Puppy Love

By socrazii92

Published on May 31, 2013



Chapter 9: Secrets Out/Gotta Go

(Terrence POV)

After the brawl in the lunchroom was broken up by practically ever male on staff & Coach Regina, Rashon, Pooch, & I were the first in the office with both Ms. Whitney & Ms. Angie....

Ms. Angie- So do any of you wanna share your story Pooch- Nothing to share. They did what they did, & we did what we did Rashon- Its that simple Ms. Angie- So their actions justified your actions Me- Smething like that Ms. Whitney- You dont fight fire with fire. Thats just getting everybody burned Pooch- I honestly think that its pointless to try & talk about it. We know what we did was what needed to be done Me- Some we did it Rashon- Now its done Ms.Whitney- Look Marion Pooch- Its Pooch Ms. Whitney- Marion you already got four referrals this year, one more & its expulsion. You're suspended for 3 days starting Monday Ms. Angie- Rashon & Terrence since this is your 1st you get a week in ISS starting Monday Me- Ok Rashon- Why arent they being expelled Ms. Angie- Thats none of your business Ms. Whitney- No maybe it is Rashon- Holmes High School got secrets Ms. Whitney- All 3 of their parents are on the top 3 spots of the board Ms.Angie- Its already hard to discipline them Ms.Whitney- And kicking them out means that our school gets shutdown Rashon- Why not just ask parents to help fund the school Ms. Angie- Since its a private school it has to be owned by a private company Me- So how much would you need to become an independent school Ms. Whitney- The buy out is $1 million Rashon- (Hads Ms. Angie a phone number) Thats the assistant of a BIG CEO of what can make us an independent school Ms.Angie- Alicia Ms. Keys- Yes Ms. Angie- Call this number & get us a meeting with the boss Ms. Keys- Ok Ms. Whitney- You all go back to your classes

We all left their office. Pooch was still a little mad. I could tell cause when I tried talk to him he snatched away. Me & Rashon went to our classes like normal. I wondered why Pooch was mad & how long he'd stay mad.

Rashon- So it dont look like yall hotel plans gon happen Me- Its not like he mad at me Rashon- But he's pissed. With anger problems like his solidarity is his only was of bouncing back Me- Look Pooch may have some issues but he wouldnt cancel on me because of an attitude Rashon- Lets hope because I dont wanna miss my time with Romeo because I gotta confort you Me- Oh so you saying Romeo is more important Rashon- Uh yea Me- You aint shit Rashon- Tell me something I dont know Me- Umm your belly button tat & your nipple rings make you look like a slut Rashon- I said somethin I dont know

We laughed off our serious convo. Rashon always did that. One second we could be having a serious talk, the next thing we know we're laughing super hard at something thats not that funny. I guess we have that effect on each other. Even though Rashon distracted me for a brief time, I still managed to let thoughts about Pooch creep into my head. I always worry about him like that. Pooch is in my head at least 12 hours out of the day. I guess he has that effect on me...

(Trey POV)

After Brian left, Chris cooked for the both of us. Then we went back to his room played a few rounds of COD:BO2, watched a few movies, & went swimming for a bit. After our swim, we took a shower & nothing happened. I was so suprised; he really controlled his self. Once 3:05 rolled around, we both got dressed & headed to the school. He let me borrow some of his clothes & a thong. This kid dont own one single pair of regular underwear. Once we got to the school, the lot was mostly clear. We went to the gym & watched the basketball tryouts. We saw Th' Crew sitting where they always are & sat down. Big Sean, Terrence, Rashon, & The Bad Girls besides Zuly all sat there.

Me- Hey guys Everybody- TREY!!!

Everybody rushed to my side & hugged & kissed me. Telling me how sorry they were for me & I just had to let them know that I was cool. We all sat down & the q & a began....

Tiara- So you like bounced back completly Me- Yea with no problem but I did have a special guest today Stasi- Dont tell me its who I think it is Me- Girl yes. Brian brought his ass.... Tiara- Sexy ass

We laughed that off...

