Promise Series

Published on Jan 5, 2007


The following is a work of fiction. Any similarities are completely coincidental. The story may contain profanity and references to gay sex. If such content offends you leave now. The Author maintains all rights to the story. Do not copy or use without written consent from the author. Write Bobby at with your comments.

A Promise Kept 11

"So Andrew must be pretty cool, huh?" I asked hesitantly trying not to make eye contact with him.

"Yeah, he's nice." Tyler said while looking at me. "Jared Young, are you jealous?"

"No," I said very quietly.

"Yes you are," he said quickly.

"Well, maybe just a little."

"Jared," Tyler lifted my chin up, "you have no reason to be jealous."

I smiled at him then handed a plate of pizza to him. He smiled back and giggled. We ate with him lying down in my lap. After we ate I held him again and we just talked; talked about everything.

"I love you, Tyler." I whispered in his ear.

"I love you, Jared." he whispered back.

I slowly crept my hand down his body onto his waist. He looked at me then leaned up and kissed me passionately. This time when his tongue tried to enter my mouth I let it. Our tongues explored each others' mouths for what seemed like hours, but it was really only a few minutes.

"Jared," he gasped out, "do you want to try and take our relationship a little further tonight?"

I just let out a small moan as he rubbed up my legs. It was starting to get very hot, but maybe it was just me. And maybe not.

"I'll take that as a yes." he said comically. I smiled at him and continued exploring his body with my hands.

Jared continued feeling me everywhere. When he got closer and closer to my weaker spots I let out soft, low moans. I reached my hand under his shirt and started to lift it off of him. He then lifted my shirt off and felt more of my body. We began to passionately kiss while undressing each other. His hand found my crotch and he started massaging it as we were kissing. I was moaning in bliss. Jared picked me up and gently laid me on my back. He smiled at me and gave me one last kiss before kissing my chest, then stomach, then at my pants. He slowly unbuttoned my pants and pulled them off. My erection was at full and aching for attention. Suddenly Jared swiftly pulled my briefs down and kissed the head. I gasped out at how good that felt.

"Jared, you don't have to do this if you're not ready." I said breathlessly.

He stopped and looked up at me, "Baby, I am more than ready to make you happy."

I smiled back at him and let him continue making me happy. He took my dick in his mouth and started to move up and down. The feelings he was giving me were incredible. This was way better than jacking off. I was moaning so loudly. Luckily mom and dad aren't gonna be home for another three hours.

"Jared, oh," I moaned. "God, babe, this feels so good!"

He sped up and started to suck harder. I felt so warm inside. More feelings I never knew I had started to come out.

"Babe, I'm gonna cum, pull off!" I panted. But he didn't stop. He went faster until I finally released everything I had into his mouth. Even after I was done he was still sucking every drop out. That even felt incredible.

"So, how was that, Tyler?" he asked with a big grin.

"Jared, that was so awesome. I had no idea I could actually feel like I did."

"I'm glad I could do that for you. That was the best six inch^×"


"Seven inch lollipop I've ever had. Now, I need something to drink."

"Well, wait, what about you?"

"Tyler, I know you're not ready and that's okay. I can wait. As long as you are I am happy."

"How do you know I'm not ready?"

"Babe, do you not remember all the times you told me about that Brad guy who was only gonna go out with you if you had sex with him? And that you wouldn't go out with him for that reason and that he had sex way to many times?" he asked calmly. "See, all those times you thought I wasn't paying attention I was."

I just smiled at him and gave him a kiss.

"So you understand?" I asked.

"I understand completely. You take your time." he said soothingly as he started to get up off the couch. I quickly grabbed his arm and yanked him on top of me.

"What are you doing?"

"I said I wouldn't have sex or do blow jobs until I'm ready. But I never said anything about not giving you a hand job." I said seductively. I started kissing him immediately and unbuttoned his pants. He was still hard from before and I could feel it. I rolled over causing him to lie on his back. We kept kissing as I slid his boxers down and grabbed his dick in my hand. It must have been at least seven as well. I ferociously started jacking him off and kissing him at the same time. He moaned a lot as we were kissing so I knew I was doing it right.

"Babe, I'm cumming!" he groaned loudly. Soon he came all in my hand. I slowly stopped jacking him off as his breathing was slowing down.

Jared looked into my eyes and started crying.

"What's wrong, Jared?" I asked gently.

"That was just so incredible. Thank you, Tyler. I love you so much. But now I am really thirsty." he chuckled.

"I love you, too."

"Honey, there wasn't anything you could have done to prevent that from happening. None of us knew that she'd do that to Tyler." Mike said to his wife who was a little depressed over her son.

"Yes, but I could have done more. I should have been a better mom."

"Well, what else could you have done?"

"I don't know,"

"You were as the hospital every day. You helped take care of him when he was in the coma. You were taking great care of him even before the coma. Look how well he has turned out. Sure he's gay, but you don't hold that against him; neither do I of course. And you were afraid to let him go him this afternoon. He has never questioned you love for him." Mike tried to reassure his wife.

