Puppy Love

By socrazii92

Published on Apr 23, 2015



Chapter 14: Turn Down For What/Fighter

(Terrence POV)

I was having a blast. The party was packed, the food was banging, there were hot guys everywhere, it was perfect. Everybody looked like they were having a blast. I looked up at the balcony and instantly the night just got better. Jay, Kanye, and Diggy were looking through the crowd for me. I ran all the way up there and stood behind them...

Me- Who you looking

Kanye- (Without turning around) Our best friend, it's his party

Diggy- And man is it live

Me- I knew I could throw a bomb ass party

They all turned around and screamed in excitement. We all hugged it up and geeked about how much we missed each other....

Jay- Damn boy, this L.A. sun sure is benefiting you

Me- Yass it is

Kanye- So where's America's next top model

Me- Follow me

And now for the hard part, telling them that me and Pooch broke up. I led then to my room and shut the door...

Diggy- Damn T. This shit laid son

Me- I try, I try

Kanye- Who's the second bed

Me- Roshon, my cousin

Kanye- Word? He here too

Me- Yea

Jay- Damn Double Trouble taking over L.A.

Me- We trying

Diggy- So where's Ro

Me- Somewhere with Columbus

Kanye- Who tf is that

Me- His fine ass boyfriend

Jay- Dayum both you niggas don came to L.A. and got cuffed

Kanye- Shyd must be something in the water

Diggy- So where is Pooch Doggy Dog anyway

Me- See what had happens was, we broke up

Diggy- (With his palm to Kanye and Jay) I won give me my money

Me- Won what

Kanye- (Handing Diggy $20 with Jay) We bet that the Pooch page was fake just too make Diggy jealous. Well me and Jay bet it was real

Diggy- And I won

Me- Actually you didn't because it's very real. He cheated so I cut him loose

Diggy- Terence it's okay to miss me

Me- Shut the fuck up. I didn't make Pooch up to make you jealous

Diggy- Prove it

I pulled out my phone and video called Pooch. For some reason it rang twice then hung up...

Diggy- Sounds like you just got the button

Me- Shut up stupid

I called again. This time I was answered. I couldn't tell where he was but he was in a bed and shirtless...

Pooch- You have to be the most bipolar person I ever met

Me- Pooch what are you talking about

Pooch- Well I'm sure you remember the last words you said to me and not even a whole 24 hours later, you're calling

Me- Ok first of all, I was only calling to show my friends (Turns the phone on them) that you were real. (Turns the phone back to himself) Secondly, I'm not bipolar I just wanted you to leave

Pooch- Well I'm gone you got your birthday wish. Now I'm gonna go back to pretending the last month of my life with you never happened

Me- What's that supposed mean

Pooch- It mean goodbye. Have a nice life. Adios ex-amigo

Brian- (Off screen) Who you talking too

Me- Who tf...is that BRIAN

Brian- (Rolls over onto Pooches chest) Oh hi Terrence

Me- Really Pooch. You hook up with Brian after we break up

Pooch- Let's be clear, you broke up with me. You said you never wanted to see me again. You technically cheated way before I did so fuck you and everything that has to do with you. I'm not about to keep trying to chase you and get you back. I'm done wasting my time trying to love you and trying to get you to love me. I can't do it anymore (Hangs up)

I was at a complete loss for words. Actually words couldn't really explain why. I just know that I'm super pissed. After everything that happens Pooch is gonna flip out on me, then tries to make me jealous by hooking up with Brian of all people. Then he did this in front of my friends, who's just looking at me like "What the holy hell happened". And all I could think to do was take my half of cup of liquor and chug that shit...

Diggy- Turn-up then

Me- So y'all ready to get fucked up or not

Jay- Umm yea

Kanye- Where we put our bags at

Me- (Pointing to the closet door) In there

They all put their stuff in the closet. I could here them whispering about what just went down. It wasn't anything bad, they just couldn't believe it happened and I didn't go 0 to 1,000,000 on Pooch. I almost forgot that they're still accustomed to the rowdy, crazy, too turnt Terrence. Honestly, I'm starting to miss that Terrence. I led them out the room, but as soon as I opened the door Pharrell was beginning to knock...

Me- Pharrell? You made it

Pharrell- Umm yea, you did invite me

Me- Well I also told you to be here at 8

Pharrell- Can I blame L.A. traffic

Me- This time

Kanye cleared his throat and it's good he did because Pharrell being right here made me forget all about them...

Me- Oh Pharrell these are my best friend from New York Jay, Kanye, and Diggy

Pharrell- Oh they partying with us

Me- No

Jay, Kanye, & Diggy- No? What you mean no

Me- Private party fellas but if you're interested (Hinting them to leave) I do believe the theirs still food in the kitchen

Jay- Now that's cold

Me- That's right cuz Elsa ain't got shit on me

Kanye- (Walking out) So stingy

Diggy- (Walking past Pharrell) I think he's in serious need of some good birthday sex

Me- (As Pharrell laughs) Seriously

Jay- (Walking out) Sharing is caring

Me- I guess I don't care

Pharrell- Your friends are hilarious

Me- Amongst other things

Pharrell- So you gonna let me in or should I just take a seat by the door

Me- Yea that's perfect

Pharrell- (Confused) Really

Me- No, come on

Pharrell- (Walking in the room) I almost thought you were serious

Me- (Closing & locking the door) Blame it on my good acting skills

Pharrell- Wow. This looks better then my room

Me- Thanks. Feel free to get comfortable (Closes and locks the bathroom door)

Pharrell sat at my desk which is at the foot of my bed. He sat the paper bag on the desk and pulled a fat blunt off his ear. I sat at the foot of the bed and he handed me the blunt with a lighter, while he poured our cups of Paul Massan Peach...

Me- You want me to spark up

Pharrell- It is your birthday

I sparked up and the loud hit me harder then ever. It makes sense, I haven't smoked since we left New York...

