Me- Ooh I feel smarter already (Grinds on his dick)

Pooch- Oh shit, stop teasing

Me- Who's teasing

Pooch- Babe you know we cant do this

Me- Why not

Pooch- Its too fast. I want our first time to mean something

Me- I can respect that

Pooch- What about another kiss though

I kissed softly. He kissed back, with his his lips feeling just as soft. He just dont know how much I wanted to rip his jeans & boxer briefs off. But I respect his wishes. I guess this'll test my love for him. If I love him as much as I think, i'll wait. But if I get another guy for the job, then old Terrence is still in effect.

{Pooch POV}

After our kiss, we fell asleep. And it felt like I only had 2 minutes of sleep, because I heard Hosea say...

Hosea- Come on we gotta be at the school at 7

Me- Game's not til 10

Hosea- Practice nigga

Me- Oh shit

Hosea- Yea nigga. Come on

Me- Bro pull the covers back so I can lay him in his bed

Hosea- Man I aint helping you tuck him in

Me- Well fuck you

I scooped Terrence up in my arms, layed him in his bed, & covered him up. I kissed him on the cheek then got dressed & hopped out the window. Hosea & I hopped in my car & drove off. It started as a fairly quiet ride until Hosea broke the silence.

Hosea- Bro what the fuck are you doin

Me- Watchu talkin bout Hosea

Hosea- You know what im talkin bout. You & that wannabe mr. innocent Terrence

Me- Are you fucking serious

Hosea- Im just saying. Just like the whole Crew minus a few is saying

Me- Well im tired of everybody just saying, so shut the fuck up & ride

Hosea- Do you even know what they say

Me- No. And quite frankly I dont care

Hosea- What the fuck is eating you

Me- Dont fucking worry about alright. How about you worry about finding a new place to live. Im fucking sick of you. Always tryna make me do what you think is right. Telling me what to do like imma fuckin mindless juicehead like you. So just find a new place to live

Hosea- Where do you want me to go

Me- To hell but until then I suggest Brandys house.

Hosea- Bro im sorry man (tearing up)

Me- I dont wanna hear it

Hosea- Well since you lashing out, I guess I better say my piece

Me- I dont wanna hear it

Hosea- Well you goin to. Most of The Crew thinks Terrence just wanna use you as a personal hoe. All he wanna do is hit it & quit it

I decided to calm down. After I centered myself I thought I should respond....

Me- Who thinks that

Hosea- Everybody except: Raven, Christina, Nicki, Chris, Columbus & Trey

Me- So you believe it too

Hosea- Yea. I mean why is he kissing Big Sean if he sposed ta be with you

Me- Fuck what you talking bout

Hosea- Im serious. This dude is trouble I can feel it. And you know how good I am at reading people

Me- Oh really

Hosea- Yea

Me- Then why'd you get us together

Hosea sat quietly

Me- You aint got nothing to say now

I just sat there & listen to Hosea sniffle. I honestly dont know why I snapped the way I did. I guess some of last nights events are still in my head. I never snapped at Hosea like that. I kind of just scared myself. We pulled up to the school & Hosea rushed out & into the gym. I saw Wayne, Drake, & Wiz Khalifa smoking in Drakes car. I needed sometime to calm me down so I went & hopoed in the back seat.

Wiz- What the fuck you doin

Me- I just need somebody to talk to

Wayne- Well too bad talking in this car about to cease

Wayne then unbutton & unzipped his pants. After he whipped of his hard 8 inches, he grabbed Drakes head & forced his mouth on his dick. Then I looked over at Wiz, who had his pants down, back against the window & leg spread wide open. What happened next was for me to know & for nobody to find out....

{Terrence POV}

I woke up in my bed, feeling around for Pooch & he wasnt there. I noticed time & remebered why. So I got up, ran to the kitchen, made me a bowl of my favorite cereal (Honeynut Cheereos), & sat down. Once I began eating, my dad entered the kitchen on his phone. Then the black in me kicked in so I had to listen...

Dad- The jet should be on its way. Yea just bring important stuff even clothes can stay because soon as you get here im sending you shopping. He's gonna bunk with Terrence & she can bunk with Rocsi. No they shouldn't mind. Alright sis. Love you too. Bye

Me- Who & what was that

Dad- Son I didnt even notice you

Me- What was the phone call about

Dad- It was your aunt Kim

Me- Aunt Kim Jekins or Aunt Kim Whitely

Jenkins is my dads side & Whitely is my moms side.

