Punishment of a Pee Baby

By T.T.A.

Published on May 31, 2023


The punishment of a pee baby - pt. 2 by Tyler

(end of part 1)

Jeff turned red again. I rubbed the skid mark in his face and got up. As I was getting dressed, I reminded him, "Don't forget, you're my slave for this whole week."

He nodded submissively.

"Come over after dinner tomorrow. Tell your mom you want to sleep over. And I want you to bring a pair of little kids pjs and wear a pair of cartoon undies all day."

"I don't have any of either," he whined.

"Find some," I barked. "Or else!"

(beginning of part 2)

"Heath," my mom yelled, "Jeff's here."


I was lying on my bed in just my boxers and t-shirt when he came in. Jeff was wearing a tshirt and grey cloth shorts.

He closed the door behind him and tossed his backpack on the floor.

"What's in the bag?" I said as I got up.

"PJs and clothes for tomorrow."

I got two towels from my dresser and laid them on my bed. I told Jeff to lie down.

"Piss yourself," I said.


"I said piss yourself."


"Because your my slave and I said so."


"Don't argue!" I barked. "Just do it."

He sighed and lied down. After about 20 seconds of grunting, I saw a small wet spot appear on his grey shorts at the tip of where his tiny dickie was. Then the wetness quickly expanded to cover his shorts and a little of his tshirt. I was fascinated by the whole thing, both by his peeing and by Jeff's unwillingness to even put up a fight for his dignity. Before he was even done peeing, I was totally boned up in my boxers. I rubbed his soaked crotch and felt that Jeff had a little baby erection in his.

"Heath!" my mom called. I went downstairs to see what she wanted. She told me she was going out with some friends and would be back around 11:30 or midnight. I knew she'd be drunk when she got back. I also knew it meant we'd have the house to ourselves for the next 5 hours. I was so happy I forgot about my boner, which my mom noticed tenting out in my boxers. She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Teenage boys." For once, it was my turn to be embarassed.

When I went back to the my bedroom, I left the door open. Jeff asked me what was up but I just said my mom wanted me, figuring the less information he had, the more interesting it would be. I yanked him off the bed and told him to strip to his undies.

"Can you close the door?" he asked.

"No! Now strip!"

He took his shirt off and dropped it on the floor. He untied his wet shorts and dropped them to the floor too. He stood there in only a soaked pair of Pokemon undies.

"Nice!" I laughed.

I yanked them down. He quickly covered his baby dickie.

I inspected his underwear. The back had a giant skid mark and two smaller ones. I shoved it in his face. He coughed.

"Jeff, how come your underwear is all shitty?"



"I guess I don't wipe too good," he whispered.

"Looks like not at all."

He turned his head away. "I do too. I can't help it," he whined.

"Does your mommy ever yell at you for making poopy pants?" I taunted.

"I don't poop my pants," he started crying. "They're just skid marks."

"I said does she yell at you?"

He nodded.

"What does your mommy say?" I slapped his ass hard.

"She says I need to wipe my butt better."

"What else?" I slapped his ass again.

"She says that it's one thing for a 5 year old to have grungy underwear but that I'm 15 and should act like it."

"Anything else?" I slapped hard.

"Once she got so mad that she made me sit on the toilet and showed me how to wipe my butt." His eyes were tearing up.

"When was this?"

"Last month," he gulped.

"Anything else?"

"She always says that if I don't stop acting like a baby she's going to put me in diapers."

"Did she ever?"


"What happened?"


"What happened?" I yelled, slapping his ass as hard as I can.

He started crying, "Ok ok. Once I had to fart. So I ripped one but I guess I had diarehea or something and it came out as crap."

I started laughing.

"So she came in right after it and smelled it and figured it out."

"That you pooped your pants."

He rubbed his teary face with his arm and nodded.

"Say it! Say `Mommy saw that I'd made poopy pants like a baby boy.'"

He sniffed and said it softly.

"When was this?"

"A few weeks ago."

"Then what?"

"Then she went to Wal-Mart or something and made me wear diapers at night for a week."

"Is that why you pee gets you horny?" I slapped his ass again.

His face turned redder than his ass. I laughed.

"I couldn't help it," he said. "She made me not use the bathroom at night so I was always wet. And I always got a stiffie in the morning anyways."

"Stiffie? It's called a hard-on or a boner. For me anyway." I laughed. "But I guess yours is still a little baby stiffie."

I shoved the skid marked rear of his undies in his face again. "Put them on," I ordered.

He did.

"Where'd you get them?"

"I had them when I was like 11 or 12."

"They still fit?"


"Wait... you wore cartoon panties when you were 12?!"

I laughed hysterically. "Does your mom still dress you?"

"No!" he said, defensively.

"I can't believe you wore cartoon undies when you were in 7th grade."

"Just for the first week."


"We had to change for gym and someone saw them and then everyone made fun of me so I made my mom get me regular white ones."

A light bulb went off in my head.

"Wait, is that why everyone called you Batman for a while?"

He blushed. I laughed harder than I'd ever laughed.

I grabbed my camera phone and shot a few pictures of him in just his little boy Pokemon underwear. He asked what I was doing and I said to make sure he was a good slave. He seemed to know the deal.

I stripped off his undies and put them on his head. I grabbed his now shrunken dick. It was difficult because it was so tiny that it barely stuck out of his body at all.

"What a pathetic excuse for a dick," I said. "It's not a dick. It's barely a peepee. Do you need a microscope to jerk it off?"

He shook his head.

"I grabbed the Nirvana `Nevermind' CD my dad gave me and showed it to Jeff. It's the one with the naked baby underwater chasing a dollar bill.

"So?" he said.

"This is an actual baby and his looks bigger than yours soft."

"Stop making fun of me!" he whined like the baby he was.

I slapped his ass and told him to make himself hard. He grabbed his micro-weenie with two fingers and rubbed until it reached its 2 1/4 inch length.

I grabbed the little nail and led him out into the hallway. Jeff panicked when he realized where we were. "Dude is your mom home?"

"I dunno," I lied.

He freaked out.

"Hey dipshit, if you keep making noise, she might come to see what's the matter."

That shut him up in a second.

I led him by his weewee to the bathroom and made him sit on the toilet. "Go potty like a big boy," I taunted as I removed the nasty undies from his head.

I heard him start peeing.

"Damn dude. You just drenched your undies and you still hafta pee? No wonder you're a baby."

He blushed.

I started running the water for the bathtub...


(to be continued)

Feedback welcome. Also, I already have some ideas but I'd love to hear other people's suggestions about what should happen. I don't guarantee I will use all of them but I'll read them and hopefully use some.



Next: Chapter 3

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