Puppy Love

By socrazii92

Published on Jun 20, 2012



Ch. 3: New Relationship

{Trey POV}

Wait, did I just say I was jealous? Shit, ok I did say that. Im jealous of both Pooch & Terrence. Im jealous of Pooch because he got Terrence & im jealous of Terrence because he got Pooch. They both got something I want, & just like a spoiled brat when I cant get what I want I bitch about it. Can you blame me they both sexy as fuck, with good personalities. I wish I never broke up with Pooch. I feel bad though, im here thinking about Pooch & Terrence while im dancing with Brian. I swear if Brian wasnt so much of a hoe I would give him a chance. He fuck every gay, bi, & even some straight guys. Most of them are in 6th bel gym. I really need to talk to Terrence. Oh my gosh, Pooch is staring at me. I wonder what he's thinkin...

{Pooch POV}

I cant believe im bein allowed to dance with Terrance. Am I lucky or am I lucky? Its not that fact that I liked him but he liked me back. I wish Trey was more like Terrance. If he was we'll probably still be together. Too late now, Terrance is my boyfriend now. Trey is old news. Besides from the looks of it, he moved on. I didnt let my thoughts about Trey interfer with my dancing. I kept my hands on Terrances hips & moved with him Then he turned around & grabbed my neck with his right hand while left hand hung free & he started grinding back against me. With all he was doin, I was kept my hands on his hip & answered back by grinding into him. I wonder what he's thinking about...

{Terrence POV}

I guess this is our song. I still cant believe that this is only day 2 & I already got a boyfriend & a bunch of new friends. I though I would be playing invisible for a week or 2 but I didnt even play invisible for the 1st 10 seconds. Even though im with Pooch, I still wish Trey & I were on better terms. Look at him, his eyes were almost glued onto me & Pooch. But I eventually got him off my mind. After the song went off, we all went to the VIP section. Once we sat down we all started talking...

Raven- I didnt know you could dance like that

Me- Thanks

Kiely- Did you learn or did it come natural

Me- It came naturally

Pooch- Something else just came naturally

Me- What

Pooch- Nothing

Me- Ok

Nicki- (MGK- Wild Boy comes on) Oh shit

Ti- Thats my shit

Kelly- Lets take it to the dance floor

Me- Imma wait for the waitress to come out back...its hot as hell in here and im thirsty

Pooch- Ok

Trey- Imma stay back too

Everybody else wildly made their way to the dance floor. I looked at Trey and he looked like he was holding something in. So I decided to let him in on something.....

Me- You know im really good at reading facial expressions

Trey- So

Me- So I know that you have something to say

Trey- Can we go somewhere and talk

Me- Sure

I know it stupid but im interested to here what he gotta say. We went up through a roof access door & once we were on the roof, we sat down on a ledge & I started the convo off by saying...

Me- So wha'd you wanna talk about

Trey- Well 1st I like to apoligize for earlier. I shouldnt have came at your neck like that. I was just so mad because Pooch got to date you first and I thought you'd do like I did and get with him right after yalls first date. Obviously I was wrong. And I hope you can forgive me for that

Me- I already did

Trey- Thank you

Me- No problem. I takes a real man to admit he was wrong

Trey- Yea and I dont admit that im wrong often

Me- Neither do I

Trey- Well I guess we got something in common

Me- Yea so what was you and pooch like

Trey- You mean when we were together

Me- Naw im mean when yall broke up, yes when yall were together

Trey- Ok. We had fun when we were together. We spent most of our time separate because my dad didnt approve

Me- Wow...what parent wouldnt approve of Pooch

Trey- Oh my dad liked Pooch when he thought he was straight

Me- How'd he find out

Trey- Pooch accidently said "Dayum he fine" while my dad was in the room

Me- (Laughs) Oh wow....is that when your dad found out you were gay

Trey- Yea...before then my dad was so cool. We used to have fun. Now everytime I see him he's either sleep or drunk while beating me

Me- Oh my god. You tried getting help

Trey- Yea. Everytime its just a father beating his kid

Me- You really got it rough

Trey- Yea thats why I hang with all of them. Being with the crew takes your mind off of everything bad

Me- Well if you need to talk im here

Trey- (Gets closer to Terrence) I just might do that

Me- Umm im gonna go back inside

Trey- Wait (Kisses Terrence)

What is he doing? Mmmmm. What the fuck is he doing? Mmmmm. Damn he is good at using his tongue. Like wow. I couldnt help but kiss back. His lips were so damn juicy, they were perfect. He put his right hand on my neck and gently caressed it. The kiss was so intense that I didnt hear the roof access door open...

