Puppy Love

By socrazii92

Published on May 4, 2016


Chapter 16: New Beginning

(Terence POV)

2 months later

It's been awhile. Not since what you're thinking but since it all went down hill. I don't know what we were thinking that night. We thought that we could just take matters into our own hands and everything would just be fine and dandy. We could've been anymore wrong. All of us walked away with blood on our hands that we could never wash away and to make matters worse Pooch had to be the one to pay the price. Now while we're dealing with class rings, caps & gowns, and scholarships, Pooch was stuck in a hospital on life support in a coma. Over the past two months he's failed to respond to any of the treatments and the doctors were beginning to think that he might be a lost cause. Since it all went down there hasn't been one night that I haven't been next to Pooch. Waiting for the slightest sign that he was waking up. Roshon spent a couple nights with me but most times couldn't resist getting to have to the room to him and Columbus. Surprisingly Brian visited quite often. We even talked during his visits, it's good to know with Hosea no longer around Pooch still has a best friend. While their "relationship" was a fake, I'm glad their friendship was real. Sadly even Poochs' own parents didn't visit. Luckily he did have an uncle Lenny who visited at least once a week. He seemed too cool for me not to have met him yet....

Lenny- (Walking in the room) Still no luckMe- Nope. Still sleeping beautyLenny- Well maybe you should try a kissMe- Tried that multiple times, I think the fair,ytales has the whole "true loves kiss" thing all wrongLenny- How you holding upMe- Honestly, I don't know how long I can hold it together. I mean, we weren't even together when it all went down but he still took 3 bullets for me. I can't talk to him, and tell him how sorry I am for how everything worked out. I'm slowly breaking the longer he doesn't wake up. I'm scaredLenny- Terrence you have to be strong for him. I talked to him not long before he got shot. He told me all about you and your situation. Little secret, Pooch still loves you. He could barely stay focused mentioning your name. One thing both of you could learn from this, life is too short to let bullshit get in the way of what's realMe- I don't know how I'm gonna make it through thisLenny- Faith. You hold on to him and don't let goMe- Why couldn't you be his dad? We probably wouldn't have even got to this place with advice like yoursLenny- True but I'm here now. So don't hesitate to call me if you need to talk. Pooch is my favorite nephew and from the way he talked about you, I don't see how you won't be someday soon Me- Thank youLenny- It's nothing. Just keep me posted on any progress

He gave me a hug and I smelled a slight cinnamon smell that was breath taking. As he walked out, I sunk back into the chair next to Pooch. When he does wake up. I'm gonna kill him for switching places with me. It should've been me. I should've been the one in a coma missing out on life. Like I always did, I reached out and held his hand....

Me- Pooch. If you can hear me, I need you to fight, ok. I need you to find it in you to wake up because I don't think I can keep going without you. I love you so much and I didn't get to tell you how sorry I was for the break up. I didn't get to apologize for not believing you, when you never gave me a single reason to not trust you in the first place. Please wake up Pooch. I'm lost without youVoice- Wow. You almost brought me to tears

I knew that voice. I didn't think I'd get to hear it anytime soon but hearing it sent a surge of joy into my heart. I looked up at the door and there he was. Slightly darker complexion, a fresh fade instead of braids, same smile, a few visible tattoos, and the tight white v-neck he wore hinted at a more muscle definition than I remember....

Guy- Come on it's only been 2 maybe 3 months. You couldn't have forgotten me alreadyMe- Trey. Oh my god

I practically ran to him and jumped in his arms. He hugged me so tight I almost couldn't breath....

Me- I can't believe you're here right nowTrey- I missed you too

We separated and I was almost tempted to kiss him. Even though technically Pooch and I are still broke up, the timing couldn't feel anymore wrong...

Me- Look at you. No braidsTrey- When my mom dragged me back home, I guess I lost who I was and I just needed a changeMe- Some change. Even bulked up ah bit i seeTrey- Well there's not really much to do out there but hit the gym so I figured why notMe- You know Chris is gonna die when he sees youTrey- How do you think I found out you were hereMe- Oh so you came to see meTrey- Well I asked about you & Pooch, assuming y'all would still be a package dealMe- Oh Trey- You wanna talk about itMe- Umm not really. I rather talk about youTrey- Well there's not much to talk aboutMe- No new guys in your lifeTrey- Other than a slightly annoying little half brother, noMe- You're lyingTrey- Not really. I mean I got a few friends with benefits but nothing serious or worth mentioningMe- I guess. So what are you doing out here anywayTrey- Looking at a few colleges actually. I figured it was a good enough excuse to see you guysMe- Well I'm glad you thought of it. You don't know how much I needed a good distractionTrey- Trust me I do. So how you doingMe- I mean everything is going good right now. A couple scholarships floating around. My grades have been so on point they think I could go to an Ivy League schoolTrey- Wow. Sound like things are going greatMe- Yea you could say thatTrey- But seriously Terrence, how are YOU doing

I knew what he was asking but I didn't know how to answer. I mean it's not like I'm doing bad or anything, everything is just too complicated....