Pharrell- Damn. What you a rookie

Me- No. I haven't smoked since I moved here

Pharrell- How come

Me- I was trying to reinvent myself when I moved out here. You know start fresh

Pharrell- That's understandable but anytime you trying to smoke just hit me up

Me- Will do

Pharrell- So you drink, smoke, and dance. Perfect guy

Me- Perfect? My ex sure didn't think that

Pharrell- Ex? I thought you just moved here

Me- I moved here a month ago and the second day here I made it official after one date. Then everybody thought I wanted him for sex, which I could've got without a relationship, for a while everything was perfect until yesterday it just wasn't

Pharrell- Damn that's messed up. Can I be honest though

Me- I'd hate it if you weren't

Pharrell- That relationship was doomed to fail. You didn't take the time to let your feelings for each other grow. Which is probably the main reason he broke up with you

Me- Hold on Dr. Phil-rrell just so we're clear I broke up with him because he cheated on me twice, then lied about it 3 times when I asked him

Pharrell- That doesn't mean I'm completely wrong. If you would've dated him for at least a month, would whatever he did even be cheating

Me- No. If I would've dated him for a month he'd probably be here instead of you

Pharrell- (Hands him the drink) That still doesn't change my thoughts on the situation. It's obvious you care about this guy because if you didn't you wouldn't be venting to a stranger

Me- You're not a stranger. I danced with you no

Pharrell- What's that supposed to mean

Me- We have a saying where I'm from "You show me how you dance, and you'll show me who you are."

Pharrell- Ok I'll bite, who am I

Me- (Takes a huge drink) Ok, if I'm right you gotta chug the rest of that drink

Pharrell- Oooh drinking games

Me- Is it a bet

Pharrell- It's a bet

Me- Ok. I first saw you dancing with that girl, I knew you were bi. The way you kept it sexy but distant, she wasn't what you were looking for. Then when me and Roshon was dancing, I saw you dancing with a gay guy. While he was trying to draw attention with all of his moves, you just kept out cool. So you're laid back, probably the eldest of 3 or 4, your dad held you on a pedestal while your mom didn't give you too much attention or step mom. Then when we danced, you were close, sensual, and very straight forward about what you wanted. So your definitely a top maybe you'd verse with the right person, you're a romantic, in bed you care more about pleasuring your partner than yourself, and you connect easily. Oh and I'm willing to bet you're a Pisces. Am I right

All he did was smile. I want sure if I was 100% right though, not until he took his drink and chugged the entire thing. Honestly, I was blushing hard. I can't believe I read him dead on like that...

Pharrell- Damn that's strong. What you a psychology major or something

Me- Well since I'm only in high school it's not called majoring

Pharrell- You're in high school

Me- Yea I just turned 18. Aren't you

Pharrell- No I'm 20. I go to UCLA

Me- Well honestly you barely look 16

Pharrell- Thank you

Me- So what's college like

Pharrell- It's different for everybody and with me being a frat boy, it's the shit

Me- Frat boy? So that's why you have Geek letters tatted behind your ear

Pharrell- Damn. You sure do pay attention to detail

Me- Only when I'm intoxicated

Pharrell- That's ass backwards

Me- You didn't let me finish my sentence. Only when I'm intoxicated and when I'm interested in a person

Pharrell- Oh really. So you interested in me

Me- Duh. If I wasn't we wouldn't be here

Pharrell- So lemme just be honest, you tryna fuck or you looking for a friend or a little bit of both

Me- Both. I just wanna to wait til after we've been kicking it for a while

Pharrell- So then we're dating

Me- I didn't say that but I do like the sound of that

Pharrell- Damn now I won't be able to give you my birthday present

Me- What that monster you got in there

Pharrell- Nope. See I was gonna help yu relieve some stress, you know cuz ole boy

Me- I'll take it

Pharrell- Really

Me- Yea

Pharrell- Shyd gon relax then, lay back and let me take care of you

I really did wanna fuck him tonight and even more I wanted him to fuck me, but this situation feels like my first day with Pooch. Although I really cared for Pooch, I wish I would've never moved so quick with him. So unfortunately now Pharrell will have to wait quite a while. I rested my head on my hands behind my head. Pharrell turned his Miami Heat snapback backwards and scooted closer to me in the desk chair. He spread my legs and started to unbuckle my belt. I couldn't help but start to get hard, which he saw given the tent in my skinny jeans. He rubbed it through my pants and I could see him lick his lips. Then he slowly unzipped my pants, reached in and massaged my hard dick through my boxers. I really wished he would stop teasing so much. He must've read my thoughts cuz he finally pulled down the front of my boxers, pulled out my dick, and stated licking it from the base to the head. His tongue would dance on my head then start polishing the

shaft. He was so talented with his tongue it was crazy. I had already began dripping precum and he hasn't even started actually sucking yet. Once he noticed the precum he finally wrapped his lips around my head and sucked like a vacuum as he swallowed the entire thing inch my inch. My eyes rolled to the back of my head while he gave me some A-1 head. He'd occasionally gag but he never pulled off. Now that's a real MVP. His hands started roaming my body, feeling my abs and every crease in between, then up to my pecs and playing with my nipples. All the while he never stopped sucking. I could feel my balls tighten, and I screamed out as I shot 5 hot loads straight down his throat. After I came, he sucked me clean then put my dick back in my boxers, zipped and buttoned my jeans, and buckled my belt. He sat back in the chair as I sat up....

Me- Damn. You are definitely a skilled one

Pharrell- Well you get good at it when your life depends on it

Me- What do you mean

Pharrell- It's nothing

Me- It don't sound like nothing

Pharrell- Maybe another time

Me- You leaving

Pharrell- Yea. Frat curfew 11 o'clock

Me- Your frat has a curfew? That's one I've never heard of

Pharrell- Hey we like to keep each other on track. We have fun but we don't forget the reason we're in college

Me- So when do I get to see you again

Pharrell- Well it's midterm week and the work study hours just increased so probably not til Saturday or Sunday. I'll call though

Me- Yes. Please do

Pharrell- So aside from what just happened I'd really like to take things slow with you

Me- I wouldn't have it any other way

Pharrell- Alright then. I'll see you when I see you

Me- Bye

It was kind of awkward how he just walked out without a hug or kiss hell not even a handshake. His version of slow is a little slower than I expected but hey he's worth it. Plus he'll be a good way for me to start forgetting Pooch. Especially after that video call. Laying up with Brian like I'm supposed to really care. Both of them niggas getting my leftovers it's actually quite poetic. The guy who had me and the guy who wanted me. Me on the other hand am dating a fine ass college guy with some A1 head. Wait if I'm still thinking about it, doesn't that mean I care...

