Public Wish

Published on Dec 20, 1998



We were nuts! It was spring! And we all had to get away!

So, skipping classes, the bunch of us piled into Claire's old pontiac convertible and got as far away from the campus as possible.

"I know a great place" Matthew announced and gave Clair driving instructions. The sun was baking us and our shirts were the first thing to go. In fact, I peeled mine off and threw it into the air.

A couple of the other guys did the same..but others kept theirs in the car. The joint passed around to get us into an even more careless mood. I savored the wetness of the joint that Matthews big hands had passed to me. In case you don't get it, I had a thing for Matthew.

He was squared jawed, had a goatee that robbed him of some of his boyish looks, great round shoulders and a chest that others pumped iron for hours trying to get.

Matt had been a jock in high school, swimmer and now in college just went to classes and played lawn sports..not competitive. "I'm not that good" he explained.

But the times I saw his body move while playing touch football on the dorm lawn..his shirtless body gleaming, his lycra short displayed buttocks tightening as he ran, his thick developed legs moving in all directions to avoid oncomers...I knew he was good enough...for me. The group was composed of a cross section of guys..all horny, like most freshmen, and all seemed compatible.

We'd pile up in one or the other room late at night to jokes, smoke, drink and kid each other about most anything. Modesty didn't seem to be a problem either, as we seemed to strip to our underwear or towels around each other and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere.

This was quite a change for me. As an only child, being naked in high school showers was a major lifestyle change.... But somehow in college, it was natural.

Wrestling, towel flipping and goosing each other was an ongoing activity. I stepped into the shower late at night one time to see one of the group soaping and massaging the bare body of another. I excused myself, but they told me to stick around. I did and we three soaped and jacked off together.

Masturbation was almost a full time occupation for us too. My roomie, Jake seemed to have a perpetual erection and I'd turn over in bed to give him privacy..which he didn't seem to care about.

Upon occasion I didn't roll over and saw him pump himself into an obsessive state and my own cock demanded attention.

It was Jake who got me to be relaxed about it..and even volunteered to help me out whenever I wanted if I would help him out.

We did it a few times....not as lovers...but like horny we both obviously were then and in our younger years.

Exams were coming, we were all cramming and unanamously got to the breaking point. So that's why we all were escaping.

After a stop at McDonald's we drove off the highway onto a dirt road that led us through farmland and finally to a grassy area, near a creek bed and knew we'd be there as long as life would allow.

Frisbee, football and horsing around were the activities. Guys stripped to their boxers, one to his jockeys, I wore my cutoffs. Barefoot and nearly naked the 8 of us were soaking up as much sun, air, comraderie and fun as possible.

Exhausted, we lay around talking, smoking and eating the triple orders of hamburgers, fries, cokes and then started drinking the beer and wine we brought along too. Pointless jokes, giggles, dirty stories, gossip and private kidding abounded.

"I know what we need to do to make this day special" my roommate Jake announced "Let's play make a wish". Claire seemed enthused as did a few of the others.

"What's that?" Matthew, my focus of many masturbations, asked the same question I and others had.

"Each of us reveals a private wish and the rest of us makes it come true" Most of the guys were hesitant and confused.

"OK I'll start," Jake said "I wish I could see a guy suck himself off" There was lots of joking about this one, one or two guys claimed they did it when they were kids.

"I can do it" Claire said. He was already dropping his boxer shorts. His cock, which we all had seen before, was indeed long. Claire stroked it until it hardened and then lay on the ground and threw his legs over his head...straining and stroking ..... his cock soon got so close to his mouth, this toungue touched it.

We all applauded then Claire had his cock in his own mouth and was sucking and sucking.....we grew quiet except for an occasional envious comment as Claire sucked himself until he was gushing all over his own face.

Applause followed and Claire stood and bowed as if he had finished a performance on the stage.

"OK who's next?" Jake said.

"I wish," Sammy, the only African American among us, "we all didn't have to go back" We all laughed and agreed on that one.

"OK I know my roommate has a wish" Jake looked at me "come on don't be shy" I shook my head...I didn't know what he was fishing for. "It involves one of us doesn't it?" he pressed. I was blushing now knowing what he was talking about.

During one late night of the two of us jacking off and drinking wine until all hours, I admitted my lust for Matthew. I admitted I had been with guys. I admitted wanting to feel Matthews strong hands on my hips as he fucked me until I couldn't take it.

"If you don't say, I will" Jake wasn't going to let this go. "OK OK, there's a guy I'd love to have sex with" I muttered

There were lots of "oooossss" "ahhhs" and other comments. The fact I was probably gay didn't seem to be a surprise to them. But then, since several of us had played around, perhaps it wasn't seen as being gay but as just being horny.

"Matthew, what do you have to say to that?" Jake said. I could have killed him. "Cool. If that's what he wants let's help him out. Who is it?" Matthew looked at me.

He stared for a moment then realized, without my words, he was the focus of my lust.

"Ok men, let's get him ready" I was pulled to my feet and my cutoffs unbuttoned so they fell to the ground.

