Program Change

Published on Jun 24, 2001



Program Change

by Alice Wonder

Allan had been working very hard at his office that day and was about to close up shop, turn off the computer and head for home to another Frozen Dinner and some time in front of the TV when a plain diskette mailer caught his view.

Allan lived alone since his divorce had become final. He wasn't interested in any other relationships since the breakup with his wife. He had always been a loner and that was one of the causes for the eventual alienation. His wife liked to have a social life and he would just as soon stay at home and watch tv or "play" (as she called it) with his computer.

That, and the other thing which his wife had at first been tolerant of, but had eventually used against him. His hobby, or his passion. She had even cooperated by buying him some clothes at the beginning. But then, no more.

He took the diskette mailer and noticed it was addressed to him but had no return address. And it had been delivered with the afternoon mail. The only clue was that it had a postal cancellation stamp of Chicago, IL. He did not, however know anybody in Chicago, or the midwest even.

Ah, well, he thought and absent mindedly threw it in his briefcase and headed for home.

After he had eaten his rubber chicken dinner, he decided to head for his computer and do some clean up of files, but when he opened his briefcase, he saw the unopened diskette mailer and picked it up and opened.

Inside it there was a 3.25 disk without a label and nothing more. With his curiosity peaked, he placed the disk in the drive and typed a: dir but all he got back was ch85564.exe. Now he was really curious and without any further preliminaries, he typed ch85564 [enter].

His screen suddenly exploded into innumerable colors and eventually a title appeared. "Woman of your Dreams" it said and then a plain menu appeared.

  1. Help 2. Design 3. Dream 4. Action

With his curiosity peaked, he typed 1 [enter] and was met by a terse statement "Follow functions in order". Then, back to the menu.

Well, he thought, OK, so he typed 2 [enter] and after a few moments, the screen came alive and a new title came on. "Design the Woman of your Dreams" and following that there was another menu which could have been taken from an Anatomy text book. It described certain parts of the human body and at the end it read: "All parts have to be designed by you or else the program will not work."

Now he was hooked, appprently the menu took the parts from the head down. As a matter of fact, item 1 read "hair", so he decided to go item by item as the help item had suggested.

He pressed 1 [enter] and found another menu with three items: 1.Color 2.Length 3.Shape. He pressed 1 and was met by a color sample screen. He hunted for his favorite Red Hair (more like a strawberry blonde) and pressed enter, then he called for length and pushed short then went to shape and pressed curly. A view of a featureless face framed with hair that was up to his standards and a message asking if there were any changes. He pressed N then [enter] and the Anatomy menu came back, only this time, hair had been grayed out.

The next item called for "skin". He pressed that and found himself with several choices, he looked and selected 'very fair (milky)' then he selected 'freckles (few)'. Then a picture of the same shapeless face, only this time, the face skin had taken a beautiful light hue and was adorned with a few widely spaced freckles.

By now he was mesmerized and started to view in his mind what he really wanted this picture of a girl to look like. Just like the girl he had always dreamed of.

Little by little, he chose features according to his ideal and little by littlle, the girl on the screen started to take on the features and appearance. What an incredibly clever game, he thought. I wonder who sent it to me?

When the question of "bust" came up, he chooe 'small (pointy)'. For "figure" he chose 'slight'.

As he made his way down the menus, he got more enthusiastic and when he was finished, there was the picture of his ideal girl on the screen with the caption "Any more changes?". After making a few minor corrections to the picture he pressed enter and the original menu came on with "Design" grayed out.

Only two more choices were left: "Dream" and "Action".

When he pressed his next choice of "Dream" The screen appeared to take a life of its own and he felt drawn into it. What a strange feeling! He felt as if every little secret area of his brain was beeng laid bare, but he did not feel at all uncomfortable, just relaxed.

After a few moments of this, the screen went back to normal and the menu item "Dream" appeared grayed out.

Well, all he had left was "Action", so without any more preamble, he pushed it and. Nothing happened. Just a blank screen. What a gyp! he thought, after all this time spent on this, he expected the girl on the screen to at least appear to come alive. But, nothing. As a matter of fact, his computer was locked up.

He tried re-booting, but, the computer was dead. When he looked at the clock, he noticed it was past midnight, so, he decided he would try to revive the computer tomorrow (saturday). So he went to bed.

The next morning, Allan woke up early with pains all over his body and a dry feeling in his mouth, as if it was full of sand.

He could hear from the next room, some noises coming from his computer, so he decided to get up even though he felt so bad and to see what was going on with the computer which had appeared so dead the night before

The computer was running and apparently the same software he had on the night before was on, because some psychedelic forms were being shown on the screen with some strange background music.

When he got closer to investigate, a very sultry voice came on and the face he had created the night before showed on the screen. The voice sounded very sexy and feminine. The face looked more like a picture from TV than a computer graphic. The girl looked very real.

"Good morning" she said "I am the girl of your dreams. Remember how you created me last night? Remember when the Dream sequence came on? Well, your computer has analyzed your thoughts and your desires and put them together."