Brian- Well well well....what do we have hear

Trey- Brian what are you doin here

Brian- Well I was coming up here to smoke but I see im not the only one(Notices Terrence) Oooh, I gotta tell Pooch

Me- Wait please dont tell him

Brian- Whats in it for me

Trey- Terrence go back inside. I'll talk to him

I walked right passed Brian & he slapped my ass super hard. And when I looked at him he blew a kiss at me I hurried back into the club. I really hope Brian isnt that kind of person. Damn I fucked up already...

{Trey POV}

Me- Come on Brian. They just got together its my fault, I kissed him

Brian- I dont care whos fault it is but if I gotta keep what I saw to myself, then I need something outta the deal

Trey- What do you want

Brian- Come here

I walked toward him & when I got close enough he grabbed me by my waist & pulled me pelvis to pelvis with him. Then he moved his hands down my pants & started grabbing my boxer covered asscheeks. Then he started kissing me on my neck. To be honest I was enjoying the whole thing. It wasnt like Brian was ugly or in any way unattractive. He is sexy as fuck, a bit of a hoe but that doesn't really bother me. He finally said fuck it and went inside my underwear and squeezed my asscheeks. He even played with my hole. While doing all of this, he was saying stuff like...

Brian- Dayum boy. I didnt even kno you had it like this. Cheeks so soft,perfectly round, & juicy ass fuck. Oh shit you virgin tight boy. You a virgin

Me- (Half moaning) No

Brian- You want King B to conquer this ass

Me- (Half moaning) Yea

Brian- Yea what

Me- (Half moaning) Yea King B (Brian smacks Trey on his ass)

Brian- Call me Daddy when "fucking" is the topic. You got that

Trey- Yes Daddy

Brian- Now why dont you help Daddy blow up these balloons

Trey- Now

Brian- Yea now (Pulls out his fat 10 inch monster)

Trey- Its so big

Brian- Either you can suck it or take it raw in that tight ass of yours

Which one will it be I dont know what was happening. Everything was in a blur. Its like he knew exactly how to make me submit He knew how to make me feel good. Its like suddenly I felt the urge to make him feel good. And before I knew it, I was on my knees, giving Brian the best head he'd ever have. The only thing bad about it, was the fact that he dont wanna pleasure me back. Or I does he...

{Terrence POV}

The rest of the night just blurred by. The entire night all I thought about was how I was gonna tell Pooch that I had kissed Trey. Throughout the night, I watched him flash his money making smile, laughing & dancing the night away. And I just kept thinking to myself, how can I tell him the truth without breaking his heart. I made it worse by acting as though it never happened. I kept a smile on my face & danced all night. Once it hit 1 o'clock, everything started to die down. I wondered what was taking Trey so long...

{Terrence POV}

The rest of the night just blurred by. The entire night all I thought about was how I was gonna tell Pooch that I had kissed Trey. Throughout the night, I watched him flash his money making smile, laughing & dancing the night away. And I just kept thinking to myself, how can I tell him the truth without breaking his heart. I made it worse by acting as though it never happened. I kept a smile on my face & danced all night. Once it hit 1 o'clock, everything started to die down. I wondered what was taking Trey so long...

{Trey POV}

Damn he takes forever to cum. But when he finally did, I swallowed every single drop. When I got up with a raging boner, he kissed me & said..

Brian- Come to my house & i'll take care of yours but not with my mouth

Trey- You want to take care of mines

Brian- Yea

Trey- But why? Pimps dont take care of their hoes

Brian- You're not my hoe (Walks to the door) you're my boyfriend

Boyfriend? Oh shit, thats what he wants. He wants me to give him a chance. But why did he come off so bossy? I guess i'll be finding out tonight. I went back into the club. Once I found everybody, we all decided to call it a night. So we all went to parking lot & right next to the truck, Brian sat on a red ducati with a red helmet on his head & another in his hand. He flashed a smile i'd never seen before, it was a "im keeping a secret that can change my life, so look good now & drop the bomb later" type of smile. Caught up in the way his eyes mesmorized me, I didnt hear a word he was saying...

