Promise Series

Published on Jan 2, 2007


The following is a work of fiction. Any similarities are completely coincidental. The story may contain profanity and references to gay sex. If such content offends you leave now. The Author maintains all rights to the story. Do not copy or use without written consent from the author. Write Bobby at with your comments.

A Promise Kept Chapter 9

"Tyler, I can discharge you today." dad said happily.

"Yes!" I shouted. Finally, after four and a half months I can return to my house. I wish I could tell Jared though. Today I made him go to school. It is only Friday after all.

"I've called your mom and she is coming to get you around noon. She said she had some important errands to run."

"Okay, dad, thanks a lot."

"I have to do one last check up on you then I'll get you ready to go." he said as he looked me over very quickly. "There, all done."

I laughed as I said, "That's it?"

"Yeah, it's almost noon." dad smiled.

"Oh, yeah it is isn't it?"

"Nurse! Can you bring in a chair please?"

Seconds later, Nurse Kim walked in with my wheelchair. She had a smile on her face like she was hiding something. Dad had the same smile on, well, a mischievous smile any ways.

"Hey, it's Lil' Kim! I love your song Lady Marmalade! And guess what?" I gave her a quizzical look. "I drink wine with diamonds in the glass!"

My dad and her started laughing at my singing ability. I have to admit I'm not the best when it comes to singing, but I'm decent.

"Hi honey, I have a surprise for you." mom boasted as she ran into the room. She also had a bug smile plastered on her face. Dad helped me in the bathroom so I could change into clothes mom had brought me. Then he helped me sit into the wheelchair.

Suddenly, my chair started to move out of my room. My back was extremely sore so I couldn't turn around to see who it was, but I recognized his smell.

"Hi, Jared," I said softly.

"Damn, I was hoping to get a little farther." he laughed.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"Yeah, but your mom called me on my cell and said she was able to take you home today so I got `sick' and left school." he grinned wildly at me. I loved him for coming to see me like that; putting his education aside for my feelings.

"Thanks, Jared, that's so sweet."

He stopped pushing and kneeled in front of me. He focused his eyes on mine. It seemed like he was crying before he got here.

"You know I would do anything for you, right?" sincerity was in his voice as he said that.

"Yes, of course I know that." I replied back, never looking away from his eyes. "Were you crying?"

"No^Å" he trailed off. His head moved downwards and his eyes towards the floor.

"Jared," I said gently as I lifted his head back up so he could see the seriousness in my eyes. "You know I know that you'd do anything for me. What's wrong?"

"It's just^ÅI feel so bad about going to lunch with Austin and I^×"

"Jared, listen to me. I forgave you for that. Besides, it was just lunch. I believe you and trust you like I did before. In all fairness I did overreact just a little bit." I smiled at him to try and convince him. I did really trust him like before. I forgave him completely.

"All right, thanks babe. I love you so much." he cried.

"I love you too, Jared." I kissed him on the lips not caring who saw us. Jared finally kept pushing me towards the exit of the hospital.

"Okay, Tyler, I'm gonna go get my car then we'll get out of here."

"I thought my mom was taking me home." I said.

"Well, she has errands to do so I volunteered. Unless you would rather go with her?"

"No! I was just wondering." I smiled at Jared and he returned the gesture. He walked away then minutes later he pulled up in his Z. While Jared was getting out of his car, a man walked in and ran into the wheelchair causing it to knock me out of it.

"Hey!" Jared shouted.

The man froze and turned around. Everyone was now staring at us. Nurse Kim came running over with mom and dad.

"What the hells the matter with you?" dad said loudly.

"I didn't see him there!" the man said.

"Oh, bullshit." Jared argued.

"You are a asshole!" Kim said coldly.

"He shouldn't have been there."

"That's it. Security!" dad called over to two security guards who had already been watching the situation. "Get this guy out of here."

"Yes, sir." one guard said. "Come on you."

"Are you all right, Tyler?" Jared asked me. He was helping me back in my chair while mom and dad were taking care of that guy.

"That guy has been coming in here and causing trouble all the time." Kim quietly said to us.

"Yeah, well, next time he does this Kim call the cops. Don't let these guards handle it." I said.

"What did you call me?"


"Honey, my name is Latifah, not Kim." she laughed.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I convinced myself you are Lil' Kim." I laughed back.

Jared pushed me out to his car and quickly got me in so I wouldn't have to hear anymore. Mom and dad took care of that guy and came outside. Mom told me that she'd be home around seven. And dad said he wouldn't get off until eight, but then they both were going to dinner with some friends and they both wouldn't be home until around maybe one or two.

"Will you be all right until then boys?" mom asked.

"Yes mother, we will be fine. We're sixteen not six remember?" I mocked.

"All right," she laughed, "I left some money so you could order pizza. Call us if anything happens or something goes wrong or^×"

"Mom," I cut her off, "we will be fine. Can we go now, please?"