"You're right. I don't think of him any differently. I was at the hospital every day. But I just can't shake the feeling that there is something else I can do for him. I feel like I let him down and I need to make something up to him." she gently cried.

"Well, the party is almost over so do you want to go home early and spend some time with him?"

"No, I want to drink some more wine."

Tonight was so incredible. I gave Tyler a blow job and he gave me a hand job. Up until that point I felt close to Tyler, but after that I felt even closer.

I was finally able to get some water because I was dying of thirst after I went down on him. We snuggled up on the couch and watched a movie. Slowly but surely, Tyler drifted off to sleep between my legs on my chest. It was so cute. His head moved with every breath I took so I tried not to take sudden breathes. Eventually I also fell asleep to his light snoring and Titanic.

It was around one when I woke up to shouting and slamming doors.

"Jared," Mike said in a whisper, "I think it's time you left. Thanks for staying with Tyler."

"Um, all right. Do you want me to help you with Tyler?"

"No, thank you though. Were there any problems?"

"No, no problems."

"Good, good,"

"Mike!" Lynette screamed from upstairs. She sounded really mad.

"Hold on," he said calmly.

I started to get up from Tyler, being very careful not to wake him. More shouting came from upstairs, but I could tell it was only Lynette. I hope I didn't do anything. Of course, lying asleep with her son and no shirts on might have sparked something.

A door shut then I heard footsteps coming downstairs.

"Jared, can I talk to you outside?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, let me grab my keys."

I grabbed my keys then walked outside with Mike. He looked like he was sort of upset and trying to talk, but he was hesitating.

"Look," he finally managed to say, "Lynette had a little too much wine and she freaked out when she saw you two on the couch like that. I don't have a problem with it and I'm sure if she wasn't drunk she wouldn't either. But don't worry this isn't your fault, okay? I'll handle everything tonight."

"I'm sorry for causing such a fuss." I said shamefully.

"No, it is okay, really." he said.

"Well, um, can you have Tyler cal me tomorrow?"

"Sure, no problem."

"Bye, Mike."

"Bye, Jared."

I sluggishly woke up from sleeping in Jared's lap. The house was silent except for the TV. Dad walked in from out front and had his hands on his hips.

"Hey, dad," I said sleepily.

"Hey, sport, I didn't wake you did I?"

"No, you didn't. Where's Jared?"

"He had to go home. Um, we need to talk Tyler." dad said in almost a whisper. "Your mother and I came home and when she walked in here and saw you two on the couch with no shirts on she kind of freaked out. I already talked to Jared and I told him it was no problem and that I didn't mind. Your mother wouldn't mind either if she wasn't drunk."

"All right. So, where's mom?"

"Mike!" mom screamed coming downstairs.

"She's coming," he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, good, you're awake." she said heatedly. "You are never allowed to see that boy again and if he sets foot in this house I will call the police and have him arrested!"

"Mom, stop."

"Don't you tell me to stop. I saw what you two boys were doing."


"You had your shirts off. In fact, you still have your shirt off! If you get him pregnant you will marry him!"

I was so close to laughing at what she said, but that would only antagonize her. Dad had to walk away to stop himself from laughing.

"I'm going to bed now." I yawned. I started to get up and walk away. Mom grabbed me, spun me around, and slapped me across the face. Dad ran back in the room and grabbed me away from her. I placed my hand at where she hit me and I started to snivel.

"Get up to your room, now!" she said slowly and viciously.

"I hate you! You're such a bitch! You didn't slap me because I walked away did you? You slapped me because I'm gay right? Well, fuck you!" I yelled.

She looked at me astounded and dad looked like he was about to say something but stopped. I ran upstairs and into my room, slamming my door.

Lynette lied in bed waiting for her husband to come from their bathroom. She was crying and sobbing, holding her head in her hands. Mike emerged from the bathroom and noticed his wife crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"My son hates me." she sobbed.

"No, no he doesn't hate you. You guys just had a little scrap is all. Everything will be better in the morning."

"Mike, I hit my son. He said he hated me. That's not a little scrap. How could I do that to him? After everything he's been through I slapped him like it was nothing. How am I going to make this up to him? How can he forgive me?"

"Honey, listen to me. You did not know what you were doing. Tyler will forgive you. This is the first time you have ever raised your voice angrily like that. It's not like this is a constant thing. And I'm sure one day you two will have a good laugh about it. I promise."

"Really? You really think so?"


"Okay, I'll apologize to him in the morning. And I'll take him and Jared somewhere or buy them something or something."

"That sounds good."

The world is filled with good fathers. How do we recognize them? They're the ones who are missed so terribly that everything falls apart in their absence. They're the ones who love us long before we've even arrived. They're the ones who come looking for us when we can't find our way home. Yes, the world is filled with good fathers. And the best are the ones who make the women in their lives feel like good mothers.

There you go. Chapter 11. There is a typo on the last chapter. It is chapter 10 not 9. Sorry about that. Please message me with your comments or post them on my groups home page and also join my group, which is Thanks!!

Next: Chapter 14: Promise Kept 12

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