Me- Short version, I'm not sure how much longer I can hold on. We were barely back together then he just gets taken away from me. Now we don't even know if he'll wake up and I can't help but feel like it's my faultTrey- Hey, it's not your fault. It was an accident rightMe- Chris didn't tell youTrey- Tell me what

Before saying anything I closed and locked the door. Then I sat down....

Me- You might wanna take a seatTrey- Ok (He moved a chair next to mine and sat down) What's upMe- Umm well I guess I'd have to tell you everything for it all to make senseTrey- Ok I'm listeningMe- Well not too long after you left, Pooch took me to a hotel and when we went out to the beach he confessed that he cheated on me with Hosea twiceTrey- What...Me- Just listen. After I left, Hosea and The Hunters were waiting for Pooch at the hotel. Later that day Roshon and I found Pooch the same way we found you on the beach except worseTrey- (Tearing up) Oh my god. Where's Hosea I'm gonna kick his ass (Tries getting up)Me- (Keeping him seated) He's taken care of, they all were. Not too long after that, Raven and Keily were next, then Columbus and after that we had enoughTrey- What did y'all doMe- We....we came up with a plan. We killed Hosea and The Hunters

Treys eyes couldn't have gotten bigger. He covered his mouth and shook his head. I could feel the disbelief...

Me- I know it wasn't right but we couldn't wait around and wait for it to be one of usTrey- So how...how does Pooch fit in to thisMe- Before we killed Hosea, Pooch made him tell the truth about what happened between them. Turns out Hosea slipped Pooch a drug that would make him easily persuaded and that's how he got Pooch to sleep with him. After I found that out, I just embraced him because I felt so relieved that he didn't break my heart like that on purpose. Everything I was feeling was enough to make us forget what was going on. Then I opened my eyes and I saw Hosea aiming for Pooch and I tried to switch our places but Pooch wouldn't let me and he....(Starts crying)...he shot him. Three times. Roshon took care of Hosea. I stayed with him until the ambulance showed up and came up with a fake story to make it look like a hate crime and the shooter got away. So you see, this is my fault. I'm the one who deserves to be in this hospital not him. He should be looking for colleges and deciding what college he wants to play for and waiting for his cap and gown to show up, NOT ME

Trey hopped up and embraced me as I started to break down. I don't know, it must've been actually admitting that its my fault that really got to me. I was shaking, hyperventilating, and bawling my eyes out all at once. Oh my god. I realized exactly what was going on. I was having a panic attack....

Trey- Terrence calm down I'm here. Ok I'm right here, just breath

I couldn't breath at all. My vision was starting to get blurry and before I knew it all I could see was the ceiling moving further and further away until I felt the cold hospital floor...

I sat up and I was still in Poochs room. But something felt off, I looked over towards the window and there he was. Standing straight up staring out of the window...

Me- Pooch

As if he never expected to hear me, he jumped at the sound of my voice and turned towards me. ..

Pooch- Terrence

I got up and he rushed to embrace me. It felt all too real, his hand on my lower back, mines on his smooth shoulders, I could even smell his favorite cocoa butter lotion on him. He pulled back and kissed me. It was the kind of kiss that felt like the last. He, hesitantly, ended the kiss after what felt like ten minutes and put both of his hands on my face....

Pooch- I never thought I'd get to see you againMe- Pooch, what's going on? How am I seeing you right nowPooch- I don't know but I'm so happy to be able to see someone, especially youMe- There's so much I still need to tell youPooch- Me too but I'll shorten it, I love youMe- I love you too

This time I kissed him. I missed his lips on mine and right now it felt all too perfect. He started to open up and tongues were involved trying to find contact wherever possible. Then suddenly I sensed a change and pulled back to see a beat up bruised Hosea with a sinister smile...

Hosea- What's the matter baby, tongue tied

I screamed as he tried to force himself on me. As I punched him, I sprang awake to find Trey to my left, Roshon & Columbus to my right, and the doctor stumbling back...