(Pooch POV)

I can't believe he had the nerve to call me like I'm some trophy boyfriend or something. The hell was he thinking, we're done. I'm done. I tried apologizing and he still wouldn't forgive me. I'd give him time but what's the point. He's just gonna not trust me and really I can't trust him. He wants to hate me for what I did when he didn't even tell me what he didn't do. I believe that Sean only got the head in and while that bothers me, it all comes down to the fact that he neglected to tell me. That right there shows how my faith and trust he had in our relationship. It pisses me off. I'm thinking that me and him was actually gonna be together forever. Like go to the same college, help each other pursue our careers, get married, maybe some kids, the whole package. Honestly it sucks for that to seem like one big stupid fantasy. I'm only 18 and I feel like I've been through more than anybody should have to. I lost my first love, got put out my home, then

Trey got moved away, the next day lost what felt like my true love, and got nearly beat to death. And now with things between me and Terrence looking dark and seemingly over, I don't really know how much I can take...

Brian- Pooch

He snapped me out of my zone as I was leaning against the railing on his 25th floor balcony while he was standing at the entrance...

Me- What's up

Brian- Nothing what you doing

Me- Just thinking

Brian- About what

Me- My situation. Why you asking

Brian- Well when people in your situation think about their situation at a dangerous place, bad things tend to happen

Me- What you think I'm gonna jump

Brian- It's possible

Me- Well it won't be such a bad idea

Brian- Actually it'll be a terrible idea

Me- How? My parents hate me. Trey is on the other side of the country. Terrence probably won't ever speak to me again. My friends, what friends? The ones whose lives are so perfect that they barely notice mines has been completely flipped upside down in 1 month. I'm lost and nobody wants a lost puppy

Brian- Look Pooch I know this may seem like the end but it's not, ok. You're only 18. You've got you're entire life left, you're an amazing athlete and you're way too talented not to go pro. You're about to graduate and soon go to college. Do you really wanna throw all that away for a little puppy love

Me- First of all, their are millions of talented athletes who don't go pro. Secondly, that little puppy love was going to last a lifetime

Brian- Ok. Still you don't notice how selfish you're sounding

Me- Selfish

Brian- Yes killing yourself is the most selfish thing you can possibly do. You're friends, the ones you think don't care, their gonna be devastated. Every time someone asks if you're ok, you claim that you're fine. And that's your fault. You choose not to talk about it and now it's just all boiled up to this. Now you have a friend right here, ready to listen

Me- A friend? A day ago we couldn't stand each other. Hell if it wasn't for Trey, we wouldn't even have spoke to each other

Brian- But we are now. That's all that matters, now. No more acknowledging the past. No more living for the past. Pooch you need to live for right now. We can't change yesterday but we got right now and if you take that leap, you're letting everyone else win. Your parents, Hosea, Terrence, everybody who drove you to this moment, they all win. You lose

Brian is right. If I take this leap, then I let everybody else win. The only thing I get out of this is an easy way out. But if I take take the easy way out I'm losing one of the main characteristics of myself. I'm a fighter and I don't lose. I stepped away from the edge and Brian ran up to me and gave me a hug...

Brian- (As they pull apart) Look I'm willing to forget our past but only if we can be friends in the future

Me- I'd be crazy to turn down a friend

Brian- You know what, we need a change of tone for you

Me- Na I'm not in the mood for one of your legendary orgies

Brian- Why does everybody associate me with the most erotic shit? You know sex isn't the only thing their is to me

Me- Ok I'm sorry. What do you have in mind

Brian- Go shower, put on some party clothes, and we'll go

Me- What? I can't

Brian- Why

Me- I told Terrence I wasn't going anywhere near his party

Brian- Good thing that's not where we're going

Me- Oh, then where we going

Brian- It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you

Me- Ok

I walked into the house and headed straight to Brian's bathroom. He had a wash rag and towel waiting for me with the shower running. I hopped inside the hot shower with the rag in hand. The water felt so good I stood under it for about five minutes before I began to clean anything. The suspense was killing me so I picked up the pace, making sure to wash everything. Their was a few sharp pains though. I could feel the bruised ribs, and my left shoulder was a pain in the ass to move. The rest of my body was just severely sore. Maybe I should take it easy. I really appreciate Brian but partying probably isn't the best idea. Once I was finished I turned off the water and dried off thoroughly. Without a change of clothes in the bathroom, I just tied the towel around my waist and walked out into the room. Brian was sitting on the couch rolling up, then I just thought about it and realized that I have no idea where any of my clothes are...

Me- Aye B, you know if yo bout grabbed any of my clothes out of my car

Brian- (Without paying him any attention) Check on the bed

I walked over to the bed and a full outfit was laid out for me. He had my black and grey Affliction shirt, my white True Religion jeans, and my Oreo Jordan's with a pair of black cubic earrings, black elites socks, and some black boxer briefs...

Me- You sure I should be partying so soon though

Brian- We're not going to a party. Well they'll be partying going on but we're not going for that reason

Now I'm really getting anxious. He says party clothes but we aren't going to a party. Whatever, just get dressed so we can be out. Caring less if he looked or not, I dropped the towel and pulled on the boxer briefs first, then the jeans. Once I got ready to throw on the shirt, I was startled by Marcus...

