PSYCH 301: How to Please Josh

By colegrenoble

Published on Jun 15, 2024



"PSYCH 301: How to Please Josh" by Cole Grenoble E-mail:

Ethan Graham was lying on his dorm room bed doing homework when his roommate finished packing and walked toward the door.

"See you later, Ethan."

"See you, Jake."

Ethan liked his roommate, but he was glad that Jake went home almost every weekend to see his girlfriend. Sharing a room with another guy was okay, but he missed the privacy of his own bedroom at his parents' house.

Once he was alone, Ethan pushed his books aside, picked up his phone, and logged onto a gay hook-up app he had recently found called Humper. His cock stiffened inside his jeans as he browsed through the local postings.

A few months earlier, Ethan had been a shy high school student, and now he was a shy college freshman. He never met anyone through Humper. He never even replied to a posting. He just liked reading through them and fantasizing about what they might lead to if he ever actually did respond to one.

Most of the subject lines were so stupid that he just skipped over them. A few were interesting enough to click on. Like this one:

"Looking for a young passive bottom"

He clicked on the subject line and started reading:

"Fit 26 yo, looking for a passive bottom. A local college kid would be ideal. The younger you look the better, but you have to be 18+. Don't bother replying if you're not 100% bottom. Must be willing to service my cock and swallow my load. This could possibly turn into a regular thing."

By the time Ethan finished reading through this posting, his cock was fully erect. It was almost like it was written specifically for him. He just turned 18 a month ago, and he always looked younger than his actual age. Also, he had a submissive personality. While jerking off, he liked to watch videos of guys sucking other guys and pretending that he was the one doing the sucking.

Ethan thought, "Should I reply to this? Yeah. I'm going to do it. It's not like I'm going to actually meet this guy. I just want to see what he writes back."

He composed a reply and hit send:

"Hey. I like your post. :) I'm an 18 yo college freshman, but I look younger than 18. 5'5", 115 lbs, dark blond hair, green eyes."

A few minutes later he got a reply:

"Cool. You're the perfect age and size for me. I love smaller guys. Here's a pic of me and a pic of the cock that you'll be sucking. Send me a pic of you."

Ethan looked at the first pic. It matched the description in the posting. It was a pic of a guy in his mid-20s wearing a bathing suit . He was good-looking and had the physique of a guy who liked to play sports.

The second pic was a close-up of a fully erect cock. It was cut, had a nice shape, and seemed to be a bit bigger than average size. The pubes were well-groomed. Ethan saw a lot of cocks in pics and videos before, but this one was different: it was the cock of a guy who was asking him to suck on it.

And now, Ethan had a big decision to make. Should he send a pic of himself or just end the message exchange here? Ethan was a cautious kid who normally would have just brought this to an end before it got too far. But on this particular day, he was feeling hornier than usual, so he decided to take a risk. He looked through several pics of himself before deciding on one that was taken a few months earlier by his mom during their family vacation at the beach. The guy from the posting sent a bathing suit pic, so Ethan thought it would be appropriate for him to send a similar pic. He was definitely not going to send a dick pic, though. Ethan uploaded his beach pic, and wrote: "This was taken at the beach a few months ago." He hit send.

A reply arrived a minute later:

"Nice pic. You're exactly what I'm looking for. I definitely want to meet up with you. Are you available now? We can meet at my place."

Ethan read the response. This was all moving so fast. A few minutes ago, he was doing homework and waiting for his roommate to leave. And now, some guy was asking him to come over and suck him off. He opened up the dick pic again, stared at it for a while, and then replied:

"I'm available now."

The reply:

"Here's my address. See you soon."

The address was an apartment several blocks away. Ethan almost chickened out a few times while walking there. He thought, "This is crazy. I don't have to go through with this. I can just message the guy back and tell him that I changed my mind." But each time he changed his mind, it eventually changed back again until he found himself standing outside the apartment complex. It didn't take long for Ethan to find the apartment number. He timidly knocked on the door, and a guy who looked exactly like the guy in the picture opened it.

"Hey. Come on in. I'm glad you came."

Ethan walked inside, and the guy closed the door.

"I almost chickened out."

"I'm glad you didn't. And you're going to be glad you didn't, too. I'm Josh."

"I'm Ethan."

"I can already tell you're a shy one. And you look a little nervous, too."

"Maybe a little."