Dr. M- Well reflexes seem to be fineMe- What happenedTrey- T, you had a panic attack then you just collapsed. I called the doctor and RoshonRoshon- You ok broMe- Umm...yea...yea I feel fineTrey- You were out for 3 hours Me- I'm ok. I promiseDr. M- Just take it easy will you Mr. Jenkens and watch that right hook (He left)Columbus- Please don't scare us like that no more. We already got one down we don't need anotherMe- I'll do what I canPooch- (Faintly) Terrence

Everybody instantly whipped their heads towards Pooch, who was still in his same position....

Columbus- Umm did he just...Roshon- I think he did

I got up and walked over to him...

Me- Say it again


Me- Please, say it again

Nothing again. I grabbed his hand and leaned down to kiss him....

Me- Please, (Tear rolls down his face) say something

Nothing. Maybe our minds were playing tricks on us. Maybe we wanted to hear something out of him so we did. As I started to let go of his hand, his grip tightened like he was holding on for dear life...

Pooch- (Almost at normal volume) TerrenceTrey- Oh my god. (Running out of room) Doctor! DOCTOR! Me- Pooch I'm here ok. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere ok? I love you

I could feel him coming back to me. His eyes were trying to open, his heart beat started to rise. Then as soon as I could swear he was waking a team of doctors and nurses rushed in. I was hoping id be able to stay but I was forced out right along with Roshon & Columbus. A guard stood in front of the door and we were escorted to a private waiting room...

Trey- He's gonna be ok Terrence. He's coming back to us okMe- I know. I knowRoshon- I'm gonna call everyone and fill em inColumbus- Me too

As they both began texting away, Brian was escorted into the room and stopped in his tracks when he saw Trey....

(Trey POV)

I didn't even know what to say. We left on not so good terms. Right now isn't the time though, right now Terrence needs me. But still he walked over to us...

Brian- TreyMe- Brian. What are you doing hereBrian- I was coming to see Pooch but the guard led me here. What's going on is he okTerrence- He said my name. Then he grabbed my hand. I think he's waking up

Brian smiled as his eyes filled with tears of joy...

Brian- That's amazingMe- Yea it isBrian- So while we wait for the better news, can I talk to you for a minuteMe- Brian I don't know. Right now just doesn't seem like...Terrence- No it's a perfect time. You guys have unfinished business. I'll be fine Trey. Talk to himMe- Ok

I got up and followed Brian into the hallway...

Brian- Umm, you look greatMe- Thanks. You're not looking so bad yourselfBrian- How you beenMe- A little homesick but I'm not complainingBrian- That's good. Look I know we didn't leave things in a good place but I wanna say thank youMe- Brian you don't need to...Brian- Yes I do. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have ever learned to open up to people and connect and really make friends. You're the reason I'm not completely lonely and looking for connections through pointless sex anymore so thank you for thatMe- Your welcomeBrian- And I know things were rocky between us before but...Me- Let me stop you there. Brian I don't think I can go there with you anymoreBrian- But you're not even giving me a chance. I know it sounds cliche but I'm a changed man and I want to show you that I can be the guy you need, want, and deserve. Just gimme that chance and I promise you won't regret itMe- Brian. After tomorrow you may never see me again. My mom's taking me back to Virginia and I probably won't have enough money to come back out here anywayBrian- Then let me make you a deal. You give me my chance and call me everyday, and I promise I'll be faithful to you, I won't even talk to another guy. If I keep my end of the bargain, you move in with me after graduationMe- Move in with youBrian- Yes. I'll pay your airfare and allMe- You sure you ready for thatBrian- I'm ready for anything that'll make you mine again

Honestly, I never stopped thinking about Brian. The possibilities. So the idea of an "us" again is too impossible to turn down...

Me- OkBrian- WhatMe- Ok. I promise to call you everyday and if you can abstain and be 100% faithful to me until graduation. I'll move in with you and give us another shot

He smiled and wasted no time kissing me to make things official again. The kiss was as intoxicating as the first. His perfectly soft, juicy lips against mine and his facial hair tickling my face. It was all too perfect. I don't really know if I'm jumping the gun on us. Honestly I don't care either. I know Brian and I know what he's saying is true. And who knows with us living together we might turn into a forever thing....

Chris- Well look at godNicki- Won't he do it fa ya

We both jumped at the sound of their voices. I couldn't help but rush over to everyone I haven't got to see yet: Nicki, Christina, Raven, Kelly, Stasi, Lucci, Jersey, Tiara, Zuly, Big Sean, and Tip. Brian slowly walked up behind me and grabbed my hand. They group were torn down the middle, most of them were ok with it but the rest looked at Brian like they were ready to kill him....