Me- He came to Chris house to apoligize, see where we were, & to give me back my Benz Erika- What the fuck type shit is that Christina- Hell yea im gonna keep my damn car no matter what. I will apoligize but that car is coming home with me Erika- See what I say 2 bad angels

We laughed some more...

Stasi- So whats the next step Me- Man imma just focus on me Tiara- Thats right. We aint got time to be putting up with nobodys bullshit Erika- Here this bitch go Tiara- Ay look. We all got one life & all im saying is that it cant be wasted on somebody else

While everybody else teased her a little I actually listened to her. Its only my sophmore year in high schools & I got more problems than an ACT math test. And to make matters even worse half of the problems arent even mine. I worry about everybody else but cant seem to keep myself outta harms way. Maybe if I just leave Cali, you know go back to Virginia with my mom, I might just be able to live a normal quiet life. Just me & my mom, seems nice but i just wonder how everybody else is gonna take it...

(Pooch POV)

After tryouts were over, everybody & the coaches were in the locker room. They were about to read off the official team roster, & I was shaking with anticipation....

Coach Michael Jordan- Ok everybody take a seat. Im really proud of all of you & I wish all of you could be picked but the roster only has room for 15 Coach Lebron James- So this is how it's going to work. We are going to call out the 15 who made the team & our 3 alternates for the season Coach Kobe Bryant- Also be aware of the fact that your grade will determne the roster, thats our seniority rule Coach James- But if you dont make the team all is not lost. Come to me afterwards and you will be assigned other jobs to help the team Coach Jordan- So lets get this over with

As soon as they mentioned, the senior rule I knew that I wouldn't make the team. I began packing my stuff thinking it was too late but after the names of 8 seniors, & 6 juniors, I heard Marion Hall come out as #15. I looked at the coach in disbelief.....

Me- Seriously Coach Jordan- You were the best one on the court since the first day of tryouts Me- Well why wasn't my name called first Coach Jordan- Seniority Me- So does this mean I'm starting Coach Jordan- Of course Me- Yes. I won't let you down coach

I raced out of the locker room to go tell everybody the good news. When I made it to the parking lot, Th' Crew was waiting for me. Every single one of them shaking with anticipation.....

Me- Guess who's the only sophomore to make the team & start

They all began cheering & celebrating. All of they all ran to me & hugged me. Of course Terrence was last & planted a huge kiss on my lips & we made out. After everybody said their goodbyes & congratulations, Terrence, Rashon, & Columbus hopped in my truck with me....

Me- Oh my gosh I am so excited Rashon- You should be Me- Wait til Hosea...

I felt everybody head snap toward me. I actually choked at the sound of his name. We used to be bestfriends practically brothers. I would kill to have that friendship back...

Terrence- Pooch Me- Yea Terrence- You ok Me- Yea I just wish I had my best friend back Terrence- I'm sorry Me- What you apologizing for Terrence- It's my fault he walked out of Th' Crew Me- No it's not he just couldn't accept the fact that I had a new boyfriend Terrence- What he didn't want nobody to get close to you Me- Pretty much which I never understood because Th' Crew is hella close Rashon- Maybe you should try taking to him tonight @Club T's Columbus- That might not be such a bad idea Me- Yea. I might just just try that

The rest of the ride was quiet. I played out multiple scenarios in my head wondering what Hosea will say when I apologize to him. Even though I have multiple friends, I really want my best friend back....

(Rashon POV)

While Terrence & Pooch talked in the front, I gazed over at Columbus. He sat there enjoying the ride, where no shirt & sweating. He had the body of a Greek god nice & chiseled perfectly. I watched as sweat rolled off his forehead, down his face, dripped off his chin, rolled in between his chest, traveled though his pecs, & to be sucked into the waistband if his compression shorts. I didn't notice how hard I was biting my lip, I also didn't notice that Columbus was staring right at me. He was cheesing so hard...

