Probing Mildred

By Jeff Exilimar

Published on Feb 2, 2005


Probing Mildred 5 Jeff Exilimar (

Mildred spent the next two days coaching Lena in some of the proper ways to act out an about in the greater Las Vegas area. She spent the nights curled up next to Lena after feeling her shaft inside of her. Their lovemaking was quiet, passionate, and strangely satisfying to Mildred. But all weekends come to an end, and Mildred prepped Lena and set her on first day of work in video surveillance.

Mildred showed Lena her bank of monitors she was responsible for, and sat down in front of her own. "Ok Lena, we're primarily looking for thieves and cheats. Pickpockets, purse-snatchers, chip-palmers..."

"...card-swappers, card-counters. So I divide my time between areas looking for suspicious activities."

"Yeah. Most people come here for fun, but some people thing they can cheat the house and rationalize it as if the casino owes it to them somehow."

"Even though it's obvious the odds are not in favor for them, they expect the payout?"

"Yeah. Irrational. We also look for trouble, and direct security to them. Y'know, eye in the sky so they don't blunder into a crazy with a knife or a gun."

"Got it."

It was a quiet Wednesday night for the surveillance crew, a fairly normal dollop of regular gamblers and weekdays-are-cheaper tourists and retirees. Lena occupied herself by watching interactions between people at her monitors. A young couple, probably European, were taking a bath at a blackjack table yet were in awe of the regular across from them quietly getting up one hundred fifty dollars. Four frat boys from UNLV were slowly getting tanked up around the roulette table, playing around as only drunk college jocks can and earning them a quiet security guy eyeing them in the corner. At the Pai Gow table, Lena finally had a reason to direct security. An elderly Asian lady was drinking on the floor out of a "foreign" container. House rules said liquor must be from the casino, in a casino glass or disposable cup. Whatever she'd been nipping on, she wasn't inclined to give it up to the security guard and she started ranting and tried to hold onto the bottle. When another man, the pit security boss, informed her that she was being ejected from the casino, she forfeited the bottle quickly, and was escorted from the floor.

They finished their shifts and walked across the parking lot to their bungalow. Mildred was surprised to see a man standing in front of the door. Five foot ten, one hundred eighty pounds with sandy blonde hair and an eternally lost look on his face, Kurt Wilcord was one of the few steady friends Mildred had made at UNLV.

"Kurt! What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I just dropped off my last parcel to the pit boss here and thought I'd say hi. They let me know your new digs were back here. Who's your friend?"

"This is Lena, Kurt. She's rooming with me now, she starts back up with us at Uni in two weeks."

"Cool. Pleased to meet you Lena."

"I too am happy to meet you, Kurt." Lena said and unlocked the door. "We were going to have some dinner, would you care to join us?"

Mildred rolled her eyes and moved past her into the room, followed quickly by Lena and Kurt. She picked up the phone and dialed the kitchen, "What do you two want to eat?"

Kurt stopped to think, "I'll have one of those roast beef sandwich thingies I always get."

Lena called back "Just a chef salad with house dressing. No mean, extra egg."

Mildred placed the order, along with her spaghetti and meatballs, and walked in to find Kurt on the couch talking to Lena about the new show playing on the TV, CSI: Omaha.

"No, Lena, it's really not like that.", Kurt was saying. "I can't remember ever hearing of three bank-robbers running over their contact with a combine in all the years I lived in Omaha. Heck, I can only think of one guy ever caught in the combines."

After the show had ended Mildred handed the remote to Kurt and let him surf for a time while she cleaned up the dinner's mess. Kurt loved to come over and watch TV from time to time, 'cause she got all the channels and he couldn't afford (or was unwilling to pay for) even basic cable. Just as she finished doing the dishes in tune to random channel selections, she heard Lena suddenly ask Kurt, "What was that, about two channels ago?"

Mildred returned as Kurt obediently flicked two channels back. On screen a pair of naked girls were squirming against a bewildered young man who was dressed (badly) as if he was in some fantasy story. "Oh! This is one of those Sally Sundae movies.", said Kurt. "Just some soft porn parody of a more famous movie. I think this is 'Lay-Brinthia'"

Mildred arched her eyebrow. "You've watched it before, Kurt?"

Kurt flushed a little. "For soft porn, it's pretty funny. And a lonely guy needs to have some entertainment."

The scene had shifted with little dialogue to just the two girls kissing and fondling each other. "You like watching this Kurt?", Lena asked. "I mean, when you are alone..."

Kurt shrugged and fidgeted in the seat next to Lena, trying to regain some comfort.

Lena giggled. "Mildred, I think Kurt likes watching this even when not alone. He's looking very uncomfortable."

Mildred rolled her eyes, while Kurt looked a touched panicked. She looked at Lena. "Do you really think this is wise?"

Lena smiled. "There is an eighty four percent chance that everything will be fine."

Kurt looked at the two girls, "What do you mean? Mildred, what's going on?"

"Lena's a little on the nympho side, Kurt. She's new in town and, well, you're the first guy across her path..."

Lena stood up. Kurt looked over at her as she started to pull her skirt down. "What if I don't... oh. My. God."

Kurt stood mesmerized at the sight before him. A pretty girl in nothing but a blouse... with a very erect eight-inch penis staring him in the eye. The monitoring was dead on the money; Kurt was stunned to see one of his fantasies come true. He wasn't attracted to guys... just penises and boobs. Like any well-rounded introvert who'd been sheltered until university he did what came naturally.

Mildred and Lena watched as Kurt's eyes glazed over. Slowly they rolled back into his head. Soon gravity closed his eyelids and toppled his body onto the couch.

