Puppy Love

By socrazii92

Published on Apr 22, 2012



Ch 1: All In A Days Work

Im so nervous. I feal like a worm in a cage with 100 birds. My family just moved all the way from Queens to Los Angeles cause my dad was given a better job opportunity. So thanks to his boss me & my sister Rocsi were forced to move here. Oh & by the way, my names Terrence Jenkins, but everybody calls me Terrence or Tj. While I was listening to my ipod in the front seat of my dads beat up station wagon, I decided to look over my schedule. 1st English II Mr. Will Smith, 2nd Public Speaking Mr. Mike Epps, 3rd Geometry Mr. James Smith, 4th World History Ms. Lauryn Hill, Lunch, 5th Filming Mr. Morris Chesnut, 6th HipHop Dance Mr. Omarion Granberry, 7th Biology Mr. Taye Diggs, 8th Physical Eduacation Mr. Duane Martin & Ms. Regina King & on Every other day my 8th bell switches to Spanish I with Ms. Sofia Vergara. After I was done, we turned the corner & the school was right down the street. So due to the fact I didnt wanna be embarrassed I told my dad...

Me- Dad pull over

Mr. J- Why son

Me- Umm no offense but ur car is a piece of crap & if u pull up to the school in it people will laugh & do u really wanna ruin my day.

Mr. J- I get ur point (Pulls over) Have a good day son

Me- Aight dad...be good Rocsi

Rocsi- Bye Bruder (They pull off)

I threw on my black & white snapback, pulled on my black book bag, & started walkin towards the school. Obviously, Rocsi isnt in highschool yet, she's only in the 8th grade but she's smart so she may get put up at the end of the semester. As im walkin I can hear the late bell ring so I take my time to fix my white v-neck, my black skinny jeans, & to make sure my black & white hightop adidas were as fresh as they were when I bought them, which they were so I proceeded into the building. When I got in the school I headed straight to the main office. When I got there, I saw a gorgeous young woman sitting behind a desk...

Woman- Hello I am

Ms. Nia Long, what can I do for you today.

Me- Im a new student

Ms. Long- Oh what your name Womans Voice- Mr. Terrence Jenkins

I looked to see 2 stunning african american women, one tall one short. The taller one had smooth skin with the exception of some wrinkles, red lip stick, glowing white teeth, & a killer smile, with curly brown hair wearing a biege pants suit with a white collar shirt & a black tie with light brown leather flats on. The shorter one had marvelous skin with 2 dimples, with just lip gloss on, pearly white teeth, & a nice smile, with her hair in a bun in the back of her head, wearing a brown dress with a matching suit jacket & brown pumps on. Both women proceeded toward me & introduced themselves...

Taller one- Hello I am the principal Ms. Whitney Houston, you can call Ms. Whitney or Ms. Houston dont make me no nevermind

Other- And im Ms. Angela Basset, the assistant principal, everybody calls me Ms. Angie

Me- Nice to meet you, & may I say you both are beautifu

Both- Why thank you

Ms. Angie- You look so much like your mother

Me- Thank you but how do you kno my mom

Ms. Whitney- We both attended highschool & college with ur mother

Me- Oh thats wats up

Then a beautiful light skinned woman, with long curly black hair, red lipstick, wearing a black skirt suit & a red collar shirt with a women black tie & red heels on walked into the room.

Ms. Whitney- Oh Ms. Keys

Ms. Keys- Yes

Ms Whitney- Come here (She come) This is Terrence Jenkins, he's a new,student

Ms. Keys- (Shakes my hand) Nice to meet you im Ms. Alicia Keys, your counselor, if you need any supplies, information, or you just wanna talk im here for you, ok. My office is stricly straight talk & completely anonomous. So feel free to pay me a visit.

Me- Thank you, so which one of you will be showing my to my classes Ms. Long- Actually, this school has a tag-along program where students show other students to their class,& somebody from each of your classes will has the same next class as you.

