Promise Series

Published on Nov 19, 2006


Last week, Jared and I walked around almost all night. It was romantic and I was having a great time. And when we finally got back to my house, he...asked me out on a date. I was so excited when he asked me, I jumped on him and hugged him tightly. However, I'm wondering if he remembers it's my birthday tomorrow. It seems my parents even forgot. All I got this morning was a happy birthday. My friends at school said happy birthday, but not even one thing from Jared. The day went good though. Tonight, I am very nervous. I mean, this is the first date I'll ever be on. And this is an official date, not just a friendly dinner, so that makes me even more nervous. The place he was taking me to is the fanciest place in town, Piero's Acqua Piazza.

"Ty, how's it going?" dad asked coming into my room. I was standing in front of my mirror.

"Fine, but I can't get this tie straight." I said in frustration.

"Here, stop." he said as he grabbed my tie and tried to fix it.

"If I get nervous my hands will get all sweaty and gross."

Dad reached over, grabbed some tissue, and stuffed it in my pocket. Then he looked back at me and said, "Now, at the first hint of dampness, stick your hands in your pocket and wipe them off."

"Sweetie, is everything all right?" mom asked as she walked in.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous. There's gonna be dancing and I'm scared that I'll step on his feet. That is, if we even do dance."

"Well, just don't think about messing up. All you have to do is concentrate and everything will be fine." dad said.

"Mom told me that the guy leads."

"No one leads. It's a group thing. You don't know how you get there, but you just get there. Kind of like how your mom drives." dad laughed. Mom looked at him sourly.

"Okay, that helps, a little." I smiled at them both. The doorbell rang as I finished giving them both hugs.

"Go get him, sport."

Tonight, I'm taking Tyler to the best Italian restaurant in town, Piero's Acqua Piazza, for a date and his birthday present. I'm kind of nervous, but I'm getting better by the second just thinking of Tyler. This is my first date, well, with a boy. My mom still doesn't know about the whole gay thing, but it's not like she's ever home anyways. She's always on business trips. She makes great money. We live in one of the biggest houses I've seen in a long time. Nevertheless, she's never home. That kind of disappoints me. I want parents like Tyler's. Then, I hardly ever visit my dad because he's always on business trips.

I finally got done getting ready and was ready to go. It was around seven-thirty when I left the house. My little Nissan can make it there faster than you can say Nissan. It's a 350z Roadster with burnt orange leather and a Cat-Back Exhaust System...sorry, sometimes I get carried away. That's a present I got from my mom and dad about two months ago for my birthday. I consider it a sorry for them divorcing and always being away on business.

I pulled up into Tyler's driveway and took a deep breathe before I got out and walked up to his door. My hand slowly went to the doorbell button and before I knew it, I heard a ring. Seconds later, the door opened.

"Hi, Jared," I said.

"Hi, Tyler," he said. "You look great." My face must have turned three shades of red.

"Come in,"


My mom and dad made their way downstairs as he came in. what perfect timing. They looked at both of us and smiled. For the first time in my life, I actually felt what it was like to be in true love. Sure, I've had crushes, but nothing compares to him being right next to you.

"Jared, it's nice to see you again." mom said.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you again, Mrs. Delfino. And you Mr. Delfino."

"Please, it's Lynette," she said.

"And it's Mike," dad said.

"Well, Tyler, we should go. It's Friday and the Piazza gets really crowded." Jared turned to me and said.

"You two have a good time. Oh, Jared, I want him back by midnight!" mom shouted as we walked outside.

He was a gentleman the entire time; opening the car door for me, and again at the restaurant. We walked into the restaurant and wow, it was so beautiful.

"I have reservations for Jared," Jared told the hostess.

"Of course, right this way sir. We haven't seen you here in quite some time. Usually you're here at least once a week." the hostess was saying.

"Yes, well, I've been busy lately with things." he replied.

She sat us and took our drinking orders. The atmosphere in there was very romantic. I noticed a small dancing area, but no one was dancing. There wasn't even music playing. Well, there was, but it wasn't dancing music. Jared and I started up a conversation as our waiter returned.

"So, Tyler, what do you think so far?" he asked me.

"It's nice, Jared. Thanks for bringing me here." I smiled at him.

"You look great in a suit." he said as I was taking a drink, which made me choke a little.

"Really?" I asked astonished.

"Yeah, really," he gave me the biggest smile.

Our waiter came back to take our orders this time. I still hadn't made up my mind. I was too busy talking with Jared. He just told the waiter his usual. What the hell did that mean? Well, I just decided on fettuccine alfredo.

"So, Tyler, you probably thought I forgot how important today was to you. But, I didn't forget. I'm gonna make tonight one of the most memorable nights of your life." he told me.

"Jared..." I started, but he stopped me.

"Stop, don't say anything, Tyler. Just trust me, okay?"

"Okay, Jared, I trust you." my emotions were getting mixed up. He stood up and walked in front of me. Then, the lights started to slowly dim. And a song started playing. A song I knew very well.

"Jared?" I started to feel incredibly weak.

"Tyler, will you dance with me?"

Everybody was staring at us. I was getting more nervous by the second. I had two choices, on the one hand I can dance with the boy I love, on the other, get mocked out of the building.

"Yeah, I'll dance with you." my eyes watered lightly.

We walked up onto the small dance floor. I could tell it wasn't a permanent floor, but a piece of fancy hard wood. The song continued. He grabbed me closer and we started to move. I tried remembering what mom and dad had taught me about dancing. But I couldn't remember a thing. All I could focus on was the boy holding me and the song playing.

Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you, That is how I know you go on. Far across the distance and spaces between us You have come to show you go on.

Near, far, wherever you are, I believe that the heart does go on. Once more, you open the door And you're here in my heart, and my heart will go on and on.

I looked into Jared's eyes. They showed happiness and love. I placed my head back down on his shoulder and felt the warmth off his beautiful body.

Love can touch just one time and last for a lifetime, And never let go till we're gone. Love was when I loved you, one true time I hold to In my life we'll always go on.

Near, far, wherever you are, I believe that heart does go on. Once more, you open the door And you're here in my heart, And my heart will go on and on

You're here, there's nothing I fear, And I know that my heart will go on. We'll stay this way forever this way, You are safe in my heart, And my heart will go on and on.

The song slowly came to end. We split apart gently and looked into each others eyes. He suddenly leaned in and our lips met. It seemed like forever we kissed. It was gentle and passionate. He finally pulled away.

"Happy Birthday, Tyler. I love you."

Tears started to flow from my eyes, "I love you too, Jared."

People are us slowly started to clap. I looked around and everybody's eyes were glimmering. They all had a small smile on there face. Except for a few men, all the women had a small smile I mean. He grabbed my hand and we walked back to our table. The food had already come and it looked delicious.

We ate and kept looking at each other. Every time our eyes met, we smiled. I didn't know what this meant. Does Jared want to go out? Is he admitting he's gay? He kissed me in front of all these people with no hesitation. There must be something I'm missing.

"Well, Tyler, how was your food?" Jared asked.

"It was really good. I'm so full." I moaned.

"Good, but we still have dessert." he giggled.

"Oh, Jared, I don't know. I'm full."

"Too bad, you won't wanna miss this dessert. It's excellent," he smiled. "Waiter, we need dessert."

"Yes, sir." the waiter said. Jared must have a usual dessert too. A few minutes later, he came back with two small plates. He gave one to Jared; it had a small cake with blue frosting and a yellow ribbon and bow. Then, he gave me the second plate, which had a small cake too, but it looked more like a box. It also had blue and yellow ribbon and a bow.

"Here you are, sir."

I looked at Jared with confusion. He looked at my plate then back at me and shrugged.

"Jared, what's going on?"

"Shh, just open it."

I slowly lifted the top off of the box and to my astonishment, there was a large silver chain with embroidery on the front. It read, "Jared+Tyler=Love". I started to cry.


"Tyler, I love you. I never forgot about your birthday. I wanted tonight to be perfect so I didn't mention anything. I remembered your favorite song, and don't think I don't remember you telling me how romantic you like things. Will you go out with me?" he asked. The expression on his face was hopeful. He actually wanted to go out with me.

After a few more moments of quietly sobbing I replied, "Yes, I'll go out with you."

We both got up and hugged each other. Tonight has been perfect. But, it still wasn't over. He had another surprise for me. He pulled me onto the dance floor again and held me close.

I always like it when you hold me close and then We stay that way through the night, the rain falls down on us Sendin' chills up and down my spine, but we don't seem to mind.

So kiss me, baby, just one more time, I just can't get enough, you're like a dream of mine. And touch me, baby, just one more time, So soft and gentle like one more time.

I can feel your breath on me, And your skin right next to mine. Please don't ever let this go. Can you turn off all the lights? Come lay down right by my side, And, baby, just close your eyes.

So kiss me, baby, just one more time, I just can't get enough, you're like a dream of mine. And touch me, baby, just one more time, So soft and gentle, like, one more time.

It's taken some time, But you're worth the wait. You know that I love you, This could be destiny, you and me. I always like it when, You whisper softly to me, You know you love me, too.

Kiss me, baby, just one more time I just can't get enough, you're like a dream of mine And touch me, baby, just one more time So soft and gentle, like, one more time

I just can't get enough, you're like a dream of mine, And touch me, baby, just one more time, So soft and gentle, like, one more time.

One more time.

One more time.

Gently, we separated and again the people around us started to clap. He really does love me. The look in his eyes. His hands on me. It wasn't just my imagination. We sat back down and talked for about another hour.

"Ready to go home, Tyler?" Jared asked softly.

"Sure," I said.

The drive home we held hands after he shifted gears. We kept looking into each others eyes and smiled at each other. This feeling felt great. I finally felt loved like I've needed to for so long. Nothing could ruin this night.

My house came into view. He pulled into my driveway and opened my door. We walked up to the front door hand-in-hand.

"Thank you so much for tonight, Jared. It really was the best night of my life. I'm so happy now." I started to sob gently. He pulled me into a hug.

"No, thank you, Tyler. You helped me realize who I am. Without you, I wouldn't be this happy either." he said while rubbing my hair.

"How did I help you?" I asked, pulling away from him.

"Like this," he slowly leaned in and kissed me. Another slow, passionate kiss that seemed to last forever. "I have to go, Tyler, but I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, I love you so much, Jared."

"I love you more."

"Uh uh, I love you more."

"Nope, I love you more. I'll show you just how much I love you." he said seductively. With another kiss, he walked back to his car and started it. I waved goodbye as he drove off.

A perfect night. I've never felt more loved. This is great.

Okay, a very long chapter and I enjoyed writing it. There may be a few typo's and word repeats. I hope you like this chapter. There's still more to come in there adventure. More drama, comedy, and thrills. Comments are appreciated.

"My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion. All rights reserved.

"One More Time" by Jim Verraros. All rights reserved.

Next: Chapter 5: Promise Kept 5

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