Marcus- Dayum. Brian now you're just bring stingy. You know this boy is way too sexy to be keeping to yourself

Me- (Chuckles) Thank you I'm flattered

Brian- Marcus what do you want

Marcus- It's called being thoughtful. You're about to take him out and he don't even have the necessities

Me- Like what

Marcus- (Tossing Pooch a small leather bag) Deodorant, a fragrance, shit like that

Me- Oh. Thanks

Marcus- No problem

Brian- That's nice Marcus. You're still not gonna get ta fuck

Marcus- Trust me if I wanted ta fuck, I would've done it already

I shot a glance Marcus' way and he was starting at me with lust filling his eyes as he left the room. Contrary to what Brian thinks, I'd fuck in a heartbeat. I opened the bag and found an entire Old Spice set. Without a single clue of how he knew it was my favorite fragrance, I got myself together and finished getting dressed. When I finished Brian, turned around and looked at me then froze...

Brian- Damn. Minus the ass-whipping evidence on your face, you look like a Hollywood hotshot

Me- Real funny. Can we go now please, the anticipation is killing me

Brian- Alright. Let's go

He out the blunt in his ear and lead the way downstairs. Marcus was in the kitchen cleaning...

Marcus- The Ferrari is getting a new paint job

Brian- What about the Lamborghini

Marcus- Xzibit doing some custom work on it

Brian- What about Old School Muscle

Marcus- I let my boy race it. Y'all either in the truck or on the bike

Brian- (Grabbing some keys off the key rack next to the door) We'll take the bike

Marcus- Alright. Make sure you got your keys, Shamar wants to cook for me at his spot tonight

Brian- 3rd dinner date in a week? Sounds like someone is catching feelings. Do I hear a commitment

Marcus- Get out of my love life and worry about yours

Brian- Now you have a love life? I'm beginning to like Shemar. We're out

With that I followed out the condo, down the hall, and into the elevator. He hit the "G1" button and the doors closed...

Me- So, bike

Brian- Yea. Red, Dodge tomahawk. The one I ride to school most days. Why scared of motorcycles

Me- No. I just don't approve of riding bitch on the back of a motorcycle

Brian- Can you drive one

Me- I can drive anything

Brian- (Hands Pooch the keys) Then make sure you listen for the directions. She roars pretty loud

A smile crept across my face as the elevator dinged and the door opened. I followed him to the far end of the wall and there it was looking like the sexiest thing on two wheels...

Brian- (Holding a red and black helmet in his hand) You gon get on or you just gon stare

Me- My bad

I climbed on and he handed me a black helmet...

Me- What I don't get the matching helmet

Brian- I'm already putting my life in your hands, don't push it by asking for my baby

I put on the helmet and strapped it on. When I started the bike up, Brian climbed on with his semi resting on the side of my ass...

Me- Somebody's excited

Brian- Shut up and drive fool

He wrapped his arms around my waist as I pulled off. I'm starting to think he only let me drive so he can hold me like this. Whatever, no way after one fuck he has feelings. I pulled to the exit of the garage...

Brian- Go hop on the freeway, head south

I sped my way through traffic. With a bike like this, I'd be stupid not to have some fun. Traffic was actually kinda light compared to what is normally like so it was easy to evade all the cars without slowing down. Driving always came natural to me, it's kinda surreal. First time I ever drove, I ended up having to run from the police which was live as hell and I did it with no problem. I love driving. Once we hit the highway, it was on. I took that shit up to at least 200...

Brian- Head to Ride Park

And that was all I needed to know. When I was 6, my uncle would bring me here with him all the time. My dad found out when I was 13 and put a stop to it. I wonder if they're still his stomping grounds. All the more reason go get there. Brian didn't even say anything as I flew through traffic. When we finally hit the long road next to the train track, I could see the entrance just across the train tracks and a train coming from the opposite way...

Me- Think we can make

Brian- You're the driver, drive like a man

Me- Hold on

I punched it. If I was doing 200 on the highway, I was definitely doing 250 right now. Brian held on tight as I flew down the stretch like my life depends on it. The train got close and the entrance got closer. At that point, I knew I was gonna make it. The train starting blaring the horn as we got closer to one another. The entrance was all I could see and a crowd began to build up at the entrance. An audience is even more perfect. As we approached the entrance, the train seemed to be at even distance. Brian buried his face in my neck as I crossed the track with the train at least 2 feet from us. The crowd went crazy as i pulled in and Brian took his face outta my neck. I hit the brakes and did a 180 then stopped. The crowd closed in on us and dapped is up. We took our helmets off and nobody recognized me, Brian on the other hand got hounded for riding bitch, jokingly though. One voice silenced the whole crowd...

Guy- Now I know some newbie racer didn't just try to draw attention to us with that suicide stunt

I looked around for the source and a path cleared in front of me. My uncle Lenny Kravitz was in the center of the path. He spotted me and began to smirk...

Me- I don't know about you but I don't see no rookie

Lenny- (Walking towards them) Oh really (Gets in his face)

Me- Yea

Brian- You do know who this is right

Me- Yea

Guy- Lenny, you know this scrub

Lenny- Yes Tank. This lil buster is my nephew

He smiled and hugged me tightly. I haven't seen him since my dad stopped letting me come here...

Lenny- (Letting Pooch go) Aye y'all remember my lil nephew Pooch. Show him some love

And the party was back on. All of his crew from back when was here and once he reminded them who I was they all remembered. My uncle wrapped his arm around me and started leading me towards the club...

Brian- (From behind) Pooch I'll be at the racers circle

Me- Alright man

My uncle led me through the crowd. Everybody was welcoming me back, the ladies were throwing themselves at me, it was everything I remembered and then some. The club was packed at always still had the boxing ring, the 6 pool tables, the dance floor, even a drive-in entrance from the racing courses. The only difference was the bar, it was bigger with 3 stripper poles along the bar. We went behind the bar, into a door. Another new addition, he has a private lil office back here. I sat in one of the chairs and he poured us done drinks...