Me- Ok (The other 3 ladies goes to their offices)

Ms. Long- So would like a male or female to show you around

Me- Male

Ms. Long- (Smiles & dails a number) On the phone: Mr. Smith will you please send Sean Anderson to the main office. Ok thanks (Hangs up) It'll take maybe 10 mins since he's coming from the 3rd floor of the acedemic building. So you can just take a seat

Me- Mkay

I sit down & I hear Ms. Whitney on the announcements announcing the arrival of a new student. I laughed to myself. After listening I turned on my ipod & a song came on that caused me to go deep in thought. One day after school back in Queens, my & my 2 best friends Shawn Carter & Kanye West were talking & the subject of "whats so enjoyable about gay sex" came up. I always felt different, like I never was really into girls like that. I always found myself getting boners looking a guys. So we decided to experiment & it changed my life. We sucked, rimmed, fingered, & fucked each other then we fucked females. After that we all came to the conclusion that gay sex is great sex so now we're all gay. I was so deep in thought that I didnt notice the guy standing in front of me. I turned off my ipod & heard him say....

Guy- Come on

Me- Im sorry (We left the office & started walkin) Im sorry I didnt catch your name

Guy- Errbody call me Big Sean cause I got 2 big things that open to anybody that want it

Me- Whats that

Big Sean- This dick & my phat ass Me- You gay

Big Sean- I prefer guys but girls can get it too, so im guessing u a power bottom

Me- Wy u say dat

Big Sean- Cause when I said my dick yo eyes lit up

Me- Mkay, well fyi, no imma versi-bottom, so u gonna give me a tour of the skool or not

Big Sean- Ok, the school is really a big circle connected by hallway with artifcial glass windows. Lookie here, the school consist of 5 buildings. You got the administration building consisting of the main office, the nurse, & special ed classes, then we have rec building which is home to the gym that takes up the 1st & 2st floor, the pool is in the basement & share a floor with the weight room, & on the 3rd floor we got the dance studio, then we have the acedemics building which holds all english, math, social studies, & foreign language classes, the science build holds the all science classes, & last but not least got the elective building which holds all the elective classes.

Me- Big ass school

Big Sean- Yea & in the inside of all of this is the atrium aka lunch area Me- Nice

Big Sean- Yea oh & the way to figure out what floor your class is on just look at the first digit of the room(Snatches my schedule) lucky for you, you dont got no basement classes. So I guess thats it.

Me- Wait, I assume you kno alot so what should I kno about the people Big Sean- Oh...well The Hunters, Glam Squad, & Real Talk

Me- Details

Big Sean- Lets walk to class & i'll explain on the way (We start walking) The Hunters consist of Tiger Tyson Thugzilla, & Soulja Boy, they're always lookin for some fresh ass the fuck & when they fuck they show no mercy only 5 people in the school aint scared of them and thats Ms. Whitney, Ms. Angie, Ms. Keys, Ms. King& Mr. Trevor Smith, the janitor.

Me- Oh wow

Big Sean- Yea, now Glam Squad consist of Rihanna, Lil Kim, Trina, Lola Monroe, Cassie, Megan Fox, & Royce they sometime work with The Hunter by taking guys to them & they're nosy & they always try to break up relationships

Me- Mkay

Big Sean- Real Talk is a bunch of hating ass, gossipers, who run the school gossip website thats used to out people & theirs a daily poll of who The Hunters next suspect should be. Real Talk consist of freshmen: Prodige, Roc Royal, & Princeton, Justin Bieber whos a sophmore, & senior Raz B. Raz B skipped up 3xs & got held back 5xs Me- Wow...so who should I hang with

Big Sean- Since its your 1st day i'll let you hang with me & my friends if they like u then u can just hang with us We stopped in front of a door

Me- This Mr. Smith class

Big Sean- Yea (Grabs Terrence & pulls his wrist pulls him into a hug, wraps his hands around his waist, & starts kissing him)

Terrence was caught by suprise but didnt resist, he actually started kissing back. He felt Big Seans hands roam up the back of his shirt & caressed his back. Then he felt his hands go south & grip his meaty ass Terrence began to moan but the when Big Sean put his hands in Terrences boxers & trys to put his finger in his ass he stops it there & pulls back.

