Promise Series

Published on Dec 2, 2006


"I'm going upstairs. I feel dizzy." Tyler groaned.

"Sweetie, you look as pale as a ghost." Lynette said worriedly.

"I'll be up in a second, babe." I said rubbing his back gently.

He walked clumsily upstairs as I walked into the kitchen to get him a glass of water. Mike and Lynette followed me in.

"Listen Jared, if you hear Tyler's breathing getting faster and longer come get me. Or if he starts saying he's feeling lightheaded I need you to tell me right away." Mike said.

"Yes, of course, Mike. I'll come get--" I stopped after hearing a loud thud from upstairs. I looked at Lynette then back at Mike. We then looked up and ran upstairs.

Mike was the first one in Tyler's room. He was on the floor bleeding from his mouth. His skin color looked even worse than before. I could tell her was breathing heavily.

"Tyler!" Mike shouted. "Lynette, call an ambulance. Jared, go get me a blanket from the guest room. He's going into shock."

I quickly ran into the guest room and grabbed a blanket then ran back. Lynette came in right after I did.

"Okay, they said they're on their way." she said trying to hold back her tears. About three minutes later, Mike started to grow impatient.

"Damn it, we have to take him. This is too urgent."

"I'll get the keys." Lynette said. Mike picked Tyler up, hurrying down the stairs.

"Jared, get my wallet in the kitchen." he ordered. Lynette was rushing through everything trying to find the keys to Tyler's Murano.

"I can't find his keys!" she screamed.

I grabbed Mike's wallet and walked outside into the freezing cold. Lynette still hadn't come out of the house. After Mike and I got Tyler in, I ran back inside to help with the keys. We finally found them; they were under a bunch of papers she had moved.

She was driving, Mike was in the back holding Tyler in the blanket and keeping his head up, and I sat in front impatiently waiting to arrive at the hospital. Lynette kept having troubles driving. She would slow down for no reason, and maybe it was just me, but we were stopping at every single light.

We finally arrived at the hospital. There were already two nurses waiting outside with a bed. Mike must have called them. Lynette came to a screeching halt. I helped Mike get Tyler on the bed. He and the nurses rushed in with me following close behind.

"Jared, stay here. I'll come get you when I can." Mike ordered and he ran behind two swinging doors.

"Jared, where'd they go?" Lynette asked as she came rushing in. Her emotions couldn't be seen. I knew she was upset, but she did not show anything. In fact, in the time I've known Tyler I have never seen any emotion other than happy on her face.

"Mike said to wait out here until he comes to get us." I dully replied.

"Well, I don't know why, but I have the strangest feeling everything will be just fine."

"Yeah, let's hope."

An hour passed before Mike finally emerged from the doors. He didn't have a smile on, but not exactly a frown on.

"Honey, Jared, he was stable. We had to pump his stomach and replace a lot of fluids. We tested his blood and found that he has something called Toxic Shock Syndrome. That explains his paleness, dizziness, vomiting, and how he went into shock. I gave him a tranquilizer to help him sleep. But, a few minutes later, his heart rate increased and his body temperature grew hotter. He started seizing." Mike paused for a second before continuing. "He stopped breathing and passed out."

Lynette's face dropped. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I started to cry hard. Tyler has made me so happy in just two days and now he's in the hospital.

"Lynette, Jared, Tyler is in a coma as of five minutes ago. He just slipped. I don't know how long he could be in a coma."

I cried harder. Lynette actually started crying. She grabbed onto me and hugged me. Mike grabbed both of us and held us. He tried comforting me, but it wasn't working at all.

Okay, chapter six. It hasn't gone exactly the way I want too, but I want to move on to further chapters. I'm getting a lot of great ideas. Please, e-mail me with comments. They keep my ideas flowing. It especially helps that I know people are reading my story. Thanks, Bobby

Next: Chapter 8: Promise Kept 7

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