Promise Series

Published on Feb 24, 2007


The following is a work of fiction. Any similarities are completely coincidental. The story may contain profanity and references to gay sex. If such content offends you leave now. The Author maintains all rights to the story. Do not copy or use without written consent from the author. Write Bobby at with your comments.

A Promise Kept 15

My heart almost stopped after seeing her walk in class. She looked totally different, but I could still tell it was the same old bitch. Her hair was dyed blonde and she got a little bit bigger. I guess being in jail doesn't exactly mean you don't get a good meal. Then again, she's been out for some time now.

"I'm sorry, this class is full. You'll have to go back and talk to your counselor." Mr. Smith said sternly. I knew this was a cover up. There were five open seats and they weren't taken by absent students.

"But there are like five open seats." Julie argued.

"Those students are absent today. I'm sorry Mrs. Turner, but you must go back and talk to your counselor." he again said.

"All right." she said.

Julie walked away, but not before giving Jared and me an evil glare. This girl was going to be some major problems. I could tell.

The rest of the period went by fast. Mr. Smith talked to me after class and I happily thanked him for lying. Second period was Spanish, and then I had English and U.S. History. All the classes went by all right. No big news flash or anything except for the fact that I knew absolutely nothing about what the teachers were talking about. and I were boyfriends.

Lunch time. The worst part of school days, or at least they used to be before Jared "Tell you what, Tyler, go sit with my friends and I'll go get us lunch, okay?" Jared offered.

"Are you sure your friends are okay with me? With us?" I asked nervously.

"I'm sure. We all had a big talk a while back and they don't really care. They're just gonna have to get used to us though." he gave me a smile to try and reassure me, but it wasn't really working.

"Okay, but I'm not that hungry so can you just get me water?"

With a disapproving look he replied, "Yeah."

I walked away from him and tried to remember where him and his friends ate. Oh yeah, under the Media Center where all the water polo boys eat. When I walked up everyone stopped and looked at me. Damn it, where the hell is Jared when I need him? Although Jared and I have been best friends for years we rarely sat with each other at lunch. We never quite figured out why.

"Tyler, right?" someone asked me. I don't really remember him at all, but he was really cute.

"Um, yes." I replied cautiously.

"I'm Austin," he said. "Welcome back to school. Jared said you'd be coming back soon, but we didn't think it'd be today."

"Uh^Åuh^Åyeah." I stuttered. Was this the boy that Jared saw when I was in my coma? Well, at least he has good taste. However, I'm not too thrilled about being here right now. And suddenly, I felt sick.

"Are you all right? You look really pale." Austin asked.

"Uh, I feel sick." I mumbled.

"Want me to take you to the nurse?" he asked, looking at me with concern.

"No, I just need to go to the bathroom."

Before he replied I quickly turned around and started to hastily walk towards the bathrooms. All of a sudden I run in to someone.

"Watch it!" the boy shouted. He looked at me and then plastered this huge grin on his face. "Hey, you're that fag aren't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I tried walking past him but he shoved me backwards.

"I don't think I was done talking to you." Within seconds, a large crowd encircled us.

"Are you done now?"

"Hey!" I heard a familiar voice shout. "You looking for a problem, Tyson?"

"Yeah. This fag needs to be punished for running into me."

"You don't know who this is, do you?" Austin asked him.

"He's a fag. Why do I care what his name is?" the boy, Tyson, asked angrily.

"This here is Jared Young's boyfriend." Austin said with a winning smile on his face. I looked at him in shock at what he had just done. But everyone around me had the same shocked look on as I did. Even Tyson seemed to back off a little bit.

"Just make sure this fag stays in line." Tyson said before storming off.

Austin walked me to the bathroom so I could^Årelieve myself. When we got back Jared was talking to his friends, probably finding out what just happened.

"Hey, Jared," Austin said.

"Tyler! Are you all right?" Jared questioned me.

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks to Austin." I glanced at Austin and gave him a smile. He smiled back with a wink.

"Thank you, Austin." Jared said.

"No problem,"

The rest of lunch went by good actually. All the rest of his friends took a liking to me. I was surprised by their kindness towards me, especially Austin.

"Tyler, can I talk to you for a sec?" Austin asked me.

