Professor Baker

By moc.loa@eiggam2yddad

Published on Sep 25, 2004


This is the 3rd installment of a series of fictional stories involving homosexual activity. If you find this sort of material offensive, then boy are you in the wrong website. If you are under the age of 18, go drink your milk. All of it. The whole glass. If, for any reason, it is illegal for you to view such material, move to a place where it is legal, then log back on. You have been forewarned.

Dr. Baker, College Professor -- III

You'll remember that I took in a tenant last fall. His name is Simon. He was having problems with his roommate, and needed to move out of the dorm. I offered him my empty bedroom, along with a few rules and guidelines. He accepted, and we hit it off, immediately. After Christmas, he introduced me to his dad, Phil, with whom I was immediately smitten. Apparently, the feeling was mutual. Phil spent most of the weekend in my bed, much to the delight of his son, who had been trying to set us up. But to confuse matters, I wound up in a little situation with Simon after Phil left. I finally had to admit I had feelings for Simon, and it was evident that Simon had feelings for me. He had just ejaculated in my hand, and is now napping in my arms.

"Dad?" Simon mumbled.

"No," I responded, kissing his forehead, "it's me."

After looking up at me, Simon jumped up off the bed in an apparent panic and shrieked, "Dr. Baker. Oh God. Oh shit. Oh fuck."

"Calm down, son," I insisted, reaching out for him.

Simon pulled away from me, crying. "I'm so sorry, Dr. Baker. I never wanted...oh fuck, I've ruined everything."

"Ruined what, Simon," I inquired quietly.

"You and my dad were supposed to...oh, never mind," Simon shrugged, "it doesn't matter now. I've messed it all up."

"Listen, Simon," I said calmly, "I'm as much to blame for whatever happened here as anyone. Now come back and snuggle with me, and we'll talk this out. Snuggling is allowed."

Simon grinned and lay back down with me, resting his face on my chest. "This feels nice," Simon admitted.

"It does," I agreed. I rocked Simon for a while. I knew his mind was a mess right now, and, quite frankly, so was mine.

"I want you and my dad to be boyfriends," Simon whispered, looking up at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"It's not quite as simple as all that, Simon," I chuckled. "Two people have to be in love to become boyfriends."

"But you said you like my dad," Simon argued, sitting up.

"I do, son," I nodded, "very much."

"You two were going at it for almost four days straight," Simon reminded me, poking me in the chest.

Smiling, I asked him, "And that didn't bother you?"

"No, Dr. Baker," Simon insisted, "that's what I was hoping for. My dad has been so lonely, and now that I'm not there with him he's all alone."

"But how did you know your dad would be interested in another man?" I wondered. "He was married to your mom for many years, and from everything you've told me about her, she was a wonderful wife and mom."

"She was, Dr. Baker," Simon assured me.

"Did he just tell you one day that he likes guys now?" I continued.

"Well," Simon hesitated, looking at the floor, "not exactly."

"Then what, exactly?" I wanted to know.

"Promise you won't tell dad I told you this?" Simon begged, glancing toward me.

"Of course, I promise, son," I vowed, stroking his cheek. "Tell me."

"About a month after mom died," Simon began, "I heard noise coming from dad's bedroom late one night. I tiptoed toward the door to listen more closely. It sounded like someone was crying and breathing heavy, so I pushed to door open, and dad was there, lying naked on his bed. There was a porno playing on the TV, and he was jacking off. It didn't seem like he was very good at it."

"It didn't?" I interjected.

"No," Simon said, quietly. "It was almost as though he'd forgotten how. I felt so bad." "Simon," Phil gasped.

"Sorry, dad," Simon apologized. "I didn't mean to interrupt. I just heard noises and wanted to see if you were okay. Are you okay, dad?"

Phil began to weep. Simon ran to him, jumped up on his bed, and lay right down on his dad's muscular, furry body. Phil held his 15 year-old son close to him.

"I love you, dad," Simon cooed in his father's ear.

"I love you, too, Simon," Phil sniffled.

They cuddled for quite some time, Phil occasionally kissing his son's cheek or forehead. "I suppose I should turn this off," Phil announced, referring to the porn video.

"Yeah, it didn't look like it was doing you much good," Simon joked.

"What?" Phil questioned, sitting up and clicking the remote control toward the TV.

"Well, your jacking off technique is a bit flawed, if you ask me," Simon teased.

"Oh is it?" Phil grinned.

"You're talking to a healthy teen-aged boy, dad," Simon told him. "I've got it down."

"And you think that my 40 plus years of jacking off don't make me just a bit more of an expert than you?" Phil challenged.

Soon Simon's smallish erection was poking his dad in the leg.

"Watch where you point that weapon, will ya?" Phil said through his grit teeth, reaching down and squeezing his boy's peter through his white briefs.

"Da-had," Simon giggled.

"Oh, you like that, buddy?" Phil teased, placing his strong hand over Simon's bulge and jiggling it back and forth.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh," Simon bellowed, squirting his boy cream into his undies.

Realizing what he had done, Phil said, "Oh, Simon, I'm sorry, son. I was only playing around. I didn't realize..."

"It felt good, dad," Simon sighed.

"But boy," Phil went on, "you sure do have a trigger peter there." Pulling his sticky hand from Simon's crotch, Phil instructed, "Let's get these underpants off of your butt, son."

Simon agreed, and lifted his trunk off the bed, while his dad slid the cum-soaked shorts down his son's legs and then throwing them into a pile of laundry across the room.

"Can I sleep naked like you, dad?" Simon asked.

"Why not?" Phil said, raising his eyebrow.

