Puppy Love

By socrazii92

Published on Oct 18, 2014



Ch.13: A New Day/Lost Puppy

(Terrence POV)

Waking up, I could tell I had a fun ass night. I don't remember a single thing and I got a hangover from hell. My phone blasted my ringtone: "Oooh, I love you so but why i love you I'll never know, (Chipmunk voice) Oooh, I love you so, but why I love you I'll never know" and I answered it...

Me- Hello

Guy- So guess who's getting ready to fly to LA

Me- Is this Jay

Jay-Z- Yes bitch, wake up

Me- Oh my god, my bad, I got a headache that is too fucking serious right now

Kanye- Boy you better build a bridge and get over it

Me- Ye

Kanye- You know it and Diggy with us too

Diggy- Wassup T

Me- Not much. How long y'all staying

Kanye- Your pops bought us open ended tickets so probably like a week

Me- That's so dope, I can't wait for y'all to get here

Jay-Z- Yea, and don't forget to introduce us to that sexy ass boyfriend of yours

After that he hung up, it just donned on me that I'm single again. Even though we only were together for like a month, I really connected with Pooch on a level that I've never connected with anyone else on...

Roshon- Thanks for waking me up

Me- Sorry I forgot you actually needed all the beauty sleep you can get

Roshon- Ha ha really funny, so who's visiting

Me- Jay, Ye, and Diggy

Roshon- Diggy as in your ex Diggy

Me- Yup

Roshon- Because that's not akward

Me- It isn't, me and Diggy are done. We just stayed cool

Roshon- I guess, did that shorty call you yet

Me- What shorty

Roshon- The one you was all up on, dancing and flirting with last night. The one who suprised you with that whole botttle of Vox. You don't remember his name

Me- Oh you talking about that guy Pharell

Roshon- Yes, even his name is sexy

Me- Ain't it, and if I remember correctly, his dick is on some big shit

Roshon- You fucked

Me- Or nah! I felt it when I was dancing with him. I'm not a slut that sleeps with everything walking after a relationship

Roshon- I was just asking

Roshon got out of his bed and walked to the bathroom but was caught off gaurd by whatever was outside...

Me- What is it

Roshon- Umm Pooch is parked outside and his truck his beat to shit with no windows or tires

Me- No he is not

Roshon- Not unless you know anybody else with a black and white Suburban with limo tent

I hopped out of my bed and ran to the window. My question is why is he here, if he had any chance of getting me back, it involved giving me a break from him. Its like a painful reminder of what I did wrong. I hopped out of the window and Roshon followed me. I looked through the passenger window and saw no one in the front...

Me- No ones in here

Roshon- Really

Roshon opened the door to the trunk and jumped away with a yell...

Me- What

Roshon- Pooch

I walked to the trunk to find Pooch with his hands and feet duck taped together, dried cum all over his face, with slashes,welts, cuts, bruises, and blood all over his face and body. He was still breathing but he was unconscious. I was not expecting this at all, suddenly the events of yesterday doesn't matter at all, the only thing I care about is helping out a friend...

Me- Come on help me get him into the bathroom

Roshon- Who's

Me- Ours idiot

I grabbed his upper body and Roshon grabbed his feet and we quickly got him out of the truck, closed the back, and rushed him into the house to our bathroom. We sat him in the tub and turned on the water. Roshon grabbed to rags and we carefully washed him up. The tub was half full when he slowly opened his eyes. He didn't say anything and neither did we. He just stared at me with a straight face and slowly his eyes teared up...

Roshon- Imma go get him some clothes from his truck

Me- Okay

Roshon left and I closed and locked the door. I sat on the edge of the tub and suprisingly he spoke...

Pooch- Why are you helping me

Me- When I said I loved you, I meant it

Pooch- So you aren't mad any more

Me- Hell yea I'm still mad. You cheated on me twice then lied about it. Pooch I'm mad as hell. But no matter how mad at you I am, I still love you

Pooch- I love you too, and I'm so...

Me- Save it. You already told me how sorry you were and I accept your apology but we're done

Pooch- So any attempt to get you back...

Me- Would be a waste

He was so hurt by that and I could tell....

Me- What happened to you anyway

Pooch- I was explaining to Hosea what happened and he came on to me

Me- So sex with Hosea happened to you

Pooch- Let me finish. I told him no, upped his ass, then told him to leave. While I was in the bed, he jumped me, and they chained me up

Me- Who is they

Pooch- Hunters. They wanted to get me back for embarrasing them in the cafeteria. Anyways, after they chained me up, they each popped some x then forced the rest of them down my throat. Then their was a whip involved and mouth rape. After that, Hosea raped me then Laz & Tiger Tyson dp'd me, after them Thugzilla & Soulja Boy dp'd me, then they all came on my face. Once they finished, they went to sleep while I tried to get out. Once I made it to the elevator, Laz tackled me down and they beat me with chains, bats, whips, then with their hands. After that I blacked out

I couldn't keep in my tears as he told me everything that he went through...