Lenny- My favorite nephew. All growed up

Me- I'm your only nephew

Lenny- (Handing Pooch his drink and sitting down next to him) All the more reason for you to be my favorite

Me- (Takes a drink) I see you still running things around here

Lenny- Oh definitelyand when I've had my fun your cousin gon takeover

Me- Is she here

Lenny- Na, Zoë is at home studying, big test tomorrow

Me- What about aunt Lisa

Lenny- She doesn't really approve of Zoë hanging out here but as long as we keep it between us she's cool

Me- She racing

Lenny- Nooo. Not with my approval. She comes to do tats

Me- Maybe she can get me right. I've been trying to get tatted for the longest

Lenny- Your father didn't take you to get tatted either. He's more square than I remember. How is he

Me- I wouldn't know

Lenny- What you mean

Me- Him and my mom kicked me out. They couldn't handle having a "fairy" for a son

Lenny- What! You've gotta be kidding

Me- Nope. They gave me a bank card and loaded me up with more than I need and sent me on my way

Lenny- Well he did hate me for being bi growing up. What about your friend who was living with y'all

Me- Turned on me. He still lives with them, playing happy family

Lenny- Wait is that where those bruises came from

Me- Him and these other guys. Supposedly it's all on the school gossip site

Lenny- Why you didn't call me when all this was going on

Me- Unc, I just tried to handle everything on my own

Lenny- Na, no more of that. You call me whenever you need

Me- I will

Lenny- So, you and Brian, what's this about

Me- You know Brian

Lenny- Yea, kid's a racer. One of the best

Me- Better than you

Lenny- Hold on, ain't nobody better than me

Me- Ok

Lenny- You avoid my question

Me- Oh no. Theirs nothing between us, I mean we fucked but it's just a friend with benefits type of deal. No strings

Lenny- So there's nobody special

Me- Used to be. But that's over I fucked up bad

Lenny- So fix it. I used to change my women just as much as I changed my drawers, and your aunt still took me back

Me- Yea but I don't know about this one unc, he's real serious about not speaking to me again like never

Lenny- Come on Pooch. Our family, we're fighters. We fight for the things we want and we don't lose. We don't accept losing

Me- But what do you do when winning is impossible

Lenny- You keep trying until it is

I missed my uncle Lenny so much. He's the closest thing to a dad I have. My real dad only taught me how not to live my life. He never helped me with nothing a little boy should learn. My uncle Kenny taught me everything I needed about everything. He's the one who helped me grow into the phenomenal athlete I am. He's the one who got me into boxing. He taught me how to drive. He taught me how to accept myself. Everything valuable was taught to me by him. And to reconnect with him after so long, is exactly what I needed to get out of my "depressed" state of mind. We both finished our drinks...

Lenny- You still a pool shark

Me- Not at the moment. When I got jumped they fucked up my shoulder amongst other things

Lenny- Damn kid. How many niggas was it

Me- Five

Lenny- So where were your friends

Me- I don't know. I didn't call any of them. I just needed some alone time

Lenny- There's your problem

Me- What's that

Lenny- You think doing things or being by yourself is the answer. Eventually that's gon boil up and when it does, that's when bad things happen

Me- How you know so much about my situation

Lenny- Age and experience

Me- So you just got all the answers

Lenny- Not all the answers just the ones to your questions. Now come on. Let's go have some fun

Me- Actually I'm not in the condition for fun. I'm gonna go hang by the races

Lenny- Alright

As I stood up to leave, he stopped me...

Lenny- You gotta bike

Me- Na, I wanted one but the old man wasn't having it

Lenny- What you driving

Me- My truck is getting some work done

Lenny- Let's go

Me- What you up to

Lenny- Just watch

We walked to the racers circle. A few guys were popping tricks and showing off. I was checking for Brian but he was nowhere to be found...

Lenny- Come on. Let's go to the finish line

We made our way to the finish line and 4 bikes were racing towards us. I could see Brian in front of the race. As he crossed the finish line, another bike pulled in and it was the exact same kind as Brian's, the only difference was the reggae colors and design. Even his helmet matches the bike. As the final 2 pulled in my uncle walked into the center and threw up his hand, the crowd paused and all eyes were on him...

Lenny- Brian, was this a race for lids

Brian- Yea

Lenny- Pooch, pick one

Me- One what

Lenny- A lid

Me- Rasta man

Lenny- Rasta give it up

Rasta- (Taking off his helmet) What

Lenny- Put the helmet on the bike, leave the keys in, get off, and go find a new ride home

The racer did as he was told. Crazy how much control my uncle had around here...

Lenny- (Stands next to Pooch) Happy belated birthday, kid

Me- You're kidding right

Lenny- No. Not at all. He was one of my guys and he lost so he loses everything

Me- Have I ever told you you're my favorite uncle

Lenny- I'm your only uncle. Now go, play with your new toy

I walked over to the bike as everything went back to normal. I was completely intrigued by it. The design was clean, I already know how it rides, I didn't even get on it yet I was stunned by it. I was broke out of my trance by a racer...

Guy- Thanks

Me- (Turning around) For what

Guy- Not choosing my bike. (Extending his hand) I'm Liam

Me- (Shakes his hand) Marion. Everybody calls me Pooch

Liam- Why Pooch

Me- Long story

Liam- Maybe you can tell it to me over dinner sometime

Me- Ha. Umm look Liam, you seem like a really nice guy and all but I just got out of a relationship...

Liam- And the feelings are still kinda raw

Me- Yea

Liam- Well take your time. I'm a patient guy

Me- You here a lot

Liam- Yea almost every night

Me- Then you'll definitely be seeing me around

Liam- I hope so

With that he hopped on his bike and rode off. I'm not even into white guys but he was cute as hell. He might be the change I need. Brian walked up to me...

Brian- I knew you'd like it here

Me- Yea thank you so much for bringing me here. I feel so much better

Brian- Well, you're kinda my only friend so I can't have you going all suicidal on me

Me- Thank you. I never would've guessed that we'd ever actually be friends

Brian- Me neither but I'm glad we are. That being said, I think you're a fucking idiot

Me- Why you say that

Brian- Liam. If I was you, I would've jumped at that dinner date

Me- I mean he's cute but...

