Promise Series

Published on Mar 23, 2007


The following is a work of fiction. Any similarities are completely coincidental. The story may contain profanity and references to gay sex. If such content offends you leave now. The author maintains all rights to the story. Do not copy or use without written consent from the author. Write Bobby at with your comments.

A Promise Kept 20

"All the guests are starting to arrive. How are you doing?" dad asked me. This was it. My wedding day. My husband is in a different room with his best man and I'm in this room with my best man. Saying I am nervous is an understatement at this point.

"I'm so nervous. How's the weather?" I asked, pacing back and forth.

Dad looked at me and smiled. "The weather is perfect. It is nice and cool."

"Good, good. I was worried being on the beach would be too hot or too windy." I sighed.

"Well, whenever you're ready son."

"Soon, dad. Very soon."

He walked out of the room, I'm guessing to go and talk to Jared. Today was going perfect so far. We met with our wedding planner and everything was going according to plan. The food was prepared and delivered and the chairs were in order. The wedding would be on a large wooden platform, but it was still on the beach and it was still very private. The reception would be about three miles away in a large, covered outdoor location that was very near the beach; it's sort of like a building. Our two dressing rooms were inside a small building right behind the platform so no one could see us before hand.

Ten minutes later dad walked back in my room and said Jared was ready whenever I am. All the guests arrived and they were all seated. It was all up to me now.

"All right, let's get married." I said nervously, but still very happy.

"Great! I'll tell the pastor. Your mom is going to be escorting Jared down then I'll escort you down and then^×"

"Dad," I said, cutting him off. "I know, we practiced remember?"

"Oh, right, sorry." he said, walking out of the room.

I heard the talking slowing ending and then I heard complete silence. A few minutes later dad walked back in and then I heard music.


"Yeah, let's do this."

He opened the door for me. I walked outside and the first thing I noticed was indeed how nice it was outside. Dad stood next to me and winked. We started to walk towards the aisle way. Within seconds we stood in front of the aisle. Everyone turned their heads and stared. You know that adage about having butterflies in your stomach? Well, I don't know what that person was thinking when they came up with it because it didn't feel like butterflies. Just like we practiced, we walked down the wooden aisle. We made it to the podium; dad turned and went behind and to my side. I looked into Jared's eyes and I could see the happiness, which calmed me down big time. Then I turned and looked into the audience. I saw everyone. My grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends, and even some people I didn't know, but I'm guessing Jared did.

"Today we celebrate the joining of these two young men." the minister began. "Marriage is an honorable act. Those who take the vows promise to love and live together for the rest of their lives. I have seen many people come and go, but I have seen none as in love as these two young men here today. The world is filled with hate and violence, but these young men prove that there are great aspects in loving anyone. Today they will be wed and hopefully live happily ever after. Now, with all witnesses and God watching, may these young men recite their own vows and place the rings." The minister nodded to the both of us. "Please join hands and recite your vows."

Jared started first. I had no idea what his vows would be like. But already I was close to tears just from being in this moment. "I, Jared Young, take you, Tyler Delfino, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, to give up the remote control on Sunday nights," I laughed lightly from that remark. The audience did as well. "To know when to hide when the beast is unleashed, to be financially responsible for even when you want to buy expensive toys, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health. To honor and to cherish. Forsaking all others. Until death do us part." More laughter came from the audience. I just smiled and blushed, getting watery-eyed as he finished. Austin handed him a small box. Last week, Jared took back my ring to put it on me today. He took my left hand and placed the ring on my finger.

"Now, Tyler, recite your vows." the minister said.

"I, Tyler Delfino, take you, Jared Young, to be my husband. I promise to learn how to cook your favorite meals even though it's you who needs the lessons," Jared's not the only one with humor in his vows. The audience got a kick out of that one; even Jared did, blushing and smiling like mad. "And learn how to be more understanding. I promise to keep everything in order except when Desperate Housewives is on, and after that time I will give you full reign of the remote control. I vow to take care of you for the rest of our lives. For this is my one true promise to the one man I love, now and forever." More muffled laughter came from the audience. I looked at Jared who was crying openly now. Dad reached into his coat pocket and handed me a small box. When I opened it I heard a slight gasp from Jared. I took his left hand and placed the ring on his finger.