"Let's sit on the couch and chat for a while."

They both sat down, and Josh initiated a casual conversation.

"Is this your first semester at college?"


"How do you like it so far?"

"It's okay so far. I'm still getting used to everything."

"What's your major?"

"It'll be some type of engineering. I'm not sure what type yet. Maybe mechanical."

"So, you're a pretty smart kid?"

"Yeah. I guess so."

"Nice. I like smart guys. Actually, I'm a student here, too. I'm getting a PhD in Psychology."

"Cool. What kind of Psychology do you study?"

"Lots of different areas. Recently, I've been focusing on male sexuality."

"You can study stuff like that?"

"Sure. Sexuality's a major part of Psychology. I wanted to learn more about my own sexuality, so I started researching dominant and submissive behaviors in males. And then, it eventually grew from there. You can probably guess from my Humper post that I'm sexually dominant."

"Yeah. I could tell."

"And you answered my post, so that means you're sexually submissive. Right?"

"Yeah. I think so."

"You think so, or you know so?"

Ethan replied, "I guess I know so." And then jokingly added, "So, are you going to psychoanalyze me?"

"No. I didn't ask you to come over for that. To be honest, I invited you over because I'm feeling horny as fuck today. And like I told you on Humper, you're exactly what I'm looking for."

"What do you like about me?"

"You're a young, submissive college kid... and cute."

Ethan bashfully replied, "Thanks."

"Have you had many sex experiences?"

To avoid an embarrassing answer, Ethan ambiguously replied, "No. Not really."

"Have you had any?"

Ethan admitted, "No. Not yet."

"That's okay. So, I guess you must jerk off a lot?"


"Well, I can teach you about actual sex - especially about dominance and submissiveness. I know a lot about that."

"That would be cool."

"You seem to be less nervous now. Do you want to start having some fun?"


Josh was right; Ethan was less nervous. Josh knew that having a little conversation rather than immediately jumping into sex would make Ethan feel more comfortable.

"Okay, Ethan. Let's start with you taking off your clothes and showing me your body."

"Here in the living room or in your bedroom?"

"Right here's fine. We have my whole apartment to ourselves. I don't have a roommate, so no one's going to barge in on us."

Josh watched as Ethan stripped off his clothes piece by piece. Shoes. Socks. Shirt. Unbuckling his belt. Jeans. At this point, Ethan paused a moment and then pulled down his briefs. Josh's eyes scanned the body of the 18-year-old who was standing naked in his living room.

"Now that you're naked, I can tell you exactly what I like about you. You have the mental maturity of a smart 18-year-old college kid, but the body of someone who looks younger. I like that you're not totally wimpy, but you're also not really muscular at all. Don't start lifting weights and ruining that passive, boy-like body of yours. I'm not at all interested in pedo crap; I want my sex partners to be eighteen. It's just this: Your body type makes me feel like you're easy to physically dominate. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah. That makes sense."

"But there's one thing about your body that I don't like."

Ethan was curious what Josh was referring to. What was wrong with his body?

"What don't you like?"

"That bush of pubes between your legs has got to go. In fact, if you're willing, we can take care of that right now. I can show you the best way to remove all your pubes. Are you okay with that?"

Ethan had to think about this before agreeing to it. He didn't want to experience the embarrassment of anyone except for Josh to see him without pubes. He couldn't think of anyone else who was going to see him naked anytime soon.

"Yeah. I'm okay with that."

"Nice. They all have to go. Cock hairs. Butt hairs. And armpit hairs, too. Okay?"


Josh led Ethan into the bathroom and walked him step by step through the proper way to remove pubes: first trimming, and then gentle, careful shaving with a sharp razor. When they were all done, Ethan's 18-year-old body looked even more boy-like.

"Now you have a perfect body. How's it feel having no pubes?"

Ethan looked down at the smooth skin surrounding his cock. It didn't look that way since he was a prepubescent boy.

"It actually looks sort of cool."

"I thought you'd like it. A lot of submissive guys do. I was wondering: do you have a big brother?"


"I thought you might have. Guess I was wrong. Did you hang around with older guys while you were growing up?"

"Yeah. Most of my friends in my neighborhood were older."

"So, you know what it feels like to be a little brother to your older friends?"


"That's consistent with your submissiveness. I'm sure in your relationship with them, they were more dominant, and you were more submissive."