Pooch- Don't cry. Its takes a lot more than that to kill me

Me- Pooch when I saw you in that truck, you looked dead

Pooch- But I'm not. I'm fine

Me- No you are not Pooch. For real, you need to go to a hospital

Pooch- Look none of the cuts are bleeding, I don't feel like I broke anything

Me- Just because you aren't in pain doesn't mean theirs nothing wrong

Pooch- The only pain I feel is when I look at you because of what I did. None of this shit matters to me. My biggest concern is you

Me- Pooch, I'm not your problem any more. Your biggest concern needs to be you. Maybe somewhere down the line their could be an us again but right now I just need my space

Pooch- And I guess I have to accept that

Me- Yea you do

Pooch- Can we at least still talk

Me- Pooch I need a break

Pooch- I know but I really can't just not talk to you. I mean we can at least text each other. I won't look your way, I won't stay in the same room with you, I won't even physically talk to you but I just can't lose you completely

I could tell he was serious. Even though he hurt me, I still have a soft spot for him. And no matter what I say, I know that if the tables were turned I wouldn't be able to just stop all forms of contact with him either...

Me- Alright. But I text you

Pooch- Thank you. And whenever you're ready, I'm gonna do whatever I can to get you back

Me- Alright. Let's get you out of this tub and into some clothes so you can get out of here before my dad gets back

I grabbed my towel and helped him to his feet. Once he was standing I dried him off and helped him out of the bathroom where Roshon & Columbus sat on his bed waiting....

Columbus- Oh hell no. I'm making some calls and we bout ta go get them

Roshon- Calm down bae

Columbus- No, don't nobody get away with doing some shit like this to my brother. I'm not goin

Pooch- Calm down bro, I'm fine

Columbus- Then I'm not because you look like you've been drug across 40 acres of glass and stomped on by a mule on steroids

Pooch- Look, just wait til I get all the way back. I'm not done with them especially after what they just did to me

Roshon- Your clothes are on the loveseat in the closet

Pooch- Thanks. I got it

I let him go and he limped to the closet and closed the door...

Columbus- So y'all make up

Me- No. We're done. I'm gonna try to still communicate with him but as far as a relationship goes, not any time soon

Columbus- Oh I'm sorry

Me- Its cool. What y'all getting into today

Roshon- We were actually gonna hang with you today

Me- Ok cool so guess until my friends get here we can start setting up for the grill out

Columbus- Aight. So what needs to be done first

Me- Umm you can grab the grill and the 2 tables out of the garage. Roshon start getting out all the meat

Roshon- What you gonna do

Me- I'm doing it, I'm telling y'all what to do

Roshon- Well you gotta do store runs then

They both left out of the room and as soon as they closed the room, the closet door opened and Pooch stepped out in his black adidas sweats, black adidas T-shirt, and black w/white stripped adidas. He walked with a light limp and when he sat on the window seat he did so slowly...

Pooch- So what y'all got planned for today

Me- My dad and my aunt are coming home today and we're barbequeing and throwing a pool party

Pooch- That's wassup. Hope y'all have fun

Me- What you gonna do today

Pooch- I don't really know. My cousin Jay gotta condo like 10min up the beach, hopefully he won't have a problem with me crashing on the couch for a bit

Me- What about Th' Crew

Pooch- They'll know I'm fine. And plus anything involving them is gonna include you, so I'm just gonna give you your space

Me- Can I ask you something

Pooch- I don't see why not

Me- What would you have done if I had slept with Trey twice and not told you

Pooch- Terrence if I was you id take me back right now. I lost my relationship with Trey because of someone else and I'll be damned if I'll let that happen again

Me- You know what, forget i asked, I really don't wanna discuss our break up

Pooch- Why not

Me- Because as much as I wanna deny it, the shit hurts. Pooch I asked you Friday night, what happened and you lied to me. Then while I was in the shower, you fucked again. And on the way to the beach I asked you again. And you lied. Then on the beach you lied to me again. 3 lies, 3 strikes

Pooch- But babe if you were in the same situation...

Me- Don't call me babe. And if I was in that situation I would've told you exactly what happened. Or better yet I would've fought him off like I did Big Sean

Pooch- Wait you never told me he tried to fuck you

Me- I was waiting for him to tell you himself

Pooch- Wait but my excuse doesn't get me off the hook? I didn't want you to get hurt by what I did so I didn't tell you, why didn't you tell me about Sean

Me- Because that's when everybody was talking about how I only wanted you for sex and the last thing I wanted was to make that even seem half true

Pooch- Even then, you still should've told me

Me- He barely even got his head inside

Pooch- It doesn't matter what happened, you didn't tell me

Me- Don't try to flip this on me. I didn't do anything but withhold the truth, you lied to my fucking face

Pooch- Terrence I already apoligized to you a billion times. What else do you want from me

Me- Nothing at all. Right now honestly, all I want is for you to leave

Pooch- I CANT!!!! Terrence I can't just walk away from you. If I do, I'm scared that I'll never get you back. I don't wanna breakup. I want for us to sit down and talk this out

Me- What is their to talk about Pooch? I know the who, what, when, where, and how. What else is their