Brian- Cute is for puppies. Liam is sexy as hell and I'd you don't take him up on his offer the next time you see him, I will

Me- You're crazy

Brian- But I'm dead serious

Me- I know and I am. Best way to get over an old flame is to spark up a new one

Brian- Now you're speaking like a sane person

Me- Shut up. Let's get outta here

Brian- Alright Papa Pooch

Me- You got serious issues

Brian- Sexual frustrations

Me- I might be able to help with that

Brian- Then let's get back to the house

We both got on our bikes and took off. It's crazy how things work for me. One second I'm thinking everything is fucked, then the next something happens that just gives me hope. Maybe it's time I stop giving up so easy and overreacting. Like Brian said I'm only 18 I got many more years ahead of me. No more waiting for somebody to give me a break, time to make my own.

(Roshon POV)

Wow. These west coast people sure know how to post. It's crazy. The party was just confined to the backyard, now we were taking over the beach. Everybody was truly having a blast, Th' Crew was taking over the dance circle, Terrence was turning up with Jay, Kanye, and Diggy, it was everything I expecting and then some. Columbus was close with me all night since I told him about the pass Sean made at me. He wanted to just kick his ass but I wouldn't let him. No need to ruin a perfectly good party. I was dancing with Columbus and I looked over towards the back door and saw Jeromes brother Shad. Suddenly I felt the urge to speak to him, just to see how Jerome is coming along....

Columbus- Babe you ok

Me- Yea I just noticed Shad was here. I'm gonna go see how Jerome is doing. I still feel kinda guilty for what happened

Columbus- Come on. I'll go with you

Me- Ok

We pushed our way through the crowd of people and found Shad with 3 other guys. He saw me and he didn't look so happy. He saw Columbus then got confused...

Me- Hey umm, how's Jerome doing

Guy- Who's this bae

Shad- Oh, Romeo this is Roshon. The reason my brother paralyzed right now

Me- I'm sorry. It was never my intention

Shad- Yea whatever. Columbus what you doing hanging with this clown

Columbus- Well actually this clown is my boyfriend so chill

Shad- Oh word. Damn. So you're "the other guy" that this fool left my brother in a hospital bed for. I sure wasn't expecting this

Me- Look first of all, I said I was sorry about your brother. Secondly, you need to chill with the name calling, you don't know me

Shad- (Getting closer to Roshon) Is that a threat

Me- Get outta my face

Shad- Or what? You gonna break my heart like you did my brothers

Me- You'll be leaving here with more than some hurt feelings if you don't get out of my face

Shad- Wassup then bitch

And that was the final straw. Something clicked and my right hand connected with his chin, then I grabbed him and slammed him to the ground. I was about to stomp his shit but then I was hit from behind. Everything went black. When I woke up in my bed, I had an ice pack on my right knuckles and a wet rag on my forehead and Columbus was sitting right beside my bed with a red mark on his left cheek...

Me- What happened

Columbus- You hit Shad, his dude hit you, I hit him, his boys tried to jump me, Terrence and his New York friends started going to work

Me- Damn. What about the party

Columbus- It kept going til about 4 am. It's 5 now

Me- Damn. So much for keeping the peace

Columbus- Yea it did escalate pretty fast

Me- Am I a bad person

Columbus- No. Why would you ask that

Me- Because I made Jerome hurt himself then left him for you

Columbus- Look how he handled the situation is on him. You are not responsible for him not paying attention to the road. And you're an amazing person, actually you're the perfect person for me

Me- Do you never not know the right things to say

Columbus- Nope

I looked over and noticed Terrence was sleep and somebody was in the bed with him and 2 more bodies were on the floor. We'd have to be quiet to fuck in here, which won't happen...

Me- Let's go take a shower

Columbus- What

Me- Look, you jumping in a fight for me is a huge turn on and their seems to be a little too many occupants to do it in here

Columbus- I have a better idea

Me- Which is

Without words Columbus scooped me up bridal style and carried me outside to the Jacuzzi...

Me- I love you

Columbus- I love you too

He put me down and we both stripped down to our boxers. The water was perfectly heated and bubbling. Once we got in, he attacked my lips and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my legs around waist and my arms around his neck. I love how passionate he gets when he gets horny. It makes the sex so euphoric. He gripped me by my thighs as he walked towards the steps. Once the water only reached our knees he laid me down and pulled off my boxers. Then as expected he lifted my legs up and worked my hole with his tongue. I didn't care who heard my moans, he was definitely the most talented tongue I've ever experienced. He started jacking my dick as he ate my ass like his last meal. He'd lick in circles then dive in and tongue fuck me. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as the intense pleasure took over. His hands left my dick for a moment then returned and it as wet. He stopped eating me out and flipped me over. His left hand came under my arm and his hand

gripped my neck as he penetrated me. While I moaned from his entry, he started sucking on my neck which is probably gonna leave a hickey. His girth stretch me until he buried deep inside me. While he let me readjust to his size, his right arm came around and embraced me. My left hand was entertaining my dick while my right mindlessly caressed the smooth skin of his arm. He took it out and pushed back in gently, which made me release a subtle moan. He rocked back and forth inside me massaging every part of me. I couldn't control my own volume I was high off pleasure. Then he started pulling out leaving the tip in and rushing back in. Their were grunts and slight yelps in between moans but the pleasure was endless. He was hitting every spot perfectly without missing a beat. The pace picked up but not too much because of water resistance...

Me- Oh oh mmm mmm. Shit fuck me babe

Columbus- You love this dick

Me- Hell yea

He pulled out suddenly. I turned around and he was sitting down directly across from me...

Columbus- Ride me then

Me- My pleasure

I didn't bother turning around, instead I just backed up until I felt his rock hard dick hit my ass. Then I sat right on it. He threw his head back with a moan as I sat completely on it without stopping. I didn't give it any extra time this time, I just started bouncing up and down on his dick. We both started moaning without any concerns of who heard. I squeezed my ass tight as I rose on it then let loose when I sat back on it. My toes began to curl as I bounced on his thick piece of steel. Then I had an idea. I started to turn around and Columbus started moaning like crazy....

