Psych Volunteer

By Chuck

Published on Sep 3, 2002


I'd never volunteered for any of the Psychology Department's tests before, so I was a little nervous. But I was strapped for cash and thought what the hell. The posting on the bulletin board said they were looking for: Male Virgins awkward around girls and wanting to feel more comfortable and confident.

I hated to put myself in that category, but that was me. I was a jock, comfortable chilling with the guys, but a disaster with the ladies. I was in my sophomore year in college and tired of being alone and wanted a girlfriend. I'd had too many slaps from being overly aggressive and cold shoulders. I needed help. None of my friends knew I was there and that's the way I wanted to keep it.

I was shown into a small room. It had a TV on a stand in the corner and two armchairs facing the TV. I sat down in one of the chairs and waited. I closed my eyes and just as I started to drift off I heard the door open.

I was surprised to see a guy I recognized from my dorm. He lived on a floor beneath mine and I'd not paid too much attention to him. He was about six feet tall with black hair, small wire frame glasses and a thin build, not the kind of guy who'd move in my circles of jocks and frat boys. This nerd was going to teach me how to be more comfortable around girls?

"I'm Ted," he said, extending his hand. I almost crushed it with my big paw and saw him wince when I squeezed. Gees!

"You've volunteered to be part of this experiment because you feel awkward around women and want more confidence and sexual stamina?"

Sexual stamina? Where had that come from?

"Uh, yeah. I've never had a girlfriend and I want one." That sounded so pathetic.

He took a seat in the chair and I did likewise. For the next half-hour Ted asked me all kinds of questions, about my background, why I was at school, my academics, my athletics, stuff I expected from a psych test.

"The way this works," Ted explained, "is you and I are teamed together. You will develop rapport with me and I will advise and counsel you and if you do exactly as I say you will have a girlfriend within a few months time."

I'm not a good actor and it must have shown on my face that I was doubtful a nerd like Ted knew more about girls than I did. If anything I would have thought he was a little queer and not worth giving the time of day to.

Ted smiled almost a smirk. "Dean, I do have a preliminary psychological profile based on our brief interview. Right now I'd bet you're thinking, what can this geek tell ME, a BMOC about girls?"

I had to laugh. He had me pegged. He laughed too.

He leaned over and pulled a videotape out from the satchel he had placed behind the chair. He placed it in the VCR and turned on the TV. There was static on the screen for a few seconds and then the tape started to play. It was a bedroom and on the bed the sheets were kicked everywhere. This beautiful blond with big tits was writing on the bed. On top of her was Ted plowing away. His face was in her tits and he was licking her nipples and biting roughly while he fucked her. She was tossing her head back and forth and moaning loudly. I felt my balls tingle seeing her, imagining it was me fucking her.

The tape played for about a minute before he stopped it and popped it back out.

"As you can see, Dan," Ted said," I don't have any problems with the ladies. I may not be built like you, but that's not what women are looking for. This tape was what I knew you would need to feel comfortable that I could help you."

I had to admit I did have a newfound respect for Ted and was completely mystified how a geek like him could get a beauty like that, but if he was willing to help me, I'd take it. He asked me to fill out some forms and come back the next day at the same time.

Part 2

I came back to the same room and Ted came in, shook my hand and gave me a warm, welcoming smile. "Glad to see you didn't have any second thoughts, Ted. I enjoy helping people overcome their fears and inhibitions and you'll grow more as a person and be happier when we're through with this experiment."

As we sat down he said, "Today we'll be doing a physical exam to determine there isn't anything wrong with you physically."

"Are you a doctor?" I asked.

Ted frowned. "Dan, I am a graduate student in psychiatry. I have taken several medical courses and am competent in assessing you. If you are to succeed with this you have to start trusting me. I had thought we established that yesterday. You will make this a lengthy and unrewarding process for both of us if you continually question me. Now take off your clothes."

Well, I guess it did make sense what he said. I knew there was nothing wrong with me physically, but he wouldn't know that until the physical was completed.

I took off my polo shirt, undid my belted and shucked off my khakis, kicking my docksiders off next to the TV stand. I stood there awkwardly in my boxers and sox.

