Professors Unpredictable Seminar

By Caterina Duvay

Published on Jan 18, 2004


A Professor's Unpredictable Seminar: Part 6


Caterina Duvay


(Disclaimer: This is not intended for minors. I always enjoy getting feedback, so feel free to email me, esp. gurls)

Instead of counting the proverbial sheep to get myself to sleep in anticipation of my Mistresses' call the next day, I found myself trying to count the number of strokes I was dealt so unexpectedly by Nikki.

I know it must sound so far-fetched -- I hadn't suspected that such things could actually occur except in small and bizarre circles like the porn industry -- but perhaps the circle of interested participants was really wider and more intelligent and imaginative than I thought. What had always bothered me about the videos I had rented was a pandering to dumbness, completely unreal and illogical and simply absurd situations -- you know, latex-clad girls are auditioning at a mansion in Beverly Hills for parts in a fetish video, all huge fake boobs and orgasms, while being clandestinely filmed....You get what I mean.

I kept seeing in my mind over and over as I lay in bed the image of myself in the tailor's mirror at Loveladies as I squirmed and twisted and cried out and panted in response to Nikki's sure hand. She had a way of timing her blows so that each next one was always somehow a surprise, and so that my physical and emotional reaction had ebbed just enough to permit an even harder stroke to follow.

I must have totaled at least 60 strokes of the so-called pussy-paddle, and during Nikki's culminating volley the intensity of each seemed unbearable: I struggled to hold my footing, aided by Nikki's grip on my hair which both prevented me from pitching forward but also preserved the lewd arch of my back as I was bent over spreadeagled to receive her burning blows. I thought I would collapse altogether or faint at times, but the heat of physical sensation -- it went far beyond what we conventionally call `pain' -- imparted such a thrilling vigor that I greeted each stroke with the desire for another harder. I knew too that Nikki had given me only a small taste of her shrewd power and erotic armamentarium.

Eventually I dozed off and awoke refreshed at 6 the next morning. I was like a child in my impatience: would Sandra and Monica pay me another visit here? Would I go to them? What exactly was in the package I had picked up?

At 9 the phone rang: it was Sandra.

"Hi teach," she said.

"Hi sweetie," I replied, "I'm here, obedient."

"Of course you are," she cooed, "like a good little slut."

Hearing the word `slut' gave me a small erotic jolt: the games were beginning again.

"Now listen closely. First, have you touched yourself?"



"Second, did you pick up the goodies?"

"Yes, they're right here."

"Wonderful -- unopened, I hope.'

"As you commanded," I said, smiling into the phone.

"Third, we're planning a little something at Monica's on Friday..."

"Friday?" I interjected in disappointment, "so long from today?".

"Yes, Friday, Kristina ... it's kinda like handing in a paper and having to wait for your grade...".

"I get it."

"Anyway, we have something else for you to do. Call our colleague Julia and get her to spend the night with you."

"You must be joking."

"No, not at all."

"Listen, I can get into real trouble for this....all she has to do is file a complaint at student services, just an accusation, and I'm fried," I responded angrily.

"You're already in enough potential trouble, Kristina, or did you forget?" she responded.

"But after what happened I know I can trust you and Monica to keep what we did between us ... can't I?"

A long pause ensued.

"Kristina, this is Monica. Either you do what we ask or we just drop everything. We're not into blackmail, we just took the pics for dramatic effect the other night. But if you're not really into this then we'll just keep the memories, OK? Besides, Julia's been salivating for you since the first day of class, as if you didn't know!"

She had a point... it was very unlikely that Julia, who adored me, would say anything. Julia was a smart kid and also very attractive, though not a knockout like Sandra or Monica. She was 24 but looked 17, very innocent, very much into running.

"OK," I replied, "I'll give it a try."

"Good girl. Remember I'm a little older than you, I've got a little more worldly experience."

I chuckled.

"Right you are!" I said.

"And by the way, what else did you get at Loveladies for yourself?"

"Oh...", I hesitated, "I just picked up the package since they were about to close, and didn't think to do anything else."

Another long pause. Sandra again. She spoke quietly and evenly.

"Get your sweet pussy out there again, Kristina, and fork over at least $300 for something interesting, otherwise Friday's off, OK?"

This was getting too silly and dumb.

"Listen, I'll go to Victoria's Secret, it's closer -- what is it you want me to get anyway?"

"We want you to use your imagination, and there isn't any place that's comparable. Be creative -- isn't that what you've been telling your class, to be creative? Ask them to show you the `special' inventory, OK? There's more to that store than you realize."

As if I didn't know....

"Oh all right," I replied, disappointed that in the working out of practical details the mystery and excitement of depravity had begun to diminish. We sounded like casual friends bickering, not like the intensely perverted dark lovers I thought we had become.