Big Sean- Im so sorry I just couldnt stop, you just so fucking sexy I got carried away

Me- Stop worrying, its ok just control yourself next time

We walked into the class & Mr. Smith was saying something about elements of arguements & then stopped.

Mr. Smith- Oh well class it seems we have a new student

Big Sean- (Goes to the second to last row & sits in the last chair)

Mr. Smith- Whats your name, dont just tell me, tell the class

Me- Wassup my name is Terrence Jenkins but I go by Tj, Terrence J or just Terrence

Mr. Smith- And you're from

Me- Queens, New York

Mr. Smith- Ok what class do you got next

Me- Public Speaking with Mr. Mike Epps

Mr. Smith- Anybody got Epps next Me- (A black (caramel) girl with straight brown hair to her pits raises her hand)

Mr. Smith- Ah Ms. Raven Symone will take you to your next bel

Me- Mkay

Mr. Smith- Well im Mr. Will Smith...i will give you some catch-up work so you wont be lost

Me- The elements of argument are hook, claim, support, consessions, refutations, & call to action.

Mr. Smith- Impressive...take the seat next to Sean & behind Hosea

I went to my seat & as soon as I sat down noticed the adonis sitting in front of Big Sean. He had a fresh taper from what I could see then, as if he heard my thoughts he turned & looked at me with a smile on his face. My dumbass forgot how hard I was staring & got caught starring. I hurried & looked at Mr. Smith, who was also an adonis in a 1990's type of way. Once the other guy turned back around I looked at him & noticed he was laughing. I also notices the note passed from the guy in from of me to him & that both of their shirts was too tight, but in a sexy way. I pretended to pay attention to the teacher as the passed the note back & forth. Then, I heard Ms. Long voice on the announcement saying "1st bell is now over, you have 10 min to report to 2nd bell". Everybody got up & I notice that Hosea & the adonis was matching besides hair, Hosea rocked a fresh mohawk, they both wore tight white ts, khaki cargo shorts & fresh a-1's. As I walked toward the

door I spotted a balled up piece of paper a picked it up. I got to the hallway & saw Raven waiting & she spoke....

Raven- Hi im Raven Symone & you are gorgeous

Me- (She wore a black fitted t-shirt that had "Im sexy & I know it" in gold letters, a pair of black skinnies, & black & gold jordans & all gold jewlry) Thanks but before you go any further im gay

Raven- I know my gaydar is very reliable

Me- Oh well are we going to class Raven- Oh right lets go, (We began walking) so where'd you move to Me- Well actually we're staying a hotel til tomorrow, my dad just bought a house on the beach Raven- Oh great I live on the beach Me- Oh coo

Raven- Are you like girly gay or you one of those "im still a man" types Me- Put it like this I love going shopping, mani pedi's, & checking out guys but I also like the 3 guy f's: football, fighting, & farting (We laughed) I just joking bout farting Raven- Good cause its gross, well consider me your new best friend Me- Best friend, I like that

Raven- You'll learn to love it

We locked arms & proceeded to our next class, which was quite a walk. When we got there I saw this short, muscular, dark chocolate man standing outside the door.

Me- Who is that

Raven- Thats Kevin Hart

Me- He's in this class

Raven- Not really, he's a senior who got put in here because he had nothing better to do

Me- Wrong info

Raven- He's straight

Me- Dayum

Raven- But The Hunters did get him Me- Wow so do they only do guys Raven- No they get girls too

Me- Damn

Raven- They even record them & put them on the schools gossip site Me- (Gasps) Oh my gosh

Raven- Yea its pretty degrading

Me- Nobody tried the police

Raven- No, too scared

Me- If wish they would

Raven- Be careful what you wish for, my little brother Ray-Ray said the same thing until The Hunters caught him sagging in the locker room.

Me- What happened

Raven- They took his cherry while his friends recorded it

Me- That must have ruined him Raven- He was gay & he wanted The Hunters to get him but what took away his joyful attitude was his friends betraying him the way they did

Me- Oh my gosh, where is he now Raven- He moved to Atlanta with his dad

Me- Thats crazy

We walked into the class & it was kinda odd. There was cameras, green screens, tables instead of desk, 2 laptops per table, & the teachers desk was on a platform. A tall light skinned man, with a neatly shaved beard, glasses with gold frames, wearing a black polo, khaki pants, & black dress shoes walks up to me...

