Promise Series

Published on Jan 23, 2007


The following is a work of fiction. Any similarities are completely coincidental. The story may contain profanity and references to gay sex. If such content offends you leave now. The Author maintains all rights to the story. Do not copy or use without written consent from the author. Write Bobby at with your comments.

A Promise Kept 13

I sat on my bed, staring at the boy lying down. He was beautiful. His sandy-blonde hair was brushed back, instead of his usual front, exposing his forehead. His shirt was off and I could easily see his body. His stomach was breathing in and exhaling out in perfect harmony. All in all he was, in my eyes, the perfect boyfriend.

The last time we fought was Tuesday. Since then we have had no problems, not even a few bumps. It's Saturday night, or Sunday morning, I can't tell right now, and we had been dancing like crazy; just inside of my room. Mom and dad even joined us when we were dancing in the living room. We wanted to have fun, but without spending any money. It was like a challenge for the both of us. Of course, we did have a lot of fun without spending a dime on each other. Well, at least until the neighbors called the police on us due to "domestic disturbance". Man, I can do a lot more than turn the stereo up loud. Mom got in this huge fight with one of the neighbors. It was pretty funny. Dad had to practically drag her inside while she was screaming, "Let me take one swing at her! I'm willing to do the time!"

Yes, my parents are very lenient. And fun.

Anyways, back to my eyes "raping" Jared. He had only fallen asleep for about half an hour and I could still see the little beads of sweat on his face and along his body. Go figure it's maybe 40 degrees outside and he is sweating. Although, I was sweating too and I could really go for a glass of water. Either I get up at the risk of waking up Jared or I sit here dying of thirst. What to do? Eh, I'll get some water, carefully.

"Mmm, Tyler?" Jared whispered.

"Man, I was hoping not to wake you up." I groaned.

He giggled and said, "It's all right,"

"Do you want something to drink? You're still sweating, babe." I rubbed his hair and kissed him on the cheek.

"Yeah, water, please?"

"Sure, hungry too?"

"Yeah," he grunted. "I'll just come down."


We walked clumsily downstairs. My legs felt like jell-o. Mom and dad had gone to bed over a half an hour ago so as long as we weren't extremely noisy they won't hear.

I filled a large glass full of water. Him and I took turns gulping the water down. I filled it back up and another glass as well then grabbed some chips and went back upstairs.

Before long, we were making out; me on top and him on bottom. I was extremely horny.

Slowly, I kissed my way down to his pants. My hands rubbed across his smooth stomach and then unbuttoned his pants. I pulled them down and could instantly tell Jared was craving attention, as if I didn't know already. Then I pulled his briefs off of him hungrily.

"Tyler, wait," Jared suddenly blurted out. "Are you sure you want to do this? Because I don't need this if you're not ready."

I looked at him and smiled. He was always thinking of me. Of course, I had been thinking about this for a while and I realized that I want to do this for him. For me.

"Jared, I'm more than ready for this. I thought a lot about it and I came to the conclusion that this is something I want, for the both of us."

"As long as you are ready, Tyler."

I leaned back down to his crotch and, this may seem gross, but I took in a deep breath. His scent was captivating. I took in another deep breath and then I carefully started to place his cock in my mouth. The taste of him was better than his smell. Slowly but surely I got inch after inch. I quickly got used to five inches inside of my mouth. However, he was at least seven inches, but I couldn't take that much. I started to move my head up and down trying my hardest not to get him with my teeth.

"Oh, God, Tyler! That feels so good!" Jared panted. He was really liking this. Maybe liking it just as much as I was. I kept moving up and down, picking up the pace, until he almost screamed he was cumming. Within seconds he thrusted gently in my mouth. I greedily drank his cum, sucking every last drop out of him.

"Tyler that was incredible." Jared moaned. He was trying to catch his breath.

"Man, was I that good?" I giggled.

"Yes, that was way better than using my hand!" he laughed. I blushed at his statement then snuggled up next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. I fell asleep in his arms, just the way I like it.

The next morning started with a bang. I jumped out of bed followed by Jared. We quickly threw our clothes on and ran out back. Mom was in our shed shooting at something. Suddenly, this huge rat came running out. I mean this thing was like a house cat.

"Son of a bitch!" mom screamed eerily.

"Mom, what? What happened?" I rushed in and asked. Jared was right behind me looking defensive.

"That damn rat chewed my one orchid. I'm gonna kill that piece of shit!" she said as she ran out of the shed and began searching for that rat. I started laughing while Jared tried catching his breath. I decided to go back to my room and let mom do her thing.

We walked back upstairs to my room. I closed the door, locked it, then grabbed Jared and started to kiss him.

"Babe, I was thinking." I said in between kisses.

"About what, Tyler?" he asked.

"When you turn eighteen we should get married."

He stopped kissing me and looked at me in complete surprise. I knew I just threw that out there, but I want to marry him. I love him. What other reason do I need?

"Get married?"

