Probing Mildred

By Jeff Exilimar

Published on Apr 19, 2005


Probing Mildred Part 6

By Jeff Exilimar

The jet landed on the runway, touching down on the far side of McCarran Las Vegas International Airport and taxied to a remote complex. Forty people got off the plane and went into the terminal. Three hours later, thirty-nine walked out into the parking lot, got into various vehicles and drove off to enjoy a month of normal life before returning for another two weeks duty at Nellis' Groom Lake facilities.

As each car left a little device scanned each plate and each face and tapped into the Nevada Department Of Motor Vehicles. It built profiles matching up each person and rated the chances for the possibility of contact. A matronly fifty-nine year old woman scored a meager 15%, a young man who frequented local strip clubs rated a 71%, and oddly enough a sixty-two year old Colonel who had a penchant for certain websites rated a 93%. This data was batched, correlated, sorted and sent to a small suite in a hotel outside of Primm...

Another quiet Tuesday night at the surveillance stations left Mildred and Lena casually watching the assorted people move in and out of the casino for most of their shift without much to do. Hassan had security check out a possible dice swap at craps table #4, but is just turned out to be an epileptic with dice themed cufflinks and a now comped room for his trouble.

Fifteen minutes before shift change there was finally some commotion. A fifty-ish Japanese man of obvious wealth walked onto the floor with a young black girl on his arm, appearing on Lena's camera number 5.

"Hey Mildred, come see this.", called Lena.

Mildred transferred her cameras to other stations and moved up behind Lena. "Yeah. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."

"That is Mr. Sanaka."


"And on the board of Panadise Electronics."


"He would be a good source of data on the Japanese industries."

"We can't mingle with the customers, and it's shift change."

"Right, we'll follow him."

"Huh? Follow him where?"

Lena dialed up security and directed them to check the ID of Mr. Sanaka's companion. They reported back with an all clear, but Lena informed them that she'd indeed caught the pair of bills transferred from Sanaka's handlers to the guards. With a great deal of bowing and scraping by the guards, Mr. Sanaka elected to leave the casino.

Mildred and Lena followed the limo to the oddly shaped pyramid hotel and casino known as The Thebes. Once they were assured the Japanese CEO was inside, they parked the car and found a bathroom to change into far more appropriate (and sexy) clothing.

"Lena, why in hell are we doing this?"

"It's my mission, you know. Mr. Sanaka has some weaknesses we can exploit, and frankly, he's an unsavory character in his personal life. He needs to find the balance his culture seems to revere."

Mildred gave up and followed Lena onto the floor. She liked how her green satin dress attracted the eyes of many, and most of the eyes that weren't directed her way were investigating the daring blue dress that Lena had donned. Boldly the two women strode up to the craps table Sanaka had claimed. He was shooting dice and sipping a scotch as they approached, waiving off his bouncers before they could intercept the ladies.

"Pretty girls always welcome to watch me shoot dice!"

"Aw Millie, he flatters up.", Lena said.

Mildred nodded as he rolled a pair of snake eyes. "Lucky with women, however doesn't mean he's lucky with dice."

"Quite Millie. Sanaka-san, if you would be so kind?" Lena held her hand out, and the middle aged Japanese man dropped the cubes into her hand.

"New shooter!"

Fifty-five minutes later Mr. Sanaka had a nice pile of chips in front of him. Lena had watched his betting style closely and had timed her 'cheats' carefully.

Mr. Sanaka spread his arms wide. "Girls! You are very lucky for me tonight! Would you care to dine with me in my suite? Everything will be perfect." The young girl at his side cringed slightly. "What is wrong with you?"

The girl, near panic, stumbled out "I have... have to use the bathroom, sir."

Sanaka pointed to a bodyguard who began to escort her away. Mildred touched Lena's back quickly, then followed. When she got there the bodyguard was turning women away from the bathroom but she strode in, hoping the look on her face said, "I'm in with your boss, toady."

She found the girl in a stall, trying not to cry. Finally up close, she could see the girl looked physically older than she was. Her body screamed maturity her face, her eyes, could not match.

"Honey, what's your name?" Mildred asked.


"You're not with Mr. Sanaka by choice, are you?"

"No. Mom's a crackhead. His limo followed me home and he offered my mom some money for me."


