Promise Series

Published on Nov 23, 2006


"Morning Tyler!" mom shouted. She was standing next to my bed with a whole bunch of balloons that read "Happy Birthday".

"Mom, are you high?" I asked her, covering myself up.

"Tyler, get up and go downstairs. Your father and I have a surprise for you." she had a wide smile on her face. It's not rare that she has those, and when she did it meant something incredible.

"All right, I won't sleep in today." I grumbled as I rolled out of bed.

"It's ten o'clock."

I slowly and carefully walked downstairs and saw my dad standing by the front door with one of his classic smiles. My eyes caught something in his hands. Something I've always wanted: car keys.

"You didn't!?" I screamed. He just kept smiling and opened the door. I ran up to him and he gave me the keys. The door was already cracked open and I could feel the ice cold breeze coming through it. I didn't care. I ran outside and there sat the SUV I've always wanted.

"Your father and I were a little skeptical about getting you an SUV as your first vehicle, but we decided you do deserve it." mom said.

"It comes fully loaded, Tyler. It's specifically your Nissan Murano. I'm good friends with the dealer and we got an amazing price for all that." dad was saying. But I was in too much of a daze to really understand. I started to cry. This had to be one of the most incredible gifts in the world, besides Jared's I mean.

"Mom, dad, thank you. I love you so much." I ran over to them and hugged them tightly. I knew how much this had put a dent in their wallet, but they acted like it didn't. Or, was dad saying he got a great deal?

"You really like it then?" dad asked me.

"Are you kidding me? I love it! It's the color I wanted," I unlocked it and looked inside. "It has the colors I wanted inside and a moon roof. Mom, dad, this is incredible."

"Well, we're glad you like it. We spoke to Jared already and he's going to be meeting us for breakfast. So, go take a shower and get ready quickly." mom said.

"Yes, mom, right away." I ran inside and started stripping my clothes off before I was even near the bathroom. I took the fastest and hottest shower I ever had and still did everything I usually do.

"Ready!" I shouted. I grabbed my license on the way out. It was time to unleash the animal.

We all got in my Murano; mom in the front and dad in the back. Man, being gay could have its upsides. I mean, women wouldn't be able to boss you around anymore. Or nag at you. But you gotta love them.

I slowly started it and I jumped in my seat with joy once I finally did. I was so happy. My dream car was finally mine. I backed out and headed off to...some restaurant. Must be new because I've never heard of it. I pulled into the parking lot, but didn't see Jared's car there.

"Tyler, calm down. He took the bus here. He's going to be spending the day with you." mom said. There was a genuine look of disappointment on my face.

"Tyler! Over here." I heard someone shout. Then, I saw him waving at us. We walked inside and down to where he was. Jared stood up and hugged me, and then he shook my parent's hands. Our waitress came up and she was not someone I had expected.

"Julie," I said. Tyler was looking at her with a shocked face and I was just amazed.

"Hi, Jared, Tyler," she said. I could tell she was holding something back. "What would you like to drink?"

"Coffee, please." Lynette said.

"Same." Mike said.

"Orange juice." said Tyler.

"I'll have the same." I responded.

She wrote the orders down and walked away. I could tell Tyler was upset that she was here, much less working here.

"So, Tyler, you know her?" asked Lynette.

"Unfortunately," he dully responded. She could tell that was the end of that.

We waited for our drinks in silence. The only thing keeping us occupied were the menus in front of us. Julie finally came back with our drinks. She gently placed mine, Lynette's, and Mike's drinks down, but more aggressively set down Tyler's.

"So, are you ready to order?" she asked crudely.

"Yes, I'll have the omelet with mushrooms." Lynette ordered.

"I'll have the same, but no mushrooms and I side of extra hash browns." Mike said.

"Yeah, um, I'll take the bacon and eggs, scrambled, with wheat toast." I said.

"Pancakes." Tyler said. He really wasn't happy about seeing her. She finished writing everything down then took our menus and left.

"Did you like your present, Tyler?" I asked him.

"I love it. My dream car is finally mine." he said brightly. We kept talking about anything. His mom and dad seemed very happy and I couldn't figure out why. I mean, I know they're happy he loves his car, but you'd think their enthusiasm would get just a little bit lighter.

Julie came with our orders. There was a lot of food. It was a good deal for the money. Tyler quickly ate three of the five pancakes, but stopped at the fourth. And he didn't seem too happy with it.

"Is there something wrong, babe?" I asked him. He didn't answer me for a few minutes.

"Yeah, there is. I have to go to the bathroom." he said. He got up fast and hurried to the bathroom covering his mouth. Maybe he got to full. But he only ate three pancakes. I decided to go check up on him after thirteen minutes.

"I'm gonna go check on him. I'll be right back." I said to his parents.

"Okay, Jared." Mike said.

I slowly walked in the bathroom and heard someone throwing up. one of the stall doors was open, the biggest one, and there was Tyler leaning over the toilet throwing up.

"Tyler, are you okay?" I asked as I walked next to him and helped. I gently started rubbing his back.

"No, Jared, I'm not," he cried. "I wasn't supposed to tell you anything, and I wasn't going to."

