Promise Series

Published on Dec 9, 2006


"Tyler! Oh my God, I've been so worried about you!" I cried as I gave him kisses all over his face.

"Jared, I only fell asleep in my..." he slowly lowered his voice to almost a whisper as he noticed he was in the hospital. "This isn't my room, Jared, why am I at the hospital?"

"Hold on, I need to get your parents." I said. Lynette was no where in sight as I walked out of his room. But Mike was, then, Lynette came around the corner. I told them he was awake and they both almost ran to his room.

"Tyler, thank God you're awake. We were so worried, honey." Lynette sobbed.

"Son, how are you feeling?" Mike asked him.

"I'm fine, but I'm confused. Why am I here?" Tyler asked growing upset. His parents didn't look very enthusiastic at all to tell him the news, so I decided too.

"Tyler, this isn't easy to tell you, have been in a coma for the past four months. After the restaurant incident we went home and you passed out and went into shock. We rushed you here and then you slipped into a coma. You do remember the restaurant right?" I asked sadly.

"Um...yeah, I remember that, but I don't remember going home that...much." he cried. "Why did I go into a coma?"

"We don't know, champ. The seizing could have caused it or even left over poison we may have missed when pumping your stomach. It could have gotten to your nervous system." Mike was saying, but it was all a blur to me. I could only concentrate on Tyler, who was now awake. I was so happy.

"Well, what has happened since I slipped into the coma?" he asked. He was fully crying. I held his hand as his parents filled him in on some things he missed. Nothing major, but the biggest impact on him was the fact that he missed a few new episodes of Desperate Housewives. His reaction to that made everyone let out a small laugh.

Three more hours passed before Lynette was reluctantly drug from the hospital by her husband, who also did not want to leave, but they both needed the rest. Besides, I told them I'd stay with Tyler.

"Tyler, we need to talk about something." I told him desolately.

"You're not dumping me are you?" he suddenly blurted out.

"What? No, no, I'm not dumping you, babe. It's just that...something happened at school about a week after you went into the coma," I said nervously, "Julie outted us through out the school. Now, every single person at our school knows we're gay."

I could see fear and regret on his face. His eyes were locked on mine and his started to get glossy.

"Well, are you all right? Has anyone tried to do anything to you because if they have I'll put them in a coma so fast they'll^×"

"Tyler, Tyler, no one has really done anything to me physically," I said, "but they have done things to some items of mine. Like keying my car, slashing two tires, tripping me, calling me a fag, you know the routine."

His face went from sadness to rage very quickly. I could see fire in his eyes. Suddenly, his heart monitor thing started to beep quickly. More beeping sounds came from other equipment and a few nurses rushed in with a doctor.

"What happened?" the doctor asked.

"Nothing, I just told him some possibly upsetting news. Is he going to be all right?" I asked frightened.

"He's starting to seize." the doctor said trying to get some kind of tubing into Tyler. "Nurse, get him out of here!"

"Come on, honey. You got to go." she said.

"Tyler!" I shouted as she led me out of the room. They quickly drew the curtains. More nurses came into the room as I sat down with fear dwelling inside of me. I can't believe I made my boyfriend start seizing.

Minutes later, the doctor reappeared from the room. He walked over to me and stood in front of me.

"He's fine."

"Oh, thank you."

I walked into his room and saw him with three more tubes in him. The beeping was back to its normal pace.

"Tyler?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah, babe." he barely replied.

"Oh, Tyler, I am so sorry."

"Jared, it's okay, really. You didn't make me have a seizure. And I'm glad you told me that."


"Yeah, now I can come up with an even bigger plan to get back at her." he laughed evilly.

I just looked at him and smiled widely, "You are so cute when you're evil."

"I know," he said. "So, it seemed like you were going to tell me something else before I seized."

" know I'll always love you right?" I asked tensely.

"Yes, what are you getting at?" he started to look upset again.

"Understand something Tyler, you were in a coma for four months. I had all the faith in the world you'd come back, but I was so lonely." I hesitantly said.

"Jared, what are you saying?" he choked out.