Dad- Your moms sister

Me- So whats up with her

Dad- She's comin out here

Me- For how long

Dad- Thats what I wanted to ask you. How do you feel about her moving here with us

Me- I'd love it. Is Rashon coming with her

Dad- He aint goin with his dad

Me- Oh my god. Wait where he gonna sleep

Dad- Well imma have your walk in closet taking out & making the spare room next to yours an even bigger closet for the 2 of you. I know how yall get with yall clothes

Me- Wow Dad. How long will that take

Dad- I got my guys on their way over now

Me- Thanks Dad

Dad- I know you & Rocsi need room mates so I went ahead & told them to come

Me- So she's bring Rashon & Katrina

Dad- Yea

Lemme break it down for you. My aunt Kim is so much fun but when she needs to be she goes Momma Bear. She got 2 kids & both of them got their dads last name. My cousin Rashon (Feagon) is the brother I never had, we did everything together back in Queens. We were so much alike. We call each twin because we have the same birthday. Every piece of clothng I own he got. We did everything together. Fought, stole, pranked, partied, just did it all except fuck. He was my partner in crime. Now his sister Katerina (Graham) & my sister were just like us. We always got snitched on by them. The only difference was that they didnt have the same birthday but were the same age. I was really excited because they moved from Queens a year ago & I havent seen him since then. I wonder how much he changed since....

{Trey POV}

I hopped in the car Brian GAVE me & drove off. The best part about being out here, cops dont really care about driving illegally as long as you stay safe. I noticed as soon as I left Brian, I began to think about Terrence. It was like being with Brian kept my mind of Terrence. Which after what happened last night, could be a good thing. I saw a USB cord so I pulled up my phone & a computerized male voice, that frigtened me, said...

Voice- You have 3 new voice messages. Would you like to hear them

Me- Yes

The first message was from Chris. I could tell he was getting fucked because I heard his ass smaking Laz pelvis.

Chris- (Moaning) Hey Trey. Ahh shit. I was calling to make sure you were okaaaaayyyy. Dayum fuck that ass boy

Voice- Call back

Me- Delete

Voice- Next message

Nicki- Trey everybody wondering where you are. I heard you left with Brian. Since when did you hang with him. Call me bitch

Me- Delete

Voice- Next message

Brian- Hey. I hope you enjoy the new car. Its voice activated so just say whatever & it'll do it. But you can't ask for food or for it to fly. Other than that you good. Love ya

Me- Save

Voice- 1 text message from Pooch

Me- Read

Voice- You better stay away from Terrence & I mean it. If I find out you kissed him again then you're gonna need a new face

After that, I was ready to fight. Ion care how fucking loco he is. I've fought Pooch before & i'll do it again.

Me- Reply

Voice- How would you like to reply

Me- Look I admit I was wrong but dont text my phone like you're my fucking dad alright. You better watch how you come at me cause my hands is lethal. You remember that fight we had at The Diner

Voice- Would you like anything else

Me- Nothing just the Hip Hop & R&B station on Pandora

The music started & it made me hate this car. Pooch had a thing for fucking to music. The first time we fucked, Naked by Marcus Houston played. And that song played first. I kinda miss the old Pooch though. Before our break-up, he was so much fun. He always had people laughing or was laughing himself. I wonder what happened. I drove to Chris house & walked right in. I went to his room & walked in on him inserting a butt-plug in his ass.

Chris- Wassup

Me- Nun much. Still using these ass plugs huh

Chris- Man they sposed ta help ya get a phatter ass

Me- A loose hole, yes. A phatter ass, you need to take that shit back

Chris- Fuck you

Me- Too bad Brian took care of that already

Chris- (Gasp) You didn't

Me- You know I did

Chris- Is the rumors true

Me- Yup. Him & Pooch are exactly the same size. The 2 biggest dicks in school & I had them both. And speaking of Pooch, why this nigga had the nerve to call me talking bout, "If I kiss Terrence again imma need a new face"

