Public Flip Flop Licker

By moc.duolci@6381yytrohs

Published on May 10, 2019


I woke up with wet boxers and sheets, how embarrassing. I can't understand how I had a wet dream when I beat off twice before I fell asleep. I was so excited to see him again that I gave myself whiplash when I turned my head to see what time it was. I had two hours until noon, the same time he arrived yesterday.

Those two hours were the slowest hours of my life. I was so anxious that I arrived at 11:15. I went to the same bench and anxious waited. A small part of me wanted to walk around the park for a little while, just to help pass the time. I would have, but I didn't want him to show up and me not be here. He's expecting me, and I doubt he would want to wait around.

By 12:30 I was starting to have bad thoughts. As each minute passed I got more emotional. I know he's just a stranger, but I was so excited to see him again that I really built it up in my head. The thought of him ditching me made me feel sad, and as time kept ticking on I just got even more sad.

Just as I was about to get up, I saw him! He didn't have on leather flip flops, they were green. And they looked like he's had them for a while. He was nonchalantly making his way over to the bench, not a care in his mind. Meanwhile I've been sitting here since 11 o'clock falling to pieces waiting on this man. I couldn't be any more pathetic, at least that's what I thought. As I thought about how pathetic I was I realized I had a raging boner, and I wasn't even trying to conceal it.

I got so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't even notice the tall blonde hunk walking with him. He was a little taller, sandy blonde hair, sexy sunglasses, had orange shorts and a pair of white and orange flip flops. The two of them walked up and sat down on the bench. I was so excited I couldn't believe myself.

"Dude she was such a bitch for that" the blonde dude said, laughing just like a total douche would.

"Man that's not even the half of it though" my guy from yesterday responded. Fuck. He's not gonna introduce me or even say hi, and he brought a friend! Abort mission? But I just waited here for almost three hours! There's no way I can abort this mission. His green flip flops look delicious. I kept staring, they just kept talking. Green flip flops must have noticed me staring because he kicked his foot out of the right one and started flexing and wiggling his toes. My shorts got wet when he did that, either from drool or precum. I honestly don't know which.

They just kept chatting, talking about some chick they both kept saying was crazy. I was workin up the nerve. It took me almost ten minutes, then I finally just unleashed my inhibitions and did it.

I got on my knees on the sidewalk in front of them. Blonde was talking, my guy was listening. He looked over as I was kneeling, then got this big smile on his face when he saw me. He let blonde finish his sentence, then said "I think this guy wants our attention bro".

Shit. They both looked at me, blonde unsure of what's happening and his friend was laughing. He knew what he was doing, and he really did it. I was more humiliated than I had ever been in my entire life, but why stop now. I'm already kneeling on the cement.

"Um, hi Sir. Can I uh-clean your uh-Flip flops again for you please? I brought you a $20" I asked my guy from yesterday, shaking with embarrassment and disgust with myself. Blonde wasn't sure what in the word I was talking about. "You wanna pay me $20 to lick these nasty flip flops I'm wearing?" He asked, smiling the smuggest smile I've ever seen this close up.

"Yes I do, Sir. Please Sir" I said, looking down at their toes. The blonde guy had a smile on his face too, once he figured out what I wanted to do. His sunglasses made it unclear of what he really felt about it, but I did see his mouth smile so I knew he had to be amused to some degree. I was lost in thought when I felt a smack on my face.

"The money fag! The fuck You waiting for? Ive had my hand out you stupid faggot. Damn your a spacey little foot queer, are my toes that distracting?" He demanded. I didn't realize I was just sitting there and he was waiting for his money, I really felt like a stupid faggot. I handed it to him and he kicked his left flip flop off.

"Make sure they are clean!" He said, emphasizing the last word. I bent down and started licking.

If it's possible his green flip flops tasted even better than the white ones from yesterday! I was lapping it up, listening to the conversation happening above my head. "Dude do you know this faggot?" Blonde asked. "Bro yesterday he paid me $20 to do this. Your remember my white Puma's? This dude paid to eat my foot funk and dirt off them. He even licked the bottoms bro, I don't even know what I've stepped in. He's a weird one. I told him meet me here tomorrow, I think I was kinda late today though." He explained, giggling between words.