Pooch- Trey you coming

Me- Thats cool....Brian gon take me home

Brian- Dont worry Pooch, I wont do anything that he dont want me to do

Pooch- Aight, yall kids be safe (Laughs)

Me- (Taps his back pocket) You know I always carry protection

Brian- Ha, so you gonna get on or not

Me- I dont know

Brian- (Grabs Trey & pulls him toward him) Get on

Me- (Gets on) I find it very sexy when u act so forceful

We pulled out of the parking lot & quickly began to pick up speed. We were flying through LA traffic like it was Texas traffic. We were riding for a minute. I got sick of holding my arms against the tail end of the bike so I wrapped my arms around his waist & layed head on his back. Im really loving this ride, I wonder what everybody else is doin.....

{Pooch POV}

Terrence has been really short with me tonight. We only danced together maybe twice. I dont know what happened when I left him alone with Trey but im sure ass hell gonna find out. I dont like him not talking to me. Its not a good start for a relationship. He's just sitting here looking out the window. I really hope he didnt do anything wrong. Maybe im over thinking it. He's probably just tired. I hope thats what it is. We pulled up in front of Terrences' house. Everybody got out but when Terrence tried I told him to wait. Once everybody left, I just studied him. I saw he was nervous, withholding, & a lil bit afraid of the outcome of this converversation....

{Terrence POV}

How am I goin to tell him that I kissed his ex-boyfriend & enjoyed it. Its not a good start for a relationship. I dont know what to do, its eating me up inside. Im starting to shake. I have to say something...

Me- I had alot of fun tonight

Pooch- Thats good

Me- Yea & yall are some really good dancers

Pooch- Yea. So whats really on your mind

Me- Huh

Pooch- You've been fidgetin, & tryin to keep on that fake smile the entire night

Me- You noticed

Pooch- Yea. Whats wrong

Me- You know how Aubrey kissed you & Trey didnt believe it

Pooch- Yea

Me- Tonight when Trey & I was talking. He...

Pooch- Kissed you

Me- Yes

Pooch- Did you like it

Me- Yes. Im sorry. I didnt mean for it to happen. (Keeps blabbering)

Pooch- Its ok

Me- What

Pooch- I trust you & besides my kiss is better (Kisses Terrence)

Me- You're not mad

Pooch- Of course not. Why would I be mad? In case you forgot, I was in your shoes before. And it ruined my 2nd best relationship ever

Me- Whats the first

Pooch- Me & you

Me- (Starts making out with Pooch)

Dayum his kisses actually are better than Treys'. His lips werent too juicy, or too dry or anything, now HIS lips are perfect (I MEAN IT THIS TIME). He knew how to use his tongue exceedingly well. I could feel his tongue swimming around my mouth. So I started to fight back with my tougue. We fought for dominace & he won (BIG SUPRISE). We madeout for another couple minutes, then we stopped.

Pooch- You dont ever have to be scared to tell me anything

Me- I know that now

Pooch- Now who's the better kisser

Me- Definitly you

Pooch- Thats exactly what I wanted to hear (Flashes a smile)

Me- I love your smile

Pooch- You should, cause you're the reason its on my face

Me- (Smiles then laugh)

Pooch- What's funny

Me- You

Pooch- What you mean

Me- Look you dont have to keep saying things that you use to get somebody cause you already got me & I aint goin nowhere

Pooch- (Kisses Terrence one more time) I got a game tomorrow, you comin right

Me- What kind of boyfriend would I be I f I didnt

Pooch- Aight you ready to go in the house

Me- Yea...im kinda tired

We got out & he walked me to the door. We had a little 5 second frencher & that was it. Then he sprinted away toward his house. Damn am I lucky or am I lucky...

{Trey POV}

We pulled up to a condo building. After riding down through the garage, Brian parked his motorcycle by the elevator & we jumped into the elevator & he swipped his card & in a couple of seconds we were in his condo. Which was beautiful. It even had an upstairs. It looked like a typical guy living space, brick walls, black furniture, pool table, flat screen, a heavy guy scent & a visible workout room. Their was even a deck with a hot tub & pool on it. The sight was breath taking. Then I heard him say....

Brian- Welcome to the Man Cave

Me- More like man fucking man cave

Brian- Ha, whoever knew u were a comedian

Me- Hmm, U have no idea

Brian- Well now I do

Me- Where are your parents

Brian- (Walking to the refrigerator & pulling out a water & leaning on the counter while Trey lean over the other side so they're face to face) My moms is somewhere strung out on drugs or dead & my dad has been in jail for the last 10 yrs

Me- How'd you pay for all this

Brian- My dads best friend, Marcus Patrick, he raised me & my dad had a bunch off his ill gotten blood money put into an account with my name on it

