Promise Series

Published on Aug 7, 2008


The following is a work of fiction. Any similarities are entirely fortuitous. The story may contain profanity and references to gay sex. If such content offends you please leave now. The author retains all rights to the story. Do not copy or use without written authority from the author. Write Bobby at with your comments.

A Promise Well Kept 13


"Happy birthday!" everyone shouted. I was stunned, just standing in the doorway. A smile grew on my face as I began to realize what was happening.

"Well, get in here." Mr. Danforth said. "We decided to throw you a little party figuring you deserve it."

"I... I..." was all I could muster up.

Lunch was great. All of my old teachers were in the lounge and I mean all of my old teachers. Ninth grade through my senior year, they were all here. My heart was warm and tingly knowing that these great people were here just for me celebrating something that had nothing to do with them whatsoever. They bought me a cake and we all dug into it. The gifts they bought me were all gift cards and teacher resources. I was stunned they even considered getting me presents. I was happy with just the happy birthday when I walked in.

All great things must come to an end though. Lunch seemed to go by extra fast. Everyone had to get back to teaching though so it wasn't that big of a deal. I thanked every single person for what they did then I headed back to my class with tear filled eyes.

After school I picked Keegan up and was on my way home when Keegan surprised me with something. I saw him holding something when he was walking to my car, but I just figured it was his. He handed me a card that he made himself. On the front in big, bold letters it read "HAPPY BIRTHDAY." I opened the card and read it.

Dear dad,

im so happy that you are my dad. I wouldnt trade you for the world. I hope you have a grate birthday and get lots of presents



I'm not embarrassed to admit I started to cry. I hid it as best I could and thanked my son, but it was getting hard by the second. I held him for the longest time. He actually started to cry some time as well.

When we got home, Jared was waiting for us right through the front door. He had a mischievous smile across his face. I knew he was up to something, but what I'm not quite sure yet. Honestly, I hope it doesn't have to do with going out. I've been exhausted lately and I would love nothing more than just being able to relax in our hot tub all weekend.

Around five-thirty, Jared began to cook dinner. He told me he was going to do his best at cooking me a fine meal. Several times I offered my assistance, but he was persistent and sternly told me to go back and sit with on the couch with Keegan.

The meal itself was surprisingly good. And I don't want that to sound mean because it's not meant to be, but after a certain amount of years you learn what your husband and/or wife can't do. He made streak, baked potatoes, salad, and for dessert a lemon cake with a berry sauce. Everything was exquisite and perfect. Well, almost everything was perfect. Travers never came out for dinner. When I asked Jared about it he just said that Travers wasn't feeling well. Figuring he should at least have some soup, I whipped some up really quick and took it to him. As I opened the door I suddenly realized I definitely should have knocked first.

"Oh, I am so sor--"

"Get out!" Travers screamed. I practically jumped out and quickly shut the door behind me.

"Don't ask, for God's sake, don't ask." I quickly said to Jared. I set the tray holding his soup and water on the island before running upstairs to my room. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow.

The next morning, Jared wasn't cooking breakfast downstairs. Hell, he wasn't even home. There was a note on the counter though.


I'll be home at two sharp. I wanted to surprise you, but I figured your curiosity has been killing you. I'm taking you out this weekend. Zac and Tommy are going to babysit the boys while we go to a nice hotel and just relax with a lot of pampering.

See you soon!


Pampering? Oh, thank God. He was right though. My curiosity is a retched thing. It won't stop until I know what I want or need to know. The thought of relaxing all weekend began to boost my energy all of a sudden. I went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for work.

Today was a minimum day so I get to go home and prep for weekend pampering even sooner. I arrived at school with many minutes to spare. As I was leaving my Murano I saw Trevor talking to a man, I'm guessing his dad. The man seemed angry, however, was yelling at the poor kid. Thankfully they were out of earshot of other students so no one else was hearing what was going on. All of a sudden the man's arm jerked up then swung back down and his hand connected with Trevor's face.

"Oh, my God." I mumbled angrily. I was about to run over and confront him, but he got back in his car and sped off. Trevor just stood there looking down at the ground. I felt extremely bad for him, but it seemed like this was a good time to just walk away. I'll talk to him after class.


Being suspended is a major blow in my life, but there is at least one up side. I can go out back and smoke some Jane all I want. Of course, that's what got me in trouble anyways. I haven't had any cocaine in a while. I might call a friend up later and see what kind of selection he has. Sex is also something I haven't had in while. God, if I had to choose between sex and drugs I'd definitely have to choose sex. Who wouldn't though?

Lately I've been thinking of Trevor. Every time we would make out I would feel his cock and it felt huge. I would love to have that thing in me. I guess I sort of miss him... Eh, whatever. He is done with now anyways.