Me- What Columbus- Nothing just laughing at how hard you were eye fucking me Me- I was not eye fucking you Columbus- Well what were you doing Me- Just enjoying the view Columbus- Like what you see Me- Maybe Columbus- You know I can show you a lot more Me- Oh really Columbus- Yea really Me- I'm sorry I don't do baby daddies Columbus- You gonna go there again Me- I guess so Columbus- You just scared Me- Of what Columbus- Me Me- Not likely Columbus- You scared to admit that you in love with me Me- I'm not scared to admit it because it's not true Columbus- When you gonna open them emotional doors down Me- I won't so you're just gonna have to knock them down Columbus- Ok remember you told me that Me- Got it Columbus- You need to stop playing Me- Playing? I don't play Columbus- You play like you don't like me Me- I don't Columbus- Explain this morning on your bed Me- I was horny Columbus- What about last night Me- What happened last night Columbus- I was the only person that could put you to sleep

I suddenly forgot what I was gonna say. I couldn't even answer him. I turned away from him as I thought to myself. Why was he the only one that could put me to sleep? I couldn't answer the question myself. Maybe I do actually like him. But why? I've never been emotionally touted tied to no one & suddenly I get here & I'm all lovey dovey with people. My routine was have a bunch hoes so dick & ass was available 24/7. But for some reason it ain't happening here. I'm so confused. Why can't I break his heart? Why can't I just say no to him? What is it about him that makes me feel like this? I need help & I know just who to talk to. As we pulled up to our house, I hopped out & grabbed Terrence & we ran into the house. We made it to the room & locked the door....

Terrence- What was all that for Me- Bro I don't know what to do Terrence- What's going on Me- Columbus is looking for a relationship Terrence- Ok I'm missing the bad part Me- You know that ain't me Terrence- But how can you deny him Me- That's the problem I can't Terrence- What do you want Me- A simple solution Terrence- Don't answer Me- Ok I want your advice Terrence- Go out with him Me- What happened to New York Terrence, the fuck love get money Terrence Terrence- He fell in love & he's not scared to admit it Me- I'm not in love with nobody & if I was I would be scared to admit it Terrence- Stop lying Me- I'm not Terrence- Come on man if theirs anybody in the world who knows you it's me. Why won't you just admit it Me- You know what I think we should just drop this Terrence- Ok but we're gonna pick it up later Me- I think not Terrence- Oh so now that I'm not agreeing with you, you don't want to talk Me- Exactly Terrence- You are so fucked up in the head Me- So now I'm the fucked up for not wanting to fall in love with somebody I've only known for a 2 weeks Terrence- I'm not saying that Me- What you saying then Terrence- I'm saying you fucked up because you putting this mans heart in the blender & hitting "frappe" Me- What a person don't know won't hurt em Columbus- Too bad I know

I turned around to the window & seen Columbus standing there. To make things worse, he had tears rolling down his face & he looked pissed....

Me- Oh my god, I'm so... Columbus- Sorry. Man fuck you. I hope you contract something while you fucking one of yo hoes. I can't believe I had feelings for you. But what hurts the most is the fact that you didn't have enough balls to tell me yourself. You know what just lose my number

After that he stormed away. Pooch climbed in the window....

Me- What did I just do Terrence- You hit "frappe". Congratulations Pooch- Damn this his day. 3 types of bad news Terrence- 3 Pooch- Yea. He didn't make the team, he found out he was being played, & he found out Megan lied about his baby Terrence- WHAT Me- That's crazy Pooch- Yea Me- I gotta go talk to him Pooch- I really think he need to be alone right now Me- What am I supposed to do Pooch- Wait it out. He'll come around Me- I hope so

While I was wallowing in my own self pity on the balcony, my phone rang & the caller id made this beautiful day even beautifuller....