Pooch- Theirs me. You know everything but what's gonna happen to me

Me- Why should I care what happens to you, you clearly weren't thinking about me at all

Pooch- Terrence, during both of my times with Hosea, you were all I could think about. I was sooooo scared to come clean about what had happened, because of what happened with me and Trey

Me- Pooch I don't care. I just want you to leave

Pooch- If you still love me, you would want to fix things with me

Me- Then I don't love you. I don't care about you. I wish you would leave me alone. I wish you would move on and forget about me. I wish we never got together. This whole thing was a mistake from the begining

He was quiet and staring at the floor. I heard him sniffle and saw him wipe his eyes. He looked up at me with tears in both of his eyes. His leg was shaking. I knew what I had just said was the lick that sealed the envelope and now their was no turning back. I knew that we were really done after that. He looked like he had something else to say but he just kept it in and hopped out of the window. As if he felt no pain, he ran to his car and pulled off. Roshon slowly opened the door and came to me...

Roshon- That was a little harsh

Me- He wouldn't leave. I just wanted him to go. I didn't mean it. He just kept trying to talk his way back with me and I had to do something to make him think that he didn't stand a chance

Roshon- So you do want to get back with him

Me- Ro, their is nothing id love more in this world than to be with him but I'll be damned if I don't make him earn it

Roshon- What if he accepts yalls breakup and finds someone new

Me- Then its over between us

Roshon- I can't believe you

Me- What

Roshon- T I've never seen you happier with anyone more than you were with Pooch, now you're just gonna let him go. For some bullshit hook up

Me- He lied to me. How could I possibly take him back when I don't even trust him not to lie to me again

Roshon- You're just scared to get your feelings hurt

Me- Hell yea I am. I'm sposed to be all open and accepting of everybody and not worry about somebody hurting me

Roshon- Pain is a part of life

Me- Well I'm not about to go through all of this pain for a little puppy love okay

As Roshon, prepared to say somethng, my phone started to ring "Bow down bitches, bow-bow down bitches"...

Me- (Answering) Hello

Guy- Good morning beautiful

Me- (Smiles) Hey, what you doing

Pharrell- Nothing just woke up from dreaming about you actually

Me- Oh really and what exactly went down during this dream

Pharrell- Ion gon lie to you, it was a whole lot of lovey dovey shit. You know walks on the beach, holding hands, kissing, laying in the bed just wrapped up in each other

Me- Sounds pretty PG-13

Pharrell- Nah, it was completely PG-13. So what you up to

Me- Nothing just getting everything ready for this grill out

Pharrell- Oh you weren't gonna invite me

Me- Of course you're invited. Id really enjoy spending some more time with you

Pharrell- Me too. Anything special you want me to bring

Me- A few bottles, maybe a lil bud

Pharrell- How bout a lotta bud

Me- Works for me

Pharrell- Ok so what time should I slide through

Me- Around 7, 8 would be cool

Pharrell- Ok. I can't wait to see you

Me- I can't wait to see you either. Bye

Pharrell- Aight shorty

He hung up. When I looked up at Roshon, he was shaking his head at me...

Me- What

Roshon- You just broke up with Pooch yesterday

Me- Which is also the day i meet Pharrell

Roshon- So you gonna make it official with him after 1 day too

Me- Umm no. I learned from that mistake the first time, never again

Roshon- So how long does he have to wait

Me- Til I say so. I'm not trying to find my next boyfriend ok. Pharrell is just really cute, and he's a nice guy, he's obviously attracted to me so why not see what he has to offer

Roshon- So you're not just trying to use him to get over Pooch

Me- Again, no. I'll admit talking to him is a nice relief but me talking to Pharrell has nothing to do with Pooch. Now can we please stop saying that P-word, I swear I'm gonna start barking

Roshon- Whatever. (Hands him a rolled up piece of paper) Here

Me- What's this

Roshon- Grocery list fool. Hurry up and buss that jug bwoi

Me- (Slides on a pair of black slides) Ok, (Grabs his keys) you kids be safe

I left and went to the garage and pulled off. Today has got to be a fun day, my besties from New York are coming, Pharrell is coming through, my aunts cooking. Today might just be everything I could possibly need it to after yesterday....

(Pooch POV)

I tried my hardest to stop crying but I had no control over my tears as they poured from my eyes down my cheeks. Terrence flipped on me so fast it was crazy. One minute he still loves me, the next he says everything he knew would hurt me so id leave. This is crazy. Maybe I should just leave him alone. If he didn't mean what he said then he's gonna wish he never said it. I know finding another boyfriend won't be hard, but another person I actually love and care for, won't just come out of nowhere. Even if they did, I don't wanna know that guy, I want Terrence, and Terrence only. I pulled out my phone and dialed Trey. Maybe he could meet me somewhere and talk me down...

