Promise Series

Published on Mar 6, 2007


The following is a work of fiction. Any similarities are completely coincidental.

The story may contain profanity and references to gay sex. If such content offends you leave now. The Author maintains all rights to the story. Do not copy or use without written consent from the author. Write Bobby at with your comments.

A Promise Kept 17

"Tyler." someone said. "Tyler!"

"Huh? What?" I asked obliviously.

"Pay attention, please." Mr. Danforth, my U.S. History teacher said.

"Sorry, Mr. Danforth."

"Finals are in one month. I need you especially to be ready."

"Okay, Mr. Danforth."

The rest of class I tried my hardest to pay attention. But that failed. All I could think about was my wedding coming up in the next month. Jared and I have moved forward in the unarranged plans. Guests have been chosen and the cake as well. Alls that's left is our tuxes. The only thing left was our vows. Jared told me he had started, but I had yet to start.

"So, what were you thinking about all period?" Jared asked as we were walking to his car.

"Just some things."


"Austin is coming over later. Is that all right with you?" he asked me.

"Of course it's all right. He's your best man and a great friend. I still haven't chosen my best man yet, though."

"Well, you have a lot of choices. I have noticed that you and Tommy have gotten really close. What about him?"

"He is really nice. But I don't think he'd wanna be my best man, although, I have thought about it."

"You'd be surprised, babe."

What did he mean by that? Had he already talked to Tommy about it?

When we got home we went straight up to my room. I told him I wanted to get some kissing in before Austin came over.

"Babe," Jared tried saying in between breathing and kissing. "Austin could be here any minute. And what about your mom walking in?"

I almost laughed out loud, but I managed to keep it in the inside. "We'll hear anyone coming up and my moms downstairs. You have been making out with me for months why are you just now worried about my mom seeing us making out?"

"I dunno, but you're right. So, let's continue." he smirked, before lifting me up and carrying me to my bed sticking his tongue in my mouth. We kept making out passionately and furiously. I was really close to ripping his shirt off. Suddenly something, or someone rather, caught my eye.

"Austin," I gasped, pulling myself off Jared.

"Sorry...I...I..." he stuttered. Poor kid didn't know what to do. Jared looked at him then looked at me.

"Sorry, Austin. We figured we would have heard you come up." Jared said softly.

"No, I'm sorry for disturbing you guys. I...I think I should go." Before we could object Austin was almost running downstairs.

"Austin wait!" I shouted, running after him. I felt bad for him having to see us like that. He's told us both how he feels about us. That feeling of closeness like brothers, but those other feelings of closeness like compassion. Jared and I both have resisted a lot of affection around Austin so we wouldn't make him feel awkward.

Thankfully, he just sat in his car as I ran out the door. I hurried on his side and just looked at the boy crying. Austin was very cute. He had bright blonde hair that barely made it to his eyebrows, evenly tanned skin, and bright green eyes.

"Austin I'm so sorry." I said. He still hadn't looked up at me. By this time Jared was standing in the doorway. "Hey, I'll be right back. Don't leave, please."

I walked back up to Jared. I could tell he was feeling guilty. A thought suddenly came to my mind. It was something that involved all three of us. Something that I've kind of wanted to try lately.

"Jared, um, how far are you willing to go to make Austin happy?" I flashed him a mischievous smile.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked, flashing me an identical look.

"Only if you're okay with it. And, of course, we'd only be doing it as a favor to him."

"Favor only. I love you and only you."

I walked back down to Austin's car and grabbed his hand. He got out and followed me upstairs where Jared was waiting. I closed and locked my door; wouldn't mom to walk in on this.

"Austin we both love you, as a great friend. And we know how you feel about us." Jared calmly said. "So, we've decided we wanna have some great friend fun."

Austin turned around and looked at me with confusing covering his face. I wiped away a stray tear from his right eye and moved closer to his mouth. His breathing became deeper. I slowly slid my tongue inside his mouth and began exploring. Jared came up behind us and started to slide his hand up Austin's back to lift off his shirt. I then took my shirt off, and Jared did the same. Now Jared began making out with Austin while I watched. I have to admit it was really hot. I came up behind Austin and very slowly began sliding his pants and boxers down. Jared helped me out while I helped him out. Jared leaned down and began to suck off Austin. He started to moan in satisfaction. I started to kiss his neck and nibble on his ear lobe.

"Oh, guys..." Austin moaned.

"Tyler, three more weeks and we're officially married!" I screamed.

"I know! It's great!" Tyler laughed. The day Austin came over we had some fun. After the fun we had to get down to business. We went through some of the details of our wedding with him.

"Ready to go tux shopping?"

"Sure." Tyler replied. "But shouldn't we go separately?"

I let out a small laugh and replied, "Well, we aren't going to see each other in the tuxes until our wedding day. So, don't worry."

I drove us to the small tux shop and we were helped promptly. Buying the tuxes we wanted was so easy. The employees new there stuff just like our planner.

"Babe can we go home? I'm tired." Tyler yawned.


