Promise Series

Published on Feb 5, 2007


The following is a work of fiction. Any similarities are completely coincidental. The story may contain profanity and references to gay sex. If such content offends you leave now. The Author maintains all rights to the story. Do not copy or use without written consent from the author. Write Bobby at with your comments.

A Promise Kept 14

Jared's parents were far different than mine. His mom worked as president of some big advertising company. She was always traveling. His dad was a...a...actually I don't know what he does. I think he is some kind of businessman. Whatever he is his job keeps him away from home. They basically abandoned Jared. Even when they were rarely home Jared and his parents always fought. So, in other words, his parents just weren't very good parents.

We all sat in the dining room; we all sat in silence. Jared was next to me, his dad was across from him, and my parents were at their consecutive ends. I could see the obvious resentment from Jared to his father.

"How have you been, boy?" his dad asked.

"I have been very good, Paul." Jared said, gritting his teeth.

"As happy as I am to see you I actually have a favor, more of a question really." Paul said.

"I figured as much."

"Are the rumors true that you and this kid"

"Yes, yes they are true."

"I see," Paul trailed off. Jared stared at his dad with hate. Paul looked back with a more vicious glare, but Jared wasn't intimidated.

"Maybe it's time you left, Mr. Young." mom said a little too warmly, but I can't blame her for being herself.

"I will pay you $500 if you lose him." Paul said without blinking. This was pathetic. He was actually bribing Jared with money to leave me.

"No. Way." Jared paused between speaking. I could tell he was increasingly growing angry.

"One thousand dollars!" Paul almost screamed. "Just drop him! I don't want you to be gay! That's a disgusting lifestyle!"

"Get used to it asshole! Tyler and I are getting married after I turn eighteen and there's not a damn thing you or anybody else can do about it!" Jared suddenly shouted. Mom stared at me wide-eyed and mouth dropped. Dad smirked. Paul looked sick. Such a Kodak moment.

"Paul, get the hell outta here." Jared said bluntly.

"I'll be back for you. Don't think I'm going to back down, boy" Paul stated. I knew this was most likely true. He was a pretty powerful man, but no where near powerful enough to split us up. He stood up forcefully and walked out the front door.

"Well, that was lovely. Now, changing the subject entirely, Tyler, go make some more popcorn and open a bottle of wine." mom said calmly.

My dad came over last night. That pissed me off more than you could ever know. First, he isn't much of a dad to begin with. Him and my mom basically abandoned me a couple years ago. I was raised by maids pretty much. Second, my mom. She may have not been with him while he was "visiting", but I knew she'd nearly do the same thing.

Of course, something I did may have put stress on everyone. I announced that we were going to get married, Tyler and I. I want too, but I didn't want to announce it that soon.

In present time it is six, in the morning. I am waiting to awake Tyler. Today is his first day back in school in over four months. Before we went to bed last night he told me how nervous he was for many reasons. The first is the time that he hasn't been in school. And the second is that Julie had outted us. Despite all of this, I reassured him that as long as he was with me he was safe. I promised him this and that is a promise I am going to keep.

"Tyler," I whispered softly, "Tyler, wake up."

He stirred in bed, but didn't wake up. It's unusual for him not to wake up easily. Maybe that wine his mom gave us last night carried over just a little bit.

"Come on, Tyler. We have to get ready for school."

"Give me five more minutes, babe." he groaned. I'm sure it is hard to get up at six after being able to sleep in as late as you want for nearly two months.

"No, now!" I said a little bit louder. This time he listened and sat straight up. I laughed at his sudden movement and walked out of the room. His mom was already making breakfast for us, which, I greatly appreciated considering the only breakfast I usually had before school was coffee. Lately, I have been trying to eat healthier; I don't know why though. Maybe it's just y strong intuition, ha-ha.

"Morning, Lynette. Are you up early every morning?" I asked, walking in to the kitchen. She was flipping an omelet.

"Yes, Jared, you boys always just sleep too late. What do you like in your omelet?" she energetically asked me.


"Okay. Tyler only likes the basics: bacon, sausage, ham, and cheese. Would you like toast, too? Oh, and there is some orange juice in the fridge." Lynette said energetically.

"Yeah, thanks." I yawned.

Tyler finally came crawling out of his room upstairs. He definitely isn't a morning person. I'm used to getting up early so it doesn't bother me that much.

"Morning, Jared." he said tiredly, moving in to kiss me.

I stopped him and laughed, "Tyler, please, it smells like a sea bass died."

That got a laugh out of Lynette, but a smack to my arm by Tyler. He drank some of my orange juice and tried for another kiss. This time I let him. It was either that or another smack.