Trey- (Answers) Hello

Me- Trey, umm where are you right now, I need to talk to you

Trey- Pooch umm, didn't you hear about what happened

Me- No what

Trey- Umm, I got into a car wreck that almost killed me

Me- What!?! When

Trey- Friday night

Me- Are you ok

Trey- I'm good. I'm stiched up a lot and a few broken bones but nothing too serious I'll be back together within the next month or so. But enough about me what did you need to talk to me about

Me- Oh yea, umm actually I rather talk in person

Trey- Thats gonna be hard

Me- Why is that

Trey- My mom had me flown back to Virginia with her. I don't know when she's gonna let me come back

Instantly my tears got worse. I just broke up with Terrence and now Trey is way aross the country. Its just bad news after more bad news....

Trey- Pooch stop crying, everythings ok. Where's Terrence

Me- We broke up

Trey- Why

Me- Hosea seduced me on the roof at The Spot and I lied to Terrence about it. Then the next morning Hosea popped up at our suite while Terrence was in the shower and he blackmailed me into letting him fuck me again

Trey- What? So how'd Terrence find out

Me- I told him. It was eating me alive and he knew it. So i told him the truth and he broke up with me. Now I can't stop crying, I can't stop thinking about you, or him. Everything is so fucking hard right now

Trey- Pooch calm down. Take a few breaths and relax, think about something happy ok

I took a few deep breaths and thought about Trey. How his face brightens when he smiles, the way he laughed, how good his lips felt on mine, the way he'd talk to me everytime he had something to say. I really wish he was here...

Trey- Pooch you still there

Me- Yea

Trey- Better

Me- Yea

Trey- So where you gonna stay at

Me- I have no clue

Trey- What about your uncle Damien

Me- Na I can't stay with him

Trey- None of your friends, I mean outside of Th' Crew

Me- The only person I could think of is somebody you probably wanna kill

Trey- Who

Me- Brian

Trey- I mean he isn't all that bad, maybe you should talk to him. He isn't that bad of a friend and it sounds like you could use one

Me- Honestly I wish you were here

Trey- Yea, so do I. Call me later

Me- Alright, bye

Trey- Bye

As soon as he hung up, I dialed Brian...

Brian- (Answers) Yea

Me- Wassup its Pooch

Brian- Pooch? You're definitely the last person id expect to be calling me

Me- Yea, umm I was just wondering if I could come chill with you for a bit. Somebody told me you were a good friend

Brian- Well in that case come on over

Me- Alright. Thanks

I hung up and instantly jetted over to Brians. I just wanna get over Terrence at this point. Id do anything to have something new to worry about. So for now on, no more tears, if Terrence wants to push me away then I'll stay away. I know for a fact that I can find someone new. Maybe this little visit with Brian could be the first step to a new me. In no time I was pulling up at Brians building. I hopped out of the car and walked into the building. They had a log with all the condos and the occupants. I found Brians and hopped on the elevator. I found his door and knocked. I waited for a few seconds and the door cracked open. I'm guessing this is his mentor Marcus...

Marcus- Can I help you

Me- I'm Pooch, umm Brian told me to come by

Marcus- Come on in

As he opened the door and I walked in passed him....

Marcus- He should be up in his room, all the way upstairs

Me- Ok thanks

I jogged up the steps and knocked before entering the room....

Brian- Hey Pooch

Me- Wassup

He was siiting on the couch he had infront of his table and flat screen on the wall. Some pointless reality show was on and when I sat down I saw he was rolling a joint....

Me- Since when do you smoke

Brian- Since my only real friend was dragged across the country

Me- Have you talked to him

Brian- Yea right when I got off the phone with you, he told me you everything about why you were coming over. Sounds like you could use a hit

Me- Na I don't smoke

Brian- Well now would be a good time to try

Me- Na that's cool. Football, and basketball man

Brian- I'm telling you man, with evrything you're going through it wouldn't be such a bad thing

Me- What the hell

I took the lit joint from him and hit it real hard, which hurt like hell when I was coughing up my lungs. I caught my breath and hit it again. Instantly, I felt light headed. My mind was soaring, and everything that stressed my life was forgotten....

Me- Dayum

Brian- That's some good ass weed there ain't it

Me- Considering its my first time, I wouldnt know. But I do think I'm high

Brian- I wouldn't doubt it

We just kicked back and he rolled another blunt. I was there like an hour, just talking to him about everything. He was easy to talk to and he talked back. Brian was actually a cool guy...

Me- Suddenly I just feel like, fuck it you know. If Terrence don't wanna take me back, then I don't need him

Brian- Right

Me- Now I just need to find a place to stay and get my car fixed

Brian- What's wrong with it

Me- It just needs some body work, and the windows need fixed

Brian- I could send it to the shop for you

Me- Really, na man

Brian- No I insist, I have way more money than I can spend and you could use a hand so I'm gonna have Marcus take it to the shop and its going to be fixed. And you can stay here as long as you need to

Me- Thanks man. Trey was right about you man. You alright

Brian- So are you. I can't believe we never kicked it

Me- Me neither. Why not

Brian- Because you and Hosea were like attached to the fucking hip. Where he was you were, and where ever you were he showed up

Me- Yea. That was when everything was easy, before Trey left, before my parents kicked me out, before......Terrence