Chris- Ooh what you say

Me- I apoligized but then said that he better.watch who he was talkin to

Chris- You crazy but back to the dick game, who can use it better

Me- Honestly Pooch

Chris- So what else happened

Me- We talked, he made me breakfast, a lil orgy in the hot tub, new mercades

Chris- Wait, go back one

Me- Orgy in the hot tub

Chris- With who

Me- Lance Gross the basketball captain was fucking me, Brian was fuckin him, & Brian was gettin fucked by his sexy ass light skinned dream guardian Marcus

Chris- Patrick

Me- Yea. How you know him

Chris- When you into the fucking life like I am, you hear about people

Me- You are such a hoe

Chris- You like it. But anteeway (Ant-E-Way) what was the last thing you said

Me- The Mercades. Oh yea, he gave me one of his cars

Chris- Damn, yo ass game is not all that

Me- Thats what you think

Chris- No I know. Even Laz said it, but he say that about lots of people

Me- Chris, how do you & Laz do it

Chris- Do what

Me- Yall relationship, yall fuck whoever, its like yall not even in a relationship

Chris- I know. I just like having somebody to call mines

Me- Why call him yours if you sharing him with everybody

Chris- I just dont want to let him go

Me- You might have to let him go, then he may come back

I could tell Chris was thinking about it. I really did hate the way he let Laz run over him. Chris is my best friend & we talk about everything. A lot of our conversations involve him & Laz. Theirs even been pictures of Laz with other guys on the school gossip site. But Chris just doesnt want to let him go.

Chris- I think we should start getting ready for the game

Poor Chris.....

(Pooch POV)

After about 30 minutes of sitting in a car, we all got out & proceeded to pregame practice. I was a little high, but I didnt smoke. Drake ended up gettin his phat ass fucked by Wayne, & Wiz got fucked by a dildo I found under the back seat. Im with Terrence & I refuse to start off our relationship off wrong. I couldnt do nothing but laugh at Wiz, he actually thought I was gon fuck him. After I got changed into my unifirm, I jogged into the gym. I was still a little high so the entire practice, I half assed it. When it came time for us to chill out, I saw Hosea sitting in the bleachers. I felt bad for how I blew up at him. I went up beside him & said in the most calm voice I could....

Me- Hey

Hosea- Hosea aint got time for no more Pooch bullshit so leave a message at the beep. Beeeeeeep

Me- Look I came up here to apoligise for what I said this morning. I was wrong for what I said & im sorry

Hosea- So what you think you can just put on your puppy face & everybody sposed to fall for it

He got up & walked away while I follow. He stopped by the bathroom....

Me- Im tryna apoligize

Hosea- Im tryna deny it but the puppy face is working

I couldnt help but smile. He smiled as well. He did our handshake & hugged, then he walked away. I stood right by the bathroom. Then I felt a hand slap my ass & when I turned around it was Aubrey...

Drake- Damn you got a phat ass

Me- What you want

Drake- Come here

He pulled me into the bathroom & pressed me against the wall.

Me- What the f-

He roughly kissed me. I felt one of his hands under my shirt rubbing my abs & the other gripped my crotch.

Drake- Come on babe. We got 15 minutes before the game starts. Fuck me fast enough we'll be cool

Me- What the fuck us wrong with you? I gotta boyfriend. I aint cheating on him

Drake- (Whining) Come on daddy. Please. I wont tell

Me- Wayne just gave you some

Drake- He gotta skinny dick. I need that thick shit you got

Me- Aight go in the stall first stall on the left, tie your shirt around your head, bend all the way over, spread ya cakes, & wait for me

Drake- Ok

He ran to the stall & I ran out the bathroom. I wasnt gonna fuck him. I want Terrence to be my only. So I found our center, John Cena. I walked up to him....

Me- Hey John

John- Sup Pooch

Me- How thick is yo dick

John- Beer can bro man. Why you want some

Me- Na but Drake is in the bathroom, first stall on the left, hot n ready for something thick

John- Oh shit thanks man

As he ran into the bathroom, I could only laugh. Then I heard Coach Ochocinco yell....

Coach Ochocinco- Alright 10 minutes to showtime

I was so ready to show off for Terrence...

{Terrence POV}

I threw on a red fitted T-Shirt that said "Im Here To Look Good", some black skinny jeans, & my red, black, & white adidas. Then I grabbed my keys, phone, & red snapback & headed for the front door.