Me- If that kiss wasn't evidence, we're back together and I'm trusting that you'll respect my decisionBig Sean- Well damn there goes my shot

Everybody laughed and proceeded into the waiting room...

Me- Well look at us all back togetherTerrence- Sucks it's always in a hospital thoughLucci- Yea, ima need y'all to stay out these damn hospitals when we go to college cuz I ain't balling like that ta be catching flights all the way to New York ta see you in a hospital bedMe- New York? Who's gonna be in New YorkRaven- Me, Christina, Nicki, Terrence, Roshon, & ColumbusMe- ReallyChristina- Yup. We all got accepted into NYU. Even pulled some strings so us three can be roommates. In a co-op dormMe- I just got accepted there tooRoshon- Are you seriousMe- Yea. I got my letter right before I came out hereTiara- Well damn so much for us all being spilt upTip- Shyd I am. Me and Sean the only one going to the AKelly- And I'm gonna be all the way in MiamiBrian- Well I can probably get a timeshare somewhere so whenever you're all on break you can have a place to come togetherStasi- You mean we babyZuly- Yea Trey took you back so of course we can forgive and take you back tooLucci- But hurt him again and you'll have to deal with meBrian- If that's the case, I'll never hurt him again

Brian kissed me and of course everyone reacted childishly. Being here with everyone was exactly what I needed. Being in Virginia with my too busy with work and men mom was starting to get unbearable. Now I can't help but smile being around so much love....

Me- We should all go out tomorrowChris- Whats tomorrowMe- My flight back to hell leaves at 11pm and I'm not ready to leave you guys yetKelly- Why don't we go out tonight thenRaven- And we can sleepover at my placeNicki- Tomorrow we hang out all day Brian- And I'll take you to the airport

Leaving tomorrow is gonna be worse than the first time....

Me- Sure. I'll like thatTerrence- Let's hope Pooch will be able to be there tooMe- He's gonna be ok TerrenceNicki- Poor Pooch. I mean with him laid up like this think of all the offers and scholarships he's missing out onTerrence- Actually I've been helping him out there. We were able to get one of the film club geeks to edit the film from Pooches entire highschool football career and it all together....Christina- Wait..."We" whoTerrence- Coach Chad, Coach Watt, and meColumbus- So what did you do with the filmTerrence- We sent it out to all the colleges we couldMe- Damn. I know at least one of them made an offerTerrence- When he wakes up he'll have 23 different offers waiting for him. I filled out a few apps for him, wrote a couple of essays, I just wanted to make sure he didn't get left behind

We all gasped at the news. Pooch is so lucky to have Terrence. Not many people are lucky enough to have someone who cares more about someone other than themselves. I barely wanted to fill out my own college apps and do the essays so you know it's love when someone goes through all that for you....

Doctor- Excuse me. I have someone who wanted to see you all

I could see the joy fill up everyone's eyes as we all made a mad dash towards Pooches room....

(Pooch POV)

As soon as he turned into my room, I snapped my head towards him. I can't believe he's here. Before i could utter a word he ran to me and smashed his lips on mine. I kissed him back with an equal amount of passion as i wrapped my arms around him. I could feel everyone entering the room. As they started whoooing and clapping, I broke the kiss and stared him in his eyes....

Terrence- I love you so muchMe- I love you tooTerrence- Look who decided to show up

As he moved to the side, my heart dropped into my stomach. Amongst the masses in the room was my first love, someone who I hadn't expected to see again. He got a little darker, packed on some more muscle, and surprisingly went from braids to a mini fro....

Trey- Good to have you back strangerMe- (As Trey hugs him) Good to have YOU back. I see Virginia really had its way with youTrey- Had to reinvent myselfMe- I still see the same old youTrey- Something tells me you always willNicki- Excuse me but I would like to see my bestfriend tooRaven- Yes move over please

Trey moved to the side and I was rushed by Raven, Nicki, and Christina. I could barely breath as they squeezed the life outta me....

Me- So I wake up just for you to suffocate meRaven- (All 3 backing off) Sorry I'm just happy to have you backChristina- Promise not to scare us like that no moreMe- I'll do what I canNicki- So what's it's likeTrey- Seriously NickNicki- What I'm just curiousMe- I honestly can't tell you all I can remember is Terrence talking to me and then.....

I blacked out. I couldn't recall anything I felt, or heard. It was like a dreamless sleep....

