Puppy Love

By socrazii92

Published on Jul 23, 2012



Ch.4: Lost Pooch/Take It Slow

{Pooch Pov}

I cant believe Trey kissed Terrence tonight. I tried to pretend that I really didnt care but im my head I was punching Trey in his mouth. I sent him a text though that said:

You better stay away from Terrence & I mean it. If I find out you kissed him again then you're gonna need a new face

I already cant stand Trey because of what happened with us & now this, he's like a dumb deer in headlights. Shit I cant blame Terrence because I know how Treys kisses can just take your breath away. I remember when we used to fight, he'd kiss me & then we'd end up fucking. I miss being with Trey. Oh my god I have to stop kidding myself 'cause I know I still love him. I just hate him at the same time. Why cant relationship be for 3? If that was the case it'll be me, Terrence, & Trey. But I guess love just doesnt work that way. And plus I want Terrence to myself, I love him too much to share him. Once I got to my house, I heard glass shattering, a lot of banging, & my mom & dad yelling back & forth. My parents never argued, actually they never talked. And to come home to this was devastating. I quickly ran into the house & to my parents room. When I got to the room, I saw about 5 holes in the walls, broken glass everywhere, the bed was toppled over, & their plasma screen tv was on the floor cracked up. Then I listened...

Mom- Fuck you Marion. You aint nothing but a tired, alcoholic, lying ass--

Dad- Imma liar. Bitch you the one who lied to your own son

Mom- Oh & you didn't

Dad- I didnt prance around here & act like I was ok with him being gay. Talking bout, "I still love you no matter what", when you know you're a fucking homophobe

Mom- At least I didnt try to put him in foster care

Dad- But you were right there with me. When I signed the paper & if im correct you signed it too

Mom- I only signed because I couldnt deal with a gay son

Me- Why should it matter

I could see both of their facial expressions. My mom had a suprised "Oh shit" look & my dad had a scared"Oh shit" look. The reason why my dad was scared was because when I was like 12 I won The Golden Gloves & he knows I wont hit my mom but I'll hit him any minute. So you know parents.....

Mom- (Crying) Im so sorry it had to come out the way it did. But I dont like that fact you're gay

Me- Why should it matter? You dont gotta put up with all the bullies & stereotypes. You aint gotta deal with everybody looking down on you. Why should it fucking matter? All I do is try to be perfect for yall. I join the football team & the basketball team & im the best. Why should it matter if I like guys

Dad- Cause she a selfish ass bitch. Who thinks its ok to sleep with your English teacher

Mom- Shut up Marion

Dad- And you basketball coach

Mom- Shut the fuck up

Me- Both of yall are fucking crazy. Im outta here

Dad- Where you goin

Me- You dont fucking want me. I could sleep on the express way & you wouldnt care. Why do you care now

Dad- Cause you bear my name, Marion Hall Jr. & I have the right to know

Me- Fuck you. My name's Pooch Hall. I dont know who Marion is

Mom- Pooch please--

Me- Please what? Their aint nothing you can say to make me stay

Mom- Pooch im sorry

Me- You should be. After all I did for yall

Dad- If you leave I will call the police

Me- Call em cause you gonna need em to pry me off of you if you try & stop me from leaving

I went to my room to find my bags already packed & Hosea holding his own....

Hosea- I care. And I aint staying here without you bro

I grabbed my duffle bag & suitcase & left. Once we made it to the door, my dad stood there...

Dad- Im gonna say this one more good time, get yo fairy faggot ass back in that room

Me- And if I don't

And in no time, he rushed me causing me to drop my bags. Then I rolled over, switching our positions. Once I was on top, I started beating his face in. I could hear my mom & Hosea both yelling for me to stop. I dont know what happened I saw red. Then I felt somebody pull me off my dad. I have no idea why but before I knew it I was in my truck alone pulling off. But before I pulled off, I heard somebody yell, "We never wanted or loved you anyway."

{Terrence POV}

After Pooch drop me off, I stripped down to my boxers & sat down at my desk. Then I heard my sisters voice...

Rocsi- Oooooh daddy gon get you

Me- Only if you tell him

Rocsi- Give me a reason why I shouldn't

Me- Because he doesnt know about that tattoo

Rosci- You wouldn't

Me- Try me

Rocsi- Ugh (Walking to the door) Kanye & Shawn tried to Skype you earlier

After she left, I checked to see if they were still online & they were. I was so happy to see them. Once the video screen popped up I saw Kanye laying on his stomach with Shawn on top of him...