"Fine." she scoffed. She kissed me on the cheek and did the same to Jared. Finally, we could at least pull out of the hospital.

The drive to my house was quiet. Although, we kept looking at each other and smiling and then I would let out a small giggle. We got home and Jared helped me inside and onto the couch.

"Are you hungry right now?" he asked.

"No, not really."

He sat down next to me and just smiled.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked while wiping around my mouth.

"No, I was just admiring how beautiful you are." he smiled widely.

"You are so sweet." I leaned in and started kissing him. My tongue was trying to enter his mouth but he wouldn't let it in. "Is there something wrong?"

"Um, no. I just don't know how to do that." he said shyly. Then he scooted away from me. He was embarrassed.

"Jared, it's okay. I don't know how either and I wouldn't rather learn with anyone else. Are you telling me out of all the girlfriends you've had you never tongued one of them?" I asked mystified.

"The most I've done with a girl is a kiss on the lips and hugging. Well that and holding hands, but I have never tongued anyone. Pretty lame, huh?" he turned his head from me. He was really embarrassed. I thought it was cute.

"Aw, babe, I don't think that's lame. It's actually very cute and reassuring. I'm glad I can be your first person to get your tongue." I giggled. He finally eased up and scooted back next to me.

"I'm sorry. I guess I just got really embarrassed."

"Jared it's all right. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. I love you, you know that."

"Yeah, I know."

The next hour I lied in his arms. The wind was blowing like a hurricane outside. I was starting to get scared; Jared must have sensed that by my occasional jerks so he held me closer and tighter.

"Hey, Jared," I said, "where's my Murano?"

"Oh, it's in the garage, why?" he asked, kissing the top of my head.

"Just curious,"

"I love you."

I sat up off of him and looked at him awkwardly.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing, I love you too." I giggled.

He stared at me and it seemed like he wanted to ask me something, but was hesitating. That seemed unusual for him. Jared knows he can tell me anything so why should this be any different? But if it is this hard for him to ask then I don't think I want to know.

"Tyler, can I ask you something? It's kind of upsetting." Jared asked almost in a whisper.

"Of course Jared, you know you can tell me anything. This isn't about someone else again is it?" I asked with a concerned tone. I started to get really nervous as he increasingly grew hesitant.

"Well, a few weeks ago when your mom an I were driving to come visit you she mentioned that you^Å" he trailed off. I could see his eyes turn slightly watery. "Are adopted?"

Yep, I definitely don't wanna answer this one, but I knew it might come up sooner or later. So since he asked I guess I should tell. I just hope I won't break down to bad.

"Yes, I am adopted." I paused briefly, taking quick breathes. "My parents died."

"Oh, baby I am so sorry." he said sadly. I started to cry. He pulled me into him and began rubbing my back trying to get me to calm down. But that won't work this time. I've held this in for so long.

"Lets not talk about this. I'm sorry for bringing that up, baby." Jared said soothingly. I was tempted to take that offer, but I don't want to wait.

"No, no I should tell you. You need to know in case something happens^Å" I trailed off.

"What would happen?"

"I'll explain in the story." I whispered. "I was twelve when my parents died. We were coming back from a fun night at a friend's house three nights before Christmas Eve. After more laughing in the car I said I needed toothpaste. My mom pulled into the parking lot and my parents went in the store. Mom had to get some things for our Christmas Eve dinner any ways so she said she'd grab my toothpaste. After they went in I saw this guy dressed in all black go in behind them. Then I heard two shots and then saw the guy running out. I prayed that it wasn't my parents, but it was. Nothing could be done. My parents were shot in the head for no reason; just some sick person who wanted to ruin someone's life. That guy was never found. I dreamt of his arrest some day, but he just disappeared. I was placed in an orphanage for a month. Then I got lucky with Lynette and Mike. They made up for lost time and memories. But every so often I have these terrible nightmares. These nightmares that I have wake me up and I start having a panic attack. My breathing quickens and I get lightheaded. I turn pale and I start sweating no matter what weather. They're horrible. I keep thinking that if I wouldn't have said I needed toothpaste none of that would have happened. Maybe if I would have even gone in myself they wouldn't have died."

"Tyler, there was nothing you could have done to stop that. If you would have gone in with them you might have been shot too and they wouldn't have wanted that. Don't worry now babe. I'm here for you whenever you need me to be. I'll be here for you forever. I love you so much, Tyler, and I am so sorry for what has happened." he said tenderly. Jared reached around me and pulled my body into his. His warm body was so relaxing to me. My hysterical crying calmed down to just crying. The last thing I remember is him kissing me on top of my head and saying he loves me.

There is a prayer intended to give strength to people faced with circumstances they don't want to accept. The power of the prayer comes from its insight into human nature. Because so many of us rage against the hand that life has dealt us. Because so many of us are cowardly and afraid to stand up for what is right. Because so many of us give in to despair when faced with an impossible choice. The good news for those who utter these words is that God will hear you and answer your prayer. The bad news is that sometimes the answer is "no."

