Prozac and Taybear in Vegas

By Double A

Published on Jun 22, 1999



Written by Aaron Levitt

Prozac and Tay-bear in Vegas: A Hanson story

Disclaimer: Standard Hanson sex story. Hot, gay, and incestual, but complete fantasy and not meant to describe their real life -- unless they are lucky. If you like it, e-mail me at:

I'd write more, but I broke my arm.


Part 1:

Taylor yawned and brushed his long blond hair before going to bed. The second night of their stay in the heart of Las Vegas and the reception of the crowd was tremendous. Who says they're going out of style! True, the crowd was mostly cheering for Zac and it was comprised mostly of 11 and 12 year olds, but still...They hadn't written any new songs yet, but the crowd still loved em! Tay looked back towards the bathroom where Zac was brushing his teeth. "Zac had changed..." Tay thought to himself "...and so had he..."

Before, Zac was having a hard time dealing with his changing body. Taylor remembered nights where he'd awaken to the sound of Zac feverishly scrubbing his sheets in the bathroom, or the groans as he jerked off in the shower. Zac tried desperatly to hide the almost constant hard-on that he had and Tay felt for him. But, ever since Zac had met Liz, he'd become a different person. Zac was no different then his old wacky self when the three were performing or having fun together, but when him and Tay were alone, he'd become a completely different Zachary Hanson.

Taylor remembered when Zac had told him, in confidence, about the stuff Liz and he had done. In great detail, Zac related how great her pussy had felt wrapped around his prick. Zac was never much of a swearer, but sex seemed to turn him into a regular sailor. He had taken Taylor with him into the new world. Afterall, Tay was a 15 year old boy with the same lusts as most 15 year old boys. Zac had used this to convince Tay to join him in his newfound sexual power. Whenever they were alone, they'd jerk each other off and once he even let Zac give him a blowjob. He had to admit...It felt really good!

His relationship with Zac had progressed from two boys playing around and having fun to two boys in hormonal overload trying to keep they're pricks in check. Issac understood, Taylor thought. He was 17...He was under control and, as far as Tay knew, still a virgin. Taylor still felt a bit jealous that Zac had lost his first. The girls looked at him as the heartthrob, not his baby brother!

Issac was in charge, he was always out of the room coordinating their next gig, which left Tay and Zac plenty of time to stay around and cum a few times. Once Tay began to feel more confident about what he was doing with his little brother, he always seemed to be horny and eager to get off...damn Puberty! Though, Tay always felt Zac was below him now...He'd done the deed afterall. Zac was confident and Tay always lived in fear of the fact that what he was doing with his brother was against every religious phrase his parents had taught them...But how could something so bad, feel so good?

Tay thought this to himself as he stripped to his boxers and climbed into bed. As he slid underneath the blanket, his naked knee rubbed with something wet and sticky. In anger, he tore off the sheet and got out of bed. He stomped over to the bathroom door and rapped on it, "Zac! Did you cum on my sheets?!"

He heard a spit from inside and Zac's voice replied, "Hey! When you went out with Ike today, I was bored sitting around the hotel room! I had nothing better to do!"

Tay growled to himself and replied, "But why on my fucking sheets?! You have your own bed!"

The bathroom door opened and Zac exited with an innocent smile on his face, "But your bed was so much more comfy, Tay-bear!" and, before Tay could react, Zac wrapped his arms around his neck and gave him a hug.

Taylor's anger left him and he gently detached himself from his brother. "Fine. Then you can sleep on my bed tonight...And don't call me Tay-bear!"

With that, Zac jumped onto the bed Tay had chosen when they first took the room and went under the covers. Tay did likewise in Zac's bed. Tay closed his eyes and began to doze off when he heard Zac say, "Tay?...TAY! You still awake?"

Without looking up, Taylor responded in a voice that was meant to make Zac hear with exasperation, "Yes?!"

"Ike won't be home for at least another hour and..."

Taylor cut him off before he finished, "No! I'm too tired and I'm not in the mood. Also, please don't whack off tonight...Just go one night...Please! Ike could walk in any minute."

He heard an incomprehensible grumble from the next bed and Taylor tried once again to go to sleep. He guessed he succeeded because, after what seemed like a second later, he could see the sunlight through his closed eyelids. He could also feel hot breath against the back of his neck. His eyes snapped open and he saw that Ike wasn't in his bed. Tay guessed he must have stepped out early again.

Taylor turned his head and saw Zac sleeping next to him, his arm on Tay's chest. Taylor supressed the desire to pinch his nose, or tickle him, or use some other juvenile method to wake up his little brother. He smiled as he got another idea. He gently removed Zac's arm from his chest, pushed him onto his back and slid out of bed. He tiptoed over to Zac's side of the bed and slowly pulled the blanket off his body. Zac shivered slightly, but didn't wake up. As Tay expected, Zac's prick was erect and sticking out from the slit in the front of his boxers.

Tay walked back over to his side of the bed and got on. From there, he leaned over and gently grabbed the base of Zac's penis before lowering his mouth on it.

