Professor Baker

By moc.loa@eiggam2yddad

Published on Aug 4, 2004


Before I begin this episode, let me first apologize to those of you who were confused by my double-naming one of my characters in my first installment. The character that started out as Noah, eventually became Simon. Simon is this young man's name. Noah is a character in an entirely different story. I also apologize for a glaring grammatical error that several of you know-it-alls took the time to point out to me. To the ones of you who did so gently, I am grateful.

Now, it's on to the disclaimer. This story contains vivid descriptions of homosexual acts which some may find offensive. If you find erotica offensive, then, a.) why are you in this website? And b.) go away. If you are under the age of 18 years, go read a comic book. If it is illegal, for any reason, for you to be reading such material, amskray! We don't want any government agencies shutting down our "nifty" website.

And now, our story continues.

Dr. Baker, College Professor -- II

Remember me? I am Dr. Benjamin Baker, professor of English at a small college in a beautiful lake town. And do you remember Simon, my houseboy...I mean housemate? Simon had some difficulties with his dorm roommate at the beginning of his first semester, so he came to live with me. His life began to shape up for the better, earning him straight "A's" on his grade report. And do you remember Simon's dad, Phil Edwards? Phil was the hunk who came to drop off his son, Simon, and wound up dropping several hot loads right up my manhole. Simon, it would turn out, was trying to "fix the two of us up." Simon, Simon, Simon.

Simon was a cute kid, all of 18 years, and a real sweetie. After his dad drove away, Simon ran back inside the front door. Noticing I wasn't following right behind, he turned and looked in my direction. He saw I was in a daze.

"Hey, Doc," Simon yelled, "Are ya comin'?"

I continued staring at the back of Phil's SUV as it disappeared into the distance.

Simon snuck up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. "Yoo-hoo!" he teased, "anybody home?"

Snapping out of my trance, I clicked, "Oh, yes, Simon. Sorry. I was on another planet."

"I'll say," Simon agreed. "And was that planet called `Phil'?"

"Shut up, you little...," I mumbled, poking him in the sides. Simon screaming, and me laughing, we ran back into the house.

"So, you like my dad, huh?" Simon grilled me, plopping his sweat panted butt into the recliner.

"You're a manipulative little son-of-a-gun, aren't you?" I said, shaking my right hand's index finger in his face.

"I'm good at math, Dr. B.," Simon explained. "One lonely man plus one lonely man equals a happy couple."

I just chuckled and headed up the stairs for my morning shower.

"Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you," Simon joked.

I looked down over the banister and shot him a `who exactly do you think you're talking to' stare, left eyebrow raised. I knew he was kidding, but it was fun to see his reaction to my scowl.

"Kidding, Doc, just kidding," Simon backtracked. "But you do like my dad, don't you?"

"Yeah, Simon," I nodded, "I like him."

"A lot?" he pushed onward.

"Don't press your luck, kiddo," I winked. "This is as far as this conversation is going, at least for today."

I was afraid to say anything more, quite frankly, because I really didn't know how or what I was feeling. I knew I was certainly attracted to Simon's dad, and that he was attracted to me. I also knew that I truly enjoyed Phil's company, and it appeared that he enjoyed mine. And yes, he made my heart go pitter-pat, in a way it hadn't in many years. But was this just a passing thing? Will I miss him? Will he miss me? Will we feel the same about one another the next time we're together? And what about Simon? Why can't I get the vision of this boy's bare behind out of my head?

Remember when I spied Simon sliding his tighty-whiteys off his butt and slipping between the sheets the night he returned from Christmas break with his dad in tow? I was still unable to shake that sight from my mind. I just wanted to spread his cheeks and press my face right into his crack, slobbering all over his little pink hole.

These thoughts were flooding my mind as I was lathering myself up in the shower, hot water spraying down. I began soaping up my 8 inches of circumcised cock, when it came to attention. I just leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and succumbed to a nice, long stroke. Considering the fact that Phil and I had gone at it late into the night before, and again upon waking up that morning, it was amazing I had another erection in me. But actually, Phil wasn't on my mind. Simon was. That blond hair, those Sinatra eyes, that soft skin, that little bulge in the front of his underpants, and his bubble butt. God! That incredible bubble butt wouldn't leave my consciousness. My hand rubbed up and down the length of my hard penis as I played my very own porn movie in my head, which starred not me and Phil, but me and Simon.