"Well fuck dude, I want mine cleaned too! Pay me $20 faggot, get `em real good too. I've had them two years now and they've been neglected. You should've told me bro I could've brought some more for him to clean up too." He said, excited. My dick was so hard listening to them, i suddenly realized heaven must be real. I don't know how I got lucky enough to make it into heaven, but I knew I was there. Luckily I did have another 20 in my pocket, I reached for it and handed it to blonde.

"Thank you so much Sir. I promise I won't disappoint Sir" I said as I handed it to him.

"Yeah, you're welcome fag. Looks delicious, huh?" He taunted me, kicking off his slides and sticking his foot out. "Why don't you suck on my big toe for a few minutes fag. Just the big toe" he said, scrunching the other four toes down and leavin his big toe pointing up.

I dove right in. I sucked that toe like it was the last toe I'd ever see again. I sucked it like a starving baby on a tit. "Bro I had a chick that was into feet last year, and I've never felt something so amazing in my life! It's almost as good as head dude. I love having my toes sucked on. Shits hot as fuck, and it feels incredible." Blonde explained to his friend who was amused at my sucking. "Other four toes now, all at once fag. Keep sucking" he said, sitting back with a grin.

"I'll have to try it" He said back with a laugh. "Alright fag, get the fuck off my feet! Your supposed to be cleaning, get to work." He demanded, sounding like a teacher scolding the class clown. This blonde guy was goofy, and I absolutely loved it. I could tell he was having fun taunting and fucking with me. I immediately dropped to the green slides and got to work.

I licked bottom to top, savoring the flavor. I couldn't help myself, I was panting like a dog in August. I was so horny I was panting and licking like a crazy person. The park was still quiet, but I was sure it was going to become alive and busy here soon.

Just as I was thinking about how quiet it was, except for the two chatting about various guy stuff above me, I heard a woman's voice. "Oh hell no, is that dude doing what it looks like?" She said with a laugh. "Ooh girl that's nasty! There's some weird people in Florida! And they're right in the park!" She shrieked. "Girl this is crazy. Let's go to the beach, I ain't coming to this park again." The first girl replied. I get so embarrassed, but I kept licking.

Blonde got up and started walking toward the bathroom. I kept licking, switching to the next green slide. After licking for about a minute, my guy from yesterday lightly kicked the side of my face with his left foot. "Hey faggot, you wanna suck on my toes?" He asked, sticking his left foot out and wiggling his toes. "Y-y-yes Sir, I D-d-do" I stammered, shaking with excitement.

"I might let you one day." He said, putting his foot down on the sidewalk. "The problem is, I don't want some little faggot laying in bed touching his dick and thinking about my toes in his mouth." He said in a stern tone. "You find a way to assure me that you can't go home and beat off, and I'll let you pay me some more money to lick my feet" he said, wiggling his toes with a wicked smile on his face.

"Yes Sir, but Sir how do I do that?" I asked timidly. "I'm sure a freaky little fag like you can figure a way out" he laughed, then reached his foot up and pushed the back of my head down to his flip flop. "Get your ass back to work boy" he said cockily, and I stuck my tongue out and kept licking.

Blonde got back, and it was time to switch to his. I licked his oversized orange flip flop, and the taste surprised me. This man had a real salty taste, it was mainly sweat. There wasn't too much dirt mixed in, it was basically just concentrated sweat.

I absolutely loved the taste of his flip flops! They continued chatting, not caring about the pathetic dude who paid them to lick their sweat up. "Dude look over there" I heard a young guys voice say from a distance. Shortly after I heard laughs, it sounded like more than one or two people. I kept licking, savoring this mans sweet flavor.