Kanye & Shawn- Heyyy

Me- Wats up

Shawn- My dick & seeing you aint helping it go down

Me- (Laughs) So wats been goin on

Kanye- Nothing just everybody missing you especially Diggy

Me- Ugh im done with him. He got Jermiah there to fuck him

Kanye- (With Shawn grinding into him & kissing him on his neck) Shawn stop. So whats up with the boys out there

Me- Oh my god. All of them are so sexy it hard to choose. But theirs one guy that tops em all

Kanye- Whats his name

Me- Look him up on FB, his names Pooch Hall

Shawn- On here it says he in a relationship with....you

Me- He is

Kanye- What? Bad boy male bop Terrence in a relationship

Me- I know he's different. He's special

Kanye- Well he is sexy but why give up all the other availiable ass for him

Me- Because I feel like he can keep me on track. Its like he's the only one I need

Shawn- Dayum

Me- What

Shawn- He got a picture of his self standing on the beach with his hands behind his head with his shorts hangin off his V

Kanye- And an ass shot with his head turned toward the camera. Dayum Terrence, now I wanna move out there

Me- Well even if you did, you cant have him

Shawn- The Terrence I know would've shared

Me- The only thing I have ever shared was Kanye

Shawn- And im glad you did

Kanye- You such a damn freak

Me- I need to get off of here

Shawn- Alright im gonna miss you

Kanye- Me too

Me- Alright I love yall. Tell Diggy I said Hey

Man I really miss Queens. I miss Kanye, Shawn, even my ex Diggy. The only thing I dont miss is the old me. I was such a fucking badass. I used to steal, fight, & was a certified bop. And here I am in LA acting like someone completely new. I guess thats the beauty of moving, you get a fresh start. All this thinking about my life in Queens made me sleepy as hell. And as soon as I got in my bed, I heard somebody knock on my window. When I looked up, I saw Hosea with a really worried look on his face that scared the shit out of me. So I rushed to the window...

Me- Whats going on

Hosea- Pooch got into it with his parents & ran away

Me- Wait what happened

Hosea- Can I come in

Me- Yea come on in

Hosea hopped im my window as I sat down on my bed. For second, he was just pacing back & forth at the foot of my bed. As concerned as I was, I had to give him sometime to calm down. Once he did, he sat down on the small bed-like thing that sits under my window....

Me- So what happened

Hosea- His parents were arguing because his mom was cheating on his dad with his basketball coach & English teacher

Me- Oh my god

Hosea- Yea. So once Pooch got home the arguement got worst because they started talking about him & how they....

Me- How they what

Hosea- I rather let him tell you

Me- How's he gonna tell me if I dont know where he is

Hosea- I just dont feel right telling you all his business

Me- Im his boyfriend

Hosea- Yea for a whole day & you've only been here for 2

Me- Whats that sposed to mean

Hosea- Honestly I dont trust you

Me- Yet you're in my room

Hosea- Look all im saying is Pooch is too much of a good person for me to be one of the only people to love him

Me- You know what, I think its time for you to go

Hosea- I got nowhere to go

Me- Whats your favorite place to go

Hosea- Crew house but I only go there when im mad

When Hosea said that I knew exactly where Pooch was. I had a flashback of our first date. When we were in his truck on our way up to the top of the city, I asked where were we going & he said to one of y favorite places to go. So I hurried & put on some sweat pants, a white beater, a hoodie, & some adidas flip flops.

Hosea- What are you doing

Me- Im going to find Pooch

Hosea- You wont find him

Me- Thats where you're wrong

I grabbed my car keys & slipped outta my window. I ran into the garage & hopped in my car. Once I turned it on the garage door opened & I zoomed out. I was speeding like their was no tomorrow. I made it to the begining of the trail to the top of the city & slowly drove up the trail. After about 5 minutes, I made it to the top of the hill & was relieved to see Pooches truck. I got out of my car & ran to his truck to find him sitting on the hood of his truck with a gun in his hand.

Me- Pooch

He looked at me. Tears rolled down his face & his face was twisted by sadness.

Pooch- What are you doing here

Me- Looking for you

Pooch- You found me. Now what do you want

Me- I wanna know what happened

I sat on the truck next to him.