"There's someone else."

Trust is a fragile thing. Once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom. But once trust is lost, it can be impossible to recover. Of course, the truth is, we never know who we can trust. Those we're closest to can betray us. And total strangers can come to our rescue. In the end, most people decide to trust only themselves. It really is the simplest way to keep from getting burned.

I can't remember anything really. The last thing I do remember is falling asleep in my room after we got home from the restaurant. Apparently, I didn't fall asleep; I passed out and went into shock. I woke up nearly four days ago, after being "asleep" for four months.

Jared was there when I awoke. It made me very warm inside to see my boyfriend waiting for me to wake up and at how long he's waited for me to come back to him. However, he told me that...he was lonely when I was on the coma. And about a week ago he met someone else.

"What do you mean someone else?" I asked still shocked at what I heard.

"Last week, I started to just go out with a guy named, Austin. We haven't done anything at all. No kissing, no holding hands, we haven't even hugged." Jared said. Tears started to fall from his eyes. Does he think I'm going to feel sorry for him?

"So you think that makes it okay?"

"No, but Tyler I was so lonely. I was^×"

"Stop, Jared, just stop. Get out," paused waiting for him to leave. "I'm serious, get out. I hate you! I don't ever want to see you again!"

He got up, crying, and walked out in silence. I started to cry uncontrollably. He said he loved me. He asked me out on my birthday. This chain that's on a stand next to my bed means nothing to me now. His loyalty to me is officially broken.

And now I'm lying alone in a hospital room with no one. Mom left earlier and dad checks in on me every so often. He tells me that Jared has come by once a day, but I refused to see him. He cheated on me...kind of. He said they didn't kiss or anything remotely close to that. Does that actually mean he cheated? No...yes, I mean, it does. Jared was unfaithful...right? I didn't make a mistake? Sigh, I guess maybe I was a little harsh.

That night as I lied in my bed, for the first time in four months, I clasped my hands together and prayed.

"Dear God, I still love him. Why did he have to do this to me? I don't deserve this. After all I've been through with my parents and other things this shouldn't have happened. Please, help me through this one. I don't know if I can stay mad at him, but he betrayed me. I should still be mad, right? I love him...maybe I'm just being a fool. Jealous? Yes, very. Depressed? Of course I am. Please, give me some kind of light, amen."

Is Jared happy with his choice? His choice of disloyalty. His choice of distrust. His choice of happiness. I'm happy. Yeah...right.

I cheated on Tyler. Not to hurt him, but I was lonely and as much faith as I had it was starting to leave me. I'm not happy with myself. If Tyler can find it in his heart to forgive me I'd make everything right again.

The boy I had seen for only three hours was Tommy Young. He is very cute and sweet and caring. I told him about Tyler and that if he did wake up I would choose him. Tommy understood completely. He didn't think I was rude to say that. The day we were together we just had lunch. Some burgers and fries at a local diner with some talking. No kissing, nothing gay at all. We've talked on the phone a couple times after that, but before Tyler woke up. Yesterday I went to his house because I needed his comfort. Tyler had dumped me. It was all my fault.

Tonight, I lie in my bed. I had prayed to God. I want Tyler back in my life. I need him back in my life. I still love him.

Each new day in suburbia brings with it a new set of lies. The worst are the ones we tell ourselves before we fall asleep. We whisper them in the dark, telling ourselves we're happy. Or, that he's happy. That we can change. Or that he will change his mind. We persuade ourselves we can live with our sins or that we can live without him. Yes, each night before we fall asleep we lie to ourselves, in the desperate, desperate hope, that come morning, it will all be true.

This chapter was sort of thrown together. I was trying to rush to get it done. Don't worry, other chapters will be more...smoother. Will Tyler and Jared break up for good? Or will Tyler accept Jared in his life once more? And what about Tommy? Julie? What happened to the whore? Comments are fuel to keep me writing these stories. The less comments, the less these stories become interesting. Please, do me, yourself, and everyone a favor and leave me messages and comments. Thanks!

Next: Chapter 10: Promise Kept Delay 2

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