Rocsi- Where you goin

Me- Football game

Rocsi- You dont even like football

Me- Nope but my boyfriend wants me to come watch his game so

Rocsi- Bop

Me- Tattoo hurt, dont you agree Rocsi

Rocsi- I hate you

Me- Love you too. Oh, Aunt Kim is moving in with us

Rocsi- Is cousin Keke & Rashon comin

Me- Yea

Rocsi- We are so gonna prank you guys every night

Me- Try me

I left the house & hopped in my car. As soon as I started the car, Raven knocked on the passenger side window.

Me- Hey

Raven- You goin to the game

Me- Yea

Raven- Good im riding with you

She hopped in my car wearing a red school T-Shirt thats tied up the sides, black cargo caprees, & red & black converse. Even though im gay I know when somebody is sexy & she is sexy.

Me- Who you gettin all dressed up for

Raven- Baby this is Raven. I dress like this everytime I step out the door. My mom always say if you would want somebody to take your picture in it dont wear it

Me- Alright thats wassup

Raven- So lemme ask you something

Me- I feel a serious discussion coming on

Raven- I just really want to know what you & Pooch is doin

Me- It was just an instant connection that we acted on

Raven- Thats how The Crew came about

Me- Who started it all

Raven- Me, Nicki, & Christina started hanging with Pooch, Trey, & Hosea back in the 8th grade. People saw how much fun we had & all the shit we did. More people just wanted hang with us

Me- Wow. Now yall just a pseudofamily (fake family)

Raven- We. You part of The Crew

Me- So what if you just get accepted by everyone you in the crew

Raven- The original crew members

Me- Well we bout ta have a new member

Raven- Who

Me- My aunt is movin in my house with my cousin

Raven- You sure he gonna make it with The Crew

Me- He's just like me

Raven- Hello cousin

We made it to the school. We both hopped out the car. As we were walking passed the away teams bus, I felt a hand on my shoulder & a southern accent.....

Voice- Excuse me, shawty

Me- (Turns around) Yea

Guy- My names Nelly. I saw you & I just had to come talk to you

Me- Well thanks but I got a boyfriend

Nelly- Well what he dont know wont hurt, right

Me- Wrong

Nelly- Ok im sorry for that but can you at least give me some sort of conversation

Me- I dont know you so their aint really much to talk about

Nelly- Yes their is

Me- Really like what

Nelly- Like how true your shirt is

Me- You gotta come better than that

Nelly- Yea im fucking up right now

Me- Well at least you admit it

Nelly- Well you aint from here so tell me how should I come at you

Me- Well first of all, the only thing you did right was tell me your name. But the key to earning mine is making me laugh. And the worst thing you could possibly do is to not care about the fact im in a relationship

Nelly- Your right my bad

Me- Yea so good luck tryna pick up somebody else

Nelly- Yea but you dont know what you did

Me- What

Nelly- You just had a conversation with me

After I noticed how he just got me, I couldnt help to at least smile.

Me- My name is Terrence

Nelly- Well you got a really pretty smile Terrence

Me- Well you dont look so bad yourself

After that, 2 boys with dreads walked up behind him, one light-skinned, the other dark chocolate.

Nelly- These my friends Waka (Flocka Flame), & Ace (Hood)

Me- Sup

Ace- Come on man coach need everybody in the locker room

Nelly- Aight. Well I gotta go

Me- Aight

All three of them turned around & it was ass central. They all wore black tights under their sweat pants & were sagging. Wakas was juicy, Ace had a sort of muscle butt, & Nellys was a cross between the 2. Dayum it seems like LA is ass central. I gotta say if I wasnt with Pooch, I wouldv'e talked to Nelly.

Raven- What was that

Me- Nothing

Raven- Were you flirting

Me- Not even close

Raven- I believe you, come on

Me- Where we goin

Raven- Umm we're sneaking into to The Box

Me- Whats that

Raven- A room above the gym with a two-way mirror. So we can watch the football team practice

We walked to "The Box". Once we got in, it was set up with 4 seats to a table, 2 tables, & 8 seats in front of the two way mirror. I noticed that Big Sean & Christina was there.

Big Sean- Dayum boy. If you wasnt Pooch boyfriend

Christina- Well he is so get over it

Raven- So wats goin on

Christina- Same ole drills the only new thing is Coach Ochocinco is practicing with them, with his shirt of

Big Sean- Two more items of clothes & everything will be cool

We all laughed.