"You have been implanted with a new technological breakthrough, Through the radio waves emited by your computer and received by you through the visuul media, your complete DNA has been altered and very soon the 'Girl of your Dreams',, will come alive inside of you. Little by little, your physical appearance as well as your mental abilities will start to change to accomodate 'The Girl of your Dreams'"

"When your computer analyzed you during the dream sequence, it noted your innermost secret and since it was within its potential, has decided to do for you that which you have been dreaming about but thought you could do nothing about".

"As the day wears on, you will notice changes, some subtle, some not so subtle, but you will eventually look, sound and feel exactly like I look, like your ideal of a girl."

With that, the image disappeared from the screen and the computer returned to the C:> prompt.

When he tried to access the diskettte on the A: drive, he got "Error, disk not formatted: Abort, Retry, Fail?.

Now he really panicked. What is all this? What could have happened? And as he was thinking about this, the first wave of pain racked him, he started sweating profusely and fell on the floor doubled up by the pain.

When it subsided, he thought to himself, Wow, what a flu! first I start to imagine things and then these pains. Then he went to the bathroom so he could go back to bed and sleep this flu off.

When he got to the bathroom, he noticed that his penis was smaller than usual, but attributed it to the flu. As soon as he finished, He went back to bed and tried to sleep, but the message from the computer kept coming back to him.

His ex wife was the only other person in the world who knew of his secret, but somehow, it appeared that someone else had found out and was using it as a joke on him. He knew his wife would not have told anyone, because she was very caring and even though she had broken the marriage off, he knew she still loved him and would not have hurt him. But, how did whoever had programmed the software known of his secret desires?

It was among these strange thoughts that he finally fell asleep again.

The light from the windows showed that it was late in the afternoon when Allan opened his eyes again. He knew he had to get up to go to the bathroom, and he felt better than in the morning, but somehow he did not want to break the last wisps of sleep.

Finally, he decided his bladder had finally won the battle and got up. Only, he felt very strange, and things looked a bit different. When he got to the bathroom and stood in front of the toilet and reached inside his pajama shorts for his penis, he was shocked. Nothing there!

He then reached more in earnest and could feel the definite moist slit that he was dreading.

He then looked in the full length mirror and the reflection shocked him. There, staring back was the girl he had created in the computer the night before the 'Girl of his Dreams'. Only, now he was SHE!

He stood in shock, looking at the beautiful sight. He then unbuttoned his night shirt and took it off together with his short pajama pants and there in all her glory stood the girl.

Her hair was reddish blonde, her skin milky white, almost transparent with light freckles spaced thru her body. Her face was beautiful with all the features he had dreamed about. Looking a little lower, he noticed small, but very pointy and well defined breasts, he noticed that there were some freckles surrounding the small pink areolas, and the nipples were very hard.

Looking even lower, he noticed that there was very little hair between the legs, and what there was, was silky and very light reddish blonde and the moist slit could be easily seen through the short hairs.

The body was perfection, how could it not be, since he had created her in his mind. He was now much shorter than before and definitely much thinner, but all was in proportion and every thing looked right.

But much more pressing matters asserted themselves, like the bladder that needed release. He figured that he would now have to sit like he had seen his wife do so many times in the past. Afterwards, he wiped the moisture from front to back like he had seen her do.

After finishing he thought to himself, what now? He looked at the clock and it read 4:00PM, so he decided to call his ex wife on the phone and ask her for her advise.

When she picked up the phone, he blabbed the whole story without stopping. By the time he finished, he was crying. He could not remember the last time he had cried.

His ex wife told him to relax, and she would be right over.

About 20 minutes later, she knocked on the door and he peeked out the viewer, when he was satisfied that it was her, he opened the door and let her in.

The first thing he noticed was that she was not shocked, and was actually smiling. He had covered himself with an old robe of his that was now way too large on his new frame.

She came over and embraced him, only now it was her who was doing the embracing and he that was doing the looking up.

They then sat down and she started explaining things to him.

When they had broken up, she was at a loss on how to cope with the inner feelings of his and that had been the biggest contributing factor to the break up.

Since the divorce, she had been doing a lot of soul searching and studying and was at a point where she could finally understand and accept his differences.

Then she had gone to a seminar in Chicago and had been told about this special software that could alter someone's DNA and help them look and feel like they thought. So she had gone and invested a great deal of the settlement on the sale of the house to buy it for him, because, since she still loved him and always would, she wanted to make him happy.

Now, she asked him to stand up and to take off the robe so she could see the full impact of the new person. As he did, she came over and gently helped him. When he was completeey nude in front of her, she came and inspected him closely. She told him that she often suspected that he fantasized with breasts smaller than hers, but that she never thought he wanted them so small. Even though they fit his new frame perfectly.

She also told him about her knowing how he was partial to red heads, and that she suspected he might want to look like this.

Then she surprised him by embracing him and touching his new breasts. He was also surprised at how sensitive and good her ministrations felt. At this point, he felt turned on for the first time in his new body. It seemed that she knew exactly what to touch and how to touch it. Very soon she had him in his bedroom, lying on his bed with her on top directing the proceeding.