"If anyone has any objections please speak now or may you forever hold your peace." the minister said firmly to the audience. Jared and I slowly turned our heads and searched the audience. Suddenly, someone slowly walked on the aisle. I immediately recognized who it was.

"That son of a bitch," I heard Jared say under his breath.

"This marriage is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life. This should be outlawed throughout the world!" Paul said.

"Hey, if there's one thing you should know by now it's to stay out of my life!" Jared shouted angrily. His face began turning bright red.

"How could you disgrace the family like this?" Paul shouted back.

"Get out of here!"

"I offered you money to drop that little piece of shit! Money is everything in this world! Quit putting on a faggot show and get some help!"

I felt dad start to walk, but I put my hand up to stop him. The guests were looking at Paul with hate. Many of the men stood up, but stayed in place until needed.

"That's it Paul! Security!" Jared screamed. Four out of the seven security guards Jared hired grabbed Paul forcefully and escorted him out of the area.

"It's okay, Jared, he's gone." I said soothingly to him. He began to return to normal color and ease up. He turned to me and smiled. Everyone else calmed down and returned to sitting.

"Finish the ceremony, please." Jared said to the minister.

"Right, well, I now pronounce you man and man. Jared, Tyler, you may now kiss each one another."

Jared and I looked at each other through our watery eyes and leaned in. Our lips met in a passionate kiss, but we had to stop short so we didn't put on a show for everyone else.

All the guests stood up and began applauding. Jared took my hand and we walked down the aisle as people started throwing rice into the air over us. Tradition. It's great. We made it to the limo and raced in. The guests would be meeting us at the reception area after we signed our marriage license.

"Jared we are finally married!" I excitedly said.

"I know! It's great and I love you so much!"

We pulled up to the reception area. It was magnificent. It was stunning. It was perfect. All plans had been going according to, well, plan. The scrap with my dad at the ceremony was not planned, however. Hopefully he'll take the hint that I'm not leaving Tyler, ever. Officially we are married. Our marriage licensed was signed five minutes ago and now we are just sitting in the limo, waiting to get out and have a great reception.

As planned, the guests were sitting at their arranged seating charts. The blue and violet flowers were in the center of each table encircled by small candles and six wine glasses, one per person per table. The buffet will open after we take our seats, our first dance, and everyone has said what they need to.

"Ready?" I asked Tyler.

"More than ever." he smiled at me.

As we got out, we immediately heard clapping and began getting our pictures taken. Some family and friends were taking pictures like crazy. As we walked into the eating area everyone who was left stood up and continued clapping; we were arm-in-arm. Our table was raised onto a podium-like structure I guess. Either way, everyone knew we were the couple.

It was about four o'clock. The day was still cool and beautiful. Everyone looked extremely happy. I know I am extremely happy as well as Tyler. This day couldn't get any better. Or could it?

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think it's time for Tyler and Jared to have their first dance." Mike said into the microphone at the DJ's table.

Tyler looked at me and I took his hand and led him onto the dance floor. The music began playing and we started moving. The song was familiar. It was the second song that we ever danced to. It was "One More Time" by Jim Verraros. We had practiced dancing several times so that our first dance would be perfect, but we hadn't practiced to this song. It was a surprise. Quite a few more pictures came as we moved to the music.

"I love you, Jared." Tyler whispered in my ear. He pressed closer against my body and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I love you too, Tyler." I whispered back. The song ended then everyone began clapping and cheering. Thinking it was funny, we took a bow then went back to our table.

"A toast," Mr. Danforth stood up and said. "I have known these two since the beginning of their senior year. Immediately, I knew they were something special. Their interactions in class, their brains, their attitude, they were just destined to become great some day. Who knew they'd eventually be married? I'm just here to say I wish the best to the new couple." He raised his glass higher and everyone said in unison, "here here".

We both nodded to Mr. Danforth. A few of our friends then took turns saying some words. Tyler and I sat mesmerized by everyone's kind thoughts. The last two people to give their congrats were Tyler's parents.