Well one has to have some down time after all, and I had been living on a high for two days, and it couldn't be sustained indefinitely. I made Friday a target in my mind as we took our leave over the phone.

I waited until noon before I called Julia and explained to her that I wanted to go over some aspects of her final essay that might affect her grade, apologized for the inconvenience but said it would be valuable for her future writing and offered dinner by way of compensation tonight or tomorrow night. She was already enrolled for my summer class, so I knew she'd be on campus, and she agreed without hesitation to stop by at 6 -- especially when she heard the word `grade' -- she was very competitive.

I suppose I had to admit to myself that I had now stooped to the level of seducing a student. It was one thing for me to have been set upon by Sandra and Monica -- I didn't have much choice really -- but it was a totally different issue for me to set sights on an innocent girl and take advantage of my position of authority. Not only could I be thrown out of university, but possibly even jailed....

Not that other colleagues hadn't done these things before. In fact, some considered their conquests `perks' that made up for endless political bickering in academic departments. I had always looked down on them, reviled them.... And I had a high school teacher who... well, that's a whole other story altogether, and I didn't mind one bit.

Yet now here I was planning to join the club. It made me uneasy as I reconsidered this whole explosive crazy involvement, and as I showered myself clean I felt cleansed anew of deviant impulses and determined to have a simple dinner with Julia, to give her a few pointers about her writing and leave it at that, especially since the question of actual blackmail had been eliminated. I hadn't seriously thought they'd do such a thing anyway. My only real loss would be in missing an opportunity to give myself up to the unimaginable with two extraordinary and wicked beauties.....

I spent the afternoon lazily and enjoyed preparing a light supper for 2, much relieved of my temporary insanity. It would be far better to put my energies into a steady relationship anyway, one in which sex would play an important but not consuming role. I felt good, healthy, and I dressed casually for the warm weather in simply a light green linen dress and Birkenstocks, not bothering with undergarments.

Julia arrived at 10 to 6 -- she was always early -- and she looked fetching in shorts, rather schoolgirlish. She was petite: 5'4", very very slender but strong, freckled with auburn hair and dark eyes. Her breasts were very small but she had a lovely pelvic curve and ass. She was very smart, mentally quick, always ready to challenge -- qualities which I cherished in students. I assumed she was lesbian since nearly all of the students in my graduate seminars on women's studies tended in that direction. But one never knew and I never presumed. She had seemed rather smitten with me, but I chalked that up to the usual illogical admiration of students for teachers.

She had kindly brought a bottle of chilled white wind and I admonished but thanked her for her gratuitous generosity as we settled down to eat and chat. It was just plainly ordinary and I relaxed even more, the shades of my recent former depravity evaporating by the second. There were occasional moments of silence, silence when I thought she was looking at me in much too admiring a way, perhaps....

And then we moved onto my comfortable living-room sofa. I pulled out her last essay and riffled through it, having kicked off my sandals and tucked my feet under me. She sat beside me perched on the sofa's edge, followed my markings and comments completely, smiling and agreeing. It took all of 15 minutes. She was grateful and I placed the essay on the coffee-table and sat back.

She did look awfully alluring, I noted, so animated.... I took off my glasses, smiled and was about to suggest a little dessert to finish off the evening, when Julia laid her hand on my knee. She was blushing but this didn't stop her boldness.

"You are so damned beautiful!," she exclaimed.

I gingerly removed her hand and backed away a few inches, but I thanked her and repaid the compliment.

"You really should be going, I think." I was happy in my assertion of normality and propriety, even though I confess to a few pangs of erotic longing for this sweetly young student within my grasp. It was all too easy to reach over and .....

Before I knew it she had lifted her head to within millimeters of my face, eyes closed, lips parted.... And as if by some erotic law of osculatory gravity I had kissed her. We necked for minutes, long sweet wet kisses and my head was swimming. Julia lifted herself to straddle me and at that point I came to my senses and pulled her arms away from my head.

"No, Jules, this has gone too far...." I attempted. She recoiled as if jolted by an electric shock, anger smoldering in her eyes.

"Are you a prude or a hypocrite or both?" she argued fierily. "All this talk about freedom of thought and sexual expression in class, and now you're so very proper. Why, because I'm ugly?"

Julia did have a prominent but thin nose and she'd made some self-deprecatory comments about her appearance in several class discussions so I knew this was a sore point. I thought it enhanced her looks, however, made her more keenly alluring and unique, and I sought to assuage her wounded feelings.

"Listen, darling, I think you're very beautiful, very desirable, very lovely....but there are rules, I could get in serious trouble..."

"What, so you're a coward too?" She moved back closer. "Is it so terribly wrong for people who are attracted to each other to express their sensual feelings? And if you weren't interested in something, then why are you completely naked under this flimsy dress?"