She would not allow him to do anything, telling him that this first time he should just receive the impact of feelings without having to worry about anything else. It was like this that his wife brought him to the joy and release of his first female orgasm - only it wasn't just one, he seemed able to go and go and go without stopping, something he could never have done before.

Afterwards, as he lay there exhausted, she covered him with a sheet and stayed close to him, holding close to her.

After he had rested a bit, she asked him to stand up and brought a measuring tape and a pad and pencil out and started taking measurements that he was not at all sure what they were for. She then told him she would go to the local KMart which was the only store open on a saturday night and she would buy him some things to tide him over until they could go out and shop correctly.

She then left and told him she would be back in about one hour.

Exactly one hour later, he opened the door to her once again, only this time she was loaded with packages. When he took some packages from her arms, he noticed that his strength had pretty much left him, so he had to put a couple of the bags down and come back for them later.

After all the bags were in the bedroom, his wife asked him to take the robe off, she then handed him a pair of pink panties with lace on the legs and told him to put them on. They were a perfect fit. He rubbed his hands down his buttocks and around the front, and was amazed at how flat the front felt.

Then she came with a pretty bra in pink with lace around the top of the cups (they were half cup) and she told him that he was now a size 34B and that these should fit well. She then helped him with the straps and adjusted them until it felt very comfortable.

There he stood in pink panties and bra and she told him that from now on they would have to find him a new name, because Allan would not fit the way he now looked. As a matter of fact, he was no longer to be called he, but she. And the name she came up with was Allie and Allie liked it and accepted it.

Then Helen, her ex wife, handed her a pair of panty hose and helped her to put it on. Next came a very loose fitting blouse and a skirt, then Helen asked Allie to sit quietly at one of the kitchen chairs while she experimented with make up.

And she set up a stand up mirror on the kitchen table and instructed Allie on how to apply mascara and lipstick and blush. The result was a very pretty girl. Helen told Allie that since she was so fair complected, she would not need too much make up, as a matter of fact, fair complected girls usually had trouble with their skins if they put on too much.

When they were done, Helen handed Allie a small purse and said, OK let's go out to dinner, it will be my treat, and we will talk about making arrangements more suitable for the new you.

As the two women got ready to go out to dinner, Allie felt that she had finally become the person she had dreamed of being all her life, but felt also that things were going a bit too fast and that she was losing all control of the situation.

Helen, on the other hand, found a new awareness growing on the inside and she was not certain of where it would lead. She was certain of one thing, though, she loved her (husband?) and even more now than ever before. Could this be some latent feeling inside her? She was sure of one thing, she was not going to abandon this lovely creature that she had helped to take shape.

Before they left, Allie found herself having to make a stop in the bathroom, it seemed that the new her had much less tolerance to liquids and she found that she had to go more often but with lesser quantities.

As she drove, Helen looked at Allie sitting in the passenger seat looking so scared and vulnerable, yet so pretty. She took Allie's hand in hers and smiled a reasuring smile as if saying 'It'll be OK'.

When they got to the small out of the way restaurant, the two girls were ushered to a table near the back as Helen had requested affording them the privacy needed for the conversations to take place.

After ordering, Helen told Allie that she loved her more now than at any time during their marriage. She also told her that since the divorce, she had received the Vice Presidency that she had been expecting, and with it had come a large salary and bonus, in fact, Helen was now a wealthy person.

Coupling that with what had just happened, and with the fact that Allan had pretty much been self employable with his computer prograaming abilities, meant that Allan could easily quit his job (of course, that was evident), then Allie could move in with Helen and continue to work, if she wished, free lancing with her programming skills. Since no one knew Allie (or Allan for that matter) at the Town House community where Helen had bought her new home, Allie's presence in the household could be easily explained as a sister who had just moved in with her older sister. That way they could be together all the time.

Allan's apartment would be turned in, the lease cancelled with a letter that Helen would write about a relocation. Allan's clothing would be given to charity and the furniture would be moved to the Town House where there was plenty of space.

With her life a little bit more in order Allie felt better, Helen was her most precious friend and had been always, even after the divorce, she felt that she needed to be close to her and now she knew she needed her more than ever.

So many confusing feelings, so much was happening so fast. Yesterday she had been a man, today she was a fragile girl. Speaking of which, she knew she had to use the facilities again. Helen laughed at her predicament and reassured her that she would be able to judge a little better as time went on as to when she had to go.

So Allie walked into the heretofore mysterious world of the Ladies Room for the first time. She found it a little better than the normal Men's Room's utilitarian look. There was a couch in a corner and there were three stalls, all with doors, and of course no urinals, she realized that she would be unable to use one from now on. So she went into one of the stalls and sat down as was her fate from now on. She also resolved to take better stock of her looks as soon as she returned home.

When she came out, Helen was waiting and so was the food. They ate in silence but would look at each other with knowing smiles. And as soon as they were finished, they left for Helen's Town Home and to the start of their new adventures...


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