Terrence- Pooch you okMe- Yea umm. I guess I'm still trying to comprehend everything that happenedTerrence- Just take it easy ok. Don't try to think or do too much. The doctor said that we'd have to ease you back into being active again

Over the next hour, everybody else strolled in and hugged me. They all hung out in my room catching me up on everything. The whole time Terrence didn't want to leave me side. He even crawled up in the bed next to me as everyone chilled with me. It felt like old times before everything got so complicated. The only one missing is Hosea. Just thinking about him made me tear up...

Terrence- What's wrong babyMe- It's just...I kinda wish Hosea was here with us still. Under all the bullshit he was still my bestfriendTerrence- I know what he was to you but a real best friend don't do the things to you that Hosea did to you Me- I guess I just miss who he was before everythingTerrence- Everyone doesMe- Even youTerrence- Especially me

After about 2 more hours everybody left, leaving me and Terrence wrapped up in each other on a hospital bed....

Me- So are you ready to talk about what this all meansTerrence- What do you meanMe- Well you know the truth about what happened. You know I still love you and I know you love me. I don't know I guess I just need to hear it from your mouthTerrence- Pooch you're right I do love you and it's because I love you that I can't imagine another minute of my life going by without being yoursMe- I thought I was supposed to be the cute corny oneTerrence- Well I had to give it a shotMe- That's my thing. You cannot have it I won't allow it

He burst out laughing at my sarcastic tone. That's music to my ears our last few exchange seemed to contain too much crying or yelling, laughter was a pretty sweet change....

Me- I forgot what it was like to hear you so happyTerrence- Well let's hope you never do againMe- I know I will being laid up like this won't look too good with me trying to go to college and play ballTerrence- I don't think soMe- And why don't youTerrence- Well I may have shopped around a certain DVD with all your plays on it and help you out a bitMe- You did whatTerrence- I didn't want you to miss out on any opportunities so I created some for you. With a little help from your coachesMe- Well exactly how many "opportunities" did you createTerrence- 23. So far

I was at a lost for words. While I was out, Terrence was looking out for me the whole time. He already told me how much time he spent with me but this, this is a new level of caring. The kind of level that can make a man considered buying a ring...

Me- You did that for meTerrence- Well I sure wouldn't do it for anyone elseMe- So then you wouldn't mind spending the rest of our lives together

I felt him tense up. He rolled over to face me and the sun set shines through and illuminated the side of his face. I couldn't believe how beautiful he was...

Terrence- Pooch are you forealMe- Terrence I've never met anyone who I rather be with. No one makes me happier than you. No one makes me smile like you. No one can compare to how you make me feel. I've never loved anyone more and I don't want to

I nearly brought myself to tears as I watched his eyes water up and a lone tear rolled down his face....

Me- I know I'm asking a lot and we're still so young. I understand if you can't give me an answer but I need you to know how I feelTerrence- You know I had a lot of time to think about us. Thinking about if we jumped the gun when we met. How everything could've worked out if we would actually dated before making things official. Then I find myself back at the same pointMe- Which wasTerrence- I don't care how things went between us or how they could've been. All that matters is what "is" and I know that I can't imagine anything other than spending the rest of my life with you

I brought my hand to his face and gently kissed his perfect lips. The kiss wasn't supposed to last very long but once I felt his soft lips on mine I couldn't help myself. Sadly before we reached full on make out mode we were interrupted...

Dr- Ah-hemMe- (Jumping at the sound) Oh um I'm sorry DocDr- I understand. Young love and allMe- What's going on DocDr- Well I was just coming to let you know that after a simple overnight evaluation you should be able to leave tomorrow morning if everything turns out okMe- Umm ok but I feel fine DocDr- And I'm sure you do but considering how long you've been unconscious we have to be sureMe- Sure of what exactlyDr- You could have some nerve endings, trouble with motor functions, it's really hard to tell with a case like yoursMe- What do you mean a case like mineDr- Well most people are in a coma for up to 4 weeks. Anyone out longer than that are what we call "hopefuls". Normally hopefuls don't tend to make a full recovery. We won't know for sure until after your examinationMe- And that'll be whenDr- We'll be monitoring you overnight to make sure you don't slip back under and if you make it through the night then in the morning we'll check your motor skills, reflexes and such, pass that get your release papersMe- Might as well get those papers signed and ready to goDr- I sure hope so. Now Mr. Jenkins if you'll follow me outTerrence- I can't stay tonightDr- No. We prefer the patient to be uninterrupted during the observationTerrence- But that's....Me- That's understandableTerrence- But you just woke upMe- Which means now you can go home knowing that I'm fine. When I get through with the examination I'll call youTerrence- Ok (Kisses him), I love youMe- I love you too. See you tomorrowTerrence- Out of the hospital bed, on your feetMe- Sounds doable

I watched him disappear into the hallway and smiled to myself. It may have taken three bullets but we're finally over the bullshit and back together. For one I'm smiling on the inside and out knowing that tomorrow Terrence will be waiting for me....