"Well, I just figured it was something only grown-ups do," Simon told him.

"Heck, Simon," Phil reminisced, "when I was your age, your grandma had me still wearing pajamas.

"Really?" Simon laughed in disbelief.

"It wasn't until I went away to college that I began just wearing my underpants to bed," Phil admitted. "And it wasn't until our honeymoon that I started sleeping naked. I never realized how nice it felt just to let things flop around under the covers."

Phil took his naked son into his arms and the two of them laughed.

"But doesn't it get hard all the time if it's doing all that flopping around?" Simon inquired.

"Well," Phil shrugged, "that's sorta what happened here tonight. It was the first time I had gotten an erection since...well, it had been a long time. So I turned the video on, and started to jack on it. Gosh, son, I just began to miss your mom so much, it was like I had forgotten how."

Simon wrapped his fist gently around his dad's huge penis, which was getting harder by the second. Phil moaned, but didn't stop his son from manipulating his manhood. The harder Phil got, the more turned on Simon became. Pulling the covers back, Simon curled up next to his dad, and rested his face on his furry belly, continuing to fondle his dad's erection and ball bag. Phil caressed his son's head and gently led it to his cock. Instinctually, Simon opened his mouth and wrapped his soft lips around it, moaning as he did so.

"Oh, God, Simon," Phil groaned, "do that to daddy."

The two were in tears, probably for different reasons, but were happy to be where they were at the time. Phil just lay back and let his son blow him. For his first cock, he didn't do half bad. He got the old stroke/slurp thing down really quickly, and before long, dad was getting even harder and breathing even heavier. Simon knew it would only be a matter of time before dad would pop.

"Oh, God!" Phil bellowed, cum squirting from his engorged cockhead into Simon's mouth, and onto his face. Simon gagged and licked. His face was a mess, but the taste of his dad's cum was wonderful.

"My dad and I slept together almost every night for a long time after that," Simon confessed to me.

"Did you engage in sex every night?" I asked, astonished.

"No," Simon answered, "but we snuggled every night. Sometimes I got horny and wanted to suck him, and he let me, but he never even once asked me if I would."

"Wow," I said, shaking my head in disbelief.

"One night, dad told me that he was worried about me," Simon continued, "and so, to try and make me feel okay about the fact that I liked sucking his cock, he told me that he had been sexual with lots of guys when he was a kid, especially in college."

"Really?" I responded, shaking my head.

"Yeah," he went on, "lots of stuff in the locker room. Anyway, I told him not to worry about me. That I liked sucking cock, and it didn't bother me."

"What about your mother?" I wanted to know.

"Oh yeah," Simon chimed, "dad met my mom, and he said she was unlike any girl he ever knew. He gave up guys and went out strictly with her. He says he never did anything with a guy as long as they were married."

"I was the first since then?" I needed to know.

"Nope," Simon snipped, "Sorry, doc. About a year ago, dad started meeting guys at the gym and I know he was doing stuff with them. They just didn't make him happy. But I knew you would make him happy."

"Oh, geez, Simon," I told him quietly, "I don't want you to get your hopes up too high. I think your dad is great, and he's welcome to come here anytime he wants to, but we hardly know one another."

"I know you two are perfect," Simon said, matter-of-factly.

"Simon," I asked, gingerly, "do you still suck your dad?"

"Sometimes," Simon admitted. "I sucked him a couple times at Christmas."

"Have you ever sucked anyone else?" I continued. "Yes," Simon responded, blushing.

"It's okay," I chuckled, "you don't have to name names. So you're gay?"

"I guess so," Simon nodded.

"And you're okay with that?" I proceeded.

"Sure," he assured me. "Why wouldn't I be? The two men I love the most are."

At that moment, the telephone rang.

"Would you grab that?" I requested, "I need to pee."

I ran to the bathroom as Simon answered the phone.

"Hello?" Simon sang. "Yes, Dr. Baker is here, but he can't come to the phone at this moment. Can you wait just a minute? My name is Simon. I live here. Yes, I am a student. I'm a freshman."

"Who's on the phone?" I whispered, not wanting to talk to anyone from the college.

"May I ask who's calling?" Simon inquired. "Sean. Oh, Sean, the guy who used to live in my room? Nice to speak with you. Dr. Baker told me a lot about you. I hope I get to meet you sometime soon. Here's Dr. Baker."

Taking the phone from Simon, I cleared my throat. "Sean? How are you, Sean?"

"Well, Dr. Baker," Sean admitted, "not so good. But it sure is nice to hear your voice."

"You, too, Sean," I agreed, "but what's the matter?"

"May I stop by to see you?" Sean asked.

"Are you in town?" I said excitedly.

"Well, no," he told me, "but I'm planning on coming up next weekend. I don't suppose you have a space for me to stay?"

"Of course we do, Sean," I assured him. "I can't wait to see you."

"Me too, Dr. Baker," Sean whimpered.

"Seany," I said in my most fatherly voice, "what is the problem? You sound just awful."

"I'll be okay," he promised me, "but I'd rather wait until I see you to tell you what's going on."

"Well, okay, son," I shrugged. "Whatever you say."

"How is Simon working out?" Sean wanted to know.

"Just fine, Sean," I replied, "and he can iron a shirt."

We laughed a bit, and hung up. As you may recall, Sean was the young man who stayed with me for three years previous to Simon's moving in.

"So is Sean coming for a visit?" Simon asked, while pulling his underwear on.

"Yes," I acknowledged, "but I'm not sure why."

If you are enjoying the Dr. Baker saga, let me know with an e-mail to

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