(On the phone) Me- I was wondering when you'd call Romeo- I was wondering when you'd answer, I been calling you all day Me- Really? I ain't been receiving them Jerome- We get bad reception on this side of town Me- Well sucks to be you Romeo- Na not really. So you ready for tonight Me- Dance Underground & you'll be here to pick me up when Romeo- Umm around 10. That's when they get real turnt up Me- Aight see ya then Romeo- Bye

I hung up & like a bat outta hell Rocsi & Katerina appeared outta nowhere.....

Katerina- Who was that Me- Business. Mindyaown Business Rocsi- Sounds like yall planning on leaving tonight Me- You what you expect Katerina- What the hell we supposed to do. Have a staring contest all night. We wanna have fun too Me- I'm sure you do but the last time we let yall have fun we had to find a new apartment Rocsi- Best Pajama Jam ever Me- Look you are not going to Club T's with us Katerina- We're old enough Me- Don't care Rocsi- We will control our behavior Me- Don't care Kat & Roc- We'll pay you Me- I didn't know you can speak my language Katerina- $10 each Me- $20 Rocsi- $15 Me- $25 Katerina- $20 Me- $30 Katerina- Done Rocsi- He's only gonna raise it everyone we disagree Me- Pleasure doing business with you, now I'll be in my closet getting dressed so leave the money on my bed

I left them to get dressed while I did the same. I got in my room to find Pooch & Terrence gone & Columbus standing in front of the window with a present in his hand....

Me- I wasn't expect to find you here Columbus- I wanted to surprise you Me- If you expecting an apology forget it Columbus- I wasn't Me- I'm confused Columbus- Look I heard what you said earlier & I was coming on too strong so I figured I'd back off, give you some space, & wait for you Me- So you don't mind the fact that I called you another hoe Columbus- No. If you only want sex then fine but our friendship had to still be intact Me- So friends with benefits Columbus- As much as I want to say no, yes

He walked to me & gave me the gift. When I opened it, it was a teddy bear that resembled Columbus & dressed like him....

Columbus- I got that made for you, just in case you have any more trouble sleeping. I even made one of you for myself Me- I love it Columbus- Open up his vest

When I opened it, it was a picture of me & Columbus that we took in the photo booth when the crew went to the movies. His head was on my shoulder & his arm was across my chest & I was holding his arm with both of my hands....

Me- Look promise me this thing between us I strictly a live in the moment situation Columbus- Sure Me- Thank you

I pulled him in for a tight hug. While I was holding him, I smelled his intoxicating scent. When I looked up at him, he was looking down at me & nature took it's course as his lips softly pressed against mine. The kiss got even more intense as we started speaking French to eachnother. He of course won the battle dominance & took control afterwards. I felt him tug at my shirt & it didn't take long before he was pulling it over my head. I began to kick off my shoes & unbuckle my belt while he pulled off his shirt & dropped his pants. He stood in his compression shirts & me in my briefs. We came close again & began to make out some more. His hands rested on the small of my back....

Me- Up (He picked me up) Down

He layed me down on the bed & climbed on top of me. We continued to make out. He grabbed to waistband of my draws & in one tug they were off. He planted one more kiss on my mouth before his journey south began. He kissed my neck, chest, briefly sucked on each of my nipples, my abs, & my pelvis. My 7 inch soldier stood at attention. He grabbed the base & stroked. I felt a jolt of pleasure with every stroke. His head went closer to my piece. He let a stream of sob out & rubbed it on my head with his thumb. The pleasure only got better. Then a tight, warm, moist cavity swallowed me whole. I was leaking precum inside his mouth. He worked my dick like a pro, as if he was gonna win money for it. My eyes rolled to the back of my head, I never been to this state of euphoria. He swallowed the hole thing before, taking it out & stroking it. He licked down towards my balls but his only kissed them. I felt him trying to roll me over so I gave him full control. He

rolled me over on my side. My lower half was on it's front & my upper half was on it's side with my right left bent up, spreading my cheeks & exposing my wet bussy...