"I'm afraid of him and all of his men. I'm afraid what they're going to..."

"Don't worry. Lena, the other girl, has a plan."

"What is it?"

"Frankly, I have no idea.", Mildred said, suddenly exasperated. "But she's very smart and she doesn't like Sanaka, but she needs him for something. Mistreating you means it's probably going to get odd."

Mildred had Aliesha leave first, then actually used the bathroom quickly before rejoining the group at the crap table. She quickly tapped Lena's back three times.

"So would you like to take advantage of Sanaka-san's hospitality Millie?", Lena asked cheerfully.

"I can't imagine a more wonderful way to spend the night", Mildred responded, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Sanaka and the girls were escorted to his private suite by the pair of toughs who'd followed him wherever he went. Once inside the bodyguards secured the door and took up 'posts' beside the entrance. Lena had everyone right where she wanted them. Lena and Mildred went to the bathroom, telling their gracious host they needed to touch up their make-up. When they emerged, they used Mildred's zappers to paralyze the goon squad in short order.

Frozen in the act of pouring a drink, Mr. Sanaka was flabbergasted. "What are you two doing?! Who are you? What are those?"

Lena turned to him and smiled. "You, my fine host, are in a touch of trouble. Our records indicate you were lucky in New Orleans, and your payoff in Atlantic City was really quite dramatic. We're here to ensure your stay in Las Vegas in not bothered by such complications."

"I do not know..."

"Quiet." Lena said sharply as she began to approach him much like a tigress stalks a small forest creature. "You have had five trips to America for pleasure resulting in three girls hospitalized and two dead. If you cooperate you can return to Japan without anyone the wiser. The alternative isn't really quite as pleasant."

"What do you want?"

"A: When you come to Las Vegas, you will treat your escorts, consensual escorts, with kindness and respect. If you need to harm them to get aroused, I suggest you do without. B: You will send updated and access on your company's R & D to this email address. It is quite untraceable, so do not try. The consequences..."

"I cannot betray my company, my country."

Lena walked over to his laptop and swiftly decrypted his files and copied them to a disc. "Considering the nature of these photos you kept, like trophies, I humbly suggest you have already betrayed yourself."

Sanaka hung his head down. Lena took his arm and guided him to the plush sofa. "We need to ensure your cooperation. Please remove your clothes. All of them."

Sanaka removed his suit and neatly placed them in a pile on the floor. Mildred had Aliesha take them and place them on the table. Lena pulled out some silken cord and tied Mr. Sanaka up in a fetal position, further humiliating him. Mildred pulled out a small 35mm camera and a digital camera. Lena put some KY onto Sanaka's exposed asshole.

Lena moved to disrobe. "Don't get my breasts in the shot, Mildred. We need it to look as 'bad' as possible for Mr. Sanaka here."

Aliesha looked as the prostrate businessman. "Was he going to do that to me? Tie me up and..."

Mildred placed her arm around the young girl. "Well considering his equipment, there couldn't be much 'and'. But the photos from the laptop... you wouldn't have cared much for that."

"So he was going to torture me. What could Lena do to... Oh. My. God."

Lena had removed her dress and undergarments and stood bare behind the businessman, her eight-inch penis swaying out in front of her. Sanaka twisted around when he'd heard Aliesha cry out and now started begging for mercy from this crazy woman with the long, fat penis.

"Mildred," Aliesha asked quietly, "is that a strap-on?"

"No honey, she kinda came with that."

Aliesha flinched as Lena pressed her penis into the Japanese man bound at her feet. He cried out at the penetration, and Mildred moved over to snap photos. With careful positioning and some posing of Mr. Sanaka, they soon had several pictures of what appeared to be the CEO taking a man up his back door. Lena pulled out and went into the bathroom to clean up while Mildred began packing up.

"That is all?"

Mildred spun around and looked at the tied up man. "Whatdyamean 'that is all?'"

"She, the one with the penis, she is done?"

"Yeah. We're going to blackmail you. You're the sicko."

To Mildred's surprise, Sanaka's face changed. "You... you're disappointed?!"

"What do you mean, Mildred?", Aliesha asked, confused.

Mildred threw her hands into the air. "He's a freak. He wants Lena's cock in his ass. Freaky little freak, he's getting off on all of this. God save the world from weirdoes with money."