(Roshon POV)

After we left the hospital, Columbus and I decided to go out to eat. The closest restaurant was a diner named "24/7". As we were seated we both started looking at our menus not saying a word to each other. Our relationship was fine so it wasn't that. Before I could begin to ask the waitress was already approaching the table....

Waitress- How you boys doingColumbus- Umm fine thanks. How bout youWaitress- Well I am better now that I know there are still courteous people out there in the world. So can I get y'all sum'n to drink or y'all ready to orderColumbus- I'll just have a double cheeseburger with fries and a chocolate shakeWaitress- Alright and youMe- Umm a buffalo chicken quesadilla with extra cheese extra ranch on the side and a glass of ice water. And can I get a cup of the hottest water you haveWaitress- Sure thing sweety. I'll be right back with your hot waterMe- Thank you ma'amWaitress- Your welcome sweet face

As the way waitress left the table with our menus, Columbus started fidgeting and playing with his fingers. He didn't even look at me. It was like he was trying to forget I was there or sum'n, of course I'm not gonna let him slide....

Me- Why don't you just stop trying to plan it out in your head and say whatever it is you need to sayColumbus- HuhMe- If you can huh you can hearColumbus- Ok I'm busted. I just really like how things are going and I don't wanna ruin it with my situationMe- I....

The waitress came back and sat the glass if hot water down then walked away...

Me- You know from the moment you and me became "us" your bullshit became my bullshit and vice versa so....Columbus- Well I guess we can situate this situation so it can be situated then_Me- Stop dancing around the topic and just tell meColumbus- And speaking of dancing what color we wearing to_Me- Keith

His face froze at the sound of his middle name. Knowing that I was starting to get mad he sighed and hung his head like he was getting ready to tell me the worst news ever...

Columbus- I'm not going to NYU

I didn't hear what I just heard. We've been planning this for weeks we even got my Uncle T to pull some strings and get us in the same dorm. Now all the sudden he's not going like what the fuck. Before I explode I had to calm down realizing the waitress heading towards our table. I faked a smile as she sat our food down in front of us. As soon as she was out of earshot....

Me- What the hell do you mean you're not going to NYUColumbus- I'm not goingMe- But I thought you gotta a scholarshipColumbus- Some scholarship. After the first two years it's gonna be straight to work study programsMe- Ok so I can talk to my Uncle. He'll definitely helpColumbus- No thanks I'm done being a charity case. Besides nothing can top this opportunityMe- What opportunityColumbus- My dad, whose very alive contrary to what I was lead to believe, is Dean of Princeton University. Faculty children get to attend for freeMe- I'm confusedColumbus- My mom told me my dad was dead. But a few weeks ago my dad reached out to me and since then we've been talking almost every day. He said that he wanted to make up for lost time and he asked if I'd give him a second chanceMe- And you told him yesColumbus- Of course I mean it's Princeton. I just didn't want you to be madMe- I'm not mad I mean it's your dad and I know how much an opportunity like that means to youColumbus- But you're not necessarily happy about it eitherMe- I'm happy for you, really I am. I guess I'm just worried that I won't really get to see you or spend time with youColumbus- I'll always make time for you babe. Plus there's FaceTime and Princeton is only like a hour and a half away from NYUMe- I guess that's not that farColumbus- Look I don't care if I was halfway around the world, I'll always be yours okMe- Promise

He didn't answer but instead he stood up, leaned over the table, and kissed me. He didn't do too much just a simple passionate kiss. He pulled away and smiled at me....

Columbus- I promise. Now can I eat my burger pleaseMe- Yes you may my sexy ass boyfriendColumbus- Thank you my sexy ass big eared boyfriendMe- (Laughs) Leave my ears aloneColumbus- I love your earsMe- I love youColumbus- I love you too

I looked around and a few people were staring and whispering things to each other...