Columbus- Oh fuck. Oh shit

Me- Dayum

Now I was facing him as I rode him. My arms around his neck and his hands on my hips, all while we made out under the stars. It was the perfect scene, the perfect sex, with the perfect guy. Thinking about it made a tear roll down my cheek...

Columbus- Babe, (stopping the riding) baby what's wrong does it hurt

Me- No silly. I just-I just realized how much I really love you. I've never really cared about anyone like this outside of family. I just don't wanna wake up one day without you

Columbus- Look as long as I can help it, you won't have to. As long as we keep being honest with each other and loyal to each other, who knows maybe one day somewhere down the line you can become Roshon Feagan-Short

Me- As weird as your last name is, I like the way that sounds

Columbus- I'm glad you do

Me- I love you

Columbus- I love you too

He kissed me as passionate as ever while caressing my back. I'm so in love with this moment I can't seem to think about anything else. Even with his dick still buried deep inside me, I'm more concerned about his lips leaving mine. He slowly started to roll his hips, finishing off where we left off. He picked me up and laid me down on the ground next to the Jacuzzi. Then he put my legs on his shoulders and kissed them as he slid back inside me with ease. He made sure to hit my spot with each slow and sensual thrust. That's when I realized that we were now making love. Not sex, but love. The love we share for each other was the driving force behind this magical moment. A moment that I'm hoping will never end. Unfortunately my body disagrees with me. As Columbus jammed my spot, 6 shots of thick creamy cum landed all over my chest. Then he delivered at least 6 more hard thrust before he shot his load inside me. Both spent, he mustered enough energy to pick

me up with his now soft dick still inside me and sit down in the Jacuzzi with me on his lap...

Columbus- You're gonna make it so hard to focus in class today

Me- Like you are making it any better. Luckily we have dance class together

Columbus- Which is nothing but a tease from our teacher and you

Me- Just think if we do stay together and get our own place, how are we gonna stop

Columbus- I don't know and I'm not quite sure I want to either

Me- You are such a freak

Columbus- Coming from the guy with his belly button pierced

Me- Shut up. I almost got my dick pierced

Columbus- Ouch. Yea that'll never happen

Me- I mean it does feel great when you're fucking

Columbus- And you would know how

Me- I do have a past you know. Not that it really matters now that I'm with you

Columbus- You know it's still shocking that Th' Crew didn't jump down my throat for making things official with you

Me- That's a good thing. That means that they're not all in our business

Columbus- Come on cut them some slack, we're all family

Me- I love them. I think they're all cool as shit but sometimes privacy is what some relationships need to make it. Not saying we can't talk to them about anything but when they get too opinionated that's when you just step back for a second

Columbus- What are we really talking

Me- I'd just hate to end up like Pooch and T. They were just as in love as we are and now they practically hate each other

Columbus- I know but we're not them. If somebody seduced me you'll be first know. If somebody made a pass at me you'd know. Our honesty is what makes me so sure about each other and I dare somebody to get in the way of that

Me- So what about after graduation

Columbus- What about it

Me- Well i know you have your scholarship to play at USC and both Terrence and I received our letters from Juilliard

Columbus- You got accepted into Juilliard

Me- Yes and I promise it's the only secret I've held from you. I was waiting see if any schools out here would respond but it's getting down to crunch time

Columbus- Baby I'm sorry but I thought you were sure about going college here so I neglected to tell you, I gotta scholarship offer NYU it's just not for football

Me- What is it for

Columbus- Dance. Mr. Grandberry pulled me a few strings out there as I backup in case I didn't wanna play football

Me- And do you

Columbus- It's fun. Injuries suck and so does losing. The perks of being a college football player is nice but after college the pros aren't guaranteed. Still it has been my dream ever since I can remember

Watching him talk about his dream of playing football saddened me a bit. I mean who am I to keep him from pursuing his dreams. I couldn't imagine the torture it would be turn down this opportunity and follow me to New York...

Columbus- Baby you ok

Me- Yea just thinking

Columbus- About what

Me- Well i want you to take it

Columbus- Wait what

Me- The football scholarship. It's your dream, you know it. I couldn't live with myself if you didn't follow your dreams

Columbus- What about us

Me- Trust me, theirs nothing I'd love more than to be with you in New York. But I can't be selfish with you. And as much as I want this, I want you to be happy

Columbus- I will be, as long as I get to be with you

Me- But what about your dreams

Columbus- (Puts both of his hands to Roshon's face) Since the day I met you, you were my dream and I'm living my dream right now, just being here with you

I try not to get all sappy but I can't help it. The things he says and does just makes me cry because of how happy he makes me. I never envisioned being so happy. My life has been heartache after heartache. Nothing but darkness clouded my life. Columbus is like a bright light that just changed all of that. I guess my tears made him cry too cause now even he smiled as the water works started. We kissed again. Both of us glad we found each other. With Jerome, I felt like losing him wouldn't phase me. With Columbus I feel like losing him would mean losing a part of myself. Now that I'm sure of my feelings, I don't ever plan on letting him go...

(Later that day: at lunch)

As lunch kicked off, we all sat at our table. Columbus sat with his arm around me, Terrence tried to make his feelings about Pooch & Brian's new "friendship" seem none existent, Chris, Sean, and Tip were arguing about who got the most action at the party last night, while Nicki & Christina were researching prom dresses...

Me- Umm I thought prom wasn't until next month

Nicki- Which means finding the perfect dress is only gonna be harder to find by the day

Columbus- It's only senior prom. Everything doesn't have to be perfect

Nicki- Oh honey of course it does, especially when you're expecting to be prom queen

Me- What about you Christina, you running for prom queen

Christina- Oh no. Organized popularity contest irritates my soul

Chris- Not like you'd actually win anyway

Christina- At least I have a prom date

Everybody- Oooooh

Ti- Damn that hurt my feelings

Me- Chris you don't have a date

Chris- Technically...