Guy- New student

Me- Yea, my names Terrence

Guy- Ok well im Mr. Mike or Mr. Epps dont matter

Me- Ok

Mr. Epps- So your next class is...

Me- Geometry with Mr. James Smith

Mr. Epps- Oh Ll Cool J

Me- Who

Mr. Epps- Yo teacher used ta be a pimp in highschool

Me- Ok (Bell rings & Raven goes to her seat)

Mr. Epps- Who got Mr. James Smith next

Me- (A light skinned boy with braids, & juicy pink dick sucking lips raised his hand)

Mr. Epps- Mr. Neverson...go on & take a seat by him I went & sat down by him & he said...

Guy- Tremaine Aldon Neverson (He extended his hand)

Me- (I shook his hand) Terrence J, you gotta nickname

Guy- Trey

Me- (I smiled) Trey

Trey- Yea so where u from

Me- Queens

Trey- Thats wassup

Me- Yea (He was smiling) (I smiled back) I take it u dont like girls

Trey- Does that bother u

Me- No Mr. Epps started teaching so he started paying attention. I on the other hand was still worried about the note so I unbalded it...

Hosea: Wats so funny

Pooch: I caught Terrance staring at me....practically droolin

Hosea: Well I gotta say....bro u r somethin to drool about

Pooch: Yu stupid

Hosea: Im serious but ay he is too

Pooch: Yea

Hosea: So r u gon talk to him

Pooch: Im nervous....im scared imma sound stupid tryin to talk to him

Hosea: Calm down....maybe u mite get lucky & he'll talk to u 1st

Pooch: I wish...i hope he likes me back

Hosea: If he gets to kno like I do...he will

After reading the note, all I wanted to do was get to know Pooch. He just became a mystery to me. A mystery I wanted to solve. I wanted to tell Trey that I was about to start talking to somebody but it wasnt like he was falling in love with me. We were just flirting, & he barely knows me. Same situation with Big Sean. As class moves on, I just sat & though about Pooch. His flashy money making smile, his huge muscles stuffed in the tight white shirt, his little tight but juicy ass sitting on top of the rim on his shorts (saggin), & the way his face lights up when smiles. I just hope he's the teddy bear this note's makin him out to be. But moving on, Trey walked me to my next class & once my teacher asked who had Ms. Lauryn Hill next, a cute mix boy raised his hand. My teacher introduced him as Evan Ross. He was cute but my mind was on Pooch. Then next bell came, Ms. Lauryn Hill had a natural beauty with dreads to her shoulder but they were pulled back.

She introduced me to Brian White, who would be takeing me to my filming class after lunch. Another cute boy who was just tryin to smash buns. Once we got to lunch I found Big Sean, & followed him to his table. Once I sat down, I noticed Pooch was right across from me. After everyone sat down, I noticed Hosea, Pooch, Big Sean, Trey, & Raven were here. But everybody introduced themselves: Chris Brown, Tip aka Ti, Christina Millian, Kelly Rowland, Keri Hilson, Nick Minaj, Sabrina Bryan, Adrienne Bailon, & Kiely Williams.

Me- Im Terrence

Christina- How you liking the school so far

Me- Its....interesting

Kelly- In a good way or a bad one Me- A good way

Nicki- You got a girlfriend

Hosea- Now you just being nosy Nicki- Im just trying to get to kno him expecially if he's gonna take Bobby V's place in the crew

Me- No im gay

Keri- Damn the cute ones are always gay

Me- Anybody over here in a relationship

Raven- Me, Tip, Chris, Hosea, Christina, & Kelly are

Me- Who the lucky guys & girls Kelly- I go out with the capton of the basketball team, Sir Ryan Gentles

Christina- I go out with his best friend Christian Keys

Hosea- I go with our class president Brandy Norwood

Chris- I go with our class vice president Laz Alonzo

Raven- My boo thangs name is Ray J, he goes to Mt Zion Highschool in the next county