Me- Umm I think we're putting on quite the showColumbus- So? Let em watch. I love an audienceMe- Seriously though. Looks like our type aren't exactly common hereColumbus- I don't care. If we're bothering them then they can just not pay us any attention

As he continued to eat, I glanced around a bit and noticed most of the people still looking and gesturing our way. I decided to take his advice and ignore them. While I ate my food it was hard to not wonder why. Mostly every else we go nobody really paid us any attention. I guess some people are just stuck in their ways. By the time we finished our food it was 9:35. Everybody wasn't going to be leaving for the club until 10:30 so we had more than enough time to get home and get ready....

Columbus- Damn that was goodMe- You ready to get outta hereColumbus- Yea I gotta shower before we go outMe- Me tooColumbus- Oooh one shower quickie before the club sounds like funMe- Only if you leave the tipColumbus- But I paid the billMe- I guess we're taking separate showers thenColumbus- (Laying a $10 bill on the table) That's bullshit

Without a reply, I got up and as I turned around I bumped right into somebody I actually never anticipated running into again. The look on his face told me that he's thinking the same exact thing. For a minute we both just stood there in silence. Then Columbus tapped me on my shoulder snapping me out of it...

Columbus- You alright babeMe- Yea umm I'm fineJerome- Excuse you. You should really watch where you goingColumbus- Aye it was an accident_Me- No. Come on let's goJerome- Go? But you didn't even introduce me to your friend. Is that cuz he the same friend you left me in a hospital forColumbus- What is he talking about RoMe- Nothing that matters. Let's goJerome- And now I don't matterMe- Not anymore. I had to make a decision and I didJerome- And the whole leaving me fucked up in a hospitalMe- That accident wasn't my fault Jerome. You didn't look where you were going when you stormed off. You can't blame me for your mistakeJerome- I think I can. Considering how you fucked around with that guy knowing I was coming to pick you up that same timeColumbus- Hey man_Me- Babe just go outside and wait for me in the carColumbus- I'm not leaving you in here with this dudeMe- It's ok. I'll be out there in a second

Columbus glanced at him one more time before waking past him and out the door....

Jerome- You can't even take responsibility for what you did to me. How you broke my heart, used me, then just threw me away once I lost my legsMe- First of all you got your legs back so chill. And if you must know, the entire time I waited to see if you were ok I didn't do anything but blame myself for everything. I felt like I had ruined everything: everything between us, Treys' life, all of my friends lives, yoursJerome- You don't give a damn about meMe- You don't believe thatJerome- How could I not? You left me in so much pain. You couldn't even wait til I got better you just disappearedMe- Because I have a problem with ruining everything I touch. So I figured that I was doing you a favor by leaving you. I can't hurt you if I'm not with youJerome- And what about him? You can't hurt me but you can hurt himMe- He's different. He made me different. He made me happyJerome- I thought I made you happyMe- You did. He just did it betterJerome- You barely gave me a chanceMe- Well I guess that's my fault. Too late for that nowJerome- Says whoMe- Wait you mean you_Jerome- Still want to be with you. Yea. Roshon don't nobody make me feel like you did. I can't feel about nobody else how I felt about you. All you gotta do is leave him and give me the chance I deserve

He's serious. I can tell he's serious and right now this is an intense situation. Once again I'm being asked to choose between the same two guys...

Me- Jerome that wouldn't be fair to him. He's done nothing but be the best boyfriend I could ask for. I can't break his heart like thatJerome- But you still got feelings for meMe- I never stopped feeling for you but like I said, it just won't be right to him

I allowed that to be the last word as I walked past him and out the door. Climbing in the car Columbus reached over and grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers....

Columbus- You okMe- Yea. I'm good. Just not really in the mood to go out any moreColumbus- Really I thought it'd be fun to go out with Trey againMe- Me too I just...the conversation we just had kinda killed my moodColumbus- Ok well we can just chill at the spot tonight watch sum movies order some foodMe- No. Just cuz I'm not going don't mean you can't. Trey is your friend too and if you wanna go out with him I completely understand Columbus- You sure babeMe- Yea. Besides I still have to do some more research for that book review due MondayColumbus- Ok