I went out back and laid on the grass. Our backyard was fairly simple. Step out the sliding glass door onto the wood deck. The deck held a table and chairs as well as a lounge chair and a barbeque. Along the outside of the deck were rectangular planters that grew blue hydrangeas. Take the steps down the middle and walk along the stepping stones and choose one of two paths or both if you'd want to. The left path leads to two shady trees that cover a small pond. Take the right path to go to another pair of shady trees that cover a bird bath and a fountain. If you don't turn on the paths, that's cool. In the middle of the junction there is a magnolia tree that has the prettiest red flowers you could ever imagine. Then there is the assortment of flowers along the fence that surrounds our property. Our backyard is a place of tranquility that could calm the most rampant of people.

Whenever I go out back it's usually just to be alone. And the only time I get alone time is when everyone goes somewhere. There's just something about being in the backyard that makes me feel so special, so wanted. Maybe it was the sound of water babbling down the fountain sides. Or maybe it's the beauty of all the flowers that you become surrounded by. Lying in the grass brought me back to my early childhood. I have some memories left of my birth parents.

Mom and dad were always a happy couple or so I thought. They had their arguments just like every other husband and wife. I was their pride and joy until Keegan came along. We were treated equal after that small event. Although, I always knew in my heart that he got way more attention. Anyways, one night dad came home really upset about something. The next day they said they had to go away for a while, but they'd be back.

Pfft, what a crock that was! Here I am nine years later with a gay couple and my brother. We refused to be separated so we stayed in foster care for a while until Tyler and Jared came along. I haven't had any contact with my parents since that last night I saw them. Keegan was upset for a long time, but he eventually got over it. He really got over it when he met Tyler and Jared. When I first met them I liked them too. Things change.

The clouds in the sky were beautiful as always where we lived. It began to get hotter outside than before which signaled one o'clock. I remember Tyler saying something about having a minimum day today so he should've been back by now. Maybe he is and I just don't know. Nor do I care though. I know Jared gets off at two and he will be home on time due to the fact that he has to get ready for his surprise for Tyler.

I've been feeling sort of guilty for how I treat Tyler. He brings it upon himself though. I mean if he would just lighten up about things maybe I wouldn't be such a stubborn ass to him. For example, when I first got high it was just an experiment and to be perfectly honest I did not like it. But since Tyler made such a big deal out of it, getting high just seemed to be fun because I knew it pissed him off.

I decided to go down to the basement for a swim. Like I explained before, water is my element. It is my bliss. If I could live on or near the water I would do so in a heartbeat. Figuring I still had some time before Jared even got off work, I stripped naked and just went in the pool naked. It's not like I'd care if Jared saw me anyways.

Being in the water is so relaxing to me. The feel of this liquid that encases my body to my neck, sometimes higher, just feels so amazing to me. I really love the water. And when I go naked in the water, it just makes it that much better. Swimming without clothes lets you really feel free in the water. Your movements can be limitless and expressing.

An hour passed by when I finally heard someone come into the house. I rushed out of the pool and slid my shorts back on. As I made my way upstairs I suddenly wished I would've stayed in the pool.

"Hi, Travers," Tyler said, flipping through some mail.

"Hi," I replied. I moved to walk past him, but then the door bell rang. I walked to the front door and opened it.

"Hello there," a boy said. I stood stunned. The boy who stood before me was absolutely gorgeous. He was tall, tanned, and just fucking gorgeous. His brown hair fell into his face ever so slightly and a few stray pieces went down to his green eyes. He had bright white teeth inside of a smile that could literally blind a person. "How're you doing, Travers?"

Oh, my God! I know this kid!? "I-I-I'm fine," I stuttered. "Um... I don't want t-to be rude, but who are you?"

He chuckled in the cutest way I could ever imagine. "I'm Zac, remember?"

I thought back for a second and then it all dawned on me. He was the guy who sort of saved my brother. "Yeah, yeah, that's right. You're here for the weekend, right?"

"Yup, me and Tommy both."

And just like that my hopes of him fucking me were tossed down the drain as Tommy came into view behind him. They were both really cute, but I'd so much rather have Zac in me than Tommy.

"Can we come in?" Tommy asked.

"Whatever," I said, moving away from the door and going back to my room.


"Hey guys," I greeted the boys.

"Hello, Mr. Del..." I shot Zac a warning. "Tyler."

I laughed. "So, I'm not sure what Jared has planned, but thank you guys for watching the kids today. I really appreciate it and I know Jared does."

"It's not a problem, Tyler." Tommy spoke up.

"Now, let me give you a tour of the house real quick."


"So I figured that we should get there at about five. We can unpack and just order room service or we can go out if you want." I said to Tyler who was absent mindedly staring out the window.

"Whatever you want," Tyler said quietly.

"No, this is your birthday surprise. You get to pick everything this weekend, babe." I explained to him.

"I'm not even that hungry really. So I guess we can just order in." The entire time he talked to me he didn't even glance my way.

"Okay, what's wrong? You've been staring out the window for the past thirty minutes."

"Nothing's wrong really. I guess I just feel bad for leaving Keegan home."

"Well, you shouldn't feel bad. After all, Zac and Tommy are babysitting and I'm positive that they will do a great job. Plus, the security system will do its job."