"Mildred! Why'd you zap him?"

"I think he zapped himself."


"He fainted."

"Fainted? Why?"

"Why do you think? Apparently you were to much to handle."

Slowly Kurt woke up and looked over at Mildred and the half-naked Lena. "Is that real? Is she... does she?"

Lena moved back to the couch where Kurt was just getting into a sitting position. He looked over this girl's penis closely, noting it's firm shaft, shorn scrotum, and spongy head. He moved closer and closer to look at it and soon, without him thinking about it, Kurt took the head of Lena's penis into his mouth.

Mildred was taken aback when Lena's rod started to disappear into Kurt's mouth. Soon his nose was pressed against Lena's crotch and he had a look of unabashed joy on his face. "Hey, why don't we continue this on a bed in the back?"

Kurt pulled back startled, but before he could do or say anything, Lena had kissed him full on the lips. She took his hand, and followed by Mildred, took him into the back room. Once there, Kurt lied down on the bed and was straddled by Lena. Once again he felt his mouth filled with Lena's hot, fleshy rod. Mildred undid Kurt's pants and pulled them off. Soon Kurt was moaning around Lena's shaft as his own was engulfed by Mildred's mouth. Mildred was surprised at just how big Kurt's penis was. Not really any wider than normal, but it had to be ten or eleven inches long. She put as much of it into her mouth as she could, and used her hand to stroke the remaining shaft and caress Kurt's scrotum.

Kurt slowly, almost reluctantly removed his mouth from Lena's penis. He looked up at Lena and asked her if he could get into her ass. Mildred looked up, and when Lena said yes, she went to the bathroom for the tube of lubricant she kept there. Mildred wasn't willing to be left out of the fun. She lied down on the bed on her back. Kurt was treated to the sight of Lena's shaft enter another girl's very wet opening with a place for him waiting there. Lena bottomed out in Mildred, their breasts pressing against each other as they kissed. Kurt hurriedly covered his penis with the gel and put the head of himself at Lena's rear. Mildred groaned in pleasure as Lena was forced into her as Kurt's rod moved into Lena's ass. Kurt let out a groan of contentment as he was finally fully into a hot shemale's rear. He began to move in and out of Lena, causing Lena to move in and out of Mildred. Mildred couldn't believe how good it felt to be pressed so tight against Lena, reveling how since Kurt was doing the pacing each thrust was unexpected. Lena was enjoying the dual pleasure of penetrating her female friend underneath her while experiencing the new exquisite pleasure of ten inches of hot penis moving in and out of her. Kurt watched with excitement as the two women underneath him moved with pleasure and ecstasy as he pounded his rod in and out of Lena's orifice.

Finally the stimulation was too much for Kurt. He thrust into Lena as deep as he could and, as Lena and Mildred let go of deep sights of contentment, his penis swelled and pumped semen in great quantities into Lena's bowels. As soon as the first jets of liquid splattered inside her, Lena let go her own juices into Mildred. They then collapsed onto the bed into one big groping, fondling mass as they wound down from the night's adventure.

Mildred was having a fantastic dream. It was fairly abstract, but it felt as if she was floating on air with a soft warm wind caressing her until she was wound up in a world of pure bliss. It kept building up, filling her with heat until at last her eyes fluttered open with an orgasmic gasp. Looking down she saw Kurt between her legs.

"Morning, Mildred."


"Yeah. I kinda crashed after... you know."

"Yeah. Why did you do that, though?"

"I dunno. I came out of the bathroom and you were there all spread out, and I wanted to do something nice, and I thought after last night... you two taste pretty good.", he finished with a silly lopsided grin.

Mildred laughed and looked at the clock. Due to the fact they went to bed REALLY early, and fell asleep still pretty early, there was plenty... even ample time before they had to go to work. "I didn't know you were so big, Kurt. Since you got me all riled up..."

Mildred had Kurt lie back on the bed. She straddled his hips and placed his spongy head at her female opening and pushed down as quickly as she could, filling herself with all ten inches of Kurt's tube. She leaned forward and began moving up and down Kurt's rod as he nibbled and licked and fondled her breasts. While the two bounced around on the bed, Lena walked back in from the living room and took in the sight of Mildred's opening being filled and emptied by Kurt's shaft.

Mildred was so entranced by the sex going on that she suddenly felt like she was going to explode when Lena moved behind her and inserted her penis into Mildred's ass. Mildred hand rarely been taken in the rear (once) and never had been doubly penetrated. She groaned as Lena forced her down on Kurt's long penis while filling her ass with another shaft of hot flesh. Overloaded, she started thrashing about in ecstatic orgasmic pleasure, rubbing her breasts all over Kurt's face while he and Lena pumped both of her openings with their engorged penises. Kurt, smothered by Mildred's female flesh came quickly as he felt Lena's rod move against his through the slim barriers of Mildred's walls. As Kurt's rod twitched as it deposited it's sticky substance in Mildred's vagina, her bowel began to fill with Lena's juices.

Mildred disentangled herself from the other two and, trailing semen from both of her lower openings, headed to the shower. Lena watched Kurt dress, then gave him a kiss as he left their bungalow. She then joined Mildred in the shower to finish getting ready for another day of work, now that her primary job had been fulfilled for now.

Please, do not hesitate to email me about any and all of the stories I submit here on I am happy to hear from all of you, and do try to respond to all who take time to write. Comments and kudos are appreciated, criticism is accepted and acknowledged, flames are circular filed and listed in St. Peter's Book Of Divine Retribution.

-- Jeff Exilimar

Next: Chapter 6

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