I tried my best to act ok but I was dying inside. Columbus has been everything to me but I can't help but consider Jerome. I never fully got him outta my system and seeing him tonight brought back all those thoughts and feelings I thought I had buried. While Columbus was focused on the road, I whipped out my phone and found his number still in my phone. Even now it was hard but my curiosity got the best of me and I sent "Meet at my hz in 30 minutes?". I can't believe I'm doing this I wanted to take it back but before I could there was the reply "Sure ;-)". After we finally made it to my house Columbus leaned over and kissed me before letting me out of the car. I watched his car proceed down the street as I headed inside. Terrence must've already been gone because once I got inside I was alone. I stripped off everything before sliding on a pair of pajama pants and a tank top before sitting down at my desk and started my homework. After about 5 minutes I could barely think and decided to roll a blunt first. Big Sean had become one of my closest friends and turned me into a pothead (again). After sparking my blunt I was able to concentrate and really get to work. I was cranking out my essay for like 15 minutes until a knock on my window stole my attention. I turned around in my chair and there he was looking as cute as ever. Approaching the window, I noticed that he was wearing a black fishnet tank top, with a pair of black (slightly sagging) skinny jeans, and as he came though the window I noticed he was wearing a pair of white fishnet briefs that showed of the top of his baby smooth cheeks and his crack. Once he faced me I noticed the front exposed his hairless pelvis through the fishnet. And I hate to admit it but right now he looked so sexy and just the sight of him was starting to turn me on....

Me- Somebody's dressed upJerome- Well I was gonna go out tonight. Had to look goodMe- RightJerome- So where loverboyMe- At the club. I wanted to talk to you aloneJerome- Ok I'm all ears Me- You said that you still had feelings for me after the way everything went down between usJerome- YeaMe- Well it kinda made me think about it and I never really got you outta my head. Some part of me never let go of the guilt from leaving you the way I did and I'd like to genuinely say that I'm so sorry for thatJerome- I've already forgiven you for thatMe- But to be clear I can't feel that way about you and you can't feel that way about meJerome- Why notMe- Because I have a boyfriend. A boyfriend that loves me more than anything who cares about me as much as I care for him. He's never done me wrong and never plans to. He's perfect and I just don't think he's worth hurting Jerome- He's perfect. So what am IMe- Perfect. Even after what I did to you you're still here for me. That being said, I don't think you're worth hurting either and if you believe that you'll leave here and forget about how you feel about me and find somebody worthy of a man like youJerome- But I don't want anybody else

He slowly made his way in front of me and tilted my chin up looking me in the eye....

Jerome- I want you

As I opened my mouth to speak, he kissed me shoving his tongue down my throat. The intensity was paralyzing and all I could do was kiss back. Our tongues wrapped around and collided with each other with so much passion. His hands roamed down my back and gripped my ass thought my pants. As he squeezed, something clicked and I didn't know what was going on. I ended the kiss and turned around with my back to him...

Me- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I think you should go. I'm sorryJerome- Go? You don't want me to goMe- Yes I do please goJerome- Why? Scared you might still be in love with me

With that he stepped up right behind me and grabbed my hips as he started placing a few kisses on my neck. I almost went limp in his arms. His kisses were hitting spots I didn't even know I had and it was like he knew I'd react this way. He had me frozen with pleasure as he sucked and licked on my neck, while pressing his pelvis against my ass....

Jerome- (In between kisses) See...your mouth says "Go"

His hands slowly roamed down the front of my body and grabbed my rock hard dick through my pants....

Jerome- But your body says "Stay"Me- (Moaning) Please...stop

I could feel his hard dick against my ass grinding into it. His hands were all over my dick as he started sucking my shoulder. I wanted him. I wanted him bad. Theirs nothing worse than wanting something so bad without being able to get it once you have the chance. I'm not even sure I love Jerome but I do love how he's making me feel right now. But it wouldn't be right to do this to Columbus, especially when I love how he makes me feel AND I love him. With that thought I spun around and shoved Jerome towards the window nearly pushing him out of it....

Jerome- Damn you like it that roughMe- No I like it from my man Columbus Keith Short and you are not him so please leave and lose my number

Suddenly his face changed before he was shocked, maybe a little confused, but now he was full on pissed....

Jerome- You leave me paralyzed and I forgive you and I can't even get no assMe- Sure you can just not from me. I have a boyfriend okJerome- Fuck your punk ass boyfriendMe- Fuck youJerome- Aye bitch calm do_Me- BITCH. Alright get the fuck out of my house NOW

I didn't see it coming but he was quick as he charged at me and tackled me to the floor. Before he could I threw the first punch right at his chin, what got me is that he didn't even react. I know being mad enough to the point where you don't really feel anything but this was something else. Like a madman he started choking me with his left hand and then started beating my face in with his right. With him on top of me and his long ass arms, I couldn't even land a punch. I tried to cover my face but one lucky door right to the left eye opened me right up. With each punch I could hear and almost feel small cracks in my jaw & cheek bones, new cuts opening up, and blood rolling down my face, all while of having the life choked out of me. Somewhere in the slew of punches the pain was going away as I slipped away into darkness.....




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