"You can tell me anything, Tyler." I said softly trying to calm him down. He was done throwing up, but now he was crying his eyes out.

"Here," he said as he handed me something. I started reading it as he was telling me something. "Wednesday night after I left school I went to the park. Julie must have followed me or something because she caught up with me."

He kept choking, crying even harder.

"Shh, just take your time."

"She told me I had to stay away from you; that if I even thought gay around you she'd out me to everyone. And I didn't want that to happen to you. I don't want you to be harassed because of me. The schools fag." he just kept crying. "Please don't be mad at me, Jared."

I couldn't believe this. Julie had threatened my boyfriend. She had threatened him with an outing. I've only been openly gay for a few days, but I know being outted is a big deal to someone like Tyler. That bitch! It's on now. I'm pist.

"So, she wrote this note too then?"

"Yes, Jared, don't you see? She has been competing with me to get you ever since you met her. But there's a difference in the ways we both want you. I want your love. She wants you lust. I'd love to have your lust, but your love is more important. Do you understand?" he asked me wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Oh, Tyler, you bet I understand. Now, how about we get out of this bathroom, go back to your mom and dad, and walk the hell out of this place?" I smiled at him trying to make him feel less guilty for something he had no control over.

"Sure, let's go," he said groggily, "wait." he said as he leaned over the bowl one more time.

"Okay, take your time."

"Ugh, I feel horrible."

"Maybe this will help you feel better." I leaned in and kissed him, horrible tasting lips and all.

"I love you, Tyler. Don't ever forget that. I'll always love you. And that's a promise."

"I love you too, Jared. I'll remember that, forever."

We walked out of the bathroom, him holding me. I felt incredibly sick. What seemed like forever was only a ten second walk to our table. I sat down and scooted over. Mom and dad looked upset. Gee, I wonder why?

"Son, are you all right?" dad asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just feel a little sick." I said as I was holding my aching head.

"What's that smell?" mom asked.

"Mom, I just threw my brains up, what do you think the smell is?"

"No, dear, it smells good." said mom.

"Yeah, I smell it, too." Jared said. He leaned in and smelt the food. His nose led him to my pancakes. He sniffed them then quickly sat his head up and looked astonished.

"Mike, smell these pancakes. What the hell is that?" Jared asked quickly.

Mom and dad both smelled the pancakes then looked at each other with worry in their eyes.

"Lavender." mom said. She started to turn red. Dad looked at her then over at me.

"Tyler, you didn't notice the smell before you started eating?" dad asked.

"No, I was too hungry. Why? What's wrong?" I was starting to get worried.

"Someone put some kind of chemical in your food, or on it. Either way, it isn't good." he said worriedly. Dad was a doctor, the best one at the hospital, so he knew what this kind of stuff was and what it did.

"Boys, why don't you step outside and wait for us?" mom said trying to remain calm. I could tell the beast was ready to be unleashed.

"Sure," Jared said looking just as mad. "Let's go Tyler." He helped me up and held my hand as we walked outside into the freezing cold.

I could see mom getting up and walking over to the cashier. The doors weren't that thick so we could make out just about everything they were saying.

"I would like to speak to your manager, now!" mom screamed. Dad picked the plate of pancakes up and walked up to mom.

"Hi, I'm George Parker, is there something wrong?" I'm guessing the manager said.

"Yes, someone tried to poison my son!" mom screamed again. The restaurant became deathly silent. All eyes were on my parents.

"Smell these pancakes." dad said.

The manager took the plate and smelt the pancakes. He looked back up at my parents with a horrified look on his face.

"Who was your waitress?" he asked.

"Someone named, Julie." dad said.

Mr. Parker stormed away and grabbed Julie, who was trying to do her best at hiding. She probably knew she was screwed. And she was.

"Did you do anything to these pancakes, Julie!?" the manager roared.

"You bet I did. That faggot had it coming. He tried to steal away my soul mate! What was I supposed to do?" she said evilly. Wow, this chick is some other shit.

Dad stepped up and said, "Don't you dare call him that again! He is no different than anyone else!"

"Yes he is! He's disgusting. But what are you gonna do now? He's already eaten about two cups of freshly scented floor cleaner. It's over, I've won, again."

Mom threw her purse over her shoulder saying, "Listen here you little witch, this is far from over. Mr. Porter, we will not press charges against the restaurant. Julie, we will be mailing your parents the medical bills and more. Now, we are going to walk out of here and if you so much as look at my son or Jared again I will take you down. Do you understand me?" mom got right up in her face, staring her down. Julie just shook her head in fear.

Mom then looked at Mr. Porter and started to leave. Dad talked to him for a few more minutes before coming back out. We walked back to my Murano. Before we closed our doors, we heard something incredible, "You're fired!"

There you go. I hope you liked this chapter as much as I liked writing it. Your comments keep me enthusiastic about writing them. The end of Julie isn't here. So she will be back. For those of you who joined my group bare with me as I'm still trying to figure out how to create the stories so there in length, not width. So please, bear with me. Comments are always encouraged and appreciated. Thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Next: Chapter 6: Promise Kept Delay

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