I drove us home. Along the way we were talking more about the wedding. When we got home we automatically crawled in his bed and fell asleep.

At around three I woke up. There was one more important thing that I had to personally do. As a very big surprise I'm going to book Celine Dion to sing the first song we danced together to: My Heart Will Go On. He'll be so surprised and excited. But I was on a very tight schedule. My parents, being the rich and widely-known people they are, introduced me to many kinds of people. One in particular was a good business friend of my dads who manages Celine. I'm treading on extremely thin ice by waiting so late to try and book her, but the agent should help me out quite a bit. I'd only need her for the length of the song, maybe a little longer.

I wrote Tyler a note saying I went to the store just to look around. That will fool him for sure. Right. Anyways, I hurriedly drove to the agents building. Luckily he was still there.

"Hello, Mr. Kaposi. I'm Jared Young, we talked on the phone a few days ago." He just looked at me quizzically. "I'm Paul Young's son."

"Ah, yes! Sorry, my boy, I've just been so busy. Please, have a seat." he said kindly. Maybe this would be easier than I thought. "So, I take it you're here about Celine?"

"Yes, sir."

"I do believe we can make arrangements for her to play two songs at your wedding on the 29th."

"But my wedding is on the 25th."

"Hmm, she has a photo shoot that day. But perhaps under the circumstances I can push that to the 29th."

"Oh, thank you, sir! That would be so great!" I said happily. I was worried for a minute thinking she wouldn't be able to make it. "However, to make it easier on the both of you I'm only hoping she would sing My Heart Will Go On and perhaps stay for some photos."

"Yes, that will work out just fine. As you know, the price for her even for half an hour could be quite pricey. Your father and I are great friends so I an give you a discount, but you're still looking at seven thousand dollars." he said, looking at me questioningly.

"That will be no problem, Mr. Kaposi. Thank you so much!"

"No problem." he smiled. "Now, I'm sorry, but I have another appointment to attend to. I will be getting in touch with you sometime early next week to make further arrangements such as time and place."

"Thank you again, Mr. Kaposi. Have a nice day." I said kindly.

"You too, son."

Yes! Perfect! Celine Dion will be there to perform and stay the rest of the half hour to take pictures. The guests will love this as much as Tyler; well, maybe not as much. Suddenly, my cell phone began vibrating. I checked the caller ID and it showed Tyler's number.

"Hey, sunshine." I said happily.

"Where are you?"

"Oh, just looking around the store." I lied.

"Really? I sure don't hear anybody else there." he said suspiciously.

"Um, well I'm in my car. I just got in from shopping see."

"You sound like you're hiding something."

"Hiding something?"

"Are you planning another surprise?"

"Another surprise?"

"What are you up to? And you keep repeating everything I say."

"Ugh, all right. I just got done with one last surprise for you."


"I can't help it. But I have to go. I can't shift and talk on the phone at the same time. Talk to you when I get home. Bye!" I quickly said. I knew he suspected something, obviously, but as long as he doesn't find out who's coming.

When I got to his house Tyler was waiting for me on the swing on the front porch. I almost started busting out laughing at the face he had on. The impatience was incredible.

"Jared Young!" he said forcefully, "you know how impatient I am!"

"Babe," I now laughed, "I know."

That's all I said as I walked inside. He followed suit and suddenly turned me around. I felt his lips on mine, forcing his tongue inside my mouth. Tyler began to pull me upstairs without stopping kissing me. We actually made it to his bed. We were kissing passionately, almost not breathing at all. Without warning, I heard a ripping sound. Tyler was in such a hurry he ripped my shirt off of me and nearly ripped his off. I started to kiss his neck, going down his body.

"Oh, Jared." he moaned. In one motion I pulled down his pants and briefs. I greedily began sucking him. "Jared!" He practically screamed.

I sucked faster with more depth each time I went down. Eventually, I had all six inches down. He kept moaning so loudly, and it kept turning me on even more.

"Jared I am so close."

Without a word said, except louder moans, Tyler erupted in my mouth. I nearly gagged at how much he shot in my mouth. After he was done, he quickly picked me up and laid me on the bed, licking his way down. He found my dick and tried to swallow it all at once. Not the right thing to do, but he didn't have a problem.

"Oh, God, Tyler! That feels so good!" I moaned loudly. Within seconds, I had to warn him of what was coming, literally. "Tyler I'm gonna cum!"

Without pulling back he swallowed every drop as I moaned in satisfaction. Both of us were breathless. Tyler crawled up next to me and pulled the blanket over us. We fell asleep for the rest of the night in each others' arms, satisfied at our love making.

We are all searching for someone, that special person who will provide us what's missing in our lives. Someone who can offer companionship. Or assistance. Or security. And sometimes, if we search very hard, we can find someone who provides us with all three. Yes, we're all searching for someone. And if we can't find them, we can only pray that they find us.

The end is coming even closer. My next story is being worked on. Please email me with your comments about this story. I love getting your responses. Join my group at Thanks!

Next: Chapter 20: Promise Kept 18

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