
By BNDMaster

Published on Jan 5, 2005



This is an original story by BNDMASTER13@yahoo.com. If you like it please e-mail me. If you want to be this slave boy e-mail me!


As i stand in the shower under the hot water i can feel my cock springing to attention. As the hot water beats on it i envision what it would feel like to just grab it and start stroking it to a glorious climax. i reach up to play with my tits and then one hand grabs my throbbing cock. Before I actually start stroking it however i catch myself. Oh thank God, praise all that is holy, what if my MASTER had caught me fondling myself. I know better! The cock and balls between my legs do not belong to me. The tits on my chest do not belong to me. They are HIS, not mine. i can wash them, shave them but other than that i am not permitted to touch them, period, without HIS permission. i remember the last time HE caught me stroking my cock. HE tied me down and took HIS penis whip to my cock until i thought i would die. Just having my pants touch it during the day at work for the next week was almost more than i could stand. My MASTER believes that a horny slave is a happy slave. HE recently showed me a quote of the MR. S web site, "When the balls are full the mind is empty." That has always been his belief. Trust me my balls are almost always full and all i can think about is how to please HIM. i have learned while being HIS slave that HIS satisfaction, HIS pleasure, fulfilling HIS desires are what makes me happy.

i step out of the shower and dry myself off. Studiously avoiding touching my cock and balls anymore than need. i am feeling extremely guilty for my actions of a moment ago. i know that to clean my conscience i would have to tell my MASTER. Yes HE would punish me but HE would also be proud of me for stopping myself.

After i finished drying myself off i went to the library where i knew my MASTER would be. Before i get dressed for work i must present my slave body for HIS inspection. HE was seated at HIS desk and i walked into the room head bowed and hands clasped behind my back and waited for HIM to acknowledge my presence. After a minute i heard HIM rise and walk over to me. HE always chooses what type of restraint i will wear under my clothes while at work. i feel HIS eyes on me as HE inspects my slave body. HE then hands me the cock and ball harness i am to wear today. It is a leather cock ring with a attached ball stretcher. HE stands there as i snap the ring on, then pull my balls down and snap the ball stretcher in place. HE grabs my balls and give them a good tug and tells me to go get ready for work. i ask HIM for permission to speak and after HE grants it i tell HIM that i had played with my tits and almost played with my cock in the shower. Just the simple act of telling HIM makes me feel better. i am HIS slave after all HIS property. HE reaches up and grabs both my tits and squeezes them hard. HE reminds me that they are HIS to play with not mine. HE also reminds me that i actually had touched the cock HE owns when i was not supposed to. i knew better HE informed me. HE also said HE was proud of me for stopping myself and for telling HIM, but i still would be punished. HE needed to remind me that i belonged to HIM and that i was not allowed to touch my cock and balls, PERIOD. HE ordered me to go get a butt plug and put it in. Then i was to return so HE could ensure it was firmly in place. HE did not specify which one. This meant HE was testing me to see what one i would choose knowing what i had just done. Needless to say i chose a large one. It stretched my hole wide and would be uncomfortable to have in all day long. But i felt it was what i deserved after all. i returned to let HIM inspect the plug. HE could tell which one i had chosen and i received a pat on my ass which told me HE was pleased with it. HE sent me to get dressed and get to work. HE said we would take care of my punishment that evening. Needless to say it was a long day at work. The butt plug began to get sore as the day wore on and wearing it seemed to keep my cock in a almost constant state of arousal. The cock ring and ball stretcher assisted quite a bit in this too. When 5pm finally arrived and i could head home i was very relieved.

When i arrived home i stripped at the door which was one of MASTER's requirements. When in the house i must be naked at all times or in whatever clothes HE chooses. As i took off my pants my cock sprang to attention. But after this morning just the sight of it sticking up hard made me immediately move my hands away from it. i took my clothes to my closet to hang them up and found a note from my MASTER taped to the door. HE was out and would be back about 7pm. i was to fix myself a sandwich to eat and then go into the library were there would be further instructions. HE did not give me permission to take off the cock ring or remove the ass plug so i knew i was to leave them in place.

After eating i went into the library as instructed. On MASTER's desk was instructions and the items i needed to carry them out. i was to put on all the items, kneel on the floor, and wait for HIM to come home. i started with leather wrist and ankle cuffs for which HE had given me a lock for each one. Then came a leather cock gag strapped around my head. Next a set of tit clamps. i hate putting tit clamps on myself but i got them firmly set in place. HE had also given me a weight that i was to hang from the connecting chain. It was just heavy enough to put a good pressure on my tits. i knew from experience that they would get sore quickly. Next came a full hood with no eye holes or mouth hole just holes at the nose to breath through. This laced up the back and then locked at the neck with a padlock. After getting fully into the hood i then picked up the last three locks which i had positioned so i could find them easily after i could not see. i knelt on the floor and put one lock through the d-rings on my ankle cuffs, locking my ankles together. Then i put another one through the d-rings on my wrist cuffs locking my wrists together behind my back. Then the final one went through these two locks locking my wrists to my ankles. So now here i was locked in a kneeling position hands behind my back, mouth gagged, head hooded, nipples clamped waiting for my MASTER to come home. HIS note had said HE would be home about 7pm. As i finished i heard the clock strike the half hour so it was 6:30 now. i only had a half hour to wait. My mind was racing wondering just what punishment HE had planned for me. Whatever it was i deserved it. i knew better after all. i belonged to HIM, my cock and balls were HIS not mine.