Pooch- Why

Me- Why what

Pooch- Why do you want to know

Me- Because I wanna know how much I need to do to cheer you up

Pooch- My parents were argueing about how they didnt like me being gay. And then they said they were gonna put me up for adoption. Then when I left they said they never wanted or loved me

After that he started crying. Then just seeing him cry made me start tearing.

Pooch- They said they didnt love me. Do you know what its like to here your parents say that they didnt love you? I felt like my entire life was a mistake

Me- Pooch dont say that

Pooch- Why shouldnt I

Me- Because I dont think your life was a mistake. Now put the gun down

Pooch- No. Whats my reason for being here if nobody loves me. A life without love isnt a life at all

Me- I love you Pooch. So what if your parents dont love you. I do

Pooch- How do you know

To answer his question, I wiped the tears from his face & kissed him. The kiss was slow, & passionate. While we were kissing, I grabbed the gun & threw it. But our lips never parted. 10 minutes later, we just sat on the truck & I held him while he just layed on my lap. I felt bad for him.

{Trey POV}

I looked around the room & noticed that I was in Brians room. I rolled around in the bed, just remembering last night. I was on top of the world. He made me feel like a virgin again. I looked on the nightstand & saw a note that read:

"Im sorry I ripped your clothes. Here's a new outfit, wit accessories & some new sexy underwear. After you're done, come outside on the patio to taste the love I feel for you"



Once I sat up, I saw a white beater inside a short sleeved purple button up collar shirt with 2 chest pockets, khaki cargo shorts, & purple vans. On the nightstand, their was some purple diamond ear rings, a shambala bracelet, & I picked up black see-through thong. I put everything on & hurried downstairs. Once looked through the windows to the patio, I saw Lance Gross, a senior at my school, in the jacuzzi with Marcus kissing. And then he saw Brian wearing the same as him but blue, sitting at a breakfast table for 2. I walked onto the patio & all eyes were on me.

Brian- Good morning beautiful

Me- Hey

Lance- Hey Trey you lookin kinda good

Me- Thanks. You too

Marcus- You better be lucky Brian likes you. Cause i'd have to introduce you to the sex machine

Me- Umm I guess

Brian- Babe come sit down

I sat across from him. We were upon against the edge of the patio & I could see the entire city. He uncovered my plate which consisted of: cheese eggs, sausage, biscuts, & grits.

Me- I never knew you could cook

Brian- I never knew you could take dick like that

Me- I can give it too

Brian- I bet. So what you got planned for today

Me- Im gonna go to the football game. Then afterwards The Crew is hanging on the beach

Brian- You think I can come

Me- Sure

Lance- Yall gonna get in this jacuzzi or not

Brian- As soon as we get finished with our breakfast

We finished our food then we both stripped down to our thongs & got in.

Marcus- I smell a orgy comin on

Lance- Well lets go

In no time, I have no idea why, all 3 men came to me. Marcus on my left kissing, licking, & sucking my neck & chest. Brian doing it all on my right. The suprise was Lance, who was tongue kissing me with his hands on my thighs. He moved his hands around to my ass.

Lance- Dayum you got a phat ass. You gonna let me taste

Me- You gotta ask King B

Lance- Brian you gotta share this one

Brian- Aight but that means I get to fuck you

Marcus- And I get to fuck you King B

Me- Well lets get fuckin

Everybody moved back. I turned over & kneeled on the jacuzzi seat. I felt Lance kissing down the crack of my ass & once he made it to my hole he started using his tongue which gained very loud & high-pitched moans from me. Then I heard Marcus say...

Marcus- Ayy, you gotta quiet down before they call security

Me- Ahh shit...my bad but this nigga can eat some good ass

Marcus- Yeah but nobody better than me

Then I saw Marcus sit next to where my head was & lay on his back. After that, Brian kneeled over his face & lowered his ass onto Marcus' mouth. I looked up at Brians face & noticed how it was twisted by pleasure. His eyes were closed, his mouth was opened, & all he did was moan as he grinded back on Marcus' mouth. Everyone just enjoyed their oral pleasures. Lance really knew what to do. He stuck his tongue all the way in my ass & made circles pulling it out which gain another loud moan from me. He did it again & once more after that. I started leaking precum so thats when I had to stop him....