Raven- Wait where's Pooch

Christina- He might be running late

Me- Na his truck is here & so is Hosea

Big Sean- Call him

As soon as I pulled out my phone, we all saw Pooch jog into the gym.

Big Sean- Why do he got that goofy ass smile on his face

Christina- Somethings making him him happy

Raven- Or someone

I could only smile at her comment. We sat & talked as the team just hung out.

Raven- Look Tyrese & Tyson heading into the bathroom

Big Sean- He's such a ho

Me- Who

Big Sean- Tyson. Thats why we didnt work

Me- You went with him

Big Sean- Yep for all of a week

Me- What happened

Christina- Football team party

Big Sean- You think you funny

Me- Whats that

Raven- A video of Tyson on his hands & knees in the shower after weight lifting

Me- Damn

Big Sean- Them eyes just so persuasive

Raven- Right. Antyway, Terrence I hear your birthday is Friday

Me- Yup & its my cousins too

Christina- What cousin

Me- My aunt & cousins are moving in with me, my dad, & lil sister

Big Sean- What he look like

I showed him a pic of Rashon wearing nothing but some black basketball shorts hanging off his V, with his right hand pushing the side of his short lower, & holding his phone up with his left hand.

Big Sean- Damn. Please tell me he's gay

Me- He's gay

Big Sean- Top or bottom

Me- Bottom more than top

Big Sean- My kind of guy

Me- Well good luck with that cause you gotta really look good for him to commit

Big Sean- Yea. One more thing. Do he kiss like you

Me- I dont kno

We laughed. I looked down at Pooch & saw him & Hosea talking they gave each other a handshake & a hug. Then after Hosea walked away, I saw Aubrey (Drake) walk up to Pooch, slap him on his ass, & drag him into the bathroom.

Raven- Terrence. Terrence

Me- Yea

Raven- Come on. Chris, Columbus, & Trey having a hard time holding our seats

Me- Alright

As we were walking out, I looked back to see that Pooch still hasnt come out of the bathroom. Then I felt a hand grip my ass. I looked & saw Big Sean smiling.

Christina- Come y'all

Me- Go ahead we catch up. I gotta few words for him

The girls went on. I watched them walk down the stairs. Once I could tell they were gone, I closed the door. When I turned around, my hands were pinned above my head, & Big Sean & I were nose to nose.

Me- What are you doin

Big Sean- Im trying to finish what we started

Me- You know we cant do that

Big Sean- Why not

Me- What you mean? Im with Pooch

Big Sean- So. What he dont know wont hurt. Now lemme taste them lips

Me- I aint playin get off me

Big Sean- Why you actin brand new

Me- Im with Pooch. If I wasnt then i'd been happy to finish what we started

Big Sean- Just one peck. No tongue

Me- No

Big Sean- Please

Me- I already made the mistake of kissing Trey. Im not gonna do it again

Big Sean- You kissed Trey

Me- Well he kissed me

Big Sean- And I kissed you

Me- Wha-

Before I could finish my word, Big Sean force his lips on mine & his tongue in my mouth. He held both of my hands up with his right & let his left hand roam right into my briefs. He felt both of my cheeks then forced his middle & index finger into my ass. Due to the fact that I was horny, his fingers in my ass gave me an instant hard on. He pulled his fingers out my ass & went around to my dick. Then I felt his mouth depart from mine. I was breathing super hard, then I heard his voice. He whispered in a super seductive voice....

Big Sean- A hard dick. You sure you dont like what im doin

Me- Its been a while

Big Sean- How bout this, you let me suck it, ride it, & i'll keep quiet

Me- No

Big Sean- Ok. How about you suck me, ride me, & i'll keep quiet

Me- No

Big Sean- Well how bout this, you gimme dat ass or i'll take it

Me- Go ahead & try. But Pooch gonna rearrange your face

Big Sean- Man my cousin Rampage will whoop dat punk ass nigga

Me- Why cant you just leave me alone

Big Sean- I will. I just want dat ass. So you gon either give it to me or i'll take it

Me- You gon have to take it or at least try

Big Sean- Ok then. It would hurt a lot less if you just give it to me

I didnt say nothing else. He spun me around with my hands still over my head. He kissed then back of my neck which really turned me on considering my neck is my spot or at least one of them. He kept his right hand around my wrist as his left hand traveled back down to my ass. He squeezed each cheek a few times. Then after his hand left my ass, I heard his belt buckle loosening. Then I got scarred, I tried wiggling out of his hold but damn he was strong. I heard his pants drop then I felt something hard slap my ass & it wasnt a hand. He then pulled down my boxer briefs, easy access since I was sagging. I tightened my hole as much as I could. I felt his head in my crack looking for my hole & it wasnt too long before he found it. He pressed as hard as he could.