Tyler gave me the most incredible blow job last night. I've never felt pleasure like that. Of course, that whole night was pure bliss. Lynette and Mike stayed up late with us and we all danced like crazy. They even let Tyler and I drink some wine.

We woke up to Lynette shooting at this cat sized rat that had eaten her orchid. She was so pissed. Tyler and I went back up to his room and started kissing. But Tyler said something that shocked me, "when you turn eighteen we should get married." Marriage is something I've never thought about. Don't get me wrong, I love Tyler enough to get married, but it's just something entirely new.

"Don't you want to marry me?" he asked sadly.

"Of course I do!" I blurted out. "I'm just taken back by it. I've never thought about marriage Tyler."

"Sorry, Jared. It's just that I love you so much. I want to be the only boy in your life. And I want you to be my only." he started to get emotional.

"You are and always will be the only boy in my life. Lets just talk more about this before we rush to get married considering I turn eighteen in about two weeks; lets talk a lot more." I wiped away a stray tear that had fallen from his left eye. He was even cuter when he cried.

"I'm sorry," he sobbed gently.

"No, Tyler, don't be sorry. I want to get married. We just have to talk more about this, okay?" I smiled at him.

"You really want to get married? To me?" he asked amazed.

"Of course I want too. Who else do you think I would want to marry?"

"I don't know. But when I said something earlier you sounded very...dull about the whole thing."

I laughed lightly at his misunderstanding and replied, "Tyler, you just shocked me is all."

"Okay, great!" he smiled from ear to ear.

I kissed him on the lips then told him I wanted to shower. He looked at me disappointedly before letting me go. He went to get me a towel while I got my clothes. I saw a picture of him from maybe a year ago when he was on the schools baseball team. He was standing with his bat on his shoulder and he had the biggest smile on. The hat he had on was covering his short sandy-blonde hair, but his bright blue eyes were perfectly visible. Thoughts ran through my head.

"Tyler, I love you so much. Nothing will ever tear us apart, nothing. With everything that's happened between us and to us I wouldn't want to marry anyone else more than you." I started to think about the incredible blow job he gave me last night. And how much more I loved him since then.

"Mmm, yes Tyler. Suck me harder." I said silently, unbuckling my pants and pulling them, along with my briefs, down. I started to jack off forgetting where I was.

"Tyler, I love you so much."


"Oh, God!" I shouted.

"Sorry," he apologized. Tyler looked at me through his watery eyes.

"Did you here everything?" I blushed.

"Yes, and I'm glad I did. Jared, I love you so much. I'm sorry for doubting you. I'm so sorry." He ran into me and grasped me tightly, sobbing hysterically.

"Shh, it's okay, Tyler. Everything is okay." I rubbed his head gently as I held him.

Tyler stopped crying and pulled away from me. He leaned in and kissed me passionately. It was taking a lot for him to not start crying again, but it was no use; he started to cry hard again.

"Come on, Tyler. Stop crying for me, please? You're gonna make me cry." I pouted.

"Okay, don't cry. I'll stop." he said quietly.

"Now, how about we take a shower? I'll make it worth your while." I winked at him and licked my lips. I took his hand and lead him into the bathroom.

Jared and I took a very hot shower. He gave me a great blow. We got dressed and then went to the kitchen. I cooked us breakfast and we ate it up fast. Something popped into my head that I never thought of since the time it happened.


"Yeah, babe?"

"What happened to Julie?"

He stopped drinking his juice and looked at me hesitantly. I was hoping she was out away for a long time. But I wouldn't know anything considering my parents and him have never said a word about her.

"Um, well, she was sent to jail for a couple weeks. In court, she was tried as an adult and was convicted of attempted homicide. That got her put away for a year with bail."

"That's it? A year?" I asked in astonishment.

"Well, she was tried as an adult, but the sentence had to be reasonable. And according to the lawyers the year is pushing it. Unfortunately, not only is her sentence a year, but she can be bailed out." he let out a huge, sad sigh.

The rest of the day Jared and I just went to the mall and hung out there for a few hours. We didn't really buy anything, but we at least bought some food. I started to get tired so Jared took me home. He, of course, stayed with me. Mom and dad made some popcorn and we all waited for nine to roll around; it was about seven-thirty. While we were talking the doorbell rang and I went to answer it.

Everyone loves a scandal, no matter how big or small. After all, what could be more entertaining than watching the downfall of the high and mighty? What could be more amusing than the public exposure of hypocritical sinners? Yes, everyone loves a scandal. And if for some reason you're not enjoying the latest one, well...

"Hi, you must be Tyler," a man said. He looked so familiar, but I just couldn't think of who.

"Dad!?" Jared yelled in surprise, and possible hatred.

...the next one is always around the corner.

Please email me with your comments about this chapter. I am sorry it took so long to wrote, but I ran into a major wall. And you readers aren't very good about fan mail, or any kind of mail for that matter. However, the next chapters will come easier as I have a new idea that will take the story to the end. Join my group at Please join it. And even better, please write fan mail or even criticism. I just like to hear I am pleasing my audience. Thank You.

Next: Chapter 16: Promise Kept 14

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