Columbus- Damn boy, you want this dick bad don't you Me- Fuck yea Columbus- How long you been wanting it Me- Since the day I met you Columbus- You want it long Me- Yea Columbus- You want it hard Me- Yea Columbus- You want it rough Me- Fuck yea. But first I want you to eat this ass Columbus- Yes sir

Oh fuck. His tongue hit my most sensitive spot, the top of my ass crack. He licked top to bottom & then from the bottom to the top, while just gliding over my hole. He continued to tease me by gliding over my hole, licking around it, & kissing it. He tried to glide over it & I pushed back against it causing his tongue to go in. His wet tongue in my ass felt so fucking good. He started to French kiss my hole, causing me to moan....

Me- Mmmm eat that ass daddy. Get that shit wet for the dick

He ate away. Then he had me up on all fours tongue fucking me. He stopped & slapped my ass super hard, gaining a moan from me & a jiggle from my ass....

Columbus- Damn you got that phat juicy private selection ass Me- How about you take them compression shorts off so I can show you how good my mouth is

He layed down on the bed next to me....

Columbus- I took my shot & hit a 3 pointer. The ball is in your court now Me- That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Turn over

He turned on his stomach, leaving his juicy ass poking up in the air. I pulled off the shorts in .2 seconds, he had a phat muscle booty. It was slight hairy down the crack but that didn't mind me as I let my tongue do all the talking. He squirmed a little so I could tell he's not used to this. I kissed both of cheeks even left a hickey on one, then followed his happy trail down his secret passage way to find his hidden treasure. Once I found his hidden entrance, I kissed it one before diving in. He moaned loudly while I licked & sucked his hole. He even arched back to give me more. I tongue fucked him real good. He moaned like he was getting fucked. I took my tongue out of his ass & moved even further south. I engulfed his sack & sucked the skin off of them. He threw his leg over my head & layed on his back. His dick was leaking precum so I used it for lube as I coated the tip with it.....

Me- You ready for this ass Columbus- Bring it

I crawled up on him. I sat on his pelvis with his dick nestling between my cheeks. I leaned down & kissed him....

Columbus- Damn my ass taste good Me- (Laughs) Yea it do. My ass want a taste of it Columbus- Well sit down so I can take you on this ride Me- You nasty Columbus- You like it

I kissed him again, this time our lips didn't part as I grabbed his pistol & aimed for my hole. Once I felt the head on my hole, I slowly let him in....

Me- Ugh, mmmm. Oh ooh shit Columbus- Take it easy Me- Ok

I slowed down some more & let it slip in some more. Columbus grabbed my ass & spread my cheeks. Then he pulled out & then pushed back in more.....

Me- Aah Columbus- Shit you aight Me- I'm tight. Running track will do that to you

Columbus held to my cheeks as he lowered me onto his head then off. He repeated this five times then added in another half inch. He repeated this process until my ass rested on his thighs. The journey down was slow & a bit painful but the journey back up was pure pressure. I slowly went up & down on his dick while he layed on his back enjoying the ride. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as I tightened my walls around his dick & sucked it with my ass as I rode it. I got used to his size & started to increase the speed. We were both moaning & groaning like crazy. I leaked precum onto his abs. I was holding back the biggest orgasm of my life & we just started. I can tell when he takes control I'm gonna cum....

Columbus- Damn boy. Work that dick. You ride like a fucking pro Me- I asked if you was ready Columbus-Oh ok

He grabbed my legs & placed them on his shoulders & flipped me on my back. What really surprised me was the fact that his dick stayed in the whole time....

Columbus- Welcome to pound town

He then started to drill my ass into the bed. When he said pound town I didn't think he meant it. I was clawing his back, digging into the sheets, gripping the mattress, groping his ass, everything. All you heard was me & the bed. His dick crashed into my prostate & I moaned like a female. He heard my moan & jammed my prostate with every thrust. I was moaning like a cheap whore in a homemade porno. I felt my nut coming so I pushed him off me, got on my stomach, & arched it up. He slapped my ass with both hands, separated my cheeks, & inserted his weapon of mass pleasure.....