Brian- I know what you mean. I used to have hoes down for whatever, doing whatever I asked. Now all I wanna do is chill with somebody who's just nice to talk to. You know after Trey, I just want somebody to love who loves me back

Me- Man fuck love. Love don't love nobody. Love is just an excuse to tie somebody down, and hurt their fucking feelings

Brian- Its not that bad

Me- It is to me. Love ruined my life, twice and both of the people who did it has T as the first letter of their name

Brian- Maybe you should leave them T's alone then

Me- Ha maybe but what do I move on to

Brian- Maybe you should enjoy your single life for a minute

Me- I just fill like I have a void to fill now that I'm single

Brian- I know what you mean and I hate the feeling

Me- How do you get over it

Brian- I spend most of my day working out

Me- That's it

Brian- Yup. I shop every now and then, or I go for a drive. I don't got too many friends so most of the time I'm alone so I just do things to keep from getting too bored

Me- Well its no use for both of us to be lonely and alone, especially while I'm staying here

Brian- Marcus said that a joint helps start new friendships

Me- Did he say anything about being horny as a side effect

Brian- Ha na but I'm feeling it too

Me- Call up one of yo hoes. Some head would set me right

Brian- You know I could take care of you myself

Me- Why do I feel like theirs a "but"

Brian- Yea and I want you to lick it and stick it

Me- Ion know. I've been told that my dick has the tenedency to make people catch feelings

Brian- Funny someone told me the same thing. So how bout it? If we gon be such good friends then we might as well add in some benefits

Brian moved closer to me as he spoke about sex. All the way until he was sitting on my lap. His soft cheeks rested on top of my radiply inflating dick. He climbed off my lap and pulled out my dick...

Brian- Damn we are the same size. Phat dick havin mufucka

I didnt speak. I just threw my head back as he wrapped his lips around my head and started swallowing more & more of my dick. I gotta say, he got some skills, most guys can barely fit a third of my dick down their throats. His lips reached the base of my dick and he gagged for a bit. But it didn't stop him front taking his time dragging his tongue along the bottom of my shaft as he pulled it out. I made no noise at all besides the occasional moan and a few breaths. Brian stopped the tongue work and started bobbing up and down on my dick. I was dripping precum on his tongue and he used his tongue to spread it all over my dick. Just by the way he was sucking me, I could tell he really wanted me to fuck him. He wanted to give me that one type head that you get when you just have to fuck afterwards. Like theirs no way he didn't plan this, I mean its a simple plan; get me high & horny, give me some bomb ass head, get some good dick outta me. He even didn't

wear any draws, he was shirtless in some shorts that hung on his waist. The way he was arching his ass was giving me a nice tease of his ass. I could see the top of his ass and it was making me wonder what the rest of it looked like. Then all of the sudden he stopped sucking and start stroking it...

Me- Damn why you stop

Brian- Because you leaking hella precum and I don't want you to cum before I get what I want

Me- Take off them shorts and hop on it then

Brian stood up and dropped his shorts revealing his hard footlong. He turned around and sat down on my dick slowly. My dick fit right inside him until he got three quarters of the way down. He flinched with a girlish moan when I bucked up into him...

Brian- Wait damn, I ain't used to em this damn big

Me- You the one who wanted the dick, now take this shit

I grabbed him by the hips and sat him completely on my dick earning a high pitched squel out of him. He rode my dick at a steady pace still getting used to the size. He was letting out moan after moan as my dick massaged his prostate. I was holding his hips, guiding him as he enjoyed the ride. When I started speeding up, he really started getting into it. He started pouring sweat, he was struggling to catch his breath, he started bouncing on my dick, and he didn't stop humming & moaning. I wanted to just start pounding his shit, its like the hornier I get the rougher sex I want. So I used both of my hands and shoved him off of my dick. He fell onto the table with his legs still on the couch and his ass arched & hovering in mid air. I stood up and squated as I put my dick back inside and started smashing his tight ass. All your could hear was loud flesh smacking, him moaning, groaning, humming, whimpering, and screaming. He wanted the dick so bad, I gave

it to him as hard & rough as possible. Suddenly it felt like more than sex, it was exercise. The way I was squating was starting to take a toll on my legs. So I crossed his legs behind my back, picked him up by his under arms, all with my dick still inside deep inside him. He started bucking his hips in midair fucking himself on my dick. Instead of heading straight to the bed, I ran him into a wall and held him against it while I rammed into him with no remorse. He was whining and I didn't care. He unlocked his legs and stood on his own feet and started throwing it back. I stopped and picked him up again and carried to the bed then tossed him on his stomach. He rolled over on his back and I roughly flipped him back over and drug him to the end of the bed. He got up on his knees with them spread wide. I gripped his head and held it against the bed as I started stroking his ass and started smacking it, leaving multiple red hand prints. I knew it wasnt

long before I got done. I grabbed him by his hips and started fucking his ass as hard as I could. I was giving him everything I had with my last few thrust....