"Whoa dude, is he licking your flip flops?" Some random guy asked. "Sure is, he paid for it." Blonde replied with a shit eating grin. "Man my slides are dirty as fuck, can he lick mine too?" The man asked. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, this guy was asking the other two about using me. Like I was just a towel he needed to borrow, like I belonged to them. The thought sent tingles down my shaft, I was shaking with excitement. "Sure bro, go ahead." Blonde replied. "Hey foot bath, my new friend here needs you to clean his when your done with mine!" He demanded me. The new guy sat down, that's when I noticed how dirty his slides we're. He had tall skinny feet, he was wearing generic blue and gray sandals, and they were covered with dirt. This dudes sandals were filthy. I was nervous, but for some reason I felt like I couldn't say no. The blonde guy told him I would do it, so I felt like I had to do it. I told him I wouldn't disappoint him when I paid him, and I meant it.

Time sped by as I kept licking on the last orange flip flop, nervous about moving onto the next one. I learned from listening that blue and gray flip flops name was Brian. When he introduced himself blonde introduced himself as Reggie and my brown head from yesterday introduced himself as J.

I finally got Reggie's sexy sandals as clean as a tongue could get them, then I hesitated. I didn't realize for how long I hesitated, not until I felt a slap to my face. I heard Reggie's voice demanding "Hey shit head, your being rude! My friend doesn't have all day to wait for you to sit and think about your life and all the dicks you'd like to take up your little faggot ass. Get to work! And get out a 20 for my new friend." He slapped me in the face again and pushed my head down.

Fuck. These guys are starting to get expensive. I had a good job though, so I wasn't too concerned. I luckily just got a wad of cash from the bank, so thankfully I had it for him. I reached out and handed it to him. I heard J clear his throat. I got nervous, I instantly thought I was doing something wrong. "You lost your manners boy? Say thank you!" Jay demanded, playfully over dramatizing it, just to humiliate me even more.

"I'm Sorry Sir J, thank you so much Sir Brian! I will not disappoint you Sir." I said, submissively like a good faggot. "Shut up and eat" Reggie said, pushing my head down with his dirty foot. As he raised it I got a look at his sole, and it got pretty dirty from walking to the bathroom barefoot.

I dove down and licked Brian's right flip flop, and it tasted nasty. It had some sweat taste, but it was mostly dirt. I don't think this guy washes his feet very often. "Eww that guys gonna get sick doing that!" Some girl hollered. The guy with her said "Shh, don't say anything. The sick fuck probably gets turned on when people notice it". I just kept licking. The park wasn't as busy as yesterday, but there was some traffic. A lot of people just walked by and snickered, some just didn't react at all. It was only a few who spoke, and some of them were bold. "Bro look at that! What a fucking faggot man. I feel bad for it's dad" some young guy was saying, probably to his douche bag friends. "Damn Bro that is some sick shit" one of his friends replied. I was shaking with horniness, beyond excited.

"Alright boy, Reg and I are about to head out. You finish with our new friend, we will meet you here again tomorrow. And be early, not a minute later than 11. Remember what we talked about" he winked, and I watched him leave. I watched his sole as he stepped, I couldn't wait to get my tongue on it. I kept licking Brian's filthy slides. It took me two hours, but I finally got them to his satisfaction. "Bro they get dirty pretty fast. You should give me your phone number in case I need to use you again." He said, like a chill stoner dude. I couldn't believe the audacity he had, but it was hot as fuck. "Yes sir" and I gave it to him.

Probably wasn't a good idea, but I gave Brian my number. He walked away, commenting on how fresh and clean his slides felt. I had a park full of people watching me leave, either laughing at me, or staring with judgmental glares.

I hurried back to my house and got inside. I beat off three times, completely amazed at the day I just had. I licked six flip flops clean, got to meet the incredibly sexy Reggie who was coming back tomorrow, and I got my sexy man from yesterday! And now Brian has my cell phone number, who knows when or how often he's going to call me. I couldn't believe how pathetic I was, but I also felt like I was finding myself. I felt really happy, a feeling I hadn't known before meeting J yesterday.

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