Me- Marcus dont stay here

Brian- He does

Me- Well where is he

Brian- Probably out at one of his fuck boy houses

Me- What he look like

Brian- Sexy ass gray eyes, red bone, clean cut, perfect ass 8 pack, the perfect V, just buff as hell with a fat mandingo dick, a perfectly shaped ass, & a tight pink bussy to top it off. Best part about it is he know how to use his dick & ass

Me- You got a taste

Brian- Have I? I dont even like bottoming but if he called me an hour ago & said he wanted some ass i'd comin running

Me- (Laughs) Dayum that good

Brian- Yup & his ass would keep me running back too

Me- So if he came to you now & said "I need some King B dick"

Brian- I'd say I have a boyfriend

That statement really brought me back to the reason im here. I really needed to figure out why he wants me. And for how long, so I had to ask...

Me- Why do you want me

Brian- What you mean

Me- I mean no offense but you are the #1 bop at our school, fine as hell, & you could have anybody. Why do you want me

Brian- Honestly I dont like fucking everybody

Me- Mmmhmmm

Brian- (Laughs) Ok you got me, I love fucking the shit out these guys just hearing them moan my name. (He & Trey laughs) Na but seriously I love fucking & being able to fuck whenever but what made you so special is you said "Hell no"

Me- (Laughs) Oh so that made me special

Brian- Yea & you got the phattest ass around dont give it up to everybody. You seem more balanced like you dont feen for sex like everybody else. I been trying to find somebody who can slow me down & that person is you. And i've had a crush on you for a while

Me- Why you didnt say anything

Brian- I tried. When I used to play fuck you in the lockeroom. How I used to constantly touch your ass or your dick. When I used to always ask you to give me a kiss

Me- Brian thats not showing you like me, thats showing me you just wanna fuck

Brian- I didnt know how to express my feelings so I tend to come off kinda perverted. Thats what Marcus taught me. He used to do all that to me. Actually he still do

Me- Well looks like imma have to teach you a thing or 2

Brian- I guess so

Me- So what do you want to do

Brian- Well (Walks around the counter, grabs Trey by his waist, & puts his dick against Treys ass) I guess we can finish what we started at the club

Brian started grinding against my ass. I couldnt help but moan as I felt his hard dick through both of our pants & boxers against my ass. I stood straight up & turned my head to the side & we began kissing. His lips & my lips came together all too perfectly. While we were kissing, I turned around so that we'd be facing each other. Damn he was a good kisser. The kiss was so intense thatI accidently ripped off his shirt. That stopped everything....

Me- Im sorry

Brian- Thats cool I got more white v-necks. And plus...

Brian quickly ripped off my shirt, then said...

Brian- Damn you sexy

Me- You got some nice muscles yo damn self

Then we were back at it. Our lips & tongues all over each others mouth, & necks. My hands all over his torso & his all over my lower back & ass. When he slapped my ass, the lights turned off. I pulled back from him...

Me- What happened

Brain- The clapper

Then we were back at it once more. This time he spinned us around & began walking & I followed. While walkin he unbuttoned my pants & let them fall just below my ass. He gripped my ass & picked me up just enough to lay me on the couch. Then he stood over me & dropped his pants & boxers. I've heard rumors of how big his dick was but they didn't do him justice. It had to be at least 11(1/2) inches & thick as the skinny end of a baseball bat. Honestly I was scared to have that in my ass but at the same time I wanted to. I thought he was gonna tell me to suck his dick but he told me to sit up, which I did, he pulled off my pants then got on his knees. He pulled off my socks & kissed both of my feet. Then he moved up & right leg then left leg planting kisses on every spot. Once he got to my draws, he pulled me forward so my hole was off the couch. Then he went straight for my small entrance through my boxer-briefs. His tongue wasnt even making direct contact

& I was in a state of euphoria already. Only one other person was able to do that to me & we know who that is (Marion Hall). After a couple minutes, he bit the part he was licking & roughly pulled them off. While he was doin that, I heard some rips & the front door close which made us both stop....

Marcus- Its just me, yall can continue

Damn Brian wasnt lying, he is sexy. Oh shit he's taking off his shirt. Once he got it off, he walked to the fridge & pulled out a beer & sat on the counter next to the fridge. He was mouthing something but I was distracted by Brian full lips & wet tongue surrounding my dick, which brought me back to my state of euphoria. Damn this dude is a fuckin master of anything oral. His warm & wet mouth going up & down on my dick, sucking this skin off of it. I looked down to see his his eyes on mine. The lust in them was all too intense. Then he moan as he closed his eyes. His moan on my dick almost made me bust. I closed my eyes & he moan again but this time he kept moaning like he was getting fucked. So I opened my eyes to find Marcus behind Brian tongue fucking him. But the whole time Marcus' eyes were on me. Then Brian moaning on my dick became too much & without warning I shot 5 wide loads of cum in his mouth. Brian then turned around & kissed Marcus & dumped

my load in his mouth. Marcus swallowed & then said....