Big Sean- Come on babe. Just let me in

Then he kissed my neck which took my concentration from my ass & his thick head popped into my ass. We both moaned.

Big Sean- See I knew you'd like it. Now get ready for a long, hard ri-

Trey- (While knocking on the door) Terrence you in there

Me- Yea come in

Big Sean hurried & pulled up his pants as Trey barged in the door knocking me to the ground...

{Trey POV}

After Chris & I got dressed for the game, we headed straight for my car. And Chris was so jealous...

Chris- Oh my god. I cant stand you. Why do you always get the good niggas

Me- What

Chris- Your boyfriends always buying you shit

Me- Laz buys you stuff

Chris- Yea. I get sex toys, thongs, condoms, & other dudes

Me- What have I got

Chris- Umm that necklass from Pooch, then shoes from Pooch, that damn big ass valentines bear from Pooch, a breakfast from Brian, & now a brand new Mercades

Me- Well maybe you should date before you bend over next time

Chris- You didnt date Brian

Me- I knew him though

After that Chris didnt have anything to say. We got in the car & rode silently to the game. Once we got there, we hurried to our seats where we always sit, which is down front right behind the players bench. Once we got there I saw Brian leaning against the railing, slightly bent over with his upper buttocks showing due to his tight shirt. I sneaked up on him & slapped his ass super hard. He jerked away....

Brian- Ahh shit

Me- Your ass is so fuckable

Brian- So is yours but I dont smack it like that. Damn I think your left a handprint

Me- Aww you want me to kiss it

Brian- Maybe later

We kissed. I heard my phone ring. It was a text from Terrence telling me to come to The Box. I saw Raven & Christina coming over

Me- I thought Terrence was with yall

Raven- He & Big Sean had to talk about somethin

Me- Babe i'll be back

Brian- Where you goin

Me- To get Terrence

Brian- Mkay. Hurry up the game bout ta start

I ran as fast as I could. I dont know why but I had a bad feeling. I got to the door & heard a moan. I knocked on the door.

Me- Terrence in there

Terrence- (From the other side of the door) Yea come in

Though it required more force than I thought, I opened the door to find Big Sean standing up buckling his belt & Terrence on the floor with a relieved look on his face.

Me- Whats goin on here

Big Sean- Nothing that concerns you

He walked passed me & bumped my shoulder. I helped Terrence up & I could see him pulling up his boxers in the back.

Me- What happened

Terrence- Too much to tell

Me- Did he try to fuck you

Terrence- Yea but nothing happened. He felt on me, kissed me, & grinded on me

Me- And thats nothing

Terrence- Yea

Me- But I heard moaning

Terrence- Look dont tell nobody but he pushed his head in

Me- Did you like it

Terrence- One side of me wanted to just kick his ass but the other just could wait

Me- Why didnt you kick his ass

Terrence- It'll look too suspect

Me- The Crew just need to mind they business

Terrence- Im not worried bout The Crew. Im worried bout Pooch

Me- Why

Terrence- Umm maybe because last night you kissed me

Me- And you kissed back

Terrence- Ok. And the next day, Big Sean tried to, I guess, rape me

Me- Well yea. The Crew already think you a bop using Pooch for sex

Terrence- Who all said that

Me- Everybody except the real ones of the group

Terrence- Like

Me- Nicki, Raven, Christina, Chris, Columbus, & Me

Terrence- Hosea

Me- Thinks you are the queen of hoes

Terrence- Whats the point of being in a group & its still fakeage goin on

Me- Actually tonight Raven is calling it quits. Sabrinas dad wants her back so Keily & Adrianne is goin withe Sabrina. Big Sean is moving back to Compton with his cousin. And ion know about the rest. Now its only the 9 of us Brian gon hang half the time

Terrence- Thats wassup. I was having a hard time keep track anyway

Me- I didnt even talk to half of them

Terrence- Thanks

Me- For what

Terrence- Taking my mind of everything

Me- Thats what friends are for

I pulled him in for a hug. When we separated our faces were close. I got lost by his sexy ass light brown eyes. I wanted to kiss him so badly but I thought of Brian & blinked. Once I blinked I brought both of us out of us out our trans.