"Tyler and Jared, two happy people living in this world now married. May many blessings and fortunes come to them in their life to come." Mike said. He looked at both of us and stood silent for a moment. "Well, enough of my words, I'm hungry! Let's get this reception started!" Everyone laughed at Mike's selfishness. Of course, he was being funny and completely not serious.

"Boys, you both look so happy. I am personally very happy to see you two finally married. I can still remember your first date like it was yesterday. It is amazing how fast time flies. Enjoy each others' company while you can. Take these blessings and good wishes as a foundation for your happiness." Lynette cried. She was very emotional throughout our wedding. At the ceremony most everyone was crying, but Lynette was really crying.

Everyone raised their glasses and then drank. We did as well. Wine was only served to those eighteen and older. For the younger people we had sparkling cider. And if the guests didn't like those they still had plenty of options. And by younger people I mean a lot of Tyler's family showed up with kids.

The buffet was opened and everyone went to dig in. Tyler and I had our own special dinner that was served to us by the numerous waiters around the area. As everyone began eating, I noticed how many people actually did show up. Once everyone started to get full, it was time to cut the cake.

Cameras are tools designed to capture images. But in truth, they can capture so much more. They can uncover hidden longing of men who should no longer care. They can reveal the extraordinary secrets of the most ordinary marriages. Most amazing of all, cameras can quietly and clearly reveal to us our dreams. Dreams we didn't even know we had.

"So, mom, I'm anxious to see the cake you bought." I said to her. She was smiling widely as two men carried in a large platter with something covering the cake so it was still a mystery.

"Okay, boys, take the cover off." mom ordered the two men. Everyone was waiting for the revealing of the cake. As the men started to take it off, I saw small glances of the cake.

"Mom!" I shouted with joy. Jared covered his mouth to prevent himself from screaming. Everyone was in awe of the cake. It had six layers and each was amazing. It was frosted with white and blue frosting with many decorations on it. The sheer beauty of the cake was enough to captivate anyone.

"You like it?" she asked us.

Jared and I looked at each other before replying in unison, "We love it!" Then we both engulfed her in a huge hug. Everyone again started to clap and I knew they all wanted a piece of this gorgeous cake.

"Well, here is your cutter." Mom handed Jared the cutting utensil that was obviously a keepsake. It had engraving in it, but I couldn't quite make it out.

"To Jared and Tyler, the newest happy couple. 2007." Jared read aloud. We hugged my mom again before moving to the cake.

Jared handed me the cutter then placed his hand on top of mine. We stood side by side and carefully we began to cut the first piece out of the cake. Cheers came when we placed the piece on a plate. I blushed at the sudden fame of just slicing a piece of cake. In fact, the pictures began even before we cut the piece. They weren't that bad, but it was kind of hard to concentrate on cutting.

We continued to cut pieces for our guests. Jared took over towards the end because I was so full I couldn't stand the sight of food anymore. As everyone got a rather large piece of cake they sat down and began to eat. Much chatter was filling the air, and I was glad. This was the best day of my life. But unknowingly to me, it was about to get even better.

"Attention everyone," Jared said into the microphone. "If you would please turn your attention to the entrance I have a very, very special guest and she is especially here for my new husband." I turned my head towards him and gave him a questioning look.

He walked up to the table and pulled me to the front entrance. All of a sudden, a very luxurious white limo pulled up. There were a few police motorcycles following closely behind and in front of it.

The door opened and a man stepped out. I began to get excited and nervous at the same time. He walked towards Jared and me and shook our hands.

"Is she here and ready?" Jared asked him.

"Absolutely my boy." he replied happily.

Then I saw her. I just couldn't believe it. My mouth immediately dropped open and I continued to stare at the woman stepping out of the limo.

"C^ÅCeline Dion!?" I asked, astonished by who was walking towards us. The guests began clicking the cameras.

"Yes, I booked her for one song and some autographs and pictures." Jared said. Celine made it up to us and looked genuinely happy to be here. I wanted to shake her hand and thank her, but I was still in complete shock.

"Tyler Delfino?" she asked me.

"Y^Åyes, I'm Tyler. It is so wonderful to meet you. I am a huge fan." I stuttered nervously, and then shook her hand gently.

"And Jared Young I presume?" she asked him.