Marcus- Damn that was the best load of cum I tasted. Now i'll just sit here & watch

Brian- Good

Brian then turned back to me. He told me to bend over the arm of the couch, which I did. Then I looked over at Marcus, who was now butt naked with his right hand jacking his dick & his left hand playing with a buttplug in his hole. I was getting hard again the I felt Brians very experienced mouth on my ass. I know Brian was having a field day because I have no hair inside or outside my ass, thanks to a very reliable hair-removal creams. He was eating my bussy like it was his last meal. He kept at it until both of us were leaking precum. After placing one last kiss on my ass, he asked me.....

Brian- Since you're special you get a choice. Condom or no condom

Me- I wanna feel you & only you inside me baby

Brain- Turn over on your back

I did what he said. He placed a pillow under my head & planted a kiss on my lips. He then kept kissing me & I felt his huge pole against my hole. I flinched away from it. I dont know why im so tight, I guess its from not getting any dick in 6 months. But Brian looked at me with very caring eyes & said....

Brian- Its ok. I would never hurt you. I know its big but once its in their for a few seconds you'll be fine

Me- I know its just when Pooch did it, I couldnt walk the next day

Brian- Damn, well I promise you'll be able to walk

Me- Ok

Brian kissed me again. Then I pulled him close & he started kissing my neck. I felt him pushing his dick against my tight entrance. I dug my nails into his back which made him accidently push harder & slide into my hole. It hurt so much that I bit down on his shoulder to prevent screaming. He just yelled...

Brian- Damn baby. You ring tight as hell but the inside is warm & sort of loose

Me- Just take it easy bay

He slowly grinded into me. With every time he pulled out he pushed in more until his balls rested against my ass. I noticed his bite mark was bleeding a little bit. After letting my ring adjust a little, he pulled out & slammed back in. That made me drag my nails along his back some. He let out a painful cry. Then he repeated the previous motion. As he kept a steady rhythm, I let out a almost girly moan everytime he hit my g-spot. As time moved on all you could here was my moans, Brians balls slapping my ass, his grunts & heavy breathing, & Marcus' moans. Then Brian turned me on my side with his dick twirling inside me. That recieved a very high pitched moan from me. He then started pounding my harder. Thats when the talking began...

Me- Oh shit. Fuck me bay. Make me yours bay

Brian- Oh I will. You like this dick

Me- I love this dick bay

Brian- (Increasing the tempo & fucks harder) You want this dick hard

Me- (Moans) Oh yes. Give me that shit boy. Give me that dick

Brian- Ride it

Brian sat upright on the couch. I decided to show him how flexible I was. I got over him & dropped down to a split on his dick. Then Brian yelled....

Brian- Oh shit. Work that dick boy

I bounced up & down on his dick. He just kept moaning & yelling out random sexy shit. My legs started hurting so I got on my knees & kept riding like a pro. I was loving how his dick kept hitting my g-spot everytime I came down. I rode him for about 10 more minutes, then he got on his knees & wrapped my legs around his waist. He then sat on the top of the back of the couch & I kept my legs around his waist & my arms around his neck. He grabbed my ass cheeks & pulled them apart as he lifted me up & slammed me back down on his dick. That shit felt so good. I was clawing his back so much he just went harder. We kept it up for about 20 minutes, then I let go of his neck & he stood up. Now my back was against the part you lay back on, not the cushion, & he was laying like a L with his knee on top of the couch. Basically, upside down missionary position on the couch. My moans very very high pitched & his strokes were boosted up to 100%. I could hold anymore...

Me- Im cumming. Oh shit

I busted all over my face & instantly Marcus came over & sucked all of the cum off. I could feel my bussy tighten around Brians dick. Then he grunted loudly & I felt his warm seed begin to fill my hole to the tip. Then Marcus moved up to my ass & his dick was pointed straight at my face so I swallowed the entire thing. Then I felt Marcus sucking the cum out of my ass. After 2 minutes he was out of my ass & his cum was down my throat. Exhausted, I layed down on the couch on my stomach. I felt somebody lay on me. And then I drifted off to sleep with a soft dick laying in my ass like a hot dog on a bun. What will tomorrow bring...


Next: Chapter 4

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