I was pushed to the ground on my hands and knees and my cock freely stroked by Jake or someone. I dind't know who. It was kind of a blur.

Jake pushed Matthew in front of me and pulled the guys cock out of his boxers pulling it so Matthew moved closer to my face.

His cock was being pressed against my lips and my tongue reached for it. I sucked him...feeling his meaty cock grow harder and harder in my mouth. "look at him go..." "I knew it" "He's done this before" and other comments were heard..but there was a buzz in my ears too that made me keep sucking.

I did jump when fingers were on my bare butt..and poking at my butthole.

"Relax, we're just getting you ready" Sammy said. His fingers were spreading some sort of stuff in my asshole. That alone almost made me cum. This was surreal. I, the modest, lusting, quiet kid from Malone, Ohio was now naked, on my hands and knees sucking the cock of another student while others watched. And while one of them was finger fucking me.

"OK, it's time" Jake announced.

"I could hurt him" Matthew said.

"Look he's not running away" Jake said. It was true, I still on my hands and knees eventhough the cock I had been sucking was out of my mouth and nobody was holding me down. I closed my eyes imagining I was watching the whole scene.

The two large hands rested on my hips. I shivered. I could feel his body heat as Matthew moved closer....his cock pressed against my asslips. I found myself pushing back.

"Whoa, fella, let me do it" Matthew said. His gentle slap on my butt made everybody laugh.

It hurt as he opened me up. I had seen his fat cock in the showers but assumed my ass could accomodate it if ever I had the chance. What if it couldn't I thought?

"relax ..." Jake was kneeling in front of me now. I opened my eyes long enought to see his cock was rock hard and sticking out of his shorts. His hands were under me now and finding my nipples.

Jake found out sometime ago that if he played with my nipples it made me even hornier. And it did. I relaxed and Matthew was inside me.

I longed for the feeling of his thick brown patch of pubic hair rubbing against my smooth butt..and when it did. I knew he was totally inside me now.

His hands moved and found a grip on my bare hips. I imagined seeing him holding onto me as he began to move his own round buttocks inward.

His cock moved inside me. It was a strange sensation....when he pulled outwards, sensations that only a dildo and a great bowel movement had given me before sent shivers through my entire body.

I moved my butt back until his cock was inside me again. It took a bit of trying but soon his thrusts and my hip movements got into synch and we were fucking ... actually fucking. Jake had made it happen. Perhaps this entire day was arranged just to make it happened. Jake may have gotten everyone in on the plan too.

I opened my eyes long enough to see the others around us. Some were jacking off, one couple were playing with each other, Claire had one of the other guy's head in his lap...apparently sucking his cock. Everyone was enjoying the show and themselves.

Jake's cock had never been in my mouth. But I opened my lips, waved my tongue and it was soon resting on my tongue. I had to thank him..I needed to suck a cock while being fucked...his fingers stayed on my nipples and I was in a place that self provided pleasure had never given me.

Matt's cock plunged hard then moved slowly. His hand slapped my ass to make me clench his cock harder..then they massaged my butt, stroked my back and my thighs..then grabbed my flesh as he quickened his action....

I heard the slapping of his body against mine. As he fucked faster and faster, again I imagined watching his beautiful body gleaming with sweat of his effort, undulating as his back muscles caused his butt to push forward, his chest tightening, his legs trembling as mine were, his mouth opened to gasp for as much oxygen as he needed.

"Shiiiitttttt" he hissed as he came deep inside me.

"Christ" I responded...feeling my own, untouched cock, spewing out it's load. Jakes cock was in his hand and he was pumping furiously ..aiming his cockhead towards me.

"Don't pull out until it's soft" I pleaded with Matthew. He held my hips while he recovered..moved his body so his softening cock made itself known inside me.

Jakes cum splattered all over my face and hair. I heard others curse and sigh as they too joined the spermfest.

Matthew withdrew and I missed his cock as soon as it was out of me.

We all lay around for awhile, resting and recovering. One or two guys were running naked and playing frisbee as we watched. A football game followed with some of us still naked others in shorts.

The sun was angled so we knew that afternoon was about to turn into evening and our day...the special escape...the self revealing time..was about to end.

We never spoke about that day until years later. I had gone back to my room, taken a shower with many of the same guys in the dorm floor group shower and then crashed.

In the middle of the night, Jake woke me to say he was going to Larry's for the night. Larry was a buddy off campus. As he left, another person entered and stood in the darkness.

"Can I stay" the voice asked and he began to strip before I answered. He knew the answer.

I felt his warmth as his body moved into my bed. He moved close to me, his big hands reached for me and I lay on his beautiful chest. Our legs intertwined and our breathing filled the we both slept together.

Waking up with Matthew was all I had ever dreamed about..hard cocks, hands, mouths, sperm everywhere and both of us late for class, him dashing out naked carrying his clothes to go to his own room. Everyone who may have been in the hall knew.

But then, everyone knew..and I didn't care. My private wish had become public and fulfilled.

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