"Yes, it is an honor to meet you." he said, also shaking her hand gently.

"Well, where shall I be singing?"

"On this stage here, then autographs and pictures will be taken over there." Jared said confidently.

"All right, well, let's get this show on the road."

Celine walked onto the small stage and began talking. "Hello everyone, it is a privilege to be here today to celebrate these young men's wedding. I hope you enjoy this song." she said with a smile that never left her face. The DJ began the song and I again was taken aback.

"Jared, this is so great. I love you so much." I cried. He wiped away tears that were falling from my eyes and lifted my chin up.

"Anything for you, Tyler." he said softly. "Will you dance with me?"

"Of course I will." All the guests were in awe by the sudden guest, but managed to turn their attention towards us.

"Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you. That is how I know you go on. Far across the distance and spaces between us you have come to show you go on. Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on. One more you open the door and you're here in my heart and my heart will go on and on." Celine sang.

I was pressed closely to Jared and we swayed to the music. I was still crying due to Jared's phenomenal surprise guest. I pulled away from him suddenly and smiled at him. Then I walked to my mom and dad who were in tears and pulled them onto the dance floor. I then returned to Jared's arms. Everyone started to take the hint and began coming onto the dance floor with their husband or wife or sister or brother or boyfriend or girlfriend, anyone they could dance with.

"Love can touch just one time and last for a lifetime. And never let go `till we're gone. Love was when I loved you. One true time I hold to. In my life we'll always go on. Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on. Once more you open the door and you're here in my heart and my heart will go on and on."

As the song slowed, before she started to sing again, Celine began walking through the crowd of people beginning the higher notes.

"You're here, there's nothing I fear. And I know that my heart will go on. We'll stay forever this way. You are safe in my heart and my heart will go on and on."

As she passed by Jared and me, I mouthed a silent thank you to her. She nodded to me then began to hum the final part of the song.

Everyone clapped and cheered for Celine. After the dance she moved to the photo spot that was set up. Everyone eventually got a photo and an autograph; after Jared and I got our private pictures, however.

"Jared and Tyler, I wish you the best and happiest marriage." Celine said, before walking to her limo and waving goodbye.

"Jared, thank you so much. I can't believe you did this." I started to cry again.

"I love you, Tyler. I'm glad you're happy. I'm happy too." he said, pulling me into a hug.

The sun was beginning to set. All the guests were still thrilled about Celine Dion being here, but probably not half as much as Tyler was. We walked back to the DJ and he told the guests to enjoy themselves and dance their hearts away. And indeed everyone was enjoying themselves. Mike and Lynette were dancing along with Tyler and me. We simultaneously switched partners and then danced like that, laughing nearly the entire time.

As the night progressed, people began growing tired. Tyler and I decided to begin bringing the wedding to an end. But I didn't want to end the reception just because everyone was growing tired.

"Everyone," I began, "we are going to be leaving soon. We have a flight to catch and I have one last surprise to give to Tyler." He looked at me with a sort of pitiful face. I know he loved getting surprises from me, but I also know how he hates how it costs me money.

A woman began walking onto the dance floor. Tyler was obviously wondering who she was. What Tyler didn't know was that she had been here the entire time. It's just that she has the ability to "disappear".

"Hello again, Jared." she said with elegance in her voice.

"Hi, Aunt Ellie," I said happily.

"Well, I have the package." she said, walking up to Tyler and handing him an envelope. I then ushered him next to me on the DJ's small platform.

"Open it," I said anxiously. He had this smile on that couldn't be duplicated. It was very cute.

He slid his finger through the top of the envelope and dumped its content into his palm. Tyler's eyes instantly grew wide and he quickly turned to face me.

"Boys!" Ellie shouted. Two men were carrying a large poster board; it was covered by a sheet. "Unveil the board, please." The men did as they were told. The sheet was quickly pulled off and a gasp came from nearly every member of the guests; including Tyler. Tears escaped his eyes and then he threw his arms around me.

"Welcome to your new home, Mr. Delfino and Mr. Young. It has five bedrooms and four bathrooms, two living rooms, a spacious dining room, two offices, a full sized kitchen, a three car garage, a pool and Jacuzzi, a magnificent front and back yard, and to finish it all off a basement that has been specially made into a mini-movie theatre." Ellie said quickly. She was used to giving details in a hurry.