She pressed herself into me and kissed me fiercely and I returned her efforts, stroking her back, kissing and licking her sweet smooth neck, allowing my hands to stray to her hard buttocks and thighs....

"I want you, Jules, I want you" I declared. "Let's go upstairs."

We walked up together, stopping every other step to fondle each other and indulge in more lascivious kisses. I unbuttoned her blouse on the stairs and unzipped her shorts. By the time we reached the bedroom she was in sports bra and panties and my dress was lifted and bunched over my waist as her hands sought my wetness. Naïve she certainly was not!

I was becoming uncontrollably inflamed again. Julia was so sexy with her dark hair and eyes and youthful body: I thirsted for her juices but held off, prolonging the inevitable.

We fell onto the bed and rolled and kissed and she lay and spread herself out for me, now completely nude. Her nipples were long and erect atop small breasts the size of a mouthful, and I made my way towards them. First I licked all around her left breast in concentric circles, moving slowly in towards her nipple but not touching it. I did this several times and she arched her back asking for more. I then moved to the other breast and repeated it. Then back to the left, only this time I brought the very tip of my tongue to the very tip of her nipple -- and she screamed, to my delight. I teased each nipple like this for minutes before finally dribbling a mouthful of spittle on each and taking the entire breast in my mouth, sucking while my tongue frantically flicked.

She was wonderful.....I stepped back and began playfully to slap her nipples now, occasionally having her wet my hand with her mouth.

"Yes, Kristina, I love it, harder!"

I spanked her breasts and nipples very hard, rapidly while her hands grasped my bedsheets and her pelvis began to twist. This sight was too much for me: I wanted to taste her dripping aromatic cunt. So I did.

I quickly turned her so that her ass was on the edge of the bed and I slid to my knees to inhale her pussy's aroma. I stroked the insides of her thighs, brushed the outsides of her external labia and lightly pinched before I took the entire length of her cunt into my gaping mouth. She was on the verge of cumming so I waited for her to quiet down before using my tongue's very tip to trace the outlines of her labia, to graze her stiff clit, and to moisten her ass. I held her legs by the ankles as she kept lifting herself in the air with nearly each lick, and she grabbed my hair and pushed my mouth harder against her delectable pussy streaming now with copious juices which smeared over my nose and mouth and chin and cheeks.

"You have to earn the right to cum, Julia," I whispered.

"Oh yeah, anything, what do you want? What do you want me to do" she gasped.

"I want you to count, that's all." I quickly went into my bedroom and returned with my two-sided hairbrush: all soft bristles on one side, all harder plastic-tipped metallic bristles on the other.

I pressed the soft side against her mons. She purred. Then the other side, with greater force.

"Ooooooh," she panted.

I let the brush fall by its own weight onto her pussy and she nearly leapt off the bed.

"Start counting, backwards, from 60" I ordered. I don't know what had gotten into me, why all of a sudden I had decided to minister to this young thing, a sub in domme's clothing (or unclothing) perhaps.....

"If you miss a beat, remember, I have to start over again." She nodded.

I began lightly at first, tapping the metal bristles down. We reached 50 and I increased my pressure and I increased the time between slaps and Julia began to breathe a lot more heavily and her pussy began to redden.....40 now.... She purred in between breaths and made as if to move away, to deflect my blows.

"Do you want to stop?" I asked.

She shook her head, and caught her breath.

"Then keep your fucking legs open and still like a good bitch!" I was beginning to grow heady with my new role, with the power I perceived I had over this willing and tender and young and pretty and slutful bitch. I was indeed a good student and I used what I had learned from Monica and Sandra and Nikki to very good effect. I strung Julia out and began to slap harder and harder, sometimes against the insides of her thighs, sometimes against her anal rosebud, but then harder and harder across her sensitive pussy and clit.

She began to really cry out with each stroke.... We were down to 11 and her breathing was so rapid I thought she might faint.... But she took it. Her cunt was burning, she was clutching my bedsheets and screaming and leaping and squirming and I brought the last stroke down so hard I was afraid it might leave an indelible mark. Then I swiftly turned the brush over and pressed down the soft bristles firmly onto her clit and lips and she came for me in waves, shuddering and yelling and shouting like a wonderfully liberated creature of pure pleasure. I continued to hold the brush and press it hard against her flesh and she rubbed herself involuntarily against it as she bucked in orgasm Then I took her into my mouth and sopped up everything I could, tenderly, oh so tenderly, with my lips and tongue.

My own pussy was now in heat so I moved up on the bed to straddle her head and held it by the hair as she took her willing and grateful lips to my cunt and ass, and I ground myself into her and came and came and came...

We embraced and enjoyed the pleasures of intertwining and mutual pussylicking throughout the night until exhaustion forced us both into slumber.

So much for my resolutions....

(To be continued I hope.... Most amazing 2 weeks of my life.)

Next: Chapter 7

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