Me- Fuck me now. I cant take it anymore. Fuck me

Lance- How you want it

Me- Doggystyle with you pounding my ass & pulling my hair

Lance- Damn you a freak

Lance got out the jacuzzi grabbed 3 condoms & a bottle of lube. He threw 2 of the condoms at Brian & Marcus. Once he got back in, he put on a condom & squirted some lube down the crack of my ass. He then grabbed the ends of my braids & started his penetration. From the feeling of it, his dick was thick but it wasnt any longer than 5 inches. He quickly pulled out & re-entered even faster. He stuck with the same pace until I felt him lay over me. I looked back & saw Brian standing over him & Marcus over his shoulder. Lance began grunting & I felt his dick push further inside me. Everyone but Marcus stay still as he fucked hard as he could. With every thrust came a moan from us & a grunt from Marcus. It wasnt long before we heard Marcus say.....

Marcus- Oh fuck....im bout ta cum. Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh!!!

With that he shot his load inside of Brian. And like a chain reaction, Brian came inside Lance, Lance came inside me, & I came all over the jacuzzi wall. Then Marcus said....

Marcus- All yall bend over

We all did so & then Marcus licked & sucked the cum out of all of our asses. Once he finished, we all just sat back in the jacuzzi....

Me- Damn Lance. You can put in some serious work with that lil dick

Lance- Ha. Thats ok cause you just said it all. I can put in some work

Brian- But that ass is a fucking dream. Its all tight & shit

Me- Better than mines

Brian- Not even close

Marcus- Lance go get dressed so I can take you home

Lance- Alright y'all

With that both Marcus & Lance got dressed & left.

Brian- You have fun

Me- Yea but I gotta ask you a question

Brian- What

Me- Is this how our relationship is gonna be? Both of us sharing each other with other people

Brian- No

Me- Well why are we doin it

Brian- I honestly dont know. But im gonna talk to Marcus about all that stuff

Me- Ok. From now on only me & you

Brian- Aight. So what time you leavin

Me- Actually I gotta leave in a lil bit

Brian- What? Why so early

Me- Well actually its an early game & I have to go to my second home for my outfit & then afterwards we goin to The Chill Spot & then to the beach with The Crew

Brian- Damn will I get to see you

Me- You can come if you want

Brian- Ok i'll do that

We got up & got dressed. Then he walked me to the door.

Brian- Oh I almost forgot to give you these (Hands Trey a set of car keys)

Me- Whats this

Brian- Your car. I got like 5 & you dont even have a bike. And my boyfriends wouldnt be caught dead on the bus

Me- Where is it

Brian- When the elevator stops at the lobby, walk out the back of the elevator, & press the button on the key. It should be a brand new white Mercades

I could give words so I just kissed him. We had a 10 minute makeout session. Then I left. As soon as I hopped on the elevator, I began to think about Terrence....

{Brian POV}

After Trey left, I just went straight to the living room couch. I cant believe I finally got Trey to go out with me. I've had a crush on him forever. He's so sexy, & cute. I thought about what we talked about. I'd love to be a one man guy but the sex is just so addictive. Its hard to just quit all the sexy guys. But for Trey, I'll try. Then Marcus walked in & sat down next to me...

Marcus- Where'd Trey go

Me- He went home

Marcus- So whats the deal between you 2

Me- I like him & not just for sex

Marcus- What makes him any different

Me- I dont know. I guess its the way he carries himself. He got one of the best asses of the school & yet he's only fucked 3 guys. All the guys practically throw themselves at him & he says no. l like that fact

Marcus- Oh so what you want me to do

Me- Cool it down on the sex when he's here

Marcus- I can do that. Can I walk around naked

Me- No cause you gon temp me

Marcus- Aiight. You coming to your dads hearing with me

Me- No. Im goin to then football game

Marcus- Wow a football game over your dads court hearing

Me- Thats what it looks like

Marcus- Aight then. When you gonna be home

Brian- I dont know we're sposed to be goin to the beach afterwards. Call me after the hearing

Marcus- Ok

After he went up to his room, I went to my bathroom & took a shower. Once I got out the shower, I walked into my closet & pulled out my red & black shirt with the school logo on it, khaki cargo shorts, with my red, black, & white adidas. I got dressed, put on my cologne with a male on male pheromone in it, grabbed my motorcycle keys, & jetted out the door. Once I pulled into the student parking lot, I saw Terrence standing by the rival school bus talking to a guy. And it wasnt Pooch.......

To be continue......


Next: Chapter 5

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