I brought up a very touchy subject with Tyler: his birth parents. He told me the sad story and cried throughout it. I felt so bad for him. At that moment I realized just how lucky I was to have him in my life. He actually blames himself for what happened. I tried my best to comfort him, but he couldn't stop crying. Eventually after telling his saddening story I held him which calmed him down a little bit.

Tyler has been through a lot. I'll be here for him forever. I even told him that. I'd do anything for him and I'd love him no matter what.

He eventually fell asleep in my arms. I could hear his soft breathing. He is so beautiful when he is asleep. He's beautiful all the time though. I thought about it while he was sleeping and it'd be nice to go deeper into our relationship. If Tyler's ready that is. Maybe if we got closer he'd start to let go of some of the pain that's dwelling inside of him. Sure, we are close, but we need to be closer both mentally and physically, but only if Tyler is ready to take that step.

Around eight I decided to order the pizza; I was starving. Carefully, I got up from the couch trying not to wake Tyler up. Thankfully I didn't.

"Yeah, hi, I'd like three large stuffed crust pizzas. I need one with pepperoni, one supreme, and the other with sausage and olives." the boy on the other line asked for the address, but I didn't know it. "Um, I actually don't know the address. I'm at my friend's house, but his parents' names are Mike and Lynette Delfino."

He said the address and it sounded right so I just agreed. I hung the phone up then went to the bathroom. As I flushed the toilet I heard loud sobbing. I quickly zipped my jeans up, but going slow enough so I didn't hurt Jared Junior.

I ran into the living room and found Tyler scrunched up into a ball, crying hysterically.

"Tyler! Tyler!" I said as I ran next to him, shaking him trying to get him to wake up.

"No, mom! I'll go myself! No^Å" he cried.

"Tyler wake up!"

I grabbed him in my arms and rubbed his hair. He was starting to wake up finally. It was so cold in the house all of a sudden. It seemed kind of wrong, but it is early April and it gets cold usually.

"Jared^Å" Tyler whispered.

"Yes, I'm here, Tyler."

"I'm so sorry," he started to cry frantically. "Please don't leave me, please!"

"Tyler, I'm not going anywhere. I promise you I'm not going anywhere."

His crying continued, but the doorbell rang and I had to answer it. But I really didn't want to leave Tyler.

"I have to get the door, babe. It's the pizza. Aren't you hungry?" I asked him gently.

"All right, I'm gonna get some drinks then." he said almost silently. I just looked at him surprised. "Don't worry Jared, I still want you to hold me."

That put a smile back on my face as I went to answer the door. I opened the door and the pizza boy was standing there with our pizzas; yet, the pizza wasn't the thing that caught my attention. It was the boy holding the pizzas. He was so cute!

"Hi, that'll be $25." he said timidly.

"Uh^Åuh^Åyeah, here." I stuttered. Tyler decided to suddenly come to the door. I'm still lost, but I'm guessing to get the pizzas. The delivery boy was getting my change as Tyler got the pizzas. However, Tyler waited at the door for me and he noticed my eyes fixed on the boy.

"You can keep the change." Tyler said quickly.

"Are you sure? He gave me forty dollars." he asked in shock.

"Of course I'm sure. Anyone who can make my boyfriend look at them the way he looks at me deserves a little tip." Tyler said acutely. I blushed like crazy and turned away.

"Um^Åhe's your boyfriend? Man you're lucky."

"Yes, yes I am. He's been the greatest. And I'm guessing by the way you were looking at him you're gay too?"

This time it was the delivery boys turn to blush. He was very cute, but he was no Tyler.

"Yeah, I'm gay."

"I'm Tyler,"

"I'm Andrew,"

"So, Andrew, is there anyone you're interested in?" Tyler asked him. He handed me the pizzas and I took them in the kitchen. He shut the front door, but continued to stand outside and talk to the delivery boy. I don't know what it is, but suddenly I feel threatened by him. Even though Tyler felt threatened it now has moved on to me.

Fifteen minutes had passed so I decided to go out front and see what was up.

"Excuse me, Dr. Phil, your pizza is getting cold." I said as I opened the front door.

"Oh, sorry, babe. I'll be in in a second." Tyler said. As I was closing the door I gave Andrew a cautious look.

Competition. It means different things to different people. But whether it's a friendly rivalry or a fight to the death, the end result is the same. There will be winners and there will be losers. Of course, the trick is to know which battles to fight. You see, no victory comes without a price.

Okay, this chapter was very long. And the next one is going to be almost as log if not longer. I have a great idea for the next chapter. A growing passion is coming into the mix. The idea that I have for the next chapters might be recognized by some. And if you think you know where I got the idea from then tell me. Please, still vote at my group. You have until the fourth [Thursday]. Comments and messages appreciated and NEEDED. You people are slacking. You all are so lucky I've been on a creative streak lately! Geez.

Next: Chapter 13: Promise Kept 11

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