Promise Series

Published on Nov 10, 2006


I need a hero. He needs to be sweet, he's gotta be romantic, and must be caring. That hero was Jared, but now that I've lost him what do I do? And now I have Julie threatening me. My social life is over if I don't watch my step around Jared, and his could be at risk too. Life is so complicated.

"Tyler," someone said softly, "Tyler we need to talk."

"No, Jared, we don't have to talk about anything. I don't know how much more of this crap I can take. I mean I take it because I love you so much, but what am I getting in return? Nothing." I started to sob. My feelings are coming out all at once which isn't the best thing.

"Tyler now wait a minute. I'm so sorry for-"

I cut him off right there and said, "Yeah you're sorry, but why does it keep happening? You know that you're my life support, you're my reason for living, but what happens when that life support fails?"

"Tyler please. Just understand that I am very sorry this keeps happening. I know how much you were looking forward to after school. And your birthday is a different story. Tyler, I've wanted to tell you this for some time now. But I just haven't found a good time. Actually, I've just been too nervous. I love you."

His sudden words made me stare right at him. I couldn't believe he just said that. Was this a joke?


"I love you, Tyler." he said softly.

I still couldn't believe I was hearing this. The boy I had loved was finally saying he loved me, but why now? What about all those girls?

"But," I knew this was coming. "It's complicated Tyler. I do love you it's just I'm afraid to be gay. I'm afraid of my parents knowing. I'm afraid about other people finding out. But mostly I'm afraid of losing you. That's why I had to tell you this now."

"Jared is this some kind of joke?"

"No Tyler, it's not. But listen, I'm not ready to be in a relationship. I need to get used to this stuff first, okay?"

"Yeah, sure."

"So, we're squared away then? Because you know I wouldn't intentionally hurt you buddy," Jared said. I could see his eyes start to glisten. "I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you."

"Oh Jared, it's okay. I'm sorry too. Let's just be good from now on? Especially me, I mean, at least now I know where your heart is." I gave him a smile and a wink.

"Yeah. I promise not to hurt you again."

We sat under a tree and watched the sun go down. Tomorrow is Thursday, my birthday is Friday, I wonder what's gonna happen between us. Maybe he's waiting for my birthday. Enough worrying about the future though, my best friend is holding me and watching the sunset. How romantic? This moment I've always wanted to have with him. And now, I have him, well, kind of.

"I love you Jared." I said quietly.

It took him a minute, but he finally said, "I love you too, Tyler."

Last night, I told Tyler that I loved him; probably one of the happiest moments in my life. But, I also told him that I wasn't ready to be in a relationship. Honestly, I'm not.

"Mom, I'm home." I said as I walked into our house. No one answered. I walked farther inside making my way into the kitchen.

"Where have you been!?" mom shouted.

I jumped back and said, "Geez, mom you scared the hell out of me."

"Answer my question. It's ten. I was worried sick."

"I was at the park with Tyler. Since when have you cared where I was?" A little sourness was in my voice. My mom hasn't ever really been a real mom really, I mean, she has, but ever since my dad left us, I've been holding the house up. And holding this house up was not an easy job.

"Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?" she asked appalled at my sudden rudeness.

"You know what I mean. Ever since dad left, I've had to run this house. For months, I had to pay the bills, go grocery shopping, and I even had to schedule my own doctor's appointments. And now just because I came home an hour late you decide to pull the mom card? If there's been a `mom' around here, it's been me."

She just stood in front of me with a confused expression on her face. Before she could respond, I walked away and upstairs to my room. I slammed my door and fell on my bed. Not long after, I fell asleep with so much on my mind.

I silently snuck inside my house. Mom and dad should be sleeping, but as I was soon to find out, they don't go to bed unless I'm home.

"Tyler, I'm so glad you could join us." dad said sarcastically.

"Um...sorry. I was busy."

"Doing what?" mom asked.

"I was at school, yeah," they looked at me suspiciously, "I had a lot of work to do and I needed help."

"You were at school doing work for eight hours?" dad asked.

"No, I left around four and I went to...Jared's house then I went to the mall and shopped around." I tried to keep a straight face on.

"Uh huh, so did you buy anything at the mall?" mom asked.

"No. And I'd love to stay and chat but I'm really tired so I'll see you guys in the morning. Love you both." I made my way upstairs before they could say goodnight. I really doubt they bought my story but they didn't seem to upset.

Tomorrow should be a better day. I know I have Jared's love, so no girls are really gonna bother me. Except maybe Julie; oh man, I totally forgot about what she told me. I even forgot to tell Jared. Maybe tomorrow won't be so good after all. Oh well, Jared promised he wasn't going to hurt me anymore.

I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry they're so short, but I'm gonna try to make them longer, it's just my ideas hit me so fast and then I get writers block. So yeah, comments needed to keep me inspired.

Next: Chapter 3: Promise Kept 3

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