Ti- I go with this dropout named Tiny

Me- Wow

Christina- Do you got a man

Me- Well theirs is a guy that I like (I looked at Pooch & noticed him looking at me) but he's scared to talk to me

Pooch- How do you know that

Me- I found the note he & his friend was passing

Pooch- Oh the friend probably was sposed to throw it away

Hosea- Its not the friends fault Pooch- It kind of is

Hosea- He probably didnt throw it away so that Terrence would find it & confront the guy about it & then the guy wouldnt be scared to talk to Terrence (The 3 of them stops and notices everbody looking at them) Kiely- So is the guy still scared to talk to Terrence

Pooch- Nope actually the guy wants to take Terrance out on a date cause he finds his attitude attractive

Me- Where & when

Pooch- The guy figures since their is a party tomorrow that you would like to go out for sum to eat before the party

Me- I would love to (I smiled) Hosea- See now arent you happy, the friend left the note

Big Sean- What just happened Adrienne- Pooch just asked out Terrence in front of everybody & he said yes (Everybody clapped for them)

I was so thrilled to be goin out with Pooch tomorrow. All I could do was smile until I looked over at Trey, he was staring at me with a sad, angry, suprised, & confused look on his face. I mouthed "Whats wrong" and he just got up & walked away. Then I heard Sabrina say.....

Sabrina- I forgot to ask, where do you live

Me- Umm i'll be finished movin to my house tomorrow on the beach Chris- Which one

Me- Umm Malibu Beach

Kiely- Oh great (She sqeaked)

Me- Why is that so great

Christina- Because all of us live there

Me- Really

Ti- Yea...Raven's mom let Sabrina, Adrienne, & Kiely move in with them, I stay with my girl, Pooch's mom let Hosea move in with them when his parents died, Big Sean lives with Christina & her dad, Keri's mom & Kelly's dad got married & Nicki lives next door to Chris & Columbus

Me- Who's Columbus

Chris- My brother

Nicki- We're all like a big happy family

Raven- The only one that doesnt technically live on the beach is Trey Me- (Curious) Really, where does he live

Chris- Well most of the time he's at my house because he runs away alot but his dad lives on Crenshaw Me- But dont it cost serious money to attend school here

Hosea- Trey's on a schoolarship here, that boy is real smart

Ms. Long- (Over announcements) 1st lunch is now over, proceed to 5th bell.

Me- I'll see yall later

I got up, threw away my tray, & found Brian. He kept touchin my ass , & trying to put his arm around me but I just brushed him off. We got to Mr. Chesnut's room & boy was he sexy. I was reintroduced to Chris who would be taking me to my dance class. I sat down & Mr. Chesnut popped in a movie called, Bend It Like Beckham. Chris leaned over to me...

Chris- Laz told me that Trey was mad because you were going out with Pooch

Me- I know

Chris- Yea well he must be really heated even when Laz offer him some dick or some ass, he declined Me- You let your boyfriend fuck your best friend

Chris- Yea, when we wanna have a threesome we get Trey but the only other person he can fuck is Trey

Me- Oh

Chris- Trey likes you a whole lot

Me- I know but I told him I had my eyes on someone else & plus it's my first day here, I barely kno you guys

Chris- Well out of the whole crew on 2 of us believe in love at first sight

Me- Who

Chris- Pooch & Trey

Me- What do you think I should do Chris- Go out with Pooch but also let Trey take you out

Me- Ok thanks

We got to dance class, & I found out Chris can dance his ass off. I met Chris's brother Columbus, who was also fine. He was gonna take me to my biology class. The dance intructor looked really young, he had an ass that i'd munch on for days, & in that class we were aloud to take our shirts off cause its pretty hot in here so he had his off & his muscular body was shining with sweat. Once he noticed I was new, he made me freestyle to "I Can Be A Freak" by: Estelle. When it came on I rolled my hips during the first part, then when the bass kicked in I started to just let loose & do whatever came to mind. By the second chorus I had to make it more interesting so I grabbed Columbus & pushed him up against the wall, grinded my ass on his hardening dick, when it ended & she says "I can be a freak everyday of every week, ha". At the word "ha", I arched my ass back on his dick & bent over. The entire class began clapping & whistling. From what I could see, Mr.