Tyler let out a long sigh. "You're right."

For the next hour the ride continued to be silent. Tyler was still staring out the window at all the passing scenery. I was becoming more and more worried about him as the time drug on. We should be arriving at the hotel in another hour as long as traffic permits. Hopefully by then he will snap out of his daze and realize that this weekend is his time to be relaxed and stress-free. And yet here he is being worried about Keegan who is in perfectly good hands.

I looked down at the gas gauge. "Damn,"

"What? What's wrong?" Tyler asked. For the first time the entire trip he finally looked at me.

"I forgot to get gas. I'm gonna have to pull off on the next exit."

And so I did. As I was filling the tank up, Tyler went to the bathroom. While he was in the bathroom, I tried to think of ways to cheer him up, but nothing was coming to mind. Tyler walked out of the bathroom and towards me. I suddenly had an idea. I quickly dialed the house phone.

"Hello?" Tommy answered.

"Tommy, I need a small favor." I said.

"Name it," he replied.

"Tell Keegan to call Tyler's cell in five minutes, okay?"

"Gotcha, but--" I hung up before he could finish because Tyler was getting closer and closer by the second. I'm pretty sure Keegan's spontaneous phone call will cheer him up.

The handle on the nozzle clicked off. With the Murano full of fuel and me full of excitement, this trip was going to get underway once more. Just as we were getting on the freeway Tyler's cell phone rang.

"Hello?" he said. "Hey, buddy!"


"All right, kiddo, go get changed and we'll go for a swim real quick." Zac said to Keegan. The boy ran upstairs as quick as lightning.

"You are really good with him, babe." I said.

"Yeah, well, I guess I'm a natural." he gloated.

"Whatever," I groaned.

Keegan came barreling down the stairs in his swim trunks. "Last one in is straight!"

Zac and I bolted off after him, laughing all the way.


We arrived at the hotel an hour after we stopped to get gas. I became more talkative after hearing Keegan's voice and knowing that he was having a fun time already. Jared was at the front desk while I began to unpack the Murano of all our stuff. He came back within a few minutes with a bellhop in tow. The teenager loaded our bags onto his cart and told us he'd be there in a few minutes.

Jared booked us a room at the very top of the hotel. At least it was going to have a nice view. We took the elevator up and walked to our room. My wonderful husband inserted the key card into the door and opened it. The smell was all too familiar to me. Don't you just love the smell of hotel rooms? They have that sort of crispness to them that makes them, to me, a little more inviting.

"This is nice," I said, taking in my surroundings. A king bed sat in the middle of the room. There's a desk in the corner and a TV perched on a dresser in front of the bed; it was your typical hotel room. In the bathroom, which was very spacious, held the shampoos and little soaps. The closet supplied us with a fold-out ironing board and iron.

"So, while we wait for our suitcases, why not think of something to do for the night?" Jared suggested. "Remember we are doing whatever you want to do this weekend."

I nodded. "I'm really tired. Can we just order in and go to bed?" A yawn came after my sentence. Jared took the hint and picked up the phone to order some food. Just then there was a knock at our door. I looked through eye hole and then opened the door for the bellhop. He unloaded our suitcases and glanced at Jared then back at me. I reached in my back pocket and fished a twenty out of my wallet.

"Thank you so much, sir." he gushed.

"No problem," I smiled. He reminded me of Keegan somehow. Maybe it was his young innocence or maybe it was his hair. Yeah, it could've just been his hair.

"All right, I ordered you tortilla soup. And a sandwich for myself, babe." Jared looked up from the list of numbers the hotel gave us. "Oh, I didn't realize he was here."

The bellhop looked at us even more shyly than before. "I'm sorry. I'll be leaving."

"No reason to run off." I said.

"I don't want to intrude."

"You're not intruding. You're doing your job." I laughed.

"Well, I should go either way."

"Have a nice night." Jared called out, but the boy was already out the door. "That was odd."

"He was gay," I stated simply.


Keegan went upstairs to change back into his pajamas while Tommy and I stayed in the pool. We wanted to swim just a little bit longer, but it was nearing Keegan's bed time. Although, Tommy and I had no intentions of making him keep to his curfew.

"Tonight after the boys go to bed, I want you in bed." Tommy whispered in my ear seductively.

The thought of what he was going to do to me made me shiver. No words came out of my gaped mouth. I could only grin to show my excitement. My boyfriend moved closer to me, inch by inch. His mouth was perfectly aligned to mine. All either of us had to do was simply lean in. I decided to take the lead and began to lean in. Closer and closer I got to his perfect face, his luscious lips. I was just about an inch away from him when Keegan called out to us.

"Pizza's here!"

I hope you enjoyed chapter thirteen. As always feel free to e-mail me with any comments or questions. Also feel free to join my group at Thanks!

And don't forget to purchase A Life So Changed. You may purchase it here: If you liked the story online, wait until you see it in print! It would mean the world to me if you bought a copy! Thanks again!

Next: Chapter 36: Promise Well Kept 14

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