Me- (Moaning) Ooh ooh fuck. Damn. Fuck me daddy. Fuck me good Columbus- You got it

He didn't pound me this time, he just gently grinded in & out. His dick massaged my walls. His head teased my prostate. His mouth sucked on the sensitive spot on my neck. The combination forced 5 shots of cum on my sheets. My walls constricted his dick his head out of my hole & he shot his 6 wide loads of cum in the crack of my ass. Both of us collapsed on the bed....

Me- Damn Columbus- Wow Terrence- (In the window) Look at you now. We knew yall would make up Me- Lol get away from the window Columbus- I gotta go shower & get ready for the club Me- Aight thanks, friend Columbus- Sure thing, buddy

We laughed as he got dressed & left. Terrence & Pooch sat on his bed....

Pooch- No kiss Me- We're friend with benefits Pooch- Won't work Me- Why not Pooch- Cause you like him Me- How many times I gotta tell yall I don't like him like that Terrence- You liked that dick though Me- Of choose Terrence- You always end up in love when you like the dick Me- Yall just hating cause I got some dick

I grabbed some boxers & ran to the the bathroom. I hopped in the shower & began to think about what just happened. One second he hates me the next he's fucking my brains out. Maybe I do like him. Who wouldn't. He's cute, funny, sweet, sexy, & he got some good dick. But that's not love, it's lust......

(Pooch POV)

Columbus, Rashon, Rocsi, Kat, Terrence, & I were in my truck on the way to Club T's. We were all laughing & joking around, you know having a good time always. But I couldn't get Hosea off my mind. I can't believe I'm focused on him so much. He stole my life & yet I want his friendship back. What the fuck is wrong with me....

Terrence- Pooch you ok Me- Yea yea I'm fine just a lot on my mind Terrence- Just talk to him at the club Me- What if he don't listen Terrence- Make him

We parked & made our way inside. As the floor dropped, we heard everyone yell....


They ran to the dance floor while I went to find Hosea. He don't like dancing so he'll be in VIP. I ran up to the VIP section to find him & he was exactly where I expected, sitting with Girl Talk & The Hunters. Before I talked to him I had to take about 10 shots before I walked over to their booth....

Rihanna- Coming to apologize Me- No I came to talk to Hosea Hosea- About what Me- Can we talk in private Hosea- What you want Me- I want to talk to you Hosea- Man I ain't got time to talk Me- Please talk to me Thugzilla- You beg good Me- You bleed good Table- Ooooh Hosea- Ok let's talk

Me & Hosea went to the roof & one we got there we were both quiet for like five minutes before either of us said a word.....

Me- Look I wanna apologize to you for the blacked eyed, broken noise, busted lip, & everything else I did. I let my anger get the best of me & it wasn't cool at all Hosea- So you think you can say sorry & everything gonna go back to normal Me- No but it's a start. I don't wanna be your enemy, I want our friendship back. I was the only sophomore to make the basketball team & all I wanted to do was tell my best friend Hosea but I couldn't & that almost destroyed me Hosea- How you think I feel? I traded our brotherly bond for a fake ass friendship with The Hunters & Girl Talk. I went from a family to a game of survival of the fittest Me- That part isn't my fault Hosea- So not carrying that I loved you was my fault Me- What Hosea- Pooch the reason why I hated Terrence so much was because I was jealous of him. I've been your best friend since fifth grade & I've loved you ever since that day I stood up for you Me- Why didn't you ever say anything Hosea- Because I was scared that people would treat me differently & all the guys would try to bully me or something Me- Dude you are 240lbs. of pure muscle & you rock a mohawk, everybody is scared of you Hosea- But this secret could ruin that Me- You can't care about what people think. And plus you got talent. As long as you can still throw that football around the football field ain't nobody gonna care Hosea- I guess you're right Me- Hell yea I am Hosea- I guess I missed you too. I think I can get your parents to let you move back in Me- That'll be nice but I think I rather stay with Terrence Hosea- So nothing I said meant anything to you Me- Was I supposed to just drop everything with Terrence & start going out with you Hosea- Yea. I thought you wanted me Me- I did. But that was before Terrence. I'm in love with him & he's in love with me too Hosea- You are so naive. After you dick him down tonight he's going want it every night & he's never gonna wanna stop. You'll see & when you do your gonna tell your bestfriend how right he was that night on the roof Me- Did you just say bestfriend Hosea- Yea now give me a hug