Me- Umm I think the game is about to start

Terrence- Yea we should go

We both headed to the stadium. I could feel something between Terrence & I. Its like we want each other but we both trying to be loyal to our men. The thing im worried about is how long will it be before we give in...

(Brian POV)

I waited for Trey to come back. When Big Sean came back I knew it wouldnt be long before Trey & Terrence came back. Good thing Chris was there to keep me company. He sat there in deep thought so I got curious & decided to ask about it...

Me- Is it that serious

Chris- (Snapping out) Huh

Me- Whatever it is you're think bout, is that serious

Chris- Is decided whether your boyfriend is actually yours serious

Me- Depends on what you plan to do after you decide

Chris- What if its whether you should break up or not

Me- Do you like him

Chris- I love him

Me- Ok but do you like him. You can love somebody without liking them. Now do you like him

Chris- No. I mean yes. I mean....i dont know. Im all confused

Me- Well confusion & fear dont go together

Chris- What exactly am I scared of

Me- Letting him go

Chris- Im not scared of letting go. Its whether he'll come back or not. Thats what im afraid of

Me- Well maybe you should face your fear

After that Chris just went right back to thinking. I wonder if thats how Trey feels. If he does then it just wont work. And speaking of Trey, here we comes with Terrence right beside him. Its funny how 2 days ago I was trying to fuck him & now he's friends with my boyfriend.

Me- What took so long

Terrence sat next to Raven.

Trey- (Whispering in my ear) Big Sean tried to rape him

Me- But he seems perfectly fine

Trey- He doesnt want anybody to know

Me- Hmm. Why not

Trey- Cause think about it. You stay in a room with a guy that fucks everything walkin & he suposedly rapes you or almost does

Me- Damn you right

Trey- But antiway, you coming with us after the game

Me- Yea I might

Trey- You might

Me- Yea Marcus be calling

Trey- I thought we were only with each other

Me- We are but Marcus paid for my condo, cars, everything so when he calls I gotta go

Trey- Ok but only Marcus right

Me- Yea only Marcus

Trey- Ok

Then the game started....

{Pooch POV}

As we ran out to the field, I could hear the roaring of the crowd. I was so hype & ready to show off my reciever skills. Once we got to the sideline, I looked directly at Terrence. He was standing up, clapping, & cheering like the the rest of the audience. Damn how lucky am I. Then everything got quiet as Rihanna began singing the national anthem. Damn I hated her, she tried to get me fucked up when I was picked as the hunters next victim. Luckily, Trey called me right before I walked into the locker room & I had to rush to him. Shit im thinking about him again. Once that bitch was done singing she went back to the cheerleaders & we marched onto the field. I was on kick return. As soon as the kicker kicked the ball, the crowd roared as the fall hurled in my directed. Once I caught it, it was over. I ran from the left side of the endzone diagonally toward the right side of the field, juking on anyone who came my way, spinning off people, one guy dived for

my feet & I leaped over him. Once I had hit the outside, it was a straight shot to the endzone. After hopping back, watch a guy fly out of bounds, I took off. I hauled ass all the way until I heard the refs whistle blow. I did my lil back tuck & as soon as my feet hit the ground the crowd yelled "BOOM". I loved my touchdown celebration. Scoring the first touchdown of the season was a big thing for me. I ran to the sideline & felt almost the entire team slap my ass (Good job pats). After the other teams terrible attempt at scoring, I was back in the game. This time they short kicked it. So once it was time for us to show off our offense, we showed out. At the end of the game, the score was 98 to 14 & I had 7 touchdowns. Once we were back in the locker room, I changed clothes & ran to my truck. Terrence texted me & said:

Im at my hz....Go take a shower then come over...Oh & great game

I went back to my house, since my parents were at work, & took a shower. Once I got out, I put on my white boxer briefs, camo cargos, white beater, & jordan flip flops. I grabbed my black shades, swim shorts & keys & left. Once I made it to Terrence house, I saw him in his room hugging another guy....

To be continued.....


Next: Chapter 7

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