"Here you go boys," Lynette said while setting our omelets in front of us. They looked great. My mouth was watering. "After school I want you boys to come home right away because there is something I need to talk to you about."

"Okay, mom, no problem. But why not now?" Tyler asked, swallowing his food.

"Because it is too early for that."

"Oh," he said. I looked at him nervously, thinking that maybe it was about us being...sexual.

After we ate breakfast, Tyler got in the shower followed by me. By the time we were both ready it was about seven. School starts at seven-thirty so it's no big thing.

"Are you driving or am I?" Tyler asked, getting his backpack and his folder. It's been a long time since I have seen him with a backpack on. You know, now that I think about it, he looks kind of sexy with it on. Today's choice of clothing for him was a pair of plaid green shorts and a shirt that was one size to small on him. It was even sexier.

"Um, I'll drive, but can we take your Murano? My Z is making weird noises. I need to take it in this week."

"No problem, babe."

Lynette reminded us to come home right after school before we left. It was different driving his Murano than my Z. The SUV is a lot more vehicle than I can handle at the moment. We pulled in our schools parking lot and just sat in there. Neither one of us were talking. I decided to break the silence.

"You nervous?" I asked, turning my head towards him.

"Yes, very." he said shakily. I could tell he was really nervous. But he had nothing to be nervous about as long as I am around.

"Look, you don't have to worry about anyone or anything. If you have any problems I'll deal with them. Besides, I have a surprise for you. It's not much, but I think you'll like it." I grinned. His mood seemed to suddenly lift up, and by the look on his face I think it's safe to say it did.

"What? What'd you do?" he asked excitedly.

"Well, I knew you'd be nervous, and, well, let's be honest, this school isn't exactly all gay friendly so I talked to my counselor and I got transferred to all of your classes."

" switched all your classes just for me?" he croaked.

"Of course. I want you to feel safe."

"Jared...I..." he tried talking, but was unsuccessful as he started to snivel. "Oh, God, I love you!"

He swiftly leaned in and kissed me on the lips. His tongue forcefully entered my mouth and we began to explore each other.

"Thank you so much, Jared. I couldn't ask for more." he cried.

"Anything for you, Tyler, anything at all." I flashed him a smirk and got out of the Murano. I walked around to his side and looked in the window. He was crying a lot harder than before.

"Are you all right?" I quickly asked, opening the door. He looked at me through his watery eyes and basically jumped on me.

"I'm sorry, Jared!" he sobbed. The few people around us were starting to stare.

"Sorry for what, babe?" I tried asking him.

"Everything. I'm so sorry."

"Shh, it's okay. You don't have anything to be sorry for anything." I said reassuringly. He held on to me tighter. I returned his embrace and rubbed his back. He doesn't have to be sorry for anything at all. I don't understand.

"I'm just sorry, know that." he said, finally starting to calm down. I pulled away and looked him in the eyes.

"Tyler, I don't understand. What are you sorry about?"


"Well, you don't have to be sorry. I don't hold anything against you." I smiled at him. He smiled back and then gave me a kiss. This surprised me considering we were out in the open.

Today is my first day back at school. Mom had told us to come home right after so that she could talk to us about something. I'm hoping it isn't some kind of "safe" talk.

Jared and I were sitting in the schools parking lot when he told me that he had all his classes changed to mine. This touched me deeply and I started to cry. I couldn't help it. It was so sweet. When he walked around and opened my door I jumped in his arms and cried even harder, apologizing for everything. He didn't understand why, but I know how I can be sometimes. I kissed him out in the open which surprised him. I don't know what I was thinking, but I didn't care who saw.

We walked to first period hand in hand. Most of the students we passed stared at us with resentment. I knew they didn't like it. Did I care? Not really. When we walked in Algebra everyone was staring. Luckily, the Mr. Smith was drawing the attention away.

"Okay, everyone get out your homework and put it in the box." Mr. Smith said. He was a pretty cool teacher, hard, but cool.

"I sit next to you Tyler. Just tell me where." Jared told me.

I sat in my front seat and he sat next to me. Mr. Smith began teaching...something. I wasn't sure what it was. It feels so weird to be in school again. It's been just about 3 months. Suddenly, the classroom door opened and the person that walked in was someone I had hoped to never see again.

"I just transferred here from Mrs. Brayton's class." the girl was saying to Mr. Smith.

"And your name, missy?" he asked.

"Julie Turner."

This chapter hasn't gone exactly as anticipated, but I am satisfied with it. Comments and mail appreciated and needed. Join my group at Thanks.

Next: Chapter 17: Promise Kept 15

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