"Um, sure," I said. We walked a little ways away from everyone else.

"Look, I'm sorry for what happened a while back. I just want you to know that I'm happy for you and Jared, honest. I have no intentions of breaking you two up."

"Thank you, Austin. I believe you."

He grabbed me and hugged me. I put my arms around him and patted his back. He helped me out big time today and he's apologizing for something that happened months ago. I can see again why Jared thought about Austin.

"So, we're cool then, right?" he asked, with hopefulness in his tone.

"Of course," I smiled at him. "And just so you know, I didn't ever really hold that against you. And for what it's worth, I think you would be good enough to go out with my Jared."

He seemed to get happier after I said that, but I had to make sure he didn't take it the wrong way.

"I mean^×"

"I know, Tyler, I know." he winked at me then led me back to the group.

Fifth period was Earth Science. It went by so fast. And the last period was Anatomy and Physiology, my hardest class. Jared didn't actually have this class, but he had an extra period so he took it up. I'm so lucky to have him.

When we got home we immediately started kissing.

"Eh em," mom mumbled. We jumped back from each other faster than^Åthan^Åwell, than whatever it is people say. "Now that you're home I want you both downstairs."

"Okay, mom, what's going on?" I asked, walking downstairs with Jared.

"Was Jared serious? Are you really going to get married when he turns 18?" she said quickly.

"Um, well^ÅI^Å" I stuttered.

"We are still talking about it, but we definitely want to get married. " Jared said, saving me.

Mom studied both of us then let out a long sigh. "All right, so when we're you planning on telling your father and I?"

"Whenever we had enough time to talk about it." I said. This conversation needed to end quickly. I don't want to talk about this now.

"Well, whenever you boys decide you've had enough thinking time come see your father and I. We will want to help you out." mom smiled.

Today was very good. School went by without much trouble, except for Julie showing her face. Tyler was actually happy about being back. When we got home, his mom wanted to talk to us about getting married. That was kind of uncomfortable.

"So, everything was okay at school for you then?" I asked Tyler. We had gone back upstairs after the talk with his mom.

"Yeah," he said, "and I can see why you liked Austin. He's really cute."

I couldn't help but laugh. "You've told me that like four times already. Do I have reason to be concerned?"

"Babe, of course you don't."

The rest of the day was spent watching TV. All our teachers were nice enough not to give us homework tonight. Dinner was served promptly and elegantly. I loved being over at his house. You might be wondering why I'm never at my house and I'll tell you exactly why. My parents aren't very parent-like. They're never home. They don't even really care about me that much. I just get their money as a replacement for their love.

Anyways, the rest of the week went by smooth and fast. No points of interest at all. My birthday was in another two weeks and I couldn't wait. Not only would I be 18, but that would be when Tyler and I will start making arrangements for our wedding. The thing is I still have to propose. I really want to take his breath away. That's why this weekend I'm gonna take him out to his favorite restaurant then I'm taking him to the mountains at this spot where you can see down on the entire town. That's where I'll propose. I already have the ring. It's beautiful. Previously during the week, we went to get my car tuned-up. I'll be taking him in my car obviously, that way we can put the top down and look at the town perfectly.

"Tomorrow, we're gonna go out." I turned to Tyler and said. We were sitting in the living room watching TV. His mom and dad were there as well and new exactly what I was talking about.

"Oh, um, okay. Where at?" he asked, a bit confused.

"It's a surprise."

All day long he kept trying to get the surprise out of me. But to no avail he got no where. Finally, Saturday arrived and he was so excited. But he still had to wait until eight. That was when our reservations were made for.

"Jared, please tell me where we're going! Please!" he wined.

"No way, you'll find out in four more hours. And trust me it will be worth the wait." I smiled, walking away from him.

He even went as far as to ask his parents. But they're more relentless than I am. It was actually kind of funny watching him mope around trying to figure it out.

It was around six when I told him he should start to get ready. And that he has to wear a suit.

"I'll be back around seven, seven thirty to pick you up. After I get ready I have to^Ådo a few errands." I said.

"All right, but you had better hurry up!" he said impatiently.