Ted was sitting in the chair, watching me coldly. "I need everything off, Dan."

Oh brother. I slid my boxers off and took off my sox, standing in front of him. The expression on his face changed. His eyes had gone to my dick and balls and they seemed to widen when he saw how big I was. I was used to being checked out in the locker room for my big meat. If I hadn't seen the tape of Ted banging that chick yesterday I would have suspected he was queer, but I knew he only looked cause it was natural to compare and he was probably inadequate. The video yesterday didn't actually show Ted's dick sliding in and out of her, so I really had no idea what he had. Oh well, now he knew I had more than enough to please any girl.

He stood up and the next few minutes were a routine exam I'd had many times before. He checked out my eyes, my ears and throat. He got out a stethoscope and listened to my heart and breathing, first from my back and then on my chest. His little finger rested on my nipple while he was listening to my heart and I blushed as it stiffened under his fingertip.

He sat down in the chair and asked me to come between his legs. My dick was hanging down at face level. He put on gloves and then with one hand grabbed my balls and asked me to cough. Then he said, "I'm going to check for testicular cancer."

With that he grabbed my penis with his other hand while he kind of massaged and kind of rolled my balls around in his other hand. I hated this part of the exam and looked at the ceiling waiting for it to be over. It seemed to take quite a while, but finally he said, "OK, you're all set. Now last thing we have to check your prostate."

I grimaced, but didn't say anything since I'd already pissed him off. I bent over and gripped the top of the chair. Ted came around behind me and I heard him uncork a bottle of what I assumed was lube. "Spread your legs as wide as you can, Dan. That's it."

I then felt a gooey substance rubbing around my hole. "I know this is a sensitive area and I don't want it to be painful, so I'm going to do this slowly."

"OK, you're the boss."

"That's the spirit!"

While we'd been talking, he'd been slowly rubbing his finger around and around my hole. It was completely coated with lube now.

"Relax, Dan and this will go smoother. I'm going to press in a little now. How's that feel?"

He had leaned over me so his shirt was brushing against my back and side. I felt it slide into me and it didn't hurt.

"It feels ok."

"Good, good," he said in this low voice and he started to slide more in quicker. Within a second his finger was all the way inside me. I was surprised how fast he got it in me with no pain. "Now I need to move it around to make sure you're healthy."

I didn't know what to say to that and just waited for it to be over.

I could feel his finger start pulling out and then sliding in again. At first it was really slow almost imperceptible, then he started to do it a little quicker. "Is that ok?" he asked.

"Um, yeah, sure."

As soon as I said that he started to move his finger in and out of me at a really fast pace. When he did that it was like he suddenly hit something inside me because I gasped and felt my body start to sweat and this intense feeling of horniness swept over me. Instantaneously I felt my dick, which had been hanging down, start to swell and inflate. Within a few seconds and a few strokes of his fingers my dick was rock hard sticking out like a pole.

Suddenly he pulled his finger out and that hurt me because it was so abrupt. I gasped again and in a reflex reaction jumped up. I had half turned and my rock hard dick was standing there for him to see.

He glanced down at it and laughed. "It's a perfectly normal reaction to that kind of exam, Dan. Don't be embarrassed. You have no physical problems. Now get dressed and come back tomorrow afternoon and we'll continue on with treating you."

Part 3

The next day I arrived a few minutes ahead of time, so I was sitting in the chair waiting for Ted.

"OK, Dan, let's get started," he said, Take off your shirt."

Not wanting to be chastised and knowing it would go better if I did what he said without question I reached down, pulled my t-shirt over my head and threw it in the corner.

I was surprised to see Ted taking off his shirt too. He was stronger than he looked. He was on the thin side, but he was strong and wiry. He had a smooth chest with small, but well defined pecs. His nipples were small but stood out from his chest. I, on the other hand, had a thin coating of brown hair across my powerful pecs. A thin line shot down my chest over my washboard abs down below.

"OK, today you're going to demonstrate on me how you make a girl feel good above the waist."