Brian- I'm bout ta cum

Me- Me too

Brian came on his bed and his hole tightened around my dick, it sent me over the edge. I pulled out and came all over his ass. After that, Brian cleaned off my dick with his mouth then limped out of the room to clean himself off. I was drained and feeling great. I climbed into Brians bed and clocked out completely. I wonder who's gonna have a problem with my new bestie....

(Roshon POV)

When Terrence left, Th' Crew came over and starting helping set everything. We set up the lights, the dj booth, the grill, the serving tables, and dishes to put the food in. Now everybody was just chilling by the pool...

Nicki- I swear I knew you 2 would hook up

Me- Really how

Nicki- Y'all were on flirt mode the first day y'all met. You 2 were bound to become an item

Raven- And y'all make a really cute couple

Me- Well thank you

Chris- Y'all make me both happy and mad that I broke up with Laz

Columbus- How

Christina- Yea this I have to hear

Chris- I'm happpy because now I get to find a guy that treats me right. But mad because ion got nobody to be a cute couple with

Everybody burst out laughing...

Chris- What

T.I- You fucking retarted

Mom- (Walking outside) Boy you better watch yo mouth out here for I pop you in it

Me- Ma! Come here I want you to meet everybody

She walked over to us and gave me a hug and hugged everybody else as I introduced them...

Me- Ma this is Th' Crew. That's Tip, Big Sean, Chris, Keily, Christina, Nicki, and Raven. They came and helped set everything up

Mom- Oh good I could use some help in the kitchen

Me- Oh and ma, this is my boyfriend Columbus

Columbus- Nice to meet you ma'am

Mom- Boy don't you call me ma'am

Columbus- Sorry Ms. Kim

Mom- That's better. Now lemme figure this out, boyfriend? A boyfriend

Me- Yes ma. A boyfriend

Mom- Look, if you hurt my baby...

Columbus- I don't wanna be rude but I have to cut you off there, I wouldn't even dream of doing anything to hurt him

Mom- Ooooooooh! I like him. Well welcome to the family. Now all y'all ladies get to the kitchen and wash ya hands, boys go get the stuff out of the car. Time to put y'all young'ns to work

Everybody got up to do as they were told while she held me back....

Mom- So boyfriend

Me- Mom, don't worry I'll be careful, I'm a big boy now

Mom- Hahahahahaha boy you crazy. Anything big happen

Me- Yea but its not my business to tell

Mom- Where's Terrence

Me- Store run

Mom- Oh well tell him all he needs to get is some more drinks

Me- Ok

She walked into the house while I called Terrence....

Terrence- (Answering) Sup

Me- My mom and Uncle T are here and they went shoppping already

Terrence- Did you have to tell me that after I loaded it all into the car

Me- Hey its not my fault

Terrence- Oh my god, I'm still goin to kill you

Me- Aww I love you too, bye

I hung up and laughed to myself. I headed inside and as I began to head upstairs somebody scooped me from behind and carried me into the bathroom. Once they had put me down and closed the door I turned around and found Big Sean....

Me- What the hell are doing

Big Sean- Its a lot of shit in that car. You could neck me up before they even get half done

Me- Are you dumb, stupid, or slow? You know me and Columbus are together

Big Sean- He doesn't have know

Me- What is with you? Do you not realize that after a person gets in a relationship they no longer want to be sexually involved with you

Big Sean- Oh please. Most of the guys i hook up with are in a relationships

Me- Well I'm not most guys and I'm definitely not Terrence so if you don't move out the way I will tell Columbus and he's gonna kick your ass

Big Sean- How you know about me and Terrence

Me- He told me. Now move

Big Sean- Come on Ro. You know you want me at least one last time

Me- Look it was fun but no i don't. So for the last time, move

Big Sean- And if I don't

Me- Find out

Big Sean- Man you tripping

He left out of the bathroom and I was so relieved. I thought he was really gonna try me. I left the bathroom and headed upstairs. All of the girls were doing something related to cooking, and all of the boys were carrying and going to grab more groceries. I started to help but Columbus came in with 2 big bags of charcoal saying that was all of it....

Mom- Well make sure y'all put all of the drinks on ice, get the fire started, and get some music popping

I turned on the pandora surround system and followed the rest of the guys outside. Chris started up the grill, while the rest of us sat down by the pool...

Columbus- So does anybody know if Pooch is gonna come tonight

Me- You better watch that P word

Big Sean- Why what I miss

Columbus- They split

Me- Don't just be blurting out my cousins business

Chris- (Sitting down) Its not like its a secret

Me- Still

Columbus- So does that mean Pooch ain't gon be comin around no more

Terrence- (Walking out of the house) It means he won't be coming around me anymore. (Sitting down) You know its really not nice to talk about your friends business behind their backs

Me- I tried to tell em

Ti- Ion say shit

Chris- You never do

Big Sean- So what's going down tonigh

Me- Everything my mom and my uncle going to a hotel so we can have the house

Big Sean- Oooh I'm fucking sum tonight

Terrence- Chill. It ain't that type of party. Bet not nobody go in no room but the downstairs bathroom. This ain't no mufucking brothel