We hugged each other. Finally I got my bestfriend back. All the bad times must be over. Now everything will be normal again. We separated & the unexpected happened, Hosea grabbed me by the back of my neck & pulled me onto the roughest kiss of my life. It took time before I realized how much emotion was in the kiss. His tongue was jammed down my throat & I couldn't do anything but enjoy it. It felt so good, not better than Terrence, but still good. He let go of my neck & moved his hands up my shirt & played with my nipples. I kissed back, why I don't know but I did. I liked kissing Hosea, I don't want to admit it but I did. He started to unbutton my cargoes & I don't know if it was the liquor in my system or I just wanted him to but I let him. He pulled my dick out & went down. He pulled off my briefs & shorts then pulled off his own. The last thing I remember: I was on the rooftop, bent over while Hosea was eating my hole. What happened after, I don't


(Terrence POV)

In the midst of our partying, I noticed Pooch was missing. I started to ask around to see where he was. Then I remembered that he said he was going to go talk to Hosea so I went to the Hunters booth. As soon as they saw me, Rihanna hopped up & walked toward me....

Rihanna- What Me- I'm looking for Pooch Rihanna- Hosea executing his plan to break yall up Me- What Rihanna- I don't know all the details but I do know that you better keep your eyes open cause as soon as you close them, you're gonna open them & it's gonna be the Pooch & Hosea show again

After that she walked away. I was speechless & when I looked over to our booth Raven was sitting there.....

Me- (Sitting down) I need your help Raven- Talk to me love Me- So Rihanna just told me that Hosea is going to try to break me & Pooch up Raven- What Me- Wait but only to have him for himself Raven- Hosea is straight. And Pooch isn't letting you go Me- But the idea of Hosea trying to get rid of me isn't too far fetched. I mean he left you guys because if me Raven- He left because of him. Because he couldn't take the fact that he didn't have Pooch to himself Me- So it's still my fault. I took Pooch away from him Raven- So share him with him Me- What Raven- Look as far as I'm concerned, Hosea just want his bestfriend back & you want yo man so make it clear to Pooch that it's ok for to hang with Hosea but when it's you & him it's you & him

Realizing how right she was, I embraced her. Pooch would love this idea.

Raven- Now that that's over, let's get our assess to the dance floor & go enjoy your birthday

We danced our way to the center of the floor. But was stopped by a DJ announcement.....

DJ- Now just a few seconds ago, 3 young ladies asked me if they could perform a lil something they been working on so I want yall to welcome to the stage K.R.K

The crowd applauded as the one of the wall opened up to a stage. Kat was up again a wall the had Graffiti spelled in graffiti with Rocsi & their friend Keke facing the audience. Then the beat started as they performed a song Kat wrote called "Put Your Graffiti On Me". The song was just background music for their dancing which was great. Rashon walked up to me.....

Rashon- Did you know about this Me- Nope. Damn they're good Rashon- You wanna go show them up Me- Let's go

Me, Raven, or Rashon hopped on stage. Kat smiled at us then the DJ put her "Tag Me" part of her song on loop & yelled out.....

DJ- I smell a battle coming on

The crowd went crazy for the impending battle....