"Oh, yes, Dr. Baker," Simon moaned with delight, "you may lick my boyhole."

A naked Simon, lying on his back, pulled his knees up to his hairless chest, as though I had just made this outrageous request. I knelt there, staring at his beautiful mounds.

"Go ahead, sir," he continued, innocently, "you may touch my butt."

I placed my hands on his butt cheeks, spreading them wide, kneading them, and loving them. Then in one motion, I buried my face in his crack and began sucking on his pink hole.

"Ooooooo, Dr. Baker," Simon cooed, "no one has ever made me feel this good before."

The things Simon was saying to me sounded like the dialogue in a really poorly written porno, but it was turning me on, just the same.

After lathering up Simon's boypussy, I slid my index finger in to the hilt.

"Oh, my, Dr. Baker," Simon grimaced, "that hurts me."

Not wanting to hurt him, but not wanting to stop, I turned my hand palm-up, and made the "come here" motion with my inserted digit.

"Ah!" Simon shrieked, "Yes, do that. It feels incredible."

I continued to finger-fuck my houseboy until I felt he was ready for my big cock.

"Do you want me to fuck you with my big daddy-dick," I suggested. ("Where the fuck am I getting this stuff?" I wondered. "Daddy Dick. Geez.")

"Oh, yes, sir," Simon begged. "I want you to do to me what my daddy did to you all weekend long."

Now this was crazy. I was fantasizing about this kid knowing his dad and I had fucked like rabbits for three days straight. But my cock was, indeed, hard as a rock.

"Fuck my tight little pussy, sir," Simon went on. "I need your big man cock in my little pussy."

I began slapping my cum pump on the boy's bottom, teasing his hole as I did so.

"Stick it in, Dr. Baker," Simon pleaded. "Do it now, please!"

Sliding my schlong into his waiting boycunt, we both groaned with pleasure. As I began riding him like crazy, Simon was squealing with each thrust I made, as though he were a little girl. This was very odd to me, since Simon was in no way a sissy boy, but, none-the-less, it turned me on. I increased my fucking speed.

"Oh, I'm going to cum, Dr. Baker," Simon confessed, "I'm going to cum."

I looked down to watch him cum, and snapped out of my fantasy, remembering I was in the shower, with my hand on my soapy cock. I started jacking like a maniac, right to the edge.

"Oh, shit," I moaned low, "aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!"

I pulled back on my cock one last time, holding it at the base. 7 or 8 ropes of love cream squirted from the head, splattering the shower wall in front of me.

I heard a gasp, a couple of footsteps, and a door hinge squeak. Simon caught me. He saw me masturbate and ejaculate. I was certain of it. Heck, I would have gasped if I'd seen someone splatter cum the way I just had. But I was worried. I quickly hosed down the shower wall that I had just hosed down, if you know what I mean, and then dried off. I pulled on my boxers and sashayed down the hallway, hair still wet, to Simon's room. This boy had a habit of not closing doors behind him completely, and this time was no exception. His door was ajar, so I pushed it gently, figuring he would be laying on his bed, face down, head buried in a pillow, never wanting to speak with me again. Boy, was I wrong. He was on his bed, all right, but sitting, propped up on his pillows, naked from the waist down, tugging on his own hardon. I didn't see it for long, but I did get my first glimpse of that boy's cock. I was right, it wasn't very big: maybe 5, 5 ½ inches at most, but it was mighty hard, and dripping.

He looked up from across the room and our eyes met.

"Oh, God," Simon panicked, covering his smallish erection with his hands.

Embarrassed, I told him, "Sorry, son, I didn't know. You should make sure you close your door tightly."

I pulled his door shut, and went to my bedroom. I sat on the edge of my bed, with my face in my hands, almost crying, knowing that I had mortified this poor boy.