i heard the clock in the hall strike 7. HE should be home anytime now. My tits hurt, my ass hurt, my knees were starting to hurt a little. i waited locked in my hood. The clock struck the half hour again 7:30. i had been waiting and hour. My tits had gone numb, but my ass hurt. With nothing else to think about than the plug it felt immense and it had been stretching my whole all day. My knees hurt too and with my hands and feet locked so close together there was very little i could do to adjust my position short of falling over on my side. But MASTER had said i was to be kneeling. If HE found me on my side HE would be furious. Finally i heard to door open and foot steps in the hall. MASTER was home. i waited to hear HIM enter the library. Finally after what seemed forever i heard HIM come in. HIS footsteps walked across the room and i heard HIM pouring himself a drink. Then HE was in front of me. One hand grabbed the chain connecting the tits clamps and pulled on it. HE pulled until the clamps popped off sending waves of pain rushing into my chest. One hand reached out to stroke my inflamed tits sending more pain through my chest. "Ready to begin your punishment boy?" HE asks. He then reattaches the clamps to my tits. God they hurt. i hear him move across the room and take a seat. HE is watching me writhing in pain and HE sits there calmly sipping HIS drink.

Just as the fire in my tits starts to tone down HE walks back over grabs the chain and yanks the clips off again. i thought it had hurt the first time now i knew better. This time he grabs both tits with his fingers and massages them. Once again sending pain coursing through my chest. If i was not gagged i would be screaming but all i can get out are muffled sobs. As HE pulls on my tits HE tells me that playing with them is what started my problem this morning so He thought it only appropriate if He used them to remind me of my place as HIS slave. HE waits a moment and reattaches the clamps adding an extra weight that He lets drop onto my chest. Yes my ass still hurts, my knees are aching but all i can focus on is the pain in my tits that engulfs my whole chest. i hear HIM walk back across the room to fix HIMSELF another drink returning to HIS chair. It takes longer this time for the numbness to start in but just as it does HE is front of me again grabbing the chain and pulling. How long will this go on? But i deserve the punishment i knew better that to touch my tits and attempt to play with my cock.

After what seems and eternity HE finally stops. I have now idea how long this has been going on. i have lost all track of time. HE unlocks my feet and helps me stand up. HE puts HIS arms around me and hugs my tight. HE says HE loves me and is proud of HIS slave boy. HE asks if i think i have learned my lesson. i nod my head yes as i am still gagged and cannot talk. HE reaches behind me and pulls out the plug that has been in my ass all day. After so long it feels like part of me is being removed. HE leads me to the bathroom and then to bed. HE helps me into bed leaving the hood and gag on and my hands locked behind my back. HE crawls in next to me and puts his arms around me pulling my body to HIS. i wish so bad my hands were not bound so i could hug him back. i wish my gag was out so i could kiss him and tell HIM how much i love HIM. i love HIM so much and am so sorry i disappointed HIM and made HIM have to punish me. As we lay there HE inserts HIS penis in my ass. HE doesn't fuck me just puts it in and pulls me to HIM. i fall asleep in HIS arms. My tits are so sore i can hardly stand it but i am so happy. During the night HE wakes me up by running HIS hands over my sore tits. One touch and i am awake. HE slowly fucks my ass until HE climaxes then we both drift back to sleep. What more could any slave want than to be held by his MASTER. What more could i ask for. How could i have disappointed HIM by playing with what does not belong to me anymore.

We wake the next morning and MASTER frees me so i can get ready for work. My tits ache so bad that just the air blowing on them hurts. What will my shirt feel like all day.

As usual i present myself in the library after my shower. HE informs me there will be no cock ring today, HE has something different for me to wear to remind me of being HIS slave all day. HE hands me a white t-shirt. It surprises me as HE never allows me to wear t-shirts to work. Then i realize that inside it just at the level of my nipples are two large pieces of velcro. Not the soft side but the hard plastic side. As i pull it over my head the velcro brushes my nipples and sends pain through them. i realize that all day long they will rub on my sore tits making them hurt and reminding me of last night. It is going to be another long day. EPILOGUE:

It has been two weeks since that night and i will never forget that punishment session. i had to wear that t-shirt all week. It took forever for my tits to stop hurting. As i stand in the shower this morning the water plays on my hard cock. Without thinking my hands reach for my tits. Before they get there though that night springs to mind and i pull my hand back. i am my MASTER's slave and my tits, cock, and balls are HIS property not mine. Failure to obey will get me punished and the last punishment is still to fresh in my mind. The pain, the torment!? Maybe i should touch them just to get punished again?! What do you think?

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