Kat- Let's go

The crowd went even more crazy. Since we were freestyling we each had an opponent. Kat vs Rashon, Rocsi vs Me, & Keke vs Raven. Every time one of them went one of us topped them. Then in the last round Kat did a spin then all of them did a split. So Raven put her foot over her head, spin around then dropped to a split. As she hit the ground, me & Rashon both did a backflip & the battle was over. We hug it out & laughed it off. As Kat performed her song again, we went back to the VIP section. We saw Pooch sitting next to Hosea so it looks like that talk worked...

Me- So yall 2 good Hosea- Yea we cool

I looked over to Pooch and he looked wore out. Unless he gets some sort of energy, ain't nothing happening at the hotel.....

Raven- Pooch you aight Pooch- Yea just a little exhausted Me- From a talk Hosea- It got a little intense Me- Oh well I guess everything will be back to normal Hosea- Ha Me- Whats that sposed to mean Hosea- Nothing, nothing at all Me- Babe you ready to get out of here. You look like you need to get some sleep Pooch- Na im cool. I dont wanna ruin your night Me- If you dont feel like staying we can go. I rather spend one on one time with you Pooch- Aight lemme get sonething to drink & we can bounce Me- Ok I'll be right here Raven- Well bye yall. Happy bornday Terrence. Yall kids be safe (Heads back to dancefloor) Hosea- Enjoy Pooch while you got him cause pretty soon he'll be back at my side Me- What Hosea- You heard me chump. He's mine or at least he will be pretty soon expecially after that nut I just busted inside him Me- You're lying Hosea- You can eat it out yourself but i'll warn you now; after you taste it you might crave more Me- Fuck you Hosea- Im sorry im a Pooch only facility

After that, he got up and walked away. He's lying. Pooch wouldn't hurt me like that. He wouldn't do that to me even though me & Big Sean had a run in. Im not even gonna worry because I know Hosea is trying to make me crazy.....

Pooch- You ready to be out Me- Yea lets go

He held my hand & as we walked out & said our goodbyes on the way out. Once we made it to the car, I had to be sure.....

Me- Did you & Hosea fuck on the roof....

(Trey POV)

After the club me & Chris headed back to his house. We got undressed then we started a movie. He on his bed & me on the floor in front of it....

Me- I'm thinking about moving back to Virginia with my mom Chris- WHAT Me- I said... Chris- I heard what you said I just don't believe it Me- It seems like the best thing for me Chris- What about what's best for us Me- It's not about y'all. I can't stay here free loading off yall. I just need to start fresh in a new place Chris- So you just gonna up & leave us like that Me- I haven't made a choice yet. Its just a thought for now Chris- So what you gonna tell Th' Crew huh Me- Who said I had to tell them Chris- So your big idea was to just disappear Me- You know I don't like goodbyes Chris- Well after all we did for you that's the least we'd expect Me- What Chris- We tolerated all your bullshit & all of our drama stats with you Me- That's all you got Chris- Ok. You're a grade A pain in my ass, you're dumber than a box of rocks, you're the biggest closet slut of the century, your daddy don't love you, you only got friends because of your sob story, & finally you need to get your head out of your ass it's not a hat

I didn't know what to say. I don't understand what happened. Chris was my bestfriends & he just shitted on my life as if it want already bad. I didn't know whether to cry or beat his ass. Cry seemed to be the most appropriate because in 2 seconds tears were running down my face. I felt like piece of unwanted equipment being lugged around & the only reason I'm being kept is because they feel sorry for me....

Me- Thanks for helping me make this decision easier Chris- What Me- I've made my choice. Have a nice life

I got up & ran to my car outside. Once I got in I saw Chris sprint out of the door. As soon as he touched my car, I made the tires burn out. The tears made it hard for me to see the dimly lit street, but anything was better than staying here. I don't know what it was but through my treating eyes something moved in front of me & the last thing I heard was a huge crashing sound.....



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Next: Chapter 12

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