Taylor's head slowly moved up and down, using his tongue to lick all around the shaft and head and keeping his teeth away from it like Zac had showed him. Tay soon began to hear Zac's breath quicken as his nostrils flared more often. The taste in Taylor's mouth soon became salty as drops from Zac's prick mixed in with Tay's saliva. Taylor's head began to move faster and Zac's hips began instinctivly thrusting upwards to meet him. Taylor could feel Zac's prick begin to throb in his mouth and he knew he was about to shoot. His pace quickened to suck his bro's prick as fast as he could and Zac's back bent backwards and his pricklet hit almost hit the back of his throat as his muscles tensed and, with a series of gasps, he sprayed his watery juices in four spurts all over the back of Taylor's throat.

He swallowed it with little complaint. Taylor had grown to enjoy the taste of Zac's cum. It wasn't thick and stringy like his own and it's arrival signalled that Taylor had made his brother feel really good and that made him feel nice.

He continued to suck on the rapidly shrinking organ as stray drops of fluid leaked out and Tay drank them up. Only than did Tay remove his mouth from it and look up. Zac's eyes were closed but Taylor knew he wasn't asleep any longer because of the smile on his Zac's face. His eyes slowly opened and he stretched. He leaned forward and kissed his brother's cheek, "Good mowning, Tay-bayw." he said in his best little-boy voice. Zac reached out and grabbed Tay's prick as it stuck out from his own boxers but Taylor shook his head and got up. "No. I gotta shower and then we gotta go, remember? Gig tonight?"

Zac frowned and said, "Awww...Can I at least join you in the shower?"

Taylor's own prick throbbed and he realized it needed attention. He resigned and walked to the door putting the latch and dead-bolt on. If Ike got back, he'd be mad but at least he wouldn't catch them.

"Fine, come on before I change my mind!" Tay said as he peeled off his boxers and walked into the bathroom. Zac did likewise and followed...

Written by Aaron Levitt

Prozac and Tay-bear in Vegas: Part 2

Taylor leaned over and turned on the faucets to the bathtub. As he did so, he felt Zac reach around him and grab ahold of his penis. The feelings were so intense as his little brother's soft hand gently stroked his throbbing boyhood, that his knees almost buckled. He resisted and slapped Zac's hand away and quickly stepped into the bathub. Zac was quick to follow and as soon as he entered, Taylor slid the shower stall door closed.

The shower was turned on and the stall soon filled with steam from the hot water. The heat of the water matched the heat of the two boys as they fought between standard washing and sexual groping. They quickly soaped each other up, being very careful to lather some parts more than others. Zac's body pressed against Tay's as he soaped up his brother's back. As he did this with one hand, the other reached around and stroked the still hard organ of his older brother. This time, Tay didn't resist.

Taylor leaned back against the shower wall, every nerve in his body buzzing as his senses rocketed with the intense feelings coming from his prick.

Zac kneeled down in front of him and his hand slid effortlessly over Tay's prick, slippery with soap. He could hear his brother gasping for air as he thrust his hips forward, trying to match his hand movements.

Taylor tensed his muscles and tried to hold on, to avoid the inevitable as long as possible. He tried to clear his mind and to not think of how much he wanted to cum. His breath became irregular as he forced back the good feelings and his prick itched with a pressure that kept building.

Zac could see that Taylor was testing him and his ability, trying not to succumb. He played this game alot. Time was running out for what Zac was doing as the mist and water of the shower washed away the soap on Taylor's prick. Zac switched over and, without any hesitation, sunk his mouth over Taylor's prick. The soap had been washed off and the only taste that remained was the saltiness of the fluid that seeped out. Zac tongued the underside of Tay's boyhood, the most sensative spot. He licked around the circumsised head and over the hole at the tip. It wouldn't be long now.

Taylor could not hold much longer. He already knew the resulting orgasm would be very intense, but he still tried to hold back. Zac was rubbing his warm, wet tongue over the areas which were most sensative and Taylor cringed and finally submitted. With a groan that resonated throughout the stall and bathroom, all the built up pressure released itself as, after one final thrust into Zac's mouth, Taylor shot six streams of his thick, white jism onto the back of Zac's throat. Zac gagged once, but swallowed. Zac's small mouth soon overflowed and Taylor's juices oozed down his chin. Zac kept his mouth latched on until he could feel that there'd be no more sexual food. Taylor collapsed and sat on the floor of the bathtub only semi-concious. Zac put his face underneath the shower head and all the residual cum washed off his face and flowed down the drain. With that done, Zac turned around and sat down next to Tay. He leaned over and kissed his brother on his open lips. Taylor smiled and said, "We'd better get washed up..."

With that, they stood up and cleaned each other off before turning off the shower and, sporting towels, left the bathroom and got dressed. As if on cue, they soon heard a knock at the door which Taylor opened. It was Ike telling them that they were almost late for their gig. Taylor and Zac smiled at each other and left with their brother.