Big Sean- Damn I was just playing

Me- No you wasn't

Columbus- So what's up for tonight T

Terrence- What you mean

Columbus- I mean I gotta few of my fine ass cousins coming through. All single to

Terrence- Uh uh. No thank you

Chris- Don't tell me you bout ta shut down without Pooch

Terrence- I'm not shutting down, I'm moving on

Ti- And by moving on, you mean what exactly

Terrence- Last night, I met a really cute guy who I also invited here tonight

Big Sean- Damn you move fast

Me- Turbo fast

Terrence- Na don't try to play me like that

Ti- Yea. I think its good you not putting yourself on pause. Shyd normally when you do, you got way too much spare time on your hands to think about the past

Chris- Oh yea I'm living that shit. Its like everything that happens just makes me think about me & Laz

Columbus- Laz wasn't even a good boyfriend. I oearned how to be a good one just watching him

Everybody laughed...

Chris- Shut up. Y'all wasn't there all the time

Big Sean- But we heard about it. I mean while open relationships sound nice, they never work

Chris- Looks who's talking

Big Sean- Ay I ain't been in no relationship since the end of sophmore year

Columbus- Nope think again

Big Sean- What you mean I've been single for like 2 years

Chris- Tell that to Ben J cause he sho think yall together

Big Sean- Man I told him we are not together. But he insists on telling everybody I talk to that I'm taken

Me- So you tingle

Ti- What the hell is "tingle"

Me- Taken but single y'all better get with the program

Mom- (From the balcony) Ay people showing up

Chris- Ay let's get the turnup started

After the first group of people came, it didn't take long before the enitre back yard and the pool was filled. Already we all started turning up...

(Shad POV)

I swear I hate working closing shifts. I'm always the last one to leave and that's just because nobody likes to clean shit up so I have to spend hella overtime making sure the kitchen is spotless. The only thing that I'm focused on is getting outside to Romeo. He told me that now we were together, I don't every have to walk, ride my bike, or catch the bus ever again. I was happy as hell I hooked up with him. Everything about him, everything he did just made me happy which is something I rarely get to experience. Plus, he's really keeping my mind off everything goin on with my brother. After checking up on him, I found out that it make take longer than expected to get him back walking but he is making progress so all isn't lost. I finally got finished with all the cleaning and clocked out. After grabbing my bag outg of my locker, I headed straight outside and found Romeo sitting in his car with 2 unfamiliar faces in the back. Once I got in i instantly

knew who they were...

Romeo- Wazzup boo. (Leans over and kisses him on the lips) How was work

Me- It was work. Wassup with them (Pointing to the back seat)

Romeo- Oh well Ben J is my cousin and Legacy my nigga. This basically my Day 1 crew

Ben J- Wassup witchu Shad

Legacy- What's good

Me- Sup yall

Romeo- You tryna go to this party

Me- What party

Romeo- One of my loyal customers invited me to this pool party out in Malibu

Me- I mean I have to go home and shower then change but I guess I could be fun (Hears moaning and slurping noises in the back seat) Umm is that what I think it is

I choose not to look but Romeo looked back...

Romeo- Damn. Cuzo back there necking up the homie

Me- And you're ok with it

Romeo- Yea. Thats their relationship, not mines. As long as they don't get no cum on my seats

Legacy- (Moaning) Oh shit. Come on Rome. Fuck. You know Bennie swallow all that shit

Romeo- I'm just saying ion wanna have kick yalls ass

Legacy- (Moaning) Bra chill. Maybe you need some head

Romeo- Na I'm good if Shad gave me some head we garunteed gonna crash

Me- At least you know what it is

Legacy- Negro please. I bet Bennie can suck a dick way better him

Me- I'm not about ta get into a dick sucking contest

Ben J- Cuz it ain't gon be one (Goes back to sucking)

Romeo- Baby forget about them

Me- I'm not worried about them, my only concern is you. So who party we going to

Romeo- I'm not really sure. I know its for somebodies birthday tho

Me- Oh

Legacy- (Moaning) Oh shit, I'm bout ta nutt. (While cumming inside Ben Js' mouth) Oooooooooooooh fuck. Damn that was some bomb ass head

Me- Oh a quick pump

Everybody laughed....

Legacy- Ay Rome you better tell yo boy how I was in that ass for 3 hours

Romeo- Woah ok, tmi

Me- Y'all fucked

Romeo- Yea once

Legacy- Yup I was banging that tight ass out for 3 hours all over the hotel room even on the balcolny. We was so loud hotel security thought somebody was being attacked

Romeo- Legacy shut up, damn

Me- Its cool. We weren't together so I really don't care

Legacy- See now that's what I'm talking bout. A nigga who don't give a fuck about the past. So my only question is are you like the last one

Me- What you mean the last one

Ben J- Romes last little boy toy

Legacy- Yea, Deandre

Ben J- Lil bitch ass used to do anything we said. And he had a big, Clifford dick too

Legacy- Got into that private school, start fucking with the Hunters, and now he think he run shit

Me- Well to answer your question, no. I only take care of mine

Legacy- You act like we won't. See how he just sucked my dick. Us 3 take care of each other. From sucking dick, to ass eating, a good dicking. Everything, even none sex related. If you was to ever need anything, either one of us got you

I just had to see how Romeo looked while Legacy flirted with me. To my suprise he was acting like he didn't even care. Who just sits there while their best friend flirts with their significant other, like who the hell do you think I am. Not like Legacy and Ben j aren't attractive because both of them are sexy as hell, it just doesn't feel right to me....