"Babe, this is my Aunt Ellie. She's a real estate manager. Being we're family I got an amazing deal on this house that went through foreclosure. There are a few modifications you'll probably want to make, but other than that it's your dream house. It's my dream house. It's our dream house." I said gently. Tyler was burying his head in my shoulder still in complete and utter awe of what has just happened.

"Jared^Å" he managed to say. "I love you so much. Thank you, thank you!" Tyler moved back from me and planted a kiss on my lips. It felt so warm and secure.

Everyone started to clap. His parents were completely taken aback. I actually kept this surprise to myself. A song started to play and it didn't take Tyler long to realize what it was. No words, just a beautiful piano solo. "The Portrait" played by James Horner. I took his hand and led him down onto the dance floor. I looked into his eyes and couldn't help but smile.

Jared and I were dancing to the soft piano solo. I continued to sob while looking at the beautiful man in front of me. He had just shown me my latest surprise; a brand new house. He said there were some modifications I'd want to make, but at this point I highly doubt it.

"We are going somewhere you've always wanted to go for our honeymoon. Actually I've always wanted to go there too." Jared said tenderly.

"Where's that babe?" I smiled at him. Tears were still gently falling from my eyes. His were starting to get glossy.


"Oh, Jared." I placed my head on his shoulder and sobbed gently. The song was coming to an end. He pulled away from me and put his hands on my shoulders. I couldn't look him in the eyes for a second. My gentle sobbing became more regular. "Babe, I love you so much."

"I know you do. I love you, too." He came closer to my face and kissed me. It felt so warm and full of love.

"Ladies and gentlemen I give you the newest happy couple: Jared and Tyler Delfino Young." dad announced to everyone. According to Jared, that was our cue to begin leaving. Everyone stood up and began clapping. A white limo pulled up just as it had when it dropped us off. Jared and I waved goodbye to everyone as we walked to the limo. This had been the perfect day. The perfect wedding. It was now time to be driven to the airport and fly to Italy. Our bags were packed and we were about to have the most romantic week of our lives. Jared promised me his love. And I believe that's a Promise he will Keep and a Promise he Kept.

The vow is simple, really. Those who take it promise to stay together for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health. To honor and to cherish. Forsaking all others. Until death do us part. Yes, the vow is simple. Finding someone worthy of such a promise is the hard part. But if we can, that's when we begin to live happily ever after.

The End

"One More Time" by Jim Verraros. All rights reserved.

"My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion. All rights reserved.

"The Portrait" by James Horner. All rights reserved.

E-mails and comments appreciated. Join my group at Thanks!

I started this story as a way to try and explain some of my feelings for my ex-best friend. He was a lot of things to me. Sadly, due to a series of unfortunate events we no longer speak. It was hard for me to continue writing this story as a lot of the ideas were taken from our friendship. But many people wrote me about how much they liked my story and that they couldn't wait for more chapters. This thrilled me. I love hearing that my work is appreciated. I can honestly tell you right now that it is hard for me to end this story. I'm close to tears. This story means a lot to me.

Inspiration came to me from every thing imaginable. Some family was supportive such as my cousin who gave me one good idea. My best friend who eventually found out I wrote stories. Desperate Housewives and Home Improvement gave me outlines. And even other authors inspired me.

The characters are not real people in my life; rather people I see in my life. Jared and Tyler are real people at my school. I tried identifying them without revealing too much. Mike and Lynette are, as some of you may already know, Desperate Housewives characters. Julie is also a Housewives character, but not resembled from my life. Jared's parents are just parents that don't understand the way love is meant to work, again not real people in my life. The way that Tyler and Jared interact is exactly how I'd want it too be. So this story is for everyone who wants that seemingly perfect relationship. That one relationship that could last for a lifetime.

I hope you continue to read my stories. Maybe even read this one over. I have been thinking about trying to get this one published. I am starting to work on my next story so expect the first chapter within about a month. Thank you to all those who gave support to me and encouraged me to write this story. So once again I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Brokendreamboi [Bobby]

Next: Chapter 23: Promise Well Kept 1

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