Lena walked out, dressed again. "What was that, Mildred? I could hear you raise your voice in the other room."

"He'd", Mildred pointed down at the hog-tied CEO, "began to enjoy this."

"Oh. I suppose I could use this opportunity for my primary mission as well. My 'training' won't allow me to be in that position, but if he wants to be..." Lena shrugged and walked back over to Sanaka. "Do you want me to continue? You man say no and we will be done here."

"Please mistress Lena-chan, prove onto my body the error of my ways."

Lena looked at Mildred, shrugged, and got out the ball gag and nipple clamps and placed them onto Sanaka. He whimpered and writhed a bit, but his organ did stiffen to its full twelve point seven centimeter (five inch) length. Lena hiked up her dress and re-lubed her own penis, which she worked back into Sanaka's rear end. When Lena reached for the soft whip, Mildred took Aliesha into the bedroom.

"She's got a... y'know... like boys have." Aliesha said to Mildred.

"Yeah. Just one of those confusing things life doesn't prepare you for."

"I guess. It sure did make me feel funny though, seeing her all naked like that, with that big... y'know."

"Penis. The word you're looking for is penis."

"I know!", Aliesha blushed. "It's just that since I got my breasts, I kinda know when I'm getting 'checked out' and I get a funny feeling."

"You're just coming of age. Hormones do funny things."

"Yeah. I guess. Like this?"

"Huh? Oooomph..."

Mildred's inquiry was quashed when Aliesha's lips pressed over her mouth and her body forced it's way on top of Mildred. Mildred felt Aliesha's curves, curves of a woman, but the body had all the tightness of youth. Aliesha pulled back and grinned, bringing Mildred back to a modicum of reality. "Aliesha, this isn't... we can't..."

"Why not? Considering I'm in a bedroom with a lady who's girlfriend has a penis after being pimped out to a crazy Japanese guy, who's getting that penis in the next room, by my mom, I think I've earned the right to make my own bad decisions."

"Bad. Decisions."

"C'mon. I came close to losing my virginity to that 'freak' tonight. Can't I at least lose it, in some way, to my rescuers? It was too close... too close..."

Mildred leaned back to her and embraced the young woman. Soon, when she felt Aliesha was comfortable, she undid the clasps on her dress and peeled it off her ebony body. She was braless, her tight youthful skin providing all the support for her nice c-cup breasts. She had on flaming read crotchless panties, enough for the perv in the other room to rip off, not enough to get in the way if his strength failed him. Mildred began to kiss the young girl, really kiss her, her tongue trying to find the other's. Pale white hands began to softly stroke and kneed dark breasts, causing small moans to escape Aliesha's throat. Mildred broke the kiss and moved to take a nearly black nipple into her mouth. A sigh became a whimper as Mildred's hands found a new place to roam between Aliesha's legs. She softly stroked the outside of the young girl, running a finger over the sensitive nub within her folds.

"Oh god, this is too much!" Aliesha cried.

Mildred however proved her wrong by moving between her legs and licking Aliesha's clitoris. Her tongue darted to and fro over it, making forays amongst the folds and crevasses of the young girl. Finally Aliesha seemed to explode, arching her back and driving her crotch into Mildred's face. Soon she collapsed back on the bed, her arms hugged tight around her. Mildred wiped up with a corner of the bed sheet and helped Aliesha up to get dressed.

They walked out to find Sanaka and Lena having a cup of tea. Mildred looked at the other girl quizzically, but Lena shrugged. Sanaka insisted on giving Aliesha quite a bit of money to apologize, which Mildred offered to hold onto so the mother couldn't use it for dope. Aliesha left with Mildred and Lena, who drove her to her grandmother's house, not quite ready to confront mom.

"Can I see you two again?", the young girl asked.

"Sure. We'll keep an eye on you, so don't go looking for trouble.", Lena said.

Aliesha smiled and leaned in the car window to give Mildred a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for making sure my first time wasn't my last.", she whispered.

"Maybe it won't be our last either.", Mildred whispered back. "Make sure you stay good, though.", she said louder.

As the girl disappeared behind the door of the house, Mildred pulled away, hoping her life wouldn't get any more complicated than it already was.

"I've got to go to Boston in two weeks."

And with that statement from Lena, Mildred felt a migraine begin to come on.

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