Me- Umm hello, are you not listening to anything that's being said

Romeo- Yea

Me- And

Romeo- Well its not like he's lying. My last boyfriend was the group bitch but that was by choice. You on the other hand, won't have to do anything you don't want. But if you want something then you have more than one option

Me- I'm so confused

Ben J- Its how we keep our sex life interesting. But its only with people in our circle. Fucking with any outsiders is deemed cheating. And by you dating Romeo,....let's just say welcome to our cirlce

Me- And you're okay with all this

Romeo- Yea

What the hell? This shit is weird. Its basically an open relationship among four people..

Legacy- So how about you climb back here and let us welcome you to the group properly

Me- Na I'm good. Fucking in cars isn't really my thing

Romeo- Ay y'all just lay off him. Hell come around

Legacy- Sure hope so

I turned around and mean mugged Legacy. He blew a kiss at me. I turned back around. This is too much for this only to be the second day of dating Romeo. First I find out he's been secretely crushing on me and now I find out his crew is closer than anyone would've ever thought. I think I might need a fucking joint to process all of this. Maybe after I get a buzz I could see what these guys are all about. I'm way more fun when I have a little THC in me...

Me- You don't have a joint

Romeo- (Pulling a joint out of the sunvisor) I didn't know you smoked

Me- (Sparking up) You never asked

Romeo- I'm sorry

Me- For what

Romeo- Not tellling you all of this earlier

Me- I've been through worse than a crew who likes to share. Its just suprising

Romeo- So what do you mean worse

Me- When I was in the group home. The owner couldn't really keep his bills paid, then it got worse when he started gambling. Long story short he started passing us out to his buddies to clear his dept

Ben J- Damn. That's fucked up

Legacy- Yea, nobody should have to go through that shit

Romeo- Bae, I'm sorry for asking

Me- Its the past and that's where im trying to leave it

Romeo- I'm sorry you had to bring it up then

Me- Your good. So you all know me, it'll be nice if I knew y'all

Legacy- Not much to know. We've been joint at the hip since we met in daycare and appartley so were our dads

Me- Wait so even your dads were together

Ben J- No they were just best friends. Both of or dads were straight

Me- Wait you said that they "were" good friends

Legacy- Yea umm, they were with the whole street racing scene out here

Ben J- Yea and they were hella good. Best driver, navigator team in the streets

Legacy- Unfortunately, they were too. Competion flipped em over while they were going 180mph on the highway

Ben J- Then they ended up on the wrong side of the highway and ended up being smacked by a 18 wheeler

Me- Damn, how old were y'all when it happened

Ben J- Prolly like 3

Legacy- Sounds right

Me- I guess we're all a little screwed up then

Romeo- Y'all are. I'm perfectlly fine

Me- If you're perfectly fine then why'd you move into my house

Romeo- So I could have an excuse to be under the same roof as you

Me- Lies

Romeo- No I'm dead serious. When Rocky was feening for some weed talking bout she was depressed because her foster son got into an accident, I knew I had to take my shot

Legacy- And it seems to me like you dunked it

Me- (Kisses Romeo) More like slam dunked it

Romeo- I mean round one was nice but round 2 was even better

Ben J- Oh so that's why you weren't responding to shit last night

Romeo- Yea. Home boy put it on me

Legacy- Wait, you let him fuck you before me

Me- You can calm down, we didn't do any flipping last night. I just had to show him what my riding skills was like

Ben J- Mmm must be nice

Romeo- Better than "nice". I can't even count how many times I busted last night

Me- 8 times not counting our shower

Legacy- Damn y'all mustve been fucking like rabits yesterday

Romeo- Shyd you don't even know it

Ben J- Looks like you gon fit in just fine

So this is. This is my new group of friends. Romeo don't fuck with too many people anyway so I actuall don't mid fucking with them. They seem like a good time, and not to much drama so why not give them a chance. As far as the group sex thing goes, that could take some time but how bad can it really be. Maybe I should start looking at things from their perpective, which clearly means to look at everything in terms of do you enjoy it or not. And in my situation that doesn't seem like a very bad idea....


ALSO PLEASE CHECK OUT MY OTHER STORIES ON NIFTY: Damned Teen Wolf Diaries of Twilight, Pairings, The Sugar Shack, Perfect Pitch, and The Tour

CHAPTER RELEASES ORDER: The Sugar Shack Ch.2, Damned Teen Wolf Diaries of Twilight Ch.3, The Tour (Ch.2), and Pairings will be updated upon request


Next: Chapter 16

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