Psychic Detective

By Jake Preston

Published on Jun 1, 2014


Psychic Detective 39 By: Jake Preston

This is a work of erotic gay fiction, intended for readers who enjoy a murder mystery in which fully developed characters interact sexually and in other ways. Their sexual encounters are sometimes romantic, sometimes recreational, sometimes spiritual, and almost always described explicitly. My attention is equally divided between narrative, character development, and sex scenes. If you don't care for this combination, there are many other excellent "nifty" stories to choose from. And remember that while nifty stories are free, maintaining a website is not. Please think about donating at

Writing is usually a solitary avocation, but not necessarily so on, where a longer story appears in installments. If my characters and my story grab your attention, you can always intervene with suggestions for improvements. All sincere comments will get a response!

Jake, at

Chapter 39 The Serpent and the Cenote, I

If you're wondering what happened on the night of Good Friday between Göran and Xiu or Jésus and Pablo and the other Papantlas, all I can say is that the author is not omniscient and can only be in once place at a time. Our cast of characters seemed well-refreshed when they gathered at Juan Carlos Hotel at noon for their caravan-drive south to Chichen Itza and the Papantla acrobats were less interested in sex than in persuading Xiu to act as their official Master of Cermonies, as he had done improvisationally on Good Friday. Salvador and Jésus gossiped about the east-side gossips they met over breakfast with Señor and Señor García, and how Jack deflected questions about how and where he slept with unvarnished tales of Albino and his scenes of ritual murder, the talk of Mérida's east side for weeks to come. However so, a new romance seemed to be brewing between Jack and Antón Sandro González, and this was facilitated by Arcaño Xlachihuitl's flirtation with Salvador. Arcaño was sincere in his affection, and his sincerity was bolstered by the consideration that it would not be disadvantageous for the Papantla acrobats to have a high-ranking friend in the Policía in Mérida.

If these shifting alliances seem revolting, dear Reader, maybe you haven't been gay long enough to appreciate the nuances of gay psychology. Gay psychology is like pagan religion: polytheistic and syncretic, always ready to admit new members into the pantheon of gods. By contrast, straight sex is monogamous, if only hypocritically so, and in that respect resembles monotheism, which admits only one God, a jealous one, and rejects all other divinities as vain idols, even though they look and act like gods. Gay sexual partners get along fine without monogamy and the hypocrisy that goes with it.

Between their flirtations our cast of nine characters (ten counting Señorita María Santana) talked about safety, something the Papantlas had never worried about before Albino. Their plan was to stick together and for that the strategist was Göran. "I think he's after Pablo, but that's just a theory," Göran said. "Albino is an opportunist and he'll take any of us if he gets the chance. And other thing, gentlemen, Albino's got an accomplice who is probably good looking and skilled at seduction, so don't even think about straying from our group for any reason."

In the late afternoon sun, the Papantlas raised the ya'axche-pole and assembled the safety-net, assisted by Göran, Jack, Salvador, and Xiu. It was a way to stick together, and it gave Jack a chance to work with Antón and Salvador with on Arcaño. María Santana offered to do her bit by fetching beverages for the men, but Göran advised against this: "You're probably safe because Albino has always attacked men, but he's targeted all the Papantlas and now that he's got a new accomplice, who knows what they'll do next?" So María pitched in with the safety- net.

When the work was finished, Xiu led everyone on a guided tour. He was an expert on Uxmal, but he had worked Chichen Itza before. He showed them the Grand Pyramid where the serpent-image would appear the next day. After a walk through the other pyramids and the ceremonial ball-court, he led them to the edge of a forested gully and they followed a wooded trail to a cenote that Xiu said was the most sacred one. Xiu pointed out a huge tree with a branch overhanging the gully. It offered a view of the cenote if you were a bird, and he said it was a ya'axche, in Spanish called ceiba. Jack and Göran and Salvador surveyed the terrain as if it were a battlefield. They looked for a pair of vultures, but it was too early for bird-watching.

In the evening, the Papantlas performed their mock-combat dance outside their hotel at the edge of Chichen Itza. This drew a crowd and enough money in tips to pay the hotel bill, although the acrobats would have done it in any case, just for the exercise. The star athletes were Antón González and Arcaño Xlachihuitl, at least in Jack's eyes, and Salvador's. Göran, who had taken charge of such matters, arranged for them to have adjoining rooms on condition that they keep the door between them open and the front doors locked and chained. One of those rooms was registered under Pablo Rivera's name, but after the reassignment of beds it was Göran with Xiu and Jésus with Pablo in one room, together with Alfredo Tloxhuitl who was free to choose his bed-partners and when he did he would get to sleep in the middle if he wanted. Señorita María Santana had the adjoining room to herself, on condition that the door between the two rooms would be left open as a security measure.