"I guess it was like that, but I never did anything sexual with them."

"Dominance and submissiveness doesn't necessarily have to be sexual. Big brother / little brother is a classic dominant/submissive relationship. And it doesn't have to be between actual brothers. It's more about age difference and mind set. I'm getting the vibe that our relationship will be like that. Do you want to be my sexually submissive little brother?"

"That would be awesome."

"So, `little brother,' why don't you come over here and kneel down so your face is right here."

Josh pointed to the area between his legs where his cock was. Ethan walked over to Josh and got down on his knees. His face was right in front of the bulge in Josh's sweatpants.

"Is this the closest your face ever was to a guy's cock?"


"If someone walked in right now and saw you in this position, who would they think was the submissive one? You or me?"


"Do you want to hear a little more psychology? I won't bore you with it anymore after this. I promise."

"That's okay. I like hearing about that kind of stuff."

"Do you know how in nature males compete with each other to obtain a desirable mate?"


"When two males are competing like that, the dominant male wins the competition. In a way, his cock won the competition. When you're between my legs like this, it like you're submissively acknowledging that my cock is dominant. Whose cock is dominant, Ethan?"

"Yours is."

"Prove it to me. Kiss it."

Ethan looked at the lump in Josh's sweatpants. Even though they were a little baggy, Ethan saw that the lump was vaguely shaped like an erect cock. He leaned his head forward and kissed it."

"Good boy."

"Now, pull down my pants."

Ethan pulled down Josh's sweatpants. The lump in Josh's somewhat tight underwear had an even more well-defined erect cock appearance.

"My underwear, too, little brother."

Ethan did as he was told. He grabbed the waistband of Josh's briefs and pulled them down, freeing his cock. It was fully erect and pointing up at an angle. Ethan stared at the same hard-on that he saw in the picture sent through Humper.

"Tell me how much you like your big brother's cock."

"I love your cock, big brother."

"Show me how much you love it. Kiss it some more."

Ethan gave it three kisses. The first one on Josh's balls. Then the shaft. And then the cock head.

Josh grabbed his cock in his hand and rubbed it back and forth across Ethan's face. This was one of his favorite ways to establish dominance over a submissive guy.

"Now, I want you to give me a handjob until I start to leak. I'm super horny, so it won't take long."

Ethan played with his own cock hundreds of times in the past, but he never touched another guy's cock. He started by lightly rubbing the underside of Josh's boner, from the top of Josh's balls to the sensitive spot right below his cockhead. From Ethan's experiences with his own cock, he knew that rubbing that special spot can feel real good. Josh's sexually arousal increased with each up and down motion of the 18-year-old's hand.

Ethan stared at the slit on the tip of his new big brother's helmet-shaped cockhead, waiting for the leaking to start. First, he noticed a little bit of liquid ooze out of the slit. And then, as more and more flowed out, he saw it accumulate into a big drop of precum.

"Lick it up, little brother. I want you to eat everything that comes out of my cock."

Ethan stuck out his tongue, slid it over the slimy slit at the tip of Josh's cock, and tasted the salty flavor of Josh's cock juices.

"Good boy."

Josh took off the rest of his clothes. Now both big brother' and little brother' were fully naked. Josh arranged everything the way he wanted it: First, he got two towels from a closet. Then he moved a hassock in front of the living room chair, so that the chair length would be extended. He spread one of the towels down over the chair/hassock, and sat down on it. He was able to comfortably lie back with his legs partially extended past the front edge of the hassock. He gave the other towel to Ethan to put on the floor in front of the hassock, so it would be more comfortable for him to kneel down on the floor.

"Now, you're going to service my cock and make me cum. Make it feel good, little brother. Start by licking it."

Ethan knelt down on his towel and positioned his head above Josh's cock. He had a personality that made him want to please people, so he really wanted to do a good job. He started by licking Josh's ballsac, and then proceeded to slide his tongue up the shaft of Josh's hard, veiny cock. He repeatedly licked it from the balls up to the head. As Ethan continued stimulating the various parts of Josh's cock with his tongue, a fresh glob of precum leaked out. Ethan licked it up.

"Good boy. Now, put my cock in your mouth. Suck on it."

Ethan obeyed Josh's request. He opened his mouth and slid the juicy cock into his mouth. Ethan pressed his lips around its perimeter and slowly moved his head up and down. Josh looked down and enjoyed the sight of cute, passive Ethan giving his very first blow job. As the pleasure in Josh's cock increased, more precum leaked out inside Ethan's mouth and mixed with his saliva.

