Probing Mildred

By Jeff Exilimar

Published on Jan 10, 2005


Lena and Mildred rolled into a mall in the southern part of Las Vegas for their quest to acquire some attire for Lena. At first Mildred began to park near the SMart, but remembered about the 'credit' card so pulled around and parked between Melvin's and Lacey's, which she never had much occasion to visit. Walking into Melvin's first, they spent several hours trying on the latest in trendy California-inspired (supposedly) fashions in casual wear. A quick stop at the trunk of the Calais to deposit Lena's new day-to-day wardrobe, they went to Lacey's for the more upscale clothes for special occasions. In a flurry they cut a swath of skirts and dresses through the store.

Finally they began to get into the intimates. Lena picked out two baby-doll satin nighties on the advice of Mildred. Several bras were added to the basket ranging from the functional to the exotic. Then came the panties. Mildred and Lena selected several pair and Lena disappeared into the change room. A few moments later she called out.



"I seem to have encountered a problem."

"Try another pair."

"No, I still have a problem."

Mildred was befuddled. All the panties were the same size as Lena's. She couldn't figure out what was wrong. She walked back to the change room and rapped on the door.

"Can I come in?"


Lena stood there and motioned for Mildred to shut the door.

"What's wrong, Lena?"

"I'll show you."

Lena carefully stepped into a pair of lacy emerald green panties and began drawing them up her legs. Up her calves and over her knees and on up her thighs Mildred watched the panties. Finally they were around Lena's waist, kind of. Her penis poked out of the top of the garment and the bottoms had moved between her testicles, causing them to dangle out.

"Oh. This didn't occur to me." Mildred picked up Lena's panties and noticed the subtle shift in fabric to cover her... package. "I'll be right back. Get dressed and pay for the other stuff."

Lena purchased the other items and was met by Mildred who led her to the car. Mildred explained they had to go to a different store to get Lena's last items. Minutes later they walked into a specialty boutique, dealing with custom clothing. They walked up to the counter and asked for the ladies' tailor. A young oriental woman, about 24 or so, arrived with a nametag that said "Hiroko".

"Hello", Hiroko said, "How may I help you ladies?"

"Hi. I'm Mildred and this is Lena. It's her we're here for. She'd like some custom undergarments."

"Most women do not need such things."

"Lena would like some, however."

"Then we shall help Lena get what she desires."

Hiroko led the girls into a back room with forms and fabrics and various tools of the seamstress' trade.

"What garments do you need?"


"Then Lena, remove your clothes and we will take measurements."

Hiroko had been befuddled by this odd pair, and custom panties really were quite ridiculous. She mused that this could be a joke or two girls with more money than brains until she saw Lena turn around. An eight-inch penis suddenly seemed like a good reason for custom panties for this girl here before her.

"Is... is it real?"

"Yeah. Now you see why off the rack isn't an option."

"Yes, this would pose a problem for a casual fit."

Hiroko knelt before Lena and began taking measurements. Her hands slid around Lena's hips with the tape measure, and then caressed the insides of her thighs with the silken touch of skin and the marked satin rope. Finally Hiroko took several encirclements of Lena's waist, pinning her penis against her stomach. Rather than remove and remeasure, Hiroko gently guided the tape measure up Lena's body and up the length of her shaft.

Finally Hiroko was done, and let out a sigh as she stood up. Much to everyone's surprise in the small room, Lena and Mildred sighed too with the finish of the erotic fitting session.

Hiroko giggled. "I've seen lots of women for fitting, but this is a first. Sorry if my professionalism slipped."

Lena smiled. "It is ok. I found it very educational. I did not know that a simple element could turn a mundane situation into a more exciting one."

Hiroko gestured downward at Lena. "That's not exactly a simple element, my dear. Do forgive me if I am to forward, but would you mind if..."

"If what?"

"Lena, I think she wants to have sex with you.", Mildred said quickly.


Hiroko nodded. When Lena nodded her consent, Hiroko leaned forward and took the head of Lena's shaft into her mouth. Mildred watched as the young Asian woman licked and sucked Lena's shaft and felt herself getting excited. She moved over to a fitting chair and removed her own panties and began to play with herself as Lena's rod bobbed in and out of Hiroko's mouth. Hiroko soon took Lena's penis from her and suckled on one of Lena's testicles causing them to moan in pleasure and Mildred to slide a finger into herself.

Hiroko then quickly removed her own clothing, and to Mildred's surprise removed hers as well. Hiroko had Mildred lie down on her back, legs spread. Hiroko then knelt down between them with her behind high in the air and began kissing Mildred's now wet opening. As Hiroko began probing Mildred with her tongue, Lena knelt behind her and pushed all eight inches of herself into Hiroko's exposed womanhood. Hiroko was pushed into Mildred by this and Mildred could feel Hiroko's moans of contentment as they washed over her clitoris. Lena picked up her pace, thrusting in and out of Hiroko, watching as Hiroko's head moved between Mildred's legs and Mildred grabbing and squeezing her own breasts while Hiroko's tongue continued its frenzied assault.

Finally the pleasure overwhelmed Mildred and she arched her back and cried out. Hiroko greedily lapped up the flood of new juices from Mildred, and then moaned as she felt Lena swell inside of her. Lena soon pumped a load of liquid into Hiroko, and the feeling of it splashing inside of her caused Hiroko to finally lose control herself and collapse sighing in ecstasy between Mildred's legs. Finally regaining awareness, Hiroko sat up; her face covered with Mildred's juices, her bottom leaking Lena's, and waived the fitting fee. Lena and Mildred giggled and thanked her with a flurry of kisses, then promised they'd be back in a couple of days to pick up the panties. Hiroko looked forward to it.

Next: Chapter 5

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