Granberry had a hard on.

Mr. Granberry- Impressive, risky, & sexy. Great job, now class I want to see you all working on the flash mob while I finish this paper work (And he left)

Columbus- Damn you something else

Me- Oh im nothing like mr amazing here (I gestured toward Chris)

Chris- Yea but I was trained...what you just did was natural

Columbus- Yea & I was gonna be naturally in trouble if Megan would've walked in here

Me- Who is Megan

Columbus- Megan is my girlfriend of 2 yrs.

Me- Oh my god im like really sorry, im so embarrassed

Columbus- Its ok, im bi & she knows but I didnt ask her if it was ok

Chris- Yea he gotta check in with queen bitch

Columbus- Get off my girl

Chris- You should've got off of her & yall wouldnt be goin throught what you goin through now Terrance- What

Chris- She pregnant

Columbus- Damn bro you cant hold piss

Terrance- Wait you're gay

Chris- Bi

Terrance- Not in control

Chris- Completly not in control Terrance- And a soon to be dad Chris- Damn you're good

Columbus- Chris shut up

Chris- Alright damn (He runs off & starts dancing with the others)

Me-If your girl is such a bitch, why are you still with her

Columbus- Im scared she's gonna make me out as a deadbeat dad Me- Yall sure do share alot to people yall dont kno

Columbus- Well if u didnt kno you are almost one of the family

Me- Thats good to kno

Me & Columbus did talk more but the rest of the conversation wasnt all that relevant. Not much later, I was introduced to Channing Tatum who would be taking me to Biology. Once we got there, the teacher reintroduced me to Hosea. Once I sat down next to him & the teacher popped in a film about cells, we began talking....

Me- Thank you

Hosea- For

Me- Getting me a date

Hosea- No problem

Me- I was just wondering, are you bi

Hosea- Na im straight, I grew up around all girls so im kind of more in touch with my feminine side

Me- Oh, how'd yall become so close

Hosea- We both played basketball & football. He got bullied for being gay, & I hate seeing somebody who gets picked on for being theirselves so I told him to start hanging with me & he did. Eventually I got to know him & he was cool. Now we're inseperable

Me- I though straight guys hated gay guys

Hosea- I can only speak for myself

Me- I like you

Hosea- (Laughs) Ok, you kno Pooch likes you a lot

Me- He doesnt kno me

Hosea- Thats why yall gotta date tomorrow, so he can get to kno you Me- Tell me a little about him Hosea- All I can tell you, is when he makes a connection with somebody, it either gets stronger or it fades away, & in relationships he's kind of a teddy bear

Me- (I smiled) Thanks again

Hosea- Sure

YES! He is a teddy bear. Once class ended, Hosea & I walked to gym class & got there a few seconds after the bell rang. I was greeted by a man & a pretty hazel-eyed woman. Before everything started, we had a 10 min grace period. We went down into the locker rooms, where I was greeted by a bunch of changing guys Hosea introduced me to everybody but only the sexy guus names were remembered. The names that stuck was: Tyrese, Chris Paul, Tyson Beckford, Chris Hemsworth, Jason Momoa, Dwayne Carter (Lil Wayne), Aubrey Graham (Drake), Michael Stevenson (Tyga), Brandon T. Jackson, & Kenny Wormald. Hosea lead me to a locker right next to his. When I opened it I seen the most sexy, meatiest mounds of glory stuffed into some very transparent compression shorts through a mirror on the door of my locker. Once he lifted up, I noticed who he was....