"Mmmm... You're such a good little brother. You can't imagine how good you're making me feel."

Ethan liked being praised for doing a good job. Josh wrapped his legs around Ethan's back and put his hands on the back the 18-year-old's head, making the college freshman feel like he was being constrained in his sucking position. Josh pushed down on the back of Ethan's head, forcing his erect cock deeper into Ethan's mouth. His cock head was pressed against the back of Ethan's throat. As Josh's hands held Ethan's head down in that position, he knew what was going to happen next. Ethan gagged, and Josh released his head.

"Are you okay, Ethan?"


"It's a major turn-on for me when you gag on it like that. Is it okay if I do that to you sometimes?"


"You're such a good little brother. Put it back in your mouth and suck on it some more."

Ethan put Josh's boner back in his mouth. His moist lips repeatedly slid up Josh's shaft, over the rim of his cock head, and then back down again

"I'm getting close to cumming. I want to shoot my load in your mouth. Are you okay with that?"

Ethan looked up at Josh and nodded his head "yes."

"Good boy."

As his sexual pleasure was approaching its peak, Josh felt the urge to show his dominance again. He once again put his hands on the back of Ethan's head. They moved up and down as Ethan's head moved up and down. He pushed his little brother's head down again and held it there until the inevitable happened. Ethan gagged.

"Good boy. Now finish me off. I'm going to shoot a big creamy load in your mouth. After I shoot, don't swallow it right away. Okay?"

Ethan nodded his head "yes" again and continued sucking. Every suck brought Josh closer and closer to an orgasm. Eventually, the pleasure became too intense for him to hold out any longer. He was seconds away from cumming.

"Get ready, little brother..."

Ethan was wondering what it would taste like to have a warm, slimy load of cum squirting in his mouth. He didn't have to wait long to find out. Josh's throbbing cock felt an immense amount of pleasure as his orgasm arrived. His cock pumped out one huge squirt of cum and then a series of increasingly smaller squirts into the freshman's sucking mouth. Ethan remembered that Josh didn't want him to swallow it yet, so it gathered inside his mouth and covered his tongue. It had a bitter, slightly salty, and sweet flavor. He didn't particularly like how it tasted, but the fact that it came out of his dominant big brother's cock made him feel glad that it was in his mouth.

After Josh recovered from his orgasm and removed his cock from Ethan's mouth, he said, "Show me my load, little brother."

Ethan open his mouth, and Josh looked at the white slime that his cock produced. He loved seeing his big load of cum inside the submissive kid's mouth.

"You can swallow it now, Ethan."

Ethan swallowed, and the gooey sex slime slid down his throat. The cum wasn't in his mouth anymore, but he could still taste its lingering flavor.

"That felt so good. You're a perfect little brother."


Josh glanced between Ethan's legs and saw that the teen's cock was rock hard.

"You better do something about that hard-on of yours. Show me how you jerk off. You can squirt on your towel."

Ethan knelt on the floor with his towel in front of him. He grabbed his hard cock in his hand and started jerking it. Being a healthy 18-year-old boy, he was an expert at this. Josh watched as his new submissive sex partner pleasured himself. Ethan was feeling very horny from participating in his first sex experience, so it didn't take long for his orgasm to arrive. When it did, several strands of cum squirted out of Ethan's cock. Josh and Ethan both looked at the streaks and blobs of Ethan-cum that were accumulated on the towel.

"Nice job, little brother. That was an awesome cum. I hope you liked your first sex experience."

"It was great. Thanks."

"I thought it was great, too. I'm so glad you answered my Humper post."

"I'm glad I answered it, too."

They both got dressed. Before Ethan left, they exchanged contact information. While walking back to his dorm room, Ethan thought about the whirlwind of events he experienced since he logged on to Humper a few hours earlier.

Later that day, Ethan was in his dorm room, lying on his bed, finishing up his homework. His phone signaled that a text message arrived. It was from Josh:

"Hi, Ethan. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with everything that happened today. I hope we can meet up again sometime. There's a lot more I can teach you."

Ethan replied:

"I definitely want to meet up again. Can't wait to learn more, big brother. :)"

Here's my e-mail address if you want to contact me about my story:

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