I went home and took a long, hot shower. Nothing says relaxation like a hot shower. I got dressed in my nicest black suit and then drove to the local store. I wanted to by a bottle of wine to take with us up in the mountains. However, I'm still only 17. Buying alcohol isn't exactly easy. Of course, I know the owners and they know my parents. I also bought him his favorite flowers.

I arrived at his house and walked inside. He was sitting on the couch watching his Desperate Housewives DVD. This boy can watch that over and over and over. I'll admit, it's a great show, but I don't think I can watch it 17 times.

"Wow, you look great." Tyler almost drooled.

"I'm glad you think so." I laughed. Mike and Lynette came downstairs with a camera in hand.

Tyler groaned, "Ah, mom! Do you have to take pictures?"

"Absolutely." she said firmly.

After a few snapshots we were on our way to the restaurant. Tyler still was trying to get the surprise out of me, but we were on our way so I just ignored him.

"You didn't!?" Tyler gasped.

"Yep," I said.

"Oh, Jared! This is where we first got together. And it's my favorite!" Tyler shouted in happiness.

"I thought you'd like it. I had to call Piero's Acqua Piazza way ahead of time. They're really booked this month."

"I'm just^Åoh, man, Jared! I love you so much!"

Dinner was perfect. The food was great, the atmosphere was warm and welcoming, and the people actually seemed to be almost the same as the last time we were here. When desert came around, Tyler seemed a little disappointed about something. I'm imagining it was because he didn't get another little desert gift box.

After dinner, we drove the opposite way home, which drew Tyler into another state of confusion.

"Babe, where are we going?" he asked.

"Another surprise." I replied.

"How many surprises do you have for me?"

"Well, besides this one, I have one more."

"All right, I guess." he said kind of quietly. "Thank you so much for dinner, Jared. That was worth the wait. And I'll show you some more appreciation later."

I looked at him and smiled. He sure knew how to surprise me, too. The closer we got to the lookout spot the more nervous I got.

"You've told me thank you like fifty times now. And you are very welcome."

Ten minutes later, we pulled off the road and through a thick bunch of trees to the spot; I started to out the top down.

"Wow," he said, captivated by the sight. The entire town was in our view. It really was beautiful. "This is amazing, Jared."

"Surprise." I whispered. He looked at me and leaned in closer. The kiss we shared was incredible. It seemed better in a romantic spot like this. "Now, I have one last surprise. I'll be right back."

I exited the car and went to the trunk. Before I went to his house I put the bottle of wine in an ice chest. Chardonnay is better when it's chilled. I grabbed that and the two glasses I brought. When I had the bottle and two cups balanced in my arms I went back in the car.

"Wine?" he asked.

"Yeah, this is good though."

"I know. My moms let me drink before. I just didn't think you did."

"Well, I don't often."

I opened the bottle and poured some in our cups. There was this glimmer in his eyes. I couldn't quite tell why, but I'm guessing it was because he was really liking these surprises. Just wait until he gets the next one.

"Tyler, I have one last surprise for you." I said, looking at him with nervousness clouding my thoughts. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a small box. I suddenly saw utter shock on his face. I opened the box and asked, "Tyler, will you marry me?"

The silence in the car was enough to drive anyone crazy. Tyler was staring at me, starting to tear up.

"Yes, yes I will marry you!" he cried, grabbing me in a tight hug. When he pulled away I took his finger and placed the ring on his finger. "Jared, this is incredible. I love you so much."

Tyler again held me in a hug. This night has been perfect. Dinner was the best, coming up to the town's view was magnificent, and now the boy I want to spend the rest of my life with just said yes to marrying me.

The night ended with a kiss of pure love.

The act itself never varies, but each kiss carries with it a meaning all its own. It can convey a husband's eternal devotion. Or a wife's enormous regret. It can symbolize a mother's growing concern. Or a lover's growing passion. But whatever its meaning, each kiss reflects a basic human need. The need to connect to another human being. This desire is so strong it's always amazing when some people don't understand it.

The end to A Promise Kept is drawing near. I am now working on my new story. I apologize for the time it has taken to complete this chapter. Please, leave me comments on my group or message me personally with you comments, questions, or even criticism. My group's home page is, please join. Thank You.

Next: Chapter 18: Promise Kept 16

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