Hosea- Theirs a pair of hoop shorts, under armor, & running shoes inside the locker

Me- I see them & alot more otherg things

Hosea- (Looks at Pooch bending over) Damn, bro ion know you was packing a phatty like that

Pooch- (Laughs) Fuck you man

Hosea- Im sorry, im a Brandy only facility

Me- How do I look (While they were goin back & forth I slide on my all red gym clothes which included some compression shorts that made my ass look phatter than it is & it felt like my ass was being held up)

Pooch & Hosea- Dayum

Pooch- How about switching our date to tonight

Me- Where & what time

Pooch- How about after school we go to Chill Spot. Its a diner that we hang out at a lot

Me- Ok it'll be just me & you right

Pooch- Yea

Me- Alright, its kind of fast but I really cant wait to get to know you

Pooch- Me either

Then ,as if we were in some sort of romantic story, we cut off by Coach Martin yelling "Everybody to the gym" "Come on assholes & elbows". Once we got into the gym, we were split into 2 teams, red team & black team. I along with Kenny Wormald, Brandon T. Jackson, Michael Stevenson, & Jason Momoa were on the red team. While Pooch, Chris Paul, Aubrey, Hosea, & Chris Hemsworth were on the black team. Once the game started, everybody got on their man & as if fate was my bestfriend, Pooch was gaurding me. As the game moved on, Pooch & I were purposely pressing our bodies together as if a slow song was playing in both of our head. Their was a lot of asses on dick, hands all over, & even one or two sneak kisses. I noticed most of all of the sexual stuff going on: Kenny grabbed Chris P ass everytime he did a spin move on him, & Chris P constantly touched Kennys dick when he bounced the ball through his legs, Pooch hands continuosly found their way to my lower

back & my hands were on his ass, Brandon stole a sneak kiss from Aubrey & Aubrey stole them back, Hosea just played the guy but Michael kept trying to grind against Hosea, & Chris H practical dry humped Jason when he was backing him down trying to dunk the ball & Jason grabbed Chris H ass everytime he turned his back to him. Besides the sexual contact, the game was intense with 30 secs left the black team was winning 62-60. So once we got the Kenny he raced down court, crossing everyone in his way, once he got to the hoop & jumped he quickly tosses the ball to me behind the 3 point line & I freaked the shot but luckily it went in & we won. After some celebration time, we all went back down to the lockers room, shower up, goofed off while changing then left. I called my dad & he answered.....

Mr. J- Hey son, how was school

Me- Great, where you at

Mr. J- Actually im at the new house

Me- I thought you said it'll be done tomorrow

Mr. J- My former boss bought everything for the house, he even got me 2 cars, a black BMW for me & a burnt orange 2012 Mustang for you

Me- Really, wait you said former boss

Mr. J- Oh more great news, I am the new CEO of the new renamed Jenkins Incorporated

Me- Oh my god congradulations dad

Mr. J- Thanks son

Me- Oh I forgot to tell you, you dont have to pick me up, I got a ride

Mr. J- From who

Me- Hopefully my next boyfriend bye

I hung up & turned to see Pooch holding the passenger door open on his white suburban. I ran to the car & got in. Once he got in, we took off. Luckily he started the conversation...

Pooch- How old are you

Me- Im 15 for 2 weeks

Pooch- You gonna throw a party

Me- Of course

Pooch- How do you know im not a serial killer or something

Me- I dont. How do you know im not

Pooch- Well I got 3 ways of knowing

Me- Do tell

Pooch- Ok. 1: Your eyes. I can tell by your eyes that you scream innocent, 2: Your smile. Its like when you smile the world stops just to see your natural beauty & purness. 3: Body language. Your walk, talk, & movements tells me you just wanna live life. No serial can show beauty, pureness, & happyness the way you do

For a moment, I was on HUSH MODE. Even though he it sounded weird, the way he payed attention to me was kind of sweet. He broke the silence....

Pooch- You ok

Me- Im fine

Pooch- Yes you are

Me- (Laughs) I gotta say that was sweet

Pooch- Well Pooch is known for being sweet

Me- Thats what I wanted to know, is Pooch your real name

Pooch- No its Marion

Me- Where'd Pooch come from

Pooch- (Makes a pouting face)

Me- (Laughs) Aww thats cute

Pooch- Yea my mom said I pouted a lot as a baby & my pouting face looked like a puppy pout & I used to carry around a stuffed puppy named Poochie before I started school, I actually still got him. Then the name just came natural