When Jack and Antón González washed each other in the shower (it was really a bathtub with a showerhead), the interaction of two athletic bodies could have been an airbrushed scene in an XXX-rated movie. Each man was beautiful to the other and seemed unconscious of his own beauty. Jack was the bigger man but Antón was stronger and more aggressive. His hands were mouths ravenous to devour every rise and tumescence in contourous Jack, and then they were periscope-like projections and Antón the octopus pried into crannies, each one more appealing than the last and he seemed to want all of them. Antón kissed aggressively and slapped butt and Jack spread his legs and braced against the wall while Antón stepped behind and drove his sudsy cock into Jack and they took care not to trip each other in the bathtub while Jack arched and groaned. When they got into bed, Jack felt compliant for fucking but Antón wanted to explore the square inches of Jack's body with the tongue of an ant-eater. The rim job readied his ass for conquest but Antón had other ideas. He lay on his back with his ass propped on a pillow and frog-legged and motioned for Jack to get in the saddle.

This is what Salvador anticipated but his experience with Arcaño Xlachihuitl was not quite the same. Arcaño was generous with his body, a festive sensation with no touch forbidden, but he gave as he got and Salvador found himself on the receiving end of anatomical explorations that flattered him past the point of resistance. The realization crept into Salvador's mind that Arcaño was a top and he thought they should talk about that, but when he raised the matter, Arcaño replied in Nahautl, the speech of the aztecos. He made explicit proposals in that language and accompanied them by obscene gestures to clarify the meaning. When Salvador gestured that he understood Arcaño's words and said "Sí, sí!" it was in direct response to Arcaño's announcement in Nahautl that it was time to penetrate him now and Arcaño resolved the ambiguity by synching into him and Salvador's self-proclaimed virginity came to an end. Salvador toned down to it and Arcaño said he was grateful that Salvador agreed to make an exception in his case. Salvador never said anything like that but now it was true and because now he was in love, as he hadn't been before, Arcaño was a permanent exception.

Xiu and Göran slept three-in-a-bed with Alfredo Tloxhuitl and Antón had no cause to complain about the give and take of a Saturday night. Next night, he promised, he'd bed with Jésus and Pablo so his sex-wearied partners could get a night's sleep. It was the policy of Paplanta acrobats not to have sex with each other, Pablo reminded Alfredo, but Alfredo replied, "That's okay, Pablo. I plan to devote my attention to nailing Jésus," and Jésus clapped a hand on his butt and said "Ouch!" Pablo chuckled at Jésus's predicament and reminded him that Alfredo had been given carte blanche to make up for being chosen last in the line-up of bedmates. Nothing was left to be said except that the last shall be first.

While this was going on in the bedroom crowded with five guys, a knock came on Jack's and Antón's door and a voice said, "Servico de cuarto! Room service!" Jack unbolted the door and opened it as much as the door-chain would allow. Through the crack he saw a bellhop with a rolling serving cart. "Service de cuarto, Señor Rivera, room service, champagne compliments of the hotel," the bellhop said.

The door between Jack's room and Salvador's was kept open, so Salvador heard everything and warned Jack and Antón: "It's Albino's accomplice. He thinks this is Pablo's room. He must have got the room number from the registrar." Jack and Antón ran to Salvador's room for cover. The accomplice used a six-gun to shoot off the door-chain, only to find the room empty and then Salvador burst in and subdued the accomplice with his service revolver. They cuffed him to a pipe that ran through the closet in Salvador's room. Then they closed the closet door and the accomplice squirmed in his restraints and kicked the door.

He was a tall, handsome, smooth-talking mexicano, the accomplice was, and given the chance he could have seduced any of his captors in a gay bar. But the acrobats and their friends stuck together, so disguising as a bellhop was Plan B, hastily conceived. But the bellhop's suit looked rather tight and the pant-legs were too short for him. When Göran saw that (for by now, everyone was in Salvador's room) he looked alarmed and announced, "There's been another murder and the body is in the hotel." A half-hour later the Chichen Itza police found the bellhop in the walk-in freezer adjacent to the kitchen. Salvador told the cops that the bellhop had been strangled for his uniform. "He's probably been raped, too," Salvador added, "so you should be able to match the semen in his culo with the DNA of the intruder trussed up in the closet." The apprehension of Albino's accomplice was a relief to the Papantla acrobats and a credit to Salvador, whose name was set down as the arresting officer. But by now Salvador was no longer interested in making a name for himself. All that mattered was the safety of his friends.

Back in bed after all the excitement, Arcaño conceived a new admiration for Salvador and said that after all he had done, he (Arcaño) wouldn't put pressure on Salvador to give up his ass since he didn't want to, but Salvador said, "You've already conquered my culo so what are you waiting for, Arcaño? This is what you want so this is what we'll do." After that there was no stopping Arcaño and Salvador learned what it's like to be possessed by a Papantla acrobat.

Next: Chapter 40

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