I heard a knock.

"Can I come in, Doc?" Simon whispered.

"Of course," I replied, motioning him to sit down next to me. In his forest green tee shirt, white briefs and white socks, he sat down, rubbing his smooth right leg up against my furry left leg.

"Are you mad?" he wanted to know.

"Mad?" I inquired.

"Yeah, mad I was jerking off?" he said, looking down at the carpeting.

"Simon, why would I be mad that you were doing something boys just do?" I asked, matter-of-factly. "I was worried that you were mad at me for barging in on your little session."

"You were right," he admitted, "I should have closed my door."

I agreed.

"But," he rolled on, "when I found you in the shower, and saw you cum all over the place..."

"Ah, that was you I heard gasp," I interrupted.

"Yes," Simon acknowledged, "I was watching you play with yourself in the shower. I couldn't believe how big you were, and then you squirted your cum..."

"It's okay, Simon," I reassured him. "Anytime we think about sex, we get an erection, and the next thing we know, we're playing with it, and the next thing we know, we're cumming."

"Yeah," Simon giggled. "Well, except I didn't cum this time, because you kinda interrupted me."

"Oh, sorry, chum," I apologized, wrapping my arm around his muscular shoulders. I kissed Simon on the top of the head, at which time; he wrapped his arm around my mid-section and cuddled into me. Much to my chagrin, my willie was wiggling in my shorts, and before long, it was peaking from the fly in my boxers. I glanced over to notice that Simon's peter was tenting the front of his undies. I wish I could tell you what came over me next, but I found myself lifting my left leg over Simon, and sitting behind him, with his butt right in my crotch. I cradled him for a few minutes, rocking back and forth, then began running my hands on his smooth chest and belly. He liked that. I could tell by the way he pushed himself back into me, rubbing his backside against my again hard prick. I slid my hand down his front side and rested it on the little bulge in his skivvies. He jumped a little, but calmed down quickly. I lowered the waistband of his briefs down under his grape-sized testicles, and wrapped my thumb and my forefinger around his 5-inch throbber. I grabbed it just under the head. "Mmmmmmmm," Simon hummed in an urgent, high-pitched tone. "No one but me has ever touched it before."

"Shhhhhh," I comforted him, rocking him slowly and continuing to jiggle his little penis.

"My dad is a lot bigger than me," Simon said, sadly.

"Size isn't important," I promised him, thoroughly enjoying my playtime with his boycock. "Besides, look at how hard this thing gets."

"Yeah," Simon said, almost embarrassed. "And it gets hard all the time."

"Well, the advantage to having a smaller one," I rationalized, "is that when you do get an erection at an inappropriate time, it isn't as hard to disguise as a big one is."

Simon tittered a little, but immediately fell back into my arms, allowing me full access to his leaking peter. As he closed his eyes, I rubbed his pre-cum all over the head, making him squirm with delight. I lightly kissed the back of his neck as I masturbated his little guy, which was getting even harder as I stroked.

"Oh, God, Dr. Baker," Simon announced, "I'm gonna cum. Fuck! I'm gonna cum!"

And cum this boy did. Simon squirted rope after watery rope onto his stomach, his chest, and even his face, not to mention my hand. Once his orgasm had subsided, I licked the cream from my hand and savored ever drop. I then ran my finger up his stomach and chest, collecting more of his jizz. I raised my finger to his mouth, which he happily sucked in.

"Mmmmmm," Simon reacted. "I eat my cum all the time. I like it."

"I see that," I replied, kissing his cheek. I then pulled Simon back into my arms. As we lay there, Simon fell asleep, head buried in my chest. I held him in my arms thinking, "Oh, boy. What do I do now?"

As you can see, Dr. Baker is quite conflicted. Since Simon is no longer his student, it doesn't seem like such a breach of ethics to be messing around with him. On the other hand, there's Phil, Simon's dad, who obviously has a thing for Dr. Baker. If you enjoyed this, and have some thoughts on what poor Dr. Baker should do with his dilemma, send me an e-mail at Thanks.

Next: Chapter 3

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