Christina- No

Chris- But I will have one

Christina- Will isn't having one now isn't it

Chris- It's close to

Nicki- Honey, there's no such thing

Columbus- Ok now y'all not fixing to get on my brother. I'm sure he'll have a date and you're gonna be jealous when he shows up with the best prom date

Chris- Thanks bro

Me- Aww sticking up for your wittle brudder. So cute

Columbus- Don't patronize me. Besides Chris isn't the only person at the take without a prom date

Me- Aww who else riding the lonely train

Big Sean- (With a fake sneeze) Terrence

Everybody laughed. Still Terrence was in his own world. It pains me to see him get so worked up over a guy. I understand his feelings so I don't blame him. Then again in just expecting him not to show it like he used to do back in New York. That's how I know how real the situation is. I got up and moved to sit next to Terrence while they continued their prom talk...

Me- T, you wanna talk about it

Terrence- (Snapping out of it) What? No. I'm fine

Me- T, you been staring in their direction zoned out since you sat down and you haven't touched your food. Come on, you know talking it out makes it better

Terrence- Talking about what? How my ex moved on in less than 48 hours

Me- What about you? Or did you just forget about Pharrell that easily

Terrence- Me and Pharrell are talking, they are in full on fresh relationship mode

Me- And it bothers you

Terrence- Yes. Yes it does it grinds my fucking gears ok. Only people who never cared moves on that quick

Me- Oh come on T seriously? We both used that trick, get a new guy to make the other one jealous. After all you did hurt Pooch first

Terrence- How

Me- Are you forgetting that I was there? You said that you never wanted to see or hear from him again which pissed him off causing him to retaliate in a way that he'd know would hurt you. And now you're doing exactly what he wants

Terrence- I don't care about any mind games ok. So if you're done I'd like to end this pointless conversation

Me- Terrence you're really gonna let this boy strip you of everything that everyone loves about you because of a rocky road in your relationship or are you gonna make him remember what he found so intriguing about you in the first place

Terrence- I'm the same person, he just knows me now. At first glance I was a mystery to him, now only a month later mystery solved

Me- So that's just it? You're gonna give up on the only person who I've seen you truly happy and in love with

Terrence- I'm not giving up. I'm just let him think he's ok without me too until he isn't

Me- Now that sounds more like my twin

Terrence- Whatever, (To everyone at the table) and by the way, I do have a prom date

Columbus- What? Who Sean

Big Sean- What's wrong with that

Nicki- Everything

Terrence- No. For your information I'm currently talking to a college guy who will no doubt be the sexiest thing in attendance

Christina- And have we met this fine specimen of a man yet

Me- No but you will, soon

Nicki- Ooh Raven gon love this

Christina- Where is Raven anyway

Big Sean- I actually haven't seen Raven or Keily today

Columbus- They were fine last night

Ti- Probably battling a hell of a hangover. They was both throwing em back last night

Nicki- Imma call her

We ask waited but Nicki just looked confused after awhile...

Nicki- Umm is everything ok? Call me or text me back and let me know girl

Christina- Voicemail

Nicki- (Hanging up) She gave me the button. She hasn't ever given me the button

Christina- Ok we'll head over to her house after school see what's up

Me- I'll go with y'all

Terrence- Me too

Columbus- I got conditioning for summer ball but text me and let me know if they're ok

Me- I will

The lunch bell rang and everybody made their way to their next classes. Terrence was still a bit out of it but improving. I'm guessing Brian & Pooch holding hands walking right in front of us didn't really help his predicament. I just imagined what it would be like to watch the same thing happen with Columbus and it damn near made me cry. Being a teen in situations like ours sucks. Our emotions are all over the place, we still don't really know what we want outta life, it's just completely overwhelming. With Terrence in his feelings, I started to zone out as well to the point that the rest of the day just seemed to fly by. At the final bell, we raced out to the parking lot to Terrences car. Nicki & Christina were waiting by the car, both were looking pretty emotional...

Terrence- Oh shit. What is it

Christina- We found out what happened after Raven & Keily left the party

It was like God had put everything on mute as Christina tried to explain the unfortunate events of last night. Pretty soon their emotions were ours. We all jumped in the car and jetted home. When we pulled up, we all hopped out the car and sprinted down to her house. Unsure of the response we'd get, we decided to knock rather then walk in like we normally do. Her mom answered the door and sighed with relief and pulled Christina and Nicki in for a hug. After their moment we crept to Ravens room and slowly opened the door. We found her completely stoic, lying in her bed, curled under the covers, almost hiding from the world. We walked in and she sat up without a word or any hint of expression. Christina and Nicki both hugged her bringing everyone to tears. Terrence and I joined in. It was a really emotional moment. We just sat there comforting her for at least an hour before anyone spoke...

Me- Where's Keily

Raven- After her dad found out he sent her to live with her grandmother in Texas

Terrence- So what went down last night

Raven- Well after we left the party, Hosea & Laz approached us. We talked about nothing for a bit and once we told them we were leaving we were grabbed. We wrote up, chained to a bed, gagged, and you can guess what they did

Terrence- The Hunters did this

Raven- Yes

Me- Why won't they just leave us alone

Christina- You don't understand. They ran the school and you 2 newbies got them put out. They're never gonna stop

Nicki- We'll be lucky if they leave us alone when we go to college

Terrence- Then we show them that we aren't gonna back down

Me- The main reason it's such a problem is because no one ever challenged them like us. It's bound to get boring at some point

Raven- Kill em

Christina- What

Nicki- Did she just say what I think she did

Terrence- Kill em

Raven- Yes. They've tortured us long enough. My own little brother isn't here because of them. Terrence and Pooch got ruined because of them. Even Trey being shipped away can probably be traced back to them. I mean how long do you think it'll be before they actually try to kill one of us

Nicki- You're serious

Raven- I've never been more serious

For a moment, everybody was quite. No one knew what to say. I mean who would with the possibility of committing murder. And for some reason, something inside me clicked....

Me- Let's do it....


ALSO PLEASE CHECK OUT MY OTHER STORIES ON NIFTY: The Tour (Chapter 2 in the works), Pairings (Chapter 3 in progress), The Sugar Shack (On pause), Perfect Pitch, and Damned Teen Wolf Diaries of Twilight (Chapter 4 coming soon)


Next: Chapter 17

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