Me- Im guessing thats why you got a bobble head puppy on your dashboard

Pooch- Yep

We reached the diner & once we sat down in booth, our date only got better. There was a whole lot of laughs, stories, food, we even turned our phones off just to enjoy eachother. We were just having a ball. The mystery was solve, he was athletic, kind, gentle, funny, & a teddy bear. I was loving this guy. Hearing him laugh, seeing hm smile, watchin how much he listened just as much as he talked, oh my gosh. They say their's no such thing as perfect but damn he cuts it pretty close. When we left it was 6 o'clock, & neither on of us wanted it to end so we decided to just go for a ride. He showed me all of the hang out spots, teen clubs, fun sights, even some danger zones. Then after that we rode up to a valley that overlooked the city. We got lucky enough to catch the sunset. We sat on the hood of his truck in silence for all of 20mins, then I decided to break the silence...

Me- This view is just breathtaking, so beautiful

Pooch- Yea. If it were a painting i'd call it "Terrance"

Me- Terrance?

Pooch- Yea, both of you are beautiful & breathtaking

Me- (Sit up) You continue to suprise me

Pooch- Is that good

Me- No (He pouts) Its great (He smiles)

He sits up & for a short moment we both just stare at each other. Our eyes locked on each others. I dont know if it the concentration but his face is getting closer to mines. In no time our lips smashed together. His lips were so soft, smooth, all I could think was more. Our kiss was passionate, gentle, then I felt his tongue enter my mouth. While we were kissing, he placed his hands on my hips while mine wrap around his neck. I dont know what took over me but I was lifting his shirt off. Once it was off, my hands were all over & his were under my shirt caressing my body. We were kissing for what seemed like ages but sadly once I pushed him on his back & climbed on top of him, he stopped us...

Pooch- Wait, wait

Me- What

Pooch- We just met each other today & its already our first date

Me- Where are going with this

Pooch- I just dont want to rush anything else

Me- (Gets off of Pooch) I understand

Pooch- You do

Me- Yea. You want to wait so that when we do have sex it'll be more special

Pooch- Exactly (Notices Terrance shivering) You cold

Me- A little

Pooch- (Hops off the hood & grabs a small blanket from his truck & hops back on) Here

I snuggled up next to Pooch a he wraps the blanket around us both. We layed back against the windsheild, cuddled up together, & Pooch still with his shirt off. I began to day dream & before I knew it I was sleep....

I began to suddenly kiss his abs, chest, nipples, neck, & his mouth. We were going at it for a while & next thing knew, we were naked. We stared grinding against each other as we kissed. Then he head south & swallowed my thick 7 inches whole. His warm, wet mouth felt so overwehlming that I shot 4 wide loads down his throat & he swalled ever single drop. After he cleaned me off, he told me to turn over which I did. He grabbed my ass cheeks, separated them & gave me the rimming of a lifetime. After about 10 mins of rimming, Pooch flipped me over, lifted up my legs, & crawled in between them. He gently pushed in & before I knew it we were fucking like rabbits on the hood of his truck. We fucked so hard we crashed through the windshield....

Pooch- Terrance wake up

Me- (Thinking: Damn it was a dream, I was hoping it was real) Where are we

Pooch- At my house, you said your house was ready so I figured i'll just bring you home

Me- That was nice

Pooch- Im nice. Come on

We got out of the truck & we started walking down the street. I like this guy. Maybe I might lo...

Pooch- Did you have fun

Me- Yea. I said I couldnt wait to get to know you. Now im glad I didn't wait til tomorrow

Pooch- Me too. So do we keep dating, or do we jump right into a relationship

Me- I dont know, what do you think

Pooch- Well even though its our first date and I just met you today, I feel as though we've been on millions of dates & i've known you forever

Me- I think we should...(Chris words for earlier: But also let Trey take you out)...not get into a relationship yet (Pooch sighs & puts his head down)

Pooch- Ok

We continued walking. Oh no I hurt his feelings. Damn why cant this shit be simple. I got 2 guys who likes me & both are sexy, & nice. But only 1 can have me. Well I gotta set a date with Trey. We reached what I think is my new house. We kissed & he told me goodnight & he ran back down toward his house. I hope I didnt mess things up with Pooch. I went into the house & went straight to bed.

Me- (To myself) Let try & keep em dry....



Next: Chapter 2

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