Written by Aaron Levitt

Prozac and Tay-bear in Vegas: Part 3 ------------------------------------

Four hours later, three sweaty boys entered the hotel room. Ike threw his duffel bag down and turned, "Great job today guys! Now, we got one more to do and than we can go home for a break. I'm gonna go organize the time and place in a little while. Right now, I'm gonna head down to the pool. Wanna come?"

Memories of Liz flashed through the mind of Zac, but he politely refused, as did Tay.

Zac and Tay watched as the door closed behind Issac and then Tay turned to Zac and asked, "So, what do wanna do?"

Zac raised his eyebrows suggestively, but Tay shook his head. "Maybe later. Right now, I was hoping we could see the sights. We are in Las Vegas, afterall. Thing is, we gotta get back to the hotel before 10 because I have a date tonight."

Zac's head spun around and he stared with a surprised look at Tay's smiling face. Just the reaction Taylor was hoping for. "Oh?" said Zac feigning indifference, "Who is she?"

"Oh, just a girl I met after the concert." Tay said, also feigning indifference.

Taylor than lunged forward and tackled Zac to the floor, but Zac turned him over and held him down. "Come on! Tell me! The tall blond girl in the front row? That red haired girl that kept trying to grab you during, "A minute without you"? Who?"

Taylor tried to get up, but Zac was stronger then he was so he resigned to just lay there for now. "It's the girl in the third row with the short brown hair and the white blouse, ok?!"

Zac leaned forward and kissed Taylor's lips before releasing him. Taylor crawled over to the bed and lay down to catch his breath. Zac followed and lay down so his face was only inches from his brother. His hand stroked Tay's hair as he said, "Her? But she's gotta be or something! If it's legit, you are gonna get some sweet action tonight!"

Taylor smiled and gently kissed Zac on the lips while, at the same time, reaching down and giving Zac's perpetually hard pricklet a gentle squeeze. Zac closed his eyes and let out a small gasp, his tongue entering Taylor's mouth and searching for it's counterpart. They met in Tay's mouth and played a game of tag. Once the kiss ended, Tay added, "Actually, you horny jackass, she's 23 and she told me that I was cute and that she wanted to see me tonight."

Zac sat up slowly and stretched, "Wait a minute bro...She asked you out?"

Taylor sat up as well, "Ya, I guess. Why?"

Zac stood up, reached into his back pocket and removed his wallet. He opened it up and threw a $50 dollar bill at Taylor.

"What the heck is this for?" Taylor asked, picking up the money and playing with it between his fingers.

Zac gave a half-smile and said, "You'll need something to pay her with, won't you?"

At that, Tay threw the money on the floor, "She's not a hooker, Prozac!"

Zac sat down next to Tay again and put his hand on his shoulder, "Listen Tay-bear, a 23 year old woman walks up to you and asks you out, in Vegas no less, and you think that she's doing it because you're cute?! Wisen up! You're only 15 and what the heck would a 22 year old want with a 15 year old?"

Taylor began to feel doubts and he stared at the floor, "Well...ummm...maybe she has a thing for younger guys..."

Zac wrapped his arm around Tay and hugged him, "Hey...maybe it is just a date! Maybe I'm wrong...or maybe I'm jealous."

Taylor looked up and laughed, "Jealous?! If she doesn't have any use for a 15 year old, what the hell is she gonna do with a 12 year old?! Play with blocks? Or maybe you can convince her to play a game of strip Go Fish!"

Zac tried to tackle Taylor, but this time he moved and Zac missed and fell on the floor. He stood up growling and Taylor just laughed, "Besides...What would a hooker be doing at a Hanson concert?"

Zac took off his shirt and walked towards the bathroom, "I dunno, but I'd be careful, just in case. Anyways, I'm gonna go take a shower."

Taylor protested, "Hey! I'm the one with the date! I should take a shower first!"

Zac turned around and walked up to Taylor, looking into his eyes and running his hands across his brother's face, "Well, we could always take one together. Prozac promises not too touch poor Tay-bear's dickie."

Taylor scowled but nodded his head. If he waited for Zac to finish, there may not be enough time for them to go out a look around, and knowing what Zac usually did in there, he'd probably be a while. Taylor and Zac removed the rest of their clothes and walked into the bathroom, Taylor quickly running out to dead-bolt the door. Issac probably'd find it wierd that they showered together, whether or not they did anything sexual.

Two hours later...

Zac entered the hotel room and dropped his jacket on the floor. They had walked around for a bit and seen some neat looking Casinos and fountains. It was alright, but a bit bright and cheesy. Taylor had taken a taxi to where the girl said she'd meet him. Zac still sort of worried about him, but he was more bored then anything else. He hadn't gotten off since the morning wakeup by Tay and he began to feel the overactive pubecent urges starting up again. He'd hoped to convince Tay-bear to go down the the pool with him and they could get off with the jacuzzi jets. Zac wanted to try that, but now Tay was gone until who knows when and Ike wasn't there. He could go whack off, but he decided to save it for Tay. Thinking of nothing better to do, he went over to the mirror and started brushing his long blond hair. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled, "You were right Zac. You would have made a cute girl!"


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