He pushed me over and sat down next to me in the chair. They were overstuffed chairs, but there was no denying the guy was crowding my space. His leg was pressed up against mine. He threw his arm over the back of the chair and his side was pressed up against mine. I could see the thick forest of armpit hair, which grossed me out. At least he showered and didn't smell.

"Dan," he said in a firm tone, "I don't want to argue with you. This is for your own good. In order for you to feel comfortable with a girl you need to practice. And you need to do that in a nonsexual situation. I'm not gay. You saw the video. Neither are you. What we're doing here is a psychological study designed to make you confident sexually."

He wasn't bigger than me, but the look in his eyes and the authority he put in his voice made me unsure of my doubts. He was right, what he said made sense. I had volunteered to be here. The techniques might be unorthodox, but I wasn't sure what the techniques were when I volunteered and I had no reason to doubt Ted.

"Now, I want you to pretend I'm a girl. Demonstrate with your hands how you'd stimulate me."

I felt awkward. Being this close to another guy was weird. And what he was asking made me feel strange. If I was good did that mean I was queer? If I was bad, was that worse? Oh what the hell.

I put my arm around his shoulder and put my other hand on his knee. "OK, well when I've been on a date with a girl I get as close to her as I can get."

Ted snuggled up against me, "Like this?"

"Um, yeah, I guess."

"Then when I think the time is right I bring my hand down over her shoulder, like this and place it on her breast. If she doesn't object I start massaging it." While I was talking I moved my hand down over his chest and put it so my palm was covering his chest. It felt so flat compared to a girl's. I cupped what I could, and pinched his nipple. He looked at me while I moved my hand around awkwardly. After a minute I stopped.

"You didn't seem confident of what you were doing, Dan, did you?"

"Well, you're a guy!" I said, defensively.

"OK, now show me how you'd use your mouth."

"WHA--" The look he gave me stopped mid-sentence. I knew better than to question him. I kept my hand on his knee and moved my other hand back to his shoulder. Trying to stifle a shudder of repulsion I bent over and put my mouth on his nipple. I parted my lips and rubbed my tongue back and forth over it as sensuously as I could, determined to prove Ted I DID know what I was doing.

I pulled it with my teeth and felt it hardening under the attention I gave it. It did feel good to have a nipple in my mouth and I increased the intensity of my tongue and lip action. I licked and bit and ran my lips gently over the tip. I hadn't realized it, but I must have also tightened my arms around him as well. I had been so intent on his chest and nipple I hadn't paid any attention to the rest of his body. I had been imagining doing this to a girl and automatically my hand had slid between his legs and moved up from his knees.

I was up near his thigh when I suddenly felt this rock hard protrusion under my hand. My hand was touching his dick through his pants! I jumped up and pulled my hand back.

Ted laughed. "It's ok, Dan. Obviously you should be proud of yourself. You were indeed able to arouse me, meaning you'd be successful with a girl."

I couldn't help but stare at his crotch. He must have an enormous dick. His crotch was completely tented out and his dick slithered well down his leg, its thickness enormous.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Dan. In fact from what I see, you enjoyed yourself too." He nodded towards my crotch and that was when I became aware of my own hard on.

"I think that's enough for this week. We'll pick up where we left off next week."

With that, he got up, stood in front of me, reached down and adjusted himself. I felt like a jerk, but I could not stop from staring at his crotch. He smirked, catching me staring in awe at his crotch.

"A real man is confident of his sexuality, Dan," he said in a low voice looking down at me. One hand moved to his crotch and he blatantly grabbed his meat, accentuating its obscene size. I could not tear my eyes away. "If you follow my instructions without question and do exactly as I say, you too will become a man of prowess and respect." He kept moving his hands back and forth over his crotch. "That is what you want, isn't it, Dan?"

"Yes, sir, "I said. Given that he was towering over me there was no other response I could make.

"Good now, make sure you're on time next week. You're making me real proud here. Do as I tell you and you'll be happy and satisfied in no time."

With that he left the room. My dick had never been harder. I could not wait